A Flexible Environment for the Capability Assessment of Software Processes
Tomás Martínez-Ruiz, Eduardo León-Pavón, Félix García, Mario Piattini
ALARCOS Research Group, Information Systems and Tecnologies Department
UCLM-INDRA Research and Development Institute, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la univrsidad, 4 – 13071 ciudad Real, Spain
Francisco J. Pino
IDIS Research Group, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Faculty
University of Cauca, Street 5 # 4 – 70 Popayán, Colombia
Keywords: Software Process Assessment, Software Process Improvement, Process Reference Model, Process
Assessment Model, Process Capability.
Abstract: Software process improvement is an important aspect in achieving capable processes, and so organizations
are obviously concerned about it. However, to improve software process it is necessary to assess it in order
to check its weaknesses and strengths. The assessment can be performed according to a given assessment
process or any other and the processes of the organization can also use one particular process model or any
other. The goal of this work is to provide an environment that allows us to carry out assessments that are in
accord with various different process assessment models, on several process reference models. We have
developed an environment composed of two components; one of these generates the database schema for
storing the process reference model and assessment information and the other one assesses the process with
reference to this information, generating results in several formats, to make it possible to interpret data.
With this environment, assessment of software process is an easy task, whichever assessment process is
used, and regardless of the process model used in the organization.
Quality is the most effective way to introduce any
product into the buyers’ market at the present time.
Furthermore, due to the importance of software
products in our daily life, quality is a decisive factor
in guaranteeing that products are able to do their
jobs properly.
Software development organizations know the
importance of this aspect and they are indeed
interested in the quality of software products they
create (Piattini, Garcia, & Caballero, 2006). But the
quality of a product depends on the capability of the
processes in which this product is created. Process
capability is therefore an essential characteristic and
there are two factors in this- one is image and the
other is sheer need. They have to project a positive
image if they are to export the software they produce
and they need to turn their projects into effective and
efficient ones.
Improvement of software processes is the way to
maximise both factors. Three elements are needed
when carrying out a process improvement initiative;
a process improvement method, a process reference
model and a process assessment method (Pino,
García, & Piattini, 2008). In this respect, several
organizations have been working on software
process and their capability, as well as on several
ways to evaluate and improve them.
Figure 1 shows
the quagmire with several process models and
assessment methods, together with their
Martínez-Ruiz T., León-Pavón E., García F., Piattini M. and J. Pino F. (2008).
EVALTOOL - A Flexible Environment for the Capability Assessment of Software Processes.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 73-80
DOI: 10.5220/0001884600730080
Figure 1: Software process quagmire (www.software.org
However, given the importance of assessing the
processes before, during and after the improvement
has been performed, several tools have been
developed to help users assess processes. These
tools can carry out repetitive actions, by reducing the
cognitive charge of people involved in the
assessments, and they can perform most of the
management tasks that were done manually.
The diversity of existing software process
models and assessment methods has led to the
development of tools for the evaluation of the
processes of each process model with reference to
each assessment method. Each one of these tools
depends on the appropriate process and assessment
In this paper we present an environment that is
able to evaluate processes following any process
reference model and any assessment method. This
environment provides companies with the technical
support necessary to carry out and store the results
of their assessments in an integrated and consistent
way. And it also avoids the development of specific
tools for assess following each new assessment
method or each new process reference model. With
this environment, assessing software processes can
be conducted automatically and in a flexible way by
using a generic structure and assessment procedures.
This avoids having to use diverse tools to conduct
process assessments according to specific process
reference models and assessment methods.
Furthermore, EVALTOOL environment generates
the information about assessments in a consistent
and simple way, including graphics showing a
summary with the assessment results and it also
helps users to use them.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section Two the State of the Art in software process
and tools is analysed. Section Three presents the
EVALTOOL environment and describes its main
components. In Section Four, the use of the
environment is illustrated by means of some
examples. Finally, Section Five contains the
conclusions and future work.
Several process models and assessment models have
been created (See Figure 1) in recent times. Several
tools to apply them have also been developed. In this
Section we summarize the most outstanding models,
and analyze the most widely-used tools.
The Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie
Mellon University has developed the Capability
Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) (SEI, 2004).
This model is based on CMM (Capability Maturity
Model) and contains the best practices, grouped in
several processes. This process model defines six
maturity levels, which classify organizations in a
range from chaotic level to continuous improvement
level and it can be used in staged or continuous
CMMI uses the Software CMMI Appraisal
Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) (SEI,
2001). This method includes the best assessment
practices and defines three steps to plan and prepare
the assessment, carry it out, and inform of its results.
