Autonomic Networks Modelling
Gladys Diaz
L2TI, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, 99 Avenue J-B Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France
Keywords: Information systems, Object-oriented Modelling, Autonomic Networks, Networks Management.
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the modelling aspects in autonomic networks, especially concerning the
knowledge level. We treat the specification and modelling of different notions in the context the dynamic
deployment of services. We propose a new and extensible object-oriented information model to represent
the various concepts involved in this context. Our information model enables us to represent the notions of
service, resource and profile and also to deal with the management of networks resources. UML is used to
represent our model. We also present an initial view of the knowledge that is needed to manage the resource
allocations and distribution of services.
Autonomic networks are currently an emergent field
of research. The term “autonomic network” refers to
the networks that have the capacity to be configured,
and to self-manage according with the perception of
their environment's evolution. Such a system
requires a minimal administration, generally
implying a management at the political level. To
implement this configuration in an automatic way, it
is necessary to have an absolute and permanent
knowledge of the network environment, in order to
apply the functions necessary to make it move
dynamically. Thus, autonomic network involves a
new level of management: the knowledge level. The
knowledge in services deployment involves services
and resource information, but also the events to be
considered in the environment of deployment.
Management activities need to be tried with
information defined at the knowledge level. In the
context of network management, several services
can be automated: equipment configuration, services
deployment, QoS management, etc. To automate and
reduce the complexity of information to be treated, it
is essential to model the network environment by
defining the different components implied and their
interdependence. Modelling constitutes a first step to
represent the level of knowledge about network
In the context of information modelling, several
standards have proposed information models for
network management. OSI, ITU-TS and IETF have
provided parts of the solutions to standardize the
network information model. Currently, very
important efforts in this area have been made by
TMF, DMTF and 3GPP. These groups propose
different models (CIM, SID) to represent
management elements in different domains
(applications, networks, devices, systems) (DMTF
and TMF).
We will go into more detail about the knowledge
modelling needed to allow for the dynamic
deployment of services. This first section presents
the problems encountered in our study and the
organization of our proposal.
1.1 Problems to Study
The automation and the “dynamic” deployment of
services constitute one of the final objectives of the
suppliers of the services (Hass, 03). This dynamicity
in the deployment requires an absolute knowledge of
the deployment environment, that is to say, the
network. To determine the optimal deployment
strategies it is necessary to analyse the effectiveness
of service placement decision in the network.
Dynamic deployment involves the capability of
network to assure an automatic process to install the
services requested by clients. This process involves
Diaz G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 154-159
DOI: 10.5220/0001885601540159
the knowledge about the semantic of services,
network elements, services components and the
other necessary resources. Thus, to make a service
deployment it is necessary make a configuration of
each element involved in the deployment. This
configuration involves the decision about what
network nodes must be selected, in function of the
knowledge about the available resources of these
elements. The dynamic deployment is involved with
two contexts of work:
Components software deployment. In this
context the problemn treated is the
representation of service semantics and
verification of service composition (Pistore,
04) (OMG, 03).
Dynamic deployment of networked services.
The major problem here is how to distribute
the service requested and where we must place
the dynamic service, to guarantee its correct
functioning (Simoni, 99). We are, for the most
part, interested in this second aspect.
1.2 Paper Organization
We propose an object-oriented model to represent
the different notions in dynamic deployment. Our
model enables us to represent the notion of service,
and to also treat the management and control of
dynamic deployment. The information model is
represented by using UML diagrams. First we have
given our own terminology. Then, we have given a
description of the information model.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the context of our work. We present in this
section our motivation, and an overview of research
in-progress on this subject. Section 3 presents our
model to the service deployment. In this section we
give the definitions of concepts introduced by our
model, and also the different steps in the deployment
of services according to our approach. Section 4
presents our conclusions and perspectives.
The knowledge of a complex system such as a
network needs the representation of data and its
context. Context is an important concept in the
treatment and dissemination of knowledge
information (Akhtar, 05). The context represents the
set of events which must be evaluated in the cycle of
life of any system to be able to make relevant
decisions. Thus, data generated in a local component
must be evaluated in order to provide for an
appropriate global behaviour of that system.
