frames are returned in order of relevance. In addition,
the frames contain a help field that describes how a
business-user could parameterize the frame.
Query frames may ease the query entry process.
However, they are far from enabling users to provide
queries in natural language.
3.7 Delta, the User Client
Delta is the final destination of data streams. It is the
end-user interface into the Itaipu system. Each end-
user uses a Delta client which communicates with the
Dam Execution Engine and Query Processing units.
These units act as servers and communicate via a
custom-made XML protocol over TCP sockets. Each
delta client initiates a fixed listening port, which the
Execution engine pushes output from its operators
into. Delta provides the following functions:
1. Visualizes output streams. All visualization tools
such as graph kits are part of Delta and not the
execution engine.
2. It forwards user queries to the query processing
unit and allows users to search and parameterize
existing frames.
The focus of this paper is to discuss the architecture
of the Itaipu system. We are currently working with
Business Objects to build a typical BAM data set to
validate our system. We ran a basic validation sys-
tem using simulated sales data collected from Point
of Sales (POS) terminals. This data set is typically
used to test data warehouses.
We hope to extend the Itaipu system in the following
1. We wish to produce a more flexible query model
that has the benefits of complex event processing
systems while still providing DSMS functionality.
Our next research goal is to provide users with the
ability to enter a sequence of queries where each
query is triggered based on conditions satisfied by
results from the preceding query, hence produc-
ing an adapting query. Our approach will involve
utilizing workflows to define these querying se-
quences. (A workflow describes relationships and
dependencies between processes. It provides a
way to model a sequence of processing activities
and with the help of a workflow management sys-
tem enact or schedule the sequence.)
2. We would like to provide collaboration tools in
Delta. This would enable users to share queries
and results. Collaboration would enable a group
of users to create joint queries such that all users
within a group maintain a consistent view into the
Our thanks to the Business Objects
research team for
providing us with invaluable feedback on our system
and providing us with realistic BAM scenarios and
simulated data that we used for testing our system.
We would like to thank NSERC and the Killam Trusts
for funding this research.
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ITAIPU DATA STREAM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - A Stream Processing System with Business Users in Mind