Abdulhamed Mohamed Abdulkafi and Aiman Subhi Gannous
Faculty of Information Technology, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya
Keywords: ID3, C4.5, Backpropagation.
Abstract: This study compares the performance of two famous methods used in knowledge acquisition and machine
learning; the C4.5 (Quinlan 1986) algorithm for building the decision tree and the Backpropagation
algorithm for training Multi layer feed forward neural network. This comparison will be based on the task of
classifying thyroid diagnosis dataset. Both methods will be applied on the same data set and then study and
discuss the results obtained from the experiments.
Knowledge acquisition from databases has long
been recognized as an essential feature of artificial
intelligence. When the data formatted, one or more
algorithms must be applied to extract patterns,
regularities or general laws from the data. It’s a
challenge with extracting knowledge when the
expert is not consciously aware of the knowledge
used. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been working
on problems of Knowledge Acquisition and has
made a great contribution to the understanding and
application of neural nets and decision trees.
Techniques include relatively recent algorithms like
neural nets and decision trees increased computer
power to work on the huge volumes of available
data. (Levia, 2002).
1.1 Research Problem
The process of choosing method for acquiring
knowledge from a set of data is still vague and need
more experiments to do. The comparison process
can not be done in general but in specific domain
because the differences of the data types, and
according to (Touretzky, 1989, 1990), ''we still lack
an understanding of the situations for which method
is appropriate''(Thomas, Hild, and Ghulum, 1995).
This lack is the motivation for conducting the
comparison of C4.5 with Backpropagation in the
field of Thyroid medical diagnosis and to discover
the differences between these two algorithms that
may or may not be enough to decide which is better
to chose.
1.2 Objectives
Compare the test results in knowledge acquisition of
the medical diagnosis applied in Thyroid data set
and shows the advantages and disadvantages of each
method when used in this domain.
1.3 Related Work
Scientists paid a great attention to Artificial
Intelligence field and its applications, one of the
most application is the knowledge acquisition from a
large set of data bases; many of them had done
researches about comparing and studying the
differences between various methods used in this
(Thomas, Hermann and Ghulum, 1995) conduct
a comparative study of ID3Algorithm with
Backpropagation in the task of mapping English text
to phonemes and stresses their experimental
comparison shows that Backpropagation
consistently out-performs ID3 on this task by several
percentage points.
(Berkman, Lubomir, Ping, Chuan, Wei, 2005)
compare the performance of prediction accuracy of a
learning classifier system based on Wilson's XCS
with Decision trees, Artificial Neural Networks and
support Vector Machines. The experiments are
Mohamed Abdulkafi A. and Subhi Gannous A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE, pages 360-365
DOI: 10.5220/0001880503600365
performed on the forest Cover type database. They
find that C5 Decision trees perform significantly
better than other techniques.
(Bagnall, Cawley, 2000) conducted a
Comparison of decision tree classifier with neural
network and linear discriminant analysis(LDA)
classifiers for computer-aided diagnosis and studied
the comparison of performance of decision tree (DT)
classifiers with artificial neural network (ANN) and
linear discriminant analysis classifiers under
different conditions for the class distributions,
feature space dimensionality, and training sample
size using a Monte Carlo simulation study. Three
types of feature space distributions were studied: the
Gaussian feature space, a mixture of Gaussians, and
a mixture of uniform distributions. The results
indicated that, in the Gaussian feature space, the
(LDA) outperformed the other two classifiers. The
authors conclude that a (DT) can be a viable
alternative to (ANN) and (LDA) classifiers in certain
feature spaces.
Thyroid disease records supplied by the Garavan
Institute and J. Ross Quinlan, New South Wales
Institute, Sydney, Australia. 1987. Experiments are
performed on the Thyroid datasets that available at
the university of California archive (UCI KDD
archive, www.uci.edu, 2007) for researchers to study
and carry on such experiments in the artificial
intelligence field.
The data contains 2800 cases with 29 Attributes, 7
attributes are continues and 22 are binary.
The Class attribute(Outputs) of the dataset:
Negative(class 1),
Increased binding protein(class 2),
and decreased binding protein(class 3).
3.1 Applying C4.5 Algorithm on
Thyroid Dataset
C4.5 is a program for inducing classification rules in
the form of decision trees from a set of given
examples. The program expects to find at least two
files: a names file defining class, attribute and
attribute value names, and a data file containing a set
of objects, each of which is described by its values
of each of the attributes and its class. All trees
generated in the process are saved. After each tree is
generated, it is pruned in an attempt to simplify it.
All trees produced, both pre- and post-
simplification, are evaluated on the training data.
3.2 Experiment on Decision Tree
When we apply the algorithm to Construct Decision Tree
for predicting the bending protein in the Thyroid the
results were as follows:
Table 1: Evaluation on training data (2800 items).
Before Pruning After Pruning
0.9% 51
2 38
S-Size E- Error. C- Classified. M C.- MisClassified
Table 2: Evaluation on Test data (972 items).