The International Organization for
Standardization has defined both a process and an
assessment method: ISO 12207 (ISO, 2004a) is a life
cycle process model that defines the main activities
that must be performed during the software
development. It groups these activities into
processes and categorizes the processes. This norm
specifies the life cycle process architecture but not
how to implement it. ISO 15504 (ISO, 2004b,
2004c, 2004d) is the standard for carrying out
assessments. The last version is divided into five
parts and it defines the minimum requirements to
guarantee that the assessment results obtained are
repeatable and consistent. It defines six capability
There are, moreover, other models oriented to
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). MoProSoft
(Oktaba et al., 2005) is the process model for
Mexican SMEs. It contains nine processes, grouped
into three categories, along with EvalProSoft
(Oktaba et al., 2004), which is its assessment
method. It defines six capability levels, like ISO
15504. The COMPETISOFT project (Oktaba et al.,
2007) defines a process model, an assessment
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
method and an improvement model. These models
are designed to be used by SMEs. Its process model
defines ten processes, grouped into three categories
as an organization hierarchy. The Assessment
method defines six capability levels.
On the other hand, several tools have been
developed to help in the assessing of processes. The
most outstanding ones are based on CMM, CMMI
and ISO 15504.
allows us to evaluate the most
important processes of an organization, to determine
strengths and weaknesses. It assigns values to
objectives, but it can not assess process practices.
Appraisal Wizard
is based on SCAMPI, using
CMMI as process model. It offers support for
assigning values to the elements of the process
(practices, objectives, etc). It allows the re-use of the
results of an assessment in another later one. There
is a light version of this tool called Appraisal Lite
Spice 1-2-1
assigns values to base and generic
practices. SPiCE Lite
offers a quick and efficient
way to detect weaknesses and strengths of the
process. It shows results as reports or via web and it
has two running modes.
Appraisal Assistant Beta
offers support for
evaluating the maturity of an organization by the
creation of user defined models, converting results
from one framework to another, and generating
reports about each assessment. Appraisal Assistant is
now in a Beta version.
In literature we can find other assessment tools,
even tools based on spreadsheets. Their functionality
is similar to that of the above tools. The main
drawback of these tools in comparison to the present
work is that each one of these tools uses a specific
process model and a specific assessment method (to
Table 1). In the context of the present work our
objective is to provide companies with a flexible
tool so they can assess their software processes by
using different reference models and assessment
methods but by using a single environment which
facilitates comparison of results. Another important
characteristic is that an important development effort
has focused on the user interaction facility, by
creating a usable GUI.
A Flexible Environment for the capability
assessment of Software Processes has been
developed; it is called EVALTOOL. This
environment has the following characteristics:
It allows assessment using different assessment
methods (ISO/IEC 15504, SCAMPI,
It is flexible: it allows the defining and addition
of new processes by Process Reference
Models and new assessment methods, when
the methods and processes are compatible
with the environment core.
It allows comparisons between the results of
several assessments.
It stores the models in their repository.
Its reports show information in diagram form.
It has a very usable interface, by means of
enriched interfaces.
Table 1: Process models and assessment methods used by
assessment tools.
