Miguel Romero
University of Bío-Bío, Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Avenida Andrés Bello s/n 3780000 Chillán, Chile
Aurora Vizcaíno, Mario Piattini
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Alarcos Research Group - Institute of Information Technologies & Systems
Department of Information Technologies & Systems - Escuela Superior de Informática
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Requirements Elicitation training, Global Software Development, Educational Environment.
Abstract: The global software development poses several challenges in software engineering, particularly in the
elicitation stage, owing to the problems of communication and coordination which are caused when teams
are geographically distributed. For a successful requirements elicitation in a global development
environment, it is necessary to rely on professionals who are capable of confronting the challenges that arise
in this environments such as: cultural differences, distributed communication and coordination. In order to
develop in software engineers the skills suitable to face these challenges it is first necessary to discover
which competencies or skills they should have or develop. In this work we describe an analysis carried out
with this goal, therefore we propose a list of competencies desirable by a requirements elicitation specialist,
which have been obtained from a review of the related literature. We also comment on certain useful
strategies in the teaching of these competencies and propose the usage of a simulation environment for their
Global Software Development (GSD) is an
emerging paradigm in the software industry. GSD is
characterized by stakeholders who are
geographically distributed around the World. The
principal advantages of GSD are that: it allows the
exploitation of a 24-hour work day, it decrease costs,
it capitalizes on global resource pools, and it is
geographically closer to the end consumer (Cheng &
Atlee, 2007). However, GSD also has disadvantages,
principally with regards to coordination and
communication between virtual teams (James D.
Herbsleb, 2007). Nevertheless, GSD continues to
grow. In fact, one finding of the report of ACM’s
Job Migration Task Force is that: “Globalization of,
and offshoring within, the software industry are
deeply connected and both will continue to grow.
Key enablers of this growth are information
technology itself, the evolution of work and business
processes, education and national policies” (from
p.9, Aspray, Mayadas, & Vardi, 2006).
With the arrival of this paradigm, there is an
increasing gap between what is taught in universities
and what the software industry requires, owing to
the fact that GSD demands a new set of
competencies (Patterson, 2006).
One of the areas of software engineering which
is most affected by the difficulties that emerge from
GSD is that of requirements elicitation, because it is
fundamentally a communication process between a
requirements specialist and the customer’s
stakeholder (SWEBOK, 2004).
Given the importance of the elicitation stage, the
main objective of this work is to identify the
competencies that are necessary to develop said
Romero M., Vizcaíno A. and Piattini M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 347-354
DOI: 10.5220/0001878703470354
stage in GSD. We also propose a simulation tool
which assists in the training of these competencies.
In the following section we present the
challenges of global software development which
are reported in literature. Section 3 shows the
competencies which were identified and Section 4
presents the various strategies that can be used to
teach said competencies. Finally, Section 5 outlines
our conclusions and our future work.
The GSD paradigm presents several issues that
affect all the phases of software development. The
following list corresponds with the main challenges
in GSD:
Cultural Difference. Cultural differences can
affect a GSD project in different ways
including communication and coordination
effectiveness, group decision–making and
team performance (James D. Herbsleb &
Moitra, 2001), (D. Damian, 2007), (D. E.
Damian & Zowghi, 2002), (Raffo &
Setamanit, 2005), (Setamanit, Wakeland, &
Raffo, 2006).
Inadequate Communication. In global
environments communication is challenged by
many factors. Cultural, along with language
differences, distance, and time differences
make it difficult for people to interact, so
stakeholders must make a special effort to
communicate effectively (Bellur, 2006), (D.
Damian, Hadwin, & Al-Ani, 2006), (James D.
Herbsleb & Moitra, 2001).
Time Difference. Distribution over many
geographically distanced sites introduces time
difference as another factor. This can be seen
as an advantage, because it presents the
opportunity of working on an around-the-
clock schedule, but it can also be a
disadvantage when the tasks need an intensive
collaboration between people in distanced
sites and synchronous communication is
difficult to implement or is not even possible
during the normal work timetable (D. E.
Damian & Zowghi, 2002), (Raffo &
Setamanit, 2005), (Setamanit et al., 2006).
Knowledge Management. People working on
GSD projects need to share a lot of
information about requirements, which comes
from several sources at distanced sites.
Without effective information and knowledge
sharing mechanisms it is not possible to
exploit GSD’s benefits (D. E. Damian &
Zowghi, 2002), (James D. Herbsleb &
Moitra, 2001), (Huang & Trauth, 2007).