Before Pruning
After Pruning
127 941
51 951 21 2.2%
S-Size E- Error. P- Predicted. M P.- MisPredicted.
As shows in figure (1) the percentage in
prediction is not equal in all classes. class1 has a
better ratio of error than class2 and class3 because
the allowance in the number of records in each
classes, class1 had(2667) records, class2 had (124)
and class3 had (9) records. Figure(5.1) shows the
relation in predicting and diagnosed cases.
Figure 1: Shows the prediction percentage with 972 Test
As noticed from Table (3) C4.5 Decision tree
algorithm gives a better results in prediction phase
on unseen data set when pruning is applied on the
constructed tree that decrease the error ratio from
3.2% to 2.2% , also the algorithm was fast and easy
to apply.
3.3 Experiment on Artificial Neural
3.3.1 Preparing the Thyroid Dataset
The data must be processed before applying the
(ANN) approach because the data set used contains
missing values and from the observations we noticed
some modifications we can do on the data set to
perform better in the training phase.
Reduction of Attributes. The attribute (TBG
measured) has only one value for all records that it
can not be useful for learning because it will not
affect or help the (ANN) for better classification so
we can delete the attribute from the data set and also
we can delete the attribute (TBG) because it
correlated to the value of (TBG measured) attribute
that if the (TBG measured) value is (f) then it leads
that the patient did not do this test so the values of
the (TBG) attribute will considered as missing value
and not useful because all values of (TBG measured)
attribute have one single (f) value.
Coding Attributes. The (referral source) attribute
had six categories (WEST, STMW, SVHC, SVI,
SVHD, other) and these attributes are coded as
follows (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0). The class attribute of the
bending protein dataset are coded for each value as
follows: (negative 1, Increased binding protein 2,
Decreased binding protein 3).
3.3.2 Designing the Network
The network was designed according to feed
forward structure for the experiments as the figure
Figure 2: Feed forward neural network design.
3.3.3 Train a Feed forward Neural Network
for Predicting the Bending Protein in
the Thyroid
The network was designed according to a multi layer
feed forward structure, it contains a two layers with
linear function in the hidden layer and nonlinear
(sigmoid) function in the output layer with
considering the first layer as an input layer, the
training is done using Back propagation algorithm
programmed with the scientific programming
language 'Mat lab'.
The first experiment used all records of the data
set considering that any missing data are replaced by
a value of -1. After many training tests, learning rate
was determined by 0.00001 as a best value to train
the network and number of iterations determined by
20000 iterations. The best results were at 20 neurons
with 12.5% of error in classification accuracy and
12.2% of error in prediction accuracy when applied
on unseen data set.
In the second experiment, the outputs were
changed to binary output to simplify the training
process and it shows an improvement in the results
at 10 neurons that gives 5.4% of error in
classification accuracy and 3.7% of error in
prediction accuracy, but in the third experiment all
missing data are deleted and this effects the results
in a good way that at 10 neurons the classification
accuracy was 3.8% of error and 3.1% of error in
prediction accuracy.
Figure 3: Designed network for training with binary
Table 3: Training after removing all missing data.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Also experiments are carried out on the data set
after ranging the data set between 0 and 1, and that
did not shows any improvement in the results, also
using High Order Inputs with data set attributes did
not show any enhancement on the classification or
prediction accuracy.
In the forth experiment the inputs changed by
calculating the mean for these inputs and train the
network to learn this process using the mean of
inputs as an outputs for the network, the results were
very poor at this side, but when using the mean of
inputs(output) as an inputs for the network to
classify the bending protein cases the results in
classification were perfect with 0% of error but a
100% of error in prediction accuracy, which led that
the network was overfitting the training set.
Figure 4: The structure of training network using mean of
input data set.
The last step of the experimental work was an
explanation of the weakness in learning process in
Artificial Neural Network, from the observations the
network was good in learning how to predict class
(negative) in thyroid binding protein with a less
value of error rather than the other classes, because
class1 contains a plenty of examples were enough to
learn this case well
4.1 Classification Accuracy
The classification accuracy is tested by both models
constructed, the tree that constructed using C4.5
algorithm have a better results as shown in table
(8.1) C4.5 have a 0.9% of error before pruning the
decision tree and 1.4% of error after pruning that
beat ANN 3.8% of error in classifying the dataset
Table 4: Shows the classification percentage of both
Training dataset
ANN C4.5
C4.5 after
Misclassified 106/1947 26/2800 38/2800
Error% 3.8 0.9 1.4
Figure 5: Shows the classification percentage of both
However, the affecting of the number of
examples in constructing the classification model
using ANN method should not be ignored. The most
correct classification was in class1, and also very
accurate because it have a rich and plenty of
examples that made the ANN model classify it very
well, but in classifying class2 and class3 there were
not as much as necessary examples to the ANN
model to make a good classification. In general
C4.5 decision tree model was better and more
accurate in classification results, but in comparing
the classification accuracy of each class individually,
ANN model is better in classifying class 1, but C4.5
model is better in classifying class 2 and class3 that
ANN model misclassified 106 patterns of 1947 and
all of them in class2 with 99 patterns, and in class3
with 7 patterns, but C4.5 model misclassified 26 of
2800 patterns and obviously it has a correct
classification in both classes 2 and 3.