Autonomic, or self*-, management of such a
complex system will depend on a bottom-up process
of knowledge formation, emerging from individual
nodes in the system. Each component of the network
represents an active element involved in the
generation of relevant data (Gaïti, 05). This data
must be evaluated in a global and coherent proposal
to provide information which is complete and
relevant for decision-making. In general, the
knowledge information to be represented has to be:
Dynamically generated and represented.
Global-to-local, global objectives (high level
goals) must be defined at upper levels.
Global coherence, the coherence of decisions
taken in accordance with global objectives,
must be made in function of the evaluation of
local ones. Low-level decisions are related to
the high level goal which has been defined.
Service architectures are defined in the context
of autonomic networks, especially in the context of
Web Services. In these, the service level is the
principal component of management and monitoring
services execution in an automatic fashion
(Papazoglou, 06).
Knowledge level in autonomic networks is a
current subject of study (Clark, 03) (Lewis, 05)
(Mulvenna, 05) (Seleznyov, 04) (Stojanovic, 04).
The recent propositions present different viewpoints
about this notion. The major challenge is composed
of two questions: How do we provide a high level
view that defines the purpose of network? and How
does we do the automatic acquisition and processing
of knowledge?
Several researchers have tried to answer these
questions, and most of them agree on the fact that
high level goals must be defined for network
designers, and must be used to control the behaviour
of applications running and user’s purposes. Specific
information (knowledge domain-specific data) could
be used to represent these goals and be evaluated to
take decisions, to recognize and mediate conflicts, to
perform optimizations in the environment and to
automate network functions.
Some works are interesting in the representation
of knowledge information. (Wawrzoniak, 03)
presents specific languages to represent information
(model system knowledge) in a distributed approach
like the grid-computer. (Stojanovic, 04) presents the
notion and role of ontologies in autonomic computer
systems. This work presents the results of IBM
research in this context. Ontology represents an
expressive conceptual modelling approach for
describing the knowledge. (Lewis, 05) proposes an
infrastructural service that enables the efficient
delivery of network operations knowledge to nodes.
The knowledge is represented here by using
ontologies that enable one to service and to provide
a level of semantic interoperability that will be
transparent to the nodes providing and consuming
knowledge. (Quirolgico1, 04) describes the current
status of research in the modelling of ontologies.
Other researchers work with the representation of
a knowledge plane, high level model to represent
what the network is suppose to do, in order to provide
services and advice to other elements of the network.
In this case researchers are interested in the use of
artificial intelligent (AI) tools and cognitive systems
(Clark, 03). To treat the problem of distribution of
knowledge, some approaches are using AI tools with
autonomous agents to distribute knowledge
management (Seleznyov, 04). (Eymann, 03) presents
the utilization of software architectures (application-
layers) to coordinate the provisioning of services and
resources in distributed environments like the ones in
Grids computers and Peer-to-peer (Chao, 04).
In general, agents and policy-based approaches
are combined to give a complete infrastructure
capable of treating the definition of goals and the
distribution of operations. Ontology is used to
organize the information and to structure its
In our context, we define dynamic deployment
as the high-level goal. Each network component
must work and take decisions, generating and
manipulating information in order to enable the
dynamic installation of a new service. To best
understand the process of dynamic deployment we
will detail the set of operations and data involved in
the dynamic deployment of services, and how our
model can represent this in the following sections.
2.1 Knowledge Representation for
Dynamic Deployment
Different tasks must be performed in order to deploy
a service: Service Discovery, Resource Monitoring,
Node Selection, Resource Allocation, Code
Download & Deployment. We have situated our
information model in the centre of all these tasks
(see figure 1).
2.2 Objectives of our Work
The aim of our work is to provide a first step to
model knowledge in the context of services
deployment. To be able to express the information
necessary for services and equipment configurations
to deploy networked services with a general model,
it is important to have only one set of defining
vocabulary and one correct representation of the
notions treated.
Firstly, we suggested the general definition of the
terminology that was to be used. Then we present the
object-oriented information model. Modelling enables
us to have a formalized representation of the problem.
Figure 1: Service deployment model position.
Our information model (called “Profiles Model”)
permits us to characterize the whole network and its
hardware and software components (Diaz, 06). Our
model is articulated around the concepts of “service
profile”, “equipment profile” and “deployment
profile” in order to take into account all of the
resources available and their evolution at the time of
the activation of distributed services.
In the context of deployment the major notion to
be treated is service. Several definitions of service
exist in the literature. We have proposed a general
definition: “a service provides functionality”. This
definition is independent of the composition model
or implementation questions. The question of how
the service will be deployed is treated with the
notion of “profile” (Diaz, 05). Our proposal enables
us to:
Represent the actual state of network.
Model the constraints of a service to be
Take into account the notion of composition
of services (via the concepts of heritage and
elementary services).
Count all the equipment hosts potentially to
the deployment of a service.
Characterize the network and its hardware and
software components.
Combine information of localization with
information resources.
We present the Profiles Model in this section. Two
important notions of “Service” and “Profile” are the
central points in our model. Profiles Model allows us
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
to represent two points of view: the first is the
current state of the network environment (that is the
existing services and resources consumed or
available), and the second is the necessary
information needed for the installation of new
services or the new profiles for already existing ones.
3.1 Notions Proposed
Service. a service is defined as a functionality.
Several elements characterize this notion:
a code and the interfaces, which define the
algorithms of implementation and how to call
the service;
a behaviour, which shows the way, such as the
entry, and are then transformed into exits;
a state — a service can found in different
states throughout its life (running, stopped,
sleeping, cancelled, etc.);
the composition relationships with services
These properties can be regrouped into two
categories: static part and dynamic part (alternatives
according to their instantiation):
Static part: is related with the identifier,
interfaces definition, organization, version…
Dynamic Part: is related to the environment
where the service in question evolves or
moves. We define it through the concept of
“service profile”.
The general description of a service involves several
the semantic of this service itself;
the requirements about nodes capabilities;
the cost of instantiation of this service and the
other characteristics such as QoS minimum.
2) Profile. enables us to represent the configuration
of each element involved in the deployment, and
also obtain the knowledge of the capabilities of
network nodes. A profile defines a model adapted to
a certain type of need. We apply this concept to
(1) Configuration of a material entity
(equipment) with respect to the consumed/available
resources (equipment profile)
(2) Particular configuration for the execution of a
service with respect to the constraints and needs for
this service (service profile)
(3) Precise configuration required by a user to
deploy a new service (deployment profile).
2.1) Service Profile. allows us to define a
particular configuration for the execution of a
service. Each configuration specifies the constraints
and needs related to its service execution. These
constraints represent the use of the resources
necessary to make the expected functionalities
possible. The same service will be capable of several
profiles, according to the specified constraints, and
consumed resources. A profile of service will be
characterized by:
the whole of the resources requested for the
execution of the service;
a localization (physical and logical);
QoS associated;
constraints on unquestionable parameters: the
supplier of the service, geographic coverage,
price of the service, availability or length of
the service…
2.2) Equipment Profile. represents the
configuration of a material entity (equipment). This
configuration includes several aspects:
physical components: CPU, Storage, Battery,
software components: which are seen through
the list of profile services offered in this
"physical+logic" components: example a chip
with a software of integrated encoding. The
idea is to be able to represent an evolutionary
view of the equipment by defining its
configuration with respect to the resources
(physical and/or logical) currently available.
2.3) Deployment Profile. permits us to capture
the services deployment requests in terms of
resources and services required. If the service is a
composed service, a deployment profile is made for
each one of its services components.
3.2 Organization of Information
Profiles Model is based on the major notions defined
in the last section. These notions enable us to
represent the knowledge of the service’s execution
environment. To deploy services in an automatic
fashion it is necessary to control this knowledge
about the environment (services, resources and
equipments). The knowledge refers to information
describing: the service's requests, service definitions
and service deployments. Three major packages are
defined to represent it. These packages permit us to
define the lifecycle of services and to organize the
classes by according the phases of deployment of
services (see figure 2).
RequestDeployment Package. regroups a class to
represent the request of service to be deployed. We
define the actors involved in the deployment and the
deployment profile class in order to represent the
constraints in the service request.
ServiceDefinition Package. groups a class to define
the semantic of service types known by the system
(type of service: simple or composed, and data of
each service), and the relationship with current
information about the services deployed (represented
by the service profiles class).
ResourceType (from
IdReso urceType
NameReso urceType
IdAc tor
NameAc tor
Ser ve
RequestDeployment Package ServiceDefiniton Package
ProfileDeployment Package
IdServi ce
Ve rs io n
ServiceProfile (from
IdReso urceType
Va lM a x
Va lM in
Va lCo ns o med
co ntai ns
1..* 1..*
is neighbor o
Figure 2: Packages for the definition of classes.
ProfileDeployment Package. groups a class to
represent the service installed, and also the
localizations and equipment used. In this package
we show the relationships with the resource type
class. Resource class is used to define the resources
available (in the equipment profile), the resources
consumed by a service profile, and the resources
requested by a deployment profile.
3.3 Class Description
In this section we will describe the principal classes
and their relationships offered by Profiles Model.
Service Class. allows for the defining of the various
types of services known and handled by the system.
We define here all the common characteristics of
every service: name of service, API and version.
This class is an abstract class; the instances are the
classes ServiceComposed or ServiceSimple. When
the service is composed it is necessary to define its
relationships with other services. The code
associated with each service, and the description of
the data flows in entry and exit, are defined in the
ServiceInterface class.
As an example, a high level service (Voice over
IP) can be carried out in various manners, by several
components and protocols. By modelling the needs
for such a service in the form of elementary services
and according to the availability of the resources, the
activation of the service could be carried out in very
heterogeneous contexts, for example by selecting the
option best adapted for the resources and the
context, by inter-connecting services meeting the
same needs, or by activating footbridges.
ServiceProfile Class. makes it possible to define a
particular configuration for the instantiation of a
service. An example of service is a Video on
Demand. Several other services are necessary for it
instantiation: type of coder-decoder (TV-MPEG-2 or
TV-MPEG-4), service of adaptation which definite
which protocol(s) can be used for the transfer of the
video, and service multicast. These different services
can have different profiles. Each profile refers to the
whole of the consumed resources, by example the
power of the processor, the memory size, the size of
storage in disc, etc.
Equipment Profile Class. refers to one view on
localization. This class defines the configuration of a
material entity. This configuration refers to
characteristics of physical and also software
components, in particular defining the list of service
profiles offered by this equipment. The equipment
profile gives a view of the resources available in one
localization. Information about the equipment
profile is updated (in terms of resource and service
profile available) each time that one new service
profile is installed.
Deployment Profile Class. defines the resources
and also others services requested for a new service
installation request. This profile, provided by the
customer, is given to the system manager of the
network. The deployment profile can be composed
of some other deployment profiles, for example in
the case of modelling the request of a composed
service. In this situation, we express the
relationships between the different services requests,
such as in a composite relationship (black rhombus),
because requests of services components refer only
to the composed service in that relation.
3.4 Management Approach to Service
Deployment process implied different steps (See
figure 3). We have presented in (Diaz, 08) a
distributed approach in applying our model.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The first step to deployment is the request for
service sent by userc. This request represents the
entry into our system and is represented by the
Deployment Profile Requestd. The deployment
profile enables us to verify the resources needed by
the service request, and give a positive response (in
the case where the system can find one or more
nodes that satisfies this request) or a negative one (in
the other cases)e. If the system can satisfy the
service request, a new service profile is createdf,
and this information is added to the systemg. At
this time the system can update the information
about available resources in the equipment profile,
and the installation of services is then run by the
deployment protocolh i.
Figure 3: Service deployment process.
In this paper we have presented a discussion of
knowledge modelling and our proposition to
represent information needed in deployment tasks.
Modelling information is the first step to
representing knowledge. Our principal goal is to be
able to dynamically facilitate the deployment of the
services networks. This dynamic deployment of
service is based on the characterization of the needs
of service and the current state of the network.
Profiles Model proposes the notions of profiles of
service, equipment and deployment.
A first implementation of our information model
is made to represent the different interfaces of our
system. For any service request our tool makes it
possible to establish all of the components necessary
along with their state (localization, availability of
resources, etc), including their relationship of
interdependence. This cartography will make it
possible for a manager to make effective decisions
of deployment. Currently, we are working on the
modelling of environment events to be manipulated,
in order to complete the representation of knowledge
in the service deployment domain.
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