Language Difference. Language differences
may be a source of misunderstanding,
especially when the common language
between stakeholders is not their native
language (Huang & Trauth, 2007), (Raffo &
Setamanit, 2005), (Setamanit et al., 2006).
Trust. Maintaining trust relationships is
especially difficult in GSD environments
because of the lack of informal and
spontaneous communication (babar, Verner,
& Nguyen, 2007), (Bhat, Gupta, & Murthy,
2006), (Nguyen, Babar, & Verner, 2006).
These problems greatly affect communication
between stakeholders. The requirements elicitation
stage is fundamentally a communication process and
is therefore greatly affected by GSD issues.
In order to train professionals in the process, who
are capable of accomplishing top-quality
requirement elicitation and of confronting the
difficulties of GSD environments, teaching must be
adjusted in its different dimensions: contents,
learning tools, learning techniques, assessment
strategies, learning outcomes and professional
competencies. In this context, defining professional
competencies for software engineers to work in GSD
environments is fundamental, since it will allow us
to have clear ideas about the professionals the
industry needs, so as to define the updated contents
for software engineering courses and learning tools
which will help students to be more prepared to
work in GSD.
The following section proposes a set of
competencies, both generic and specific, for a
requirements specialist working on a GSD Project.
Before describing the competencies for requirements
elicitation in global environments, we believe it
appropriate to explain the meaning of the term
3.1 Definition of Competencies
In literature, the concepts of knowledge skills and
competency are used to describe the attributes that a
person should have if s/he is to play a part in a
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
profession. In this sense, as the ‘Tuning project’
points out: “Several terms: capacity, attribute,
ability, skill, competency are used in an often
interchangeable, and to some degree overlapping
meaning. They all relate to the person and to what
s/he is capable of achieving. But they also have
more specific meanings. Ability, from the Latin
‘habilis’ meaning ‘able to hold, carry or handle
easily’, leads to the word ‘habilitas which can be
translated as ‘aptitude, ability, fitness or skill’… a
competency or a set of competencies means that a
person puts into play a certain capacity or skill and
performs a task, in which s/he is able to demonstrate
that s/he can do so in a way that allows evaluation of
the level of achievement.” (from p.20, Tuning,
The concept of competencies is closest to the
way in which companies evaluate professionals.
Moreover, the concept is used in the process of
adapting European universities to European Higher
Education Area. It is for these reasons that we have
decided to use this concept.
3.2 Competencies Identified
In order to define a list of competencies which are
necessary for the requirements elicitation process,
we have carried out the following process:
Figure 1: Process used to obtain the competencies.
We have first carried out a review of literature in
search of papers reporting skills, knowledge or
competencies for software engineers in general, and
also for GSD environments.
Based on these studies, we have developed an
initial set of 189 elements (knowledge, skills or
competencies) for software engineers. From this list
the elements related to requirements elicitation were
selected and the list was then reduced to 90 elements
removing others such as: behavioral modeling (e.g.
structured analysis, state diagrams, etc.), process
quality and improvement, which were not relevant
for our work. We next removed the elements which
were repeated and those which were contained in
elements other, thus reducing the list to 70 elements.
A list of competencies for requirements elicitation is
defined from this list of 70 elements. From the list of
competencies defined, and by considering the
critical factors for GSD reported in literature (see
Section 2), we have examined the competencies one
by one in order to discover what the impact of each
critical factor upon the competencies is.
As a result of this analysis, we have obtained a
list of competencies for the requirements elicitation
process which we have placed in three groups:
1. The competencies that emerge due to the Global
development of the software, and which are
therefore not required in local software
development environments. These competencies
are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Competencies which emerge from Global
Software Development.
Generic Competencies
Knowledge of a second language (principally English
Language skills) (Tuning, 2007), (Huang & Trauth,
2007), (Ita Richardson, Moore, Paulish, Casey, & Zage,
2007). The need to communicate with people who speak
another language makes the knowledge of a second
language (particularly English) vital.
Ability to work in an international context (operating in a
virtual team environment, Virtual team skills) (Tuning,
2007), (Gorgone et al., 2002), (Vasudevan, 2006), (D.
Damian et al., 2006).
Appreciation of diversity and multiculturality (Tuning,
Ability to deal with multicultural environments (IEEE &
ACM, 2004), (Minor & Armarego, 2005), (Ita Richardson
et al., 2007), (Gorgone et al., 2002).
Understanding of cultures and customs of other
countries (Tuning, 2007).
Understanding of Global awareness (Adya, 2006).
Achieving this competency is particularly difficult owing
to problems in knowledge management.
Selection and
cluster of
based on the
critical factors
of GSD
GSD Issues
and skills
for SE
NOT affected
by GSD
affected by
and skills for
in GSD
to emerge from
2. The competencies required in co-located
environments that are affected by the critical
factors of GSD, which therefore implies that the
manner in which to teach them needs to be
adapted to consider the impact of GSD. These
competencies are listed in Tables 2 (the generic
ones) and 3 (the specific ones).
Table 2: Generic competencies for requirements elicitation
which are affected by GSD.
Generic competencies
Computer mediated communication skills (Ita
Richardson et al., 2007), (D. Damian et al., 2006). The
geographic distance between the stakeholders means
that this competency is more important in GSD, along
with the difficulties of time difference.
Use of Communication protocols (Ita Richardson et al.,
2007), (Huang & Trauth, 2007). Communication
protocols change between cultures so, for example,
ways of greeting others (i.e. with a kiss) may be a motive
of conflict.
Communication skills, (timely responses, speed,
recognizing the semantic gap) (Adya, 2006), (Ahamed,
2006), (Ita Richardson et al., 2007), (Minor & Armarego,
2005), (Callele & Makaroff, 2006). In the GSD
environment greater effort is needed to achieve effective
communication as this is affected by cultural problems,
distance, language, and time differences.
Ability to Resolve Conflicts (Aken & Michalisin, 2007).
This competency is affected by cultural differences and
communication problems in GSD.
Critical and self-critical abilities (Tuning, 2007), (Aken &
Michalisin, 2007), (Callele & Makaroff, 2006). Criticizing
someone else’s work when that person is from a
different culture is much more difficult than when that
person is from the same culture.
Ability to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity (in local
and remote teams) (IEEE & ACM, 2004), (D. Damian et
al., 2006). In remote teams, ambiguity is far greater
owing to the knowledge management problems present
in GSD.
Ability to interact with stakeholders (often not from the
same culture) (IEEE & ACM, 2004), (Ghezzi & Mandrioli,
2005), (Aken & Michalisin, 2007). Cultural difference,
inadequate communication, language difference and
poor trust affect interaction with stakeholders.
Team and group communication skills (both oral and
written, email, etc.) (IEEE & ACM, 2004). The
development of this competency is particularly affected
by GSD issues.
Teamwork skills (Dynamics of working in teams/groups)
(Tuning, 2007), (IEEE & ACM, 2004), (Minor &
Armarego, 2005), (Ahamed, 2006), (Aken & Michalisin,
Table 3: Specific competencies for requirements
elicitation which are affected by GSD.
Specific Competencies
Knowledge of Advanced elicitation techniques (e.g.
ethnographic, knowledge elicitation, etc.) (IEEE & ACM,
2004). Elicitation techniques were developed for local
environments, and it is therefore necessary to review
their use in global environments
Application of Elicitation Techniques (e.g. interviews,
questionnaires/surveys, prototypes, etc.) (IEEE & ACM,
2004), (SWEBOK, 2004).
Ability to Identify real requirements (Young, 2006).
Communication problems and cultural differences affect
this competency.
Requirements elicitation skills (Minor & Armarego, 2005),
(Young, 2006), (Callele & Makaroff, 2006). This
competency is affected by all the issues in GSD.
Comprehension of requirements change control and
change notification (Young, 2006). This competency is
particularly affected by knowledge management
Understanding of Requirements Tracing (SWEBOK,
2004). As with the aforementioned competency, this is
also affected by problems of knowledge management.
Comprehension of Success Factors of GSD (Minor &
Armarego, 2005).
3. The competencies that are not affected by the
critical factors of GSD and what should be
taught on courses independtly if the requirement
elicitation process will be carried out in a
colacated or distributed environmnet. For
example: application of criteria for good
requirement, detection of elicitation sources,
classification requirements skills, elementary
computing skills, working under pressure, and
the capacity to learn. This group of
competencies is outside the scope of this work
and is therefore not presented.
3.3 Main Sources of Bibliographic
Competencies Identified
The main sources of this study are the following:
SWEBOK (SWEBOK, 2004), whose philosophy
defines the body of knowledge generally accepted
for software engineers (the completion of a 4 year
degree course), It does not take into account aspects
of GSD in the definition of knowledge. It is,
however, a good starting point.