4.2 Prediction Accuracy
After conducting the ability of prediction test on
both methods under study using unseen dataset
contains 972 records, ANN have 3.1% of error and
C4.5 have 3.2% of error before pruning, both results
is almost equal with a little bit difference for the
ANN model, but when testing the C4.5 decision tree
model after pruning process it gives a 2.2% of error
that overcome the ANN test results as shown in table
(5) and figure (6).
Table 5: Shows the prediction percentage of both methods.
Figure 6: Shows the prediction percentage of both
It is worth saying that the pruning process which
available in C4.5 algorithm has a clear effect on the
model constructed to predict or diagnose the patients
cases. It was expected that C4.5 overcome the ANN
model according to its overcome in constructed the
basic classification tree model for the fact that there
is a shortage in the number of examples.
In general C4.5 is overcome on ANN, but in the
prediction of class 1 ANN is overcome because
class1 is available in a plenty of numbers of
examples. ANN model is better in predicting class 1,
but C4.5 model is better in predicting class 2 and
class3 that ANN model miss predicted 30 cases of
972 and all of them in class2 with 25 cases and in
class3 with 5 cases, but C4.5 model miss predicted
21 of 972 cases and obviously it has a 22 correct
prediction of 30 cases in both classes 2 and 3.
Figure 7: Shows differences in ability to predict each
4.3 Speed of Attainment
From the experiments conducted using both
methods, C4.5 was less time consuming than ANN
for the reason that C4.5 counts on selecting the best
attribute to divide the dataset using Entropy Gain
theory, but ANN counts on training the network
using all the examples and reach the smallest error
as could as possible by altering the weights and that
what makes it very slow when compared with C4.5.
In fact speed of implementation is not important in
this type of application as the accuracy of prediction
that if the model constructed gives us a very accurate
diagnosing with a very small error ratio it does not
care too much about which one is more speedy than
the other.
4.4 Dealing with Missing Data
C4.5 algorithm has the ability to use the dataset
records in constructing the decision tree directly
even when it contains missing data. The missing
values is filled by (?) symbol so the algorithm can
recognized it as a missing value and process it using
a certain function, but ANN method needs to
preprocess the data separately and remove all the
missing values before using the data set in training
that makes C4.5 overcome on ANN in dealing with
missing data.
4.5 Knowledge Expanding
Expanding the knowledge base in both methods can
be done by restart applying the methods from the
beginning if we get more records or examples or
changing the dataset with another good quality one.
However in this criteria of comparison if the speed
and simplicity of implementation are concerned,
then C4.5 algorithm will overcome on the Back
propagation algorithm.
The prediction accuracy of C4.5 (DT) was better
than Back propagation neural network but also not
accurate. In fact it has a large value of error, the
reason is the shortage of examples in class2 and
class3 in the dataset. The missing data effects the
process of training the neural network that forced to
remove it completely which led to reduce the
number of training examples, while C4.5 can handle
Test dataset
C4.5 before
C4.5 after
Mispredicted 30 31 21
Error% 3.1 3.2 2.2
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the missing data problem using processing function
included in the algorithm. The pruning process has a
great effect on the decision tree that improved the
results of prediction after applying it on the tree by
reducing the error of prediction from 3.2% to 2.2%.
The learning rate 0.00001 leads to the best
training results in ANN and 20000 iterations was
enough to run the training that the error is decreased
very slowly after 10000 iterations. Changing the
output to binary offered improvement on the
classification and prediction process using ANN that
reduced the error of prediction the state of bending
protein from 12.2% to 3.7%. Removing the missing
data reduced the number of training examples from
2800 example to 1947 examples made the network
faster in training phase and improved the error of
prediction from 3.7% to 3.1%. Finding the mean of
data set for each class as applied in section 6.3.3 was
not helpful in any way but also have a poor results in
prediction, also rearranging the input values between
0 and 1 shows no improvement on the results or the
speed of learning. Increasing the number of neurons
more than 20 neurons effects the results of
prediction in a bad way that decrease the speed of
learning and increase the error of prediction.
In this study it was obvious that the dataset
quality is not good, it have a lot of missing values
and there are a shortage of examples in class 2 and
class 3, but the comparison in this data
circumstances shows that C4.5 decision tree is more
reliable method to use but In future it is worth trying
to run these experiments again using another data
sets in many aspects of medical diagnosis domain
that have better quality examples with less numbers
of missing values and rich examples in each class
attributes and then run the comparison again to see
which method will overcome in the field of medical
diagnoses domain.
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