Ian Owens
, Dave Sammon
and John McAvoy
Department of Informatics and Sensors, DCMT, Cranfield University, U.K.
Business Information Systems, University College Cork, Ireland
Keywords: Sense-Making, Agile Methods, Comparative Method, Workshop.
Abstract: As is often argued in the diffusion of innovation literature, the adoption of innovations can be hindered by
the learning required to successfully deploy the technology or methodology. This paper reports on a
research in progress to develop a novel approach to Agile method adoption and introduces the use of sense-
making workshops to facilitate improved understanding of the issues concerning Agile adoption.
In this paper we present a sense making workshop
approach to agile adoption. Problems seen with the
introduction of a new software process, or
methodology, can often be explained by the
diffusion of innovation theory, described in Rogers
(1962. When innovations (including process
innovations) are diffused in an organisation, there
are four phases: comprehension, adoption,
implementation, and assimilation (Swanson, 2001).
In the context of this paper it is the comprehension
phase of such diffusion of innovation that is of most
importance with regard to Agile method adoption in
particular. However, there are no procedures
available to assist decision makers choose the best
development method for a given situation
(Abrahamsson et al., 2002).
One alternate theoretical approach with regard to
the adoption process is offered by Seligman (2006).
Seligman (2006) argued that examining a series of
sense-making cycles may facilitate a better
understanding of an adoption process as opposed to
focusing on what could be considered the making of
a single decision. Seligman (2006) argues that the
sense-making perspective provides a ‘look under the
hood’ of the adopter’s mental engine. In spite of its
originality, the impact of sense-making theory on the
Information Systems (IS) community has been
modest (Seligman, 2006).
The basic premise of the constructivist view of
sense-making theory is that people act on the basis
of the meaning that they attribute to situations,
where action emerges from social interaction and is
developed and modified through an interpretive
process. This approach embraces the notion that
action precedes cognition (thinking) and focuses
cognition (Weick, 1988; Seligman, 2006).
Therefore, if understanding is facilitated by action,
managers have to take some action and see what
happens (Weick, 1988). Indeed, Weick (1988,
p.503) commented that there is a “delicate tradeoff
between dangerous action which produces
understanding and safe inaction which produces
confusion”. It is argued that this ‘taking of action’
will determine the appropriate action based on a
review of the outcomes of the action taken (Weick,
1988). However, here in lies the problem with
regard to the practicality of using sense-making.
There is a need for a method to facilitate ‘dangerous
action producing understanding’ (Weick, 1988).
What is required is an inexpensive environment for
the experimentation that ‘doing first’ requires, but
where the outcomes of actions can be reflected on
and therefore can inform future decisions to act.
This illustrates the real value-added of our proposed
method. Decision makers may be able to use the
Owens I., Sammon D. and McAvoy J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 292-295
DOI: 10.5220/0001888402920295
benefit of foresight as opposed to hindsight in their
approach to Agile method adoption.
2.1 Sense-Making Workshop Inputs:
CAFs and the Future Scenario
The theoretical foundations of the sense-making
workshop combines the work carried out by Boland
(1984) on retrospective sense-making, the notation
and rules of Ragin’s (1987) work on comparative
method, and the dialectical method, as described by
Mason and Mitroff (1981). The design of the sense-
making workshop uses a set of factors critical to the
adoption of a Agile method and a simple future
scenario to get participants to retrospectively make
sense of their actions during the hypothetical time
period. In an effort to make each participants
interpretation of the future scenario visible, they
represent their individual understanding of the
scenario as a truth function. A process of Boolean
minimisation is then used (the construction of a truth
table and a prime implicant chart is facilitated by the
workshop coordinator) to achieve logically
maximum parsimony.
As a result, having conducted a preliminary
literature review for the purpose of this research, we
present ten factors, that could be regarded as Critical
Adoption Factors (CAFs) in attempting to assess the
suitability of a software project to the adoption of an
Agile methodology. The 10 CAFs selected are:
duration of the project (DP), location of the
customer (LC), customer involvement (CI),
acceptance of change (to requirements) (AC), team
size (TS), skill level of team (SLT), organisational
and reporting structure (ORS), process (P),
documentation requirements (DR), and layout of
workplace (LW).
We acknowledge the list is not an absolute truth,
and that different researchers may agree or disagree
with the CAFs presented, but it is an important
starting point for the sense-making workshop
exercise, as is the future scenario used, representing
a period two months into an Agile project, as shown
“Developers have started to complain about the
Agile process and are blaming problems on the
Quality group. Iteration lengths are changing but
the developers say that it is sorted and it will not
happen again. Management are willing to let the
developers make the call on this. Management are
allowing the team to get on with the project and are
not asking for continuous updates on progress.