SE2004 (IEEE & ACM, 2004), presents the body
of knowledge for software engineering that is
required to be taught in a degree program. SE2004
delivers relevant information on how to teach these
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
skills, indicating which of them are essential and
which are desirable, along with suggesting means to
structure the curriculum. As with the SWEBOK, this
has a broad consensus, but neither refers to aspects
of GSD. While both studies are developed by ACM
and IEEE, the body of knowledge presented in
SWEBOK differs in part to that presented in
SE2004. For example: "Layers / levels of
requirements" appears in SE2004 but not in
SWEBOK while "emergent properties" appears in
SWEBOK but not in SE2004.
The Tuning project (Tuning, 2007) presents a
study of the generic competencies it also indicates
which are the most and least important, both for the
academic world and for industry. Unfortunately, this
study does not include software engineering. This
means that the hierarchy of competencies contained
in this project is not valid in its entirety for our field.
For example, the competencies needed to understand
the cultures and customs of other countries,
appreciate diversity and multiculturalism, and the
ability to work in an international context are among
those least valued by the employers and graduates
surveyed in the Tuning project (Tuning, 2007). This
is because the groups surveyed are from fields of
knowledge which have not been so highly affected
by globalization as has computing. It would,
therefore, be useful to replicate the study in our field
in order to properly classify the generic skills
according to our needs.
The empirical study of Damian, “outlines a set of
emerging areas of competencies that a curriculum
needs to emphasize when training students for GSD,
in addition to the basic skills of an SE” (from p. 686,
D. Damian et al., 2006). However, certain
fundamental skills of SE (see Table 2) should be
studied in greater depth as they are affected by the
critical factors of GSD and it is not therefore
possible to apply them directly to GSD.
The main challenge in the teaching of requirements
elicitation is to succeed in giving students the chance
to learn from concrete experiences that are closer to
real work. To do so, it is necessary to develop
teaching strategies for active and collaborative
learning (Rosca, 2000), in which students learn by
doing instead of just listening to an expert talking
about his/her experiences.
The techniques that are commonly used with
such an aim are project-based learning (real or
otherwise) (Vaughn & Carver, 2006), where
students participate in teams, in order to solve a
problem; role playing games (Barrett, 1997; Jaccheri
& Sindre, 2007; Sindre, 2005), in which students
play a role (software engineer, client, user, analyst,
etc.) in a simulated requirement elicitation scenario.
Various strategies have been defined to confront
the challenge of teaching and training software
engineers to work on GSD projects. These are:
curricular changes (Bellur, 2006; Cross-II, 2005;
Minor & Armarego, 2005; Ramnath, 2006;
Vasudevan, 2006), postgraduate specialization
(Lago et al., 2007); a closer interaction between
industry and the academic world (Lee et al., 2005);
and joint software projects between universities
from different countries (Ahamed, 2006; I
Richardson, Milewski, Mullick, & Keil, 2006).
However, there are certain problems in putting
these strategies into practice, such as the difficulty in
finding companies who are willing to invest time
and resources in joint education projects with
universities, or the lack of experience of students
which may be a very high risk factor for real
The fields of both medicine and aviation use
simulators to minimize the risks inherent in the
training of professionals. We therefore propose the
development of a simulation environment which will
allow students to aquire some of the competencies
mentioned in the previous section.
This simulator may be an initial step towards
students’ participation in real projects developed
between universities and the GSD industry. In fact,
the experience acquired with the simulator would
diminish the risk of non-qualified people being
involved in real projects. Furthermore, the simulator
provides a virtual industrial partner for universities
that do not have one.
We propose a simulator of the requirements
elicitation process in the global context in which the
student (taking on the role of an RE engineer)
interacts with various stakeholders which will be
virtual agents and/or real humans. The simulator will
allow the professor to create new lessons, indicating
the description of the scene, the virtual agents to be
used, personality and culture.
The interaction will be natural through the use of
the main tools of electronic communication used for
requirements elicitation: Instant Messaging and
Chat, E-Mail, Telephone and Video Conferencing.
Initially, the students must enter their data with
the aim of tracking the learning process. Then the
system must show the different lessons or units that
it has developed, showing their results. In addition,
the system must permit a review of the history of
conversations with each of the stakeholders. Another
capability of the system will be to show the lessons
that it has not developed, allowing the student to
select any of them.