Tool Reference
ISO/IEC 15504
Appraisal Lite
SE/SW staged
and continuous
SPiCE 1-2-1
SPiCE Lite
Assistant Beta
To support the assessments using several assessment
methods and several process reference models, we
have defined a generic metamodel (
Figure 2). In this,
the elements defined in outstanding process
reference models such as ISO 12207, CMMI,
COMPETISOFT and respective assessment methods
(ISO 15504, SCAMPI, EvalProSoft), have been
taken into account. The environment uses this
metamodel to guide the assessments. Because of
this, the environment is flexible; that is, the
environment is able to assess any processes (from a
process reference model) that are defined in accord
with this metamodel. That being so, the new process
included in the environment must be based on
conformance of the process reference model with
the metamodel defined in the core of the
environment. In addition, some modules can be
designed to implement the other assessment
EVALTOOL - A Flexible Environment for the Capability Assessment of Software Processes
levelNumber : int
description : String
state : String
ID : int
<<ORM Pers istable>>
modelName : String
description : String
numberOfLevels : Integer
ID : int
<<ORM Persistable>>
contains n levels
markName : String
organization : String
responsible : String
ID : int
<<ORM Pers istable>>
From each model
there is n mark s
type : String
description : S tring
ID : int
<<ORM Persistable>>
process Name : String
modelName : String
levelNumber : Integer
ID : int
<<ORM Persistable>>
0.. n
0.. n
Each mark has n
procces t o assess
A process is of
attributeName : String
description : String
objetive : String
minimunFactorCompletness : float
ID : int
<<ORM Persis t able>>
Each level has n attributes
assess ed : boolean
description : String
ID : int
<<ORM Persistable>>
From each attribute
there is n assess ed
assessedAt tribute
belongs a process
questionText : String
fac t or : float
ID : int
<<ORM Persistable>>
0.. n
0.. n
An attrib ute can have
filex questions
questionText : String
fac t or : float
ID : int
<<ORM Persis t able>>
Each assessed attribute
has n questions
Ans werType
type : String
ID : int
<<ORM Pers is table>>
Each question has
an answer type
Each attribute has an
asnwer type
answerText : String
fac t or : float
ID : int
<<ORM Pers istable>>
Each question
has an answer
Eac h answertype
has n asnwers
Figure 2: Generic metamodel of process assessment used
The environment is prepared to generate and store
the results of each assessment in the same way. So it
is possible to retrieve these data and compare them
with the results of later assessments. In this way it is
easy to see the improvement executed in each
process of the organization quickly, by means of the
comparison of the results of the process assessment.
These results are shown using diagrams, to make
them more understandable. Another feature is that
its interface has been produced using enriched
interfaces, so it is very easy and usable.
The environment is composed of two parts. The
first one manages the process reference models and
the second one applies the assessment methods over
these processes.
Figure 3 shows the relationship
between both parts which are described below. Both
components are linked by the database, which is
used by first one to write the new schemas. These
schemas are used by the evaluation component to
obtain information about the organization that is
assessed and its processes.
3.1 Process Model Management
This component (left side of Figure 3) manages the
process reference models on which the assessments
are conducted. This component supports the
inclusion of flexibility in the environment processes
related to different process reference models. This
part allows the management of models, metamodels
and schemas, by applying QVT transformations. It is
able to generate the schema associated with each
model, to allow the information of each process to
be stored in a way that is compatible with the
environment. The elements of the process (among
others purpose, activities, roles and work products)
stored are used to assess that process.
Figure 3: Components of the environment EVALTOOL.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: Model application and evaluation part of EVALTOOL interface for SCAMPI and ISO/IEC 15504 assessments.
This part also defines the inverse transformation,
from schema to the associated metamodel. The two
transformations can be carried out using both run
modes, automatically, where models or schemas are
transformed without asking the user. They can also
be customisable, in which the user contributes with
the semantic information to achieve idempotent
transformations between models and schemas.
This part is also able to generate a XMI file with
the information stored in the base. To do this, the
metamodel associated with the schema is obtained
and used to create the XMI:SCHEMA.
The interface of the process model management
application is a desktop application and it is a very
simple one. It offers help to the user and is available
in English and Spanish. A more detailed description
of this component can be found in (Martínez-Ruiz,
García, & Piattini, 2008).
3.2 Model Application and Evaluation
This component allows the definition and
assessment of software process, using the databases
created by the component described previously. It
has been developed using the most advanced
technologies. Because of this, it has a very simple,
intuitive and easy GUI that helps users to manage
the different tool functionalities (
Figure 4).
It has the functionality of defining new
assessment marks based on existing reference
models, already included in the database. An
assessment mark includes processes to be assessed
and their evaluations. From this it is possible to add
processes specific to an organization in order to
evaluate them, with reference to one of the schemas
defined as well as in accord with the metamodel
used by the environment.
EVALTOOL - A Flexible Environment for the Capability Assessment of Software Processes
This evaluation part is further able to assess the
chosen processes by means of answering several
questions. The questions are defined from the
process reference model stored in the database. An
additional feature is that, due to the fact that the
results of each assessment are stored in a common
way, a comparison between them is possible. We
can thereby obtain both the weaknesses and the
strengths of processes (and organization). From
these we know the points in which an improvement
effort needs to be carried out. These are called
improvement opportunities.
From the main menu (left side of
Figure 4) we
can create and assess several marks. It is also
possible to watch a demonstration of the application.