Documentation is being kept to a minimum and
management have provided an open plan
workspace (which other teams are complaining
The aim of this future scenario is to present a
representation of an Agile project and a selection of
issues with such projects. The future scenario
represents genuine problems observed in Agile
adoptions throughout a variety of Agile projects.
Through sense-making, the workshop participants
can determine what they perceive to be the critical
issues (from the CAF list) and how they are at play
in the Agile project described. From this collection
of individual workshop participants’ comprehension
of the scenario, we can ultimately simplify multiple
views into one common view (represented as a
logically minimal Boolean expression).
2.2 Moving from Individual
Interpretations to Synthesis
One of the main concerns of this sense-making
exercise centres on the need for workshop
participants to develop a shared understanding of the
CAFs for Agile adoption; therefore moving from
individual interpretations of criticality to a synthesis
using a common vocabulary. As a result, workshop
participants will highlight the absence or presence of
certain CAFs within the future scenario presented.
Participants will generate their truth function from
their perception of the absence or presence of
certain CAFs in the future scenario, as illustrated in
Table 1.
Table 1: Workshop Participants Interpretation of the
Future Scenario.
The first phase of the complexity reduction
process of the workshop participants’ interpretations
of the scenario is to concentrate on the most
frequently cited CAFs. From Table 1 these can be
identified as ORS, P, DR, and LW (with a frequency
of > 50%). While this leaves a varied and complex
collection of individual’s truth functions the next
step of the workshop is to generate a logically
minimal Boolean expression (single truth function)
for the scenario using some of the techniques in the
comparative method (cf. Ragin, 1987). For example
representing participant’s perceptions in a truth table
(Table 2) and using a prime implicant chart (Table
3) to reduce the complexity of the truth functions
and achieve a parsimonious explanation (in the form
of a single truth function) representing the
combinatorial nature of the CAFs for Agile
adoption. Following the Boolean minimisation
process to derive the prime implicant chart (Table 3)
it is necessary to further reduce, or simplify, the
output from all workshop participants (Table 1) into
a Truth Table (Table 2).
Table 2: Truth Table for the Agile Project Future Scenario.
Table 1, 2 and 3 highlight the progression from
complexity to simplicity representing the workshop
participants’ synthesised understanding of the
combined absence/presence of CAFs in the future
The truth table presented in Table 2 contains four
conditions (input variables) which were identified as
causally relevant features (presented by the
workshop participants) of the future scenario. The
frequency column represents the number of times a
combination appears (the workshop participants’
interpretations of the combination absence/presence
dichotomy of CAFs). As an example, the first
participant (fourth row in Table 2) appears in Table
3 (on the last row). It is one of three participants
sharing the same interpretation of the combination of
Using the truth table, a number of steps are
adhered to in an effort to unravel complexity. In our
case there were six primitive expressions identified
in the truth table (Table 2) and these form the
columns of Table 3.
Table 3: Prime Implicant Chart.
These primitive expressions are the combination
of the four CAFs that have a frequency of >=1. To
further reduce complexity, prime implicants were
determined from these primitive expressions. These
prime implicants form the rows of Table 3. The goal
of this phase of the minimisation process is to
‘cover’ as many of the primitive expressions as
possible with a logically minimal number of prime
implicants (Ragin, 1987). In our search for
maximum parsimony there were three essential
prime implicants identified that covered all six
primitive expressions.
The value of this exercise is to take a vast array
of conjunctural causations between CAFs expressed
by workshop participants and facilitate the
generation of an explicit statement of multiple
conjunctural causation, which is a logically minimal
equation achieving maximum logical parsimony. As
a result, “the equation that results from use of the
prime implicant chart is a logically minimal Boolean
expression” (Ragin, 1987 p.98). Our equation is as
Y = orsdr + pDRLW + ORSPLW
Where Y represents the project outcome with respect
to the future scenario, the ‘+’ symbol represents a
logical OR, and the relevant variables are shown as
being present or absent (through uppercase and
lower case lettering respectively.
The core value of the equation (Y = orsdr +
pDRLW + ORSPLW) representing maximum
logical parsimony is to produce a theorising output
that can:
promote discussion amongst workshop
participants focusing on creative conflict. From
this dialectic between opposing views a greater
understanding of the Critical Adoption Factors
(CAFs) for Agile method adoption can emerge
with a pooling of information in pursuit of
better decision-making, and
be used as propositions for future research,
therefore raising the theoretical contribution of
such outputs.
Our equation illustrates that there are three basic
combinations of CAFs that capture the workshop
participants’ interpretation of the future scenario.
However, even