When students perform a lesson selection, the
system must submit the context of the problem in
which the elicitation is developed and show the
participant stakeholders and their roles.
Through interviews with the various stakeholders
(who will be of different nationalities) the students
should prepare a list of requirements, both functional
and non-functional, which should be sent to the
system for its validation at the end of the simulation
with the purpose of measuring the quality of the
work done by the student. The system should
provide an interface for keeping a list of the
student’s requirements
The simulator will validate the student’s work by
means of a questionnaire in which it will present
various requirements (both functional and non-
functional) and the student will have to indicate
whether or not they correspond with what the users
need. The requirements document will be checked to
detect faults such as: ambiguous requirements, non-
existent requirements, unspecified requirements, etc.
Besides this evaluation, the system will also record
the questions that the student has formulated in an
inadequate way with regard to cultural differences
and the protocol of communication (manner of
greeting and taking one’s leave, degree of formality
informality etc.).
In short, the simulator will teach the 17
competences listed below (see Table 4) by means of
the following features (Column F in Table 4):
1. Interaction with virtual agents of different
2. Interviews with the stakeholders.
3. The lessons are focused on the specific
problems of RE in GSD to allow the student to
confront common difficult situations.
4. The elaboration of the requirements document.
5. The validation of the requirements document.
Global software development is a current tendency
in industry which is motivated by globalization and
offshoring. This tendency is increasing, which
implies that it is necessary to make the appropriate
Table 4: Competences to be developed with simulator
Competencies to develop with Simulator F
Generic Competencies
1 Computer mediated Communications
(D. Damian et al., 2006; Ita Richardson
et al., 2007)
1, 2
2 Communication protocols (Huang &
Trauth, 2007; Ita Richardson et al.,
1, 2
3 Virtual team skills (D. Damian et al.,
2006; Vasudevan, 2006)
1, 4
4 Ability to work in an international context
(Tuning, 2007)
1, 2,
5 Appreciation of diversity and
multiculturality (IEEE & ACM, 2004;
Tuning, 2007)
1, 2,
7 Living with ambiguity/uncertainty in
Remote Teams (D. Damian et al., 2006)
1, 2,
8 Ability to learn quickly about a domain or
technology in order to begin project
planning (I Richardson et al., 2006)
2, 4
9 Capacity to adapt to new situations
(Tuning, 2007)
10 Understanding of cultures and customs
of other countries (Ita Richardson et al.,
2007; Tuning, 2007)
1, 2,
3, 4
Specific Competencies
11 Comprehension of GSD Critical Factors 1, 2,
12 Detection of Elicitation Sources (e.g.
stakeholders, domain experts,
operational and organization
environments, etc.) (IEEE & ACM, 2004)
2, 3
iria 4
13 Comprehension of Software
requirements specification (IEEE &
ACM, 2004; Young, 2006)
4, 5
14 Knowledge about analyzing quality (non-
functional) requirements (e.g. safety,
security, usability, performance, root
cause analysis, etc.) (IEEE & ACM,
4, 5
15 Capacity to manage changing
requirements (IEEE & ACM, 2004;
Young, 2006)
4, 5
16 Elicitation of real requirements based on
stakeholder’s need using an Interview
Technique and computer mediated
2, 3,
4, 5
17 Representation of functional and non-
functional requirements for different type
of systems
3, 4,
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
adjustments to the preparation of software engineers
and other specialists to ensure their capacity to work
in this new global environment. This work focuses
upon requirements elicitation, on the one hand
because it is one of the stages that is most affected
by the challenges of GSD, and on the other because
it is one of the most important stages in software
development in general.
This work presents the competencies desirable
by a requirements elicitation specialist and proposes
a simulator which will permit the development of a
subset of these competencies.
After our analysis and proposal of the
compentencies our future work consists of the
development of this simulator, and its use in
university teaching and in the training of
The list of competencies, moreover, can be used
to define a course and an educational guide for the
teaching of requirements elicitation in GSD
environments. Furthemore, a guide towards the
recruitment of requirements specialists in GSD
environments will also be developed.
This work is partially supported by the MELISA
project (PAC08-0142-3315), Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, in Spain; ESFINGE project (TIN2006-
15175-C05-05) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
(Dirección General de Investigación)/Fondos
Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) in Spain;
the CompetiSoft project (506AC0287, CYTED
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