This application of the environment has two
versions; one of them is designed for PC, designed
as a web page and offers all the functionality of
these. The other one is designed to run in a Pocket
PC and offers a subset of this functionality. This
version is only able to answer the assessment
questions about the process, in a dynamic way and
within the scene where the software is developed
and the processes take place. It allows us to do
quick- assessment so the improvement opportunities
can be known very rapidly.
EVALTOOL gives support to the process diagnosis
activity of an improvement model. This environment
has been designed to carry out software process
assessments easily. In
Figure 5 we can see how the
environment is related to the process reference
models, the process assessment methods and the
process improvement models. The aim of all this is
to perform assessments of company process, whose
results can be used to begin a process improvement
Prior to assessment in the context of a software
organization, some steps are necessary. First of all,
the goals and benefits of the software process
assessment must be presented to the organization
work forces. Leaders must be in agreement with the
assessment and the employees involved must receive
the qualification about the models defined in the
environment before they use it.
Figure 5: Assessment program with EVALTOOL.
To do an assessment of a previously defined
mark using EVALTOOL, it is only necessary to
select an Evaluate Mark, and to choose the mark.
Then the process can be assessed, by selecting and
answering some questions about it. Questions are
ordered by processes and their attributes. Once the
questions are answered, you can see the assessment
report generated (
Figure 6). The user is also informed
about the process whose capability level is too low.
Figure 6: EVALTOOL assessment results.
The environment stores the results obtained in
each assessment and this information is very useful
in seeing the progress between two assessments of
the same improvement cycle.
Figure 7 shows a
comparative chart of the results of two assessments
carried out in the same improvement cycle.
If the mark is not defined, we can define it by
using the Create Mark. The processes of this mark
must be in line with the process reference models
included in the environment. By means of adding a
mark, a new mark is created, and we can include the
processes of a given organization (
Figure 8) within it.
It is, moreover, possible to add some questions to the
process attributes of each process.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 7: EVALTOOL assessment result comparative.
If the processes of the new mark are not in
accord with the process reference models included in
the environment, this process reference model has to
be defined in the environment. By means of the
desktop process model management application, a
compatible schema is created in the database,
thereby storing all the information about each of the
processes of this new process model as well as their
Figure 8: EVALTOOL adding process questionnaire.
The assessment of software processes is used by
software development organizations as a means of
knowing the capability level of processes and of
improving them. To make the task of assessing the
organization processes easier, a flexible environment
for the assessment of the capability of software
processes has been developed. It is called
The environment is designed in such a way as to
be used to evaluate a software process by employing
any assessment process. This flexibility allows
organizations that have a lot of different projects and
different processes to use a single tool to evaluate
them. In addition, the environment offers the
possibility of comparing two capability levels.
Furthermore, the evaluation of software
processes gives the work forces of the organization
the following positive features:
Most of the questions presented in the
questionnaires help users to have better
knowledge of the changes that are being
carried out, as well as the activities that would
be performed and the difficulties entailed in
The recommendations which the tool gives on
the activities that are not carried out help them
to provide feedback about their process
The environment gives the improvement-
manager a viewpoint from which to oversee
the process assessed, over a period of time.
The environment is being used to carry out
assessments based on the COMPETISOFT
Assessment Method. Several Iberoamerican
organizations are using them to assess and improve
their processes.
Our future work is to extend this environment by
adding mechanisms to help users to improve their
processes. Based on the results of the assessments, it
is possible to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of each process. That it turns makes it
possible to establish what action is needed for the
improvement of the process.
The environment is currently designed to run
with a SQL Server database. Other future work can
be to adapt it to run with other data sources, such as
ODBC, or XML files.
We might also point out that the environment can
be adapted to be used as a didactic tool. It can offer
support for teaching users how to perform an
assessment using any of the assessment methods and
any process model.
This work is partially supported by the investigation
into Software Process Lines sponsored by Sistemas
Técnicos de Loterías del Estado S.A. within the
framework of the agreement on the “Innovación del
Entorno Metodológico de Desarrollo y
EVALTOOL - A Flexible Environment for the Capability Assessment of Software Processes
Mantenimiento de Software”, as well as by the
ESFINGE TIN2006-15175-C05-05 projects,
financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Technology, COMPETISOFT, financed by CYTED
(Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo-
506AC0287), MECENAS (JCCM, Consejeria de
Educación y Ciencia, PBI06-0024), and INGENIO,
financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-
La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y Ciencia,
ISO. (2004a). ISO/IEC 12207:2002/FDAM 2. Information
technology - Software life cycle processes. Geneva:
International Organization for Standardization.
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ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies