the design strategy to create a hybrid diagnostic-
recommendation system for agent execution in open
multi-agent systems. This system helps to perform
diagnoses and to recommend alternative ways for
executions to achieve goals. The intelligent home
domain was presented as a case study to illustrate
the applicability of our approach.
Two important lessons were learned in the
process of analyzing and developing the proposed
system. The first lesson relates to the diagnosis
process. We have realized that to define a
universally efficient solution to perform diagnoses in
different domains is very difficult, because some
domains have particular characteristics that
influence the result of the diagnoses.
The second lesson relates to the use of the
reputation concept. Depending on the situation, to
adequately select the agents that will be used to
request some information can be important, because
some provided information can determine the
success or failure of some execution.
Our plan for future work is to focus on case studies
involving ubiquitous computing, because it can
present complex situations where we can perform
diagnoses and provide recommendations.
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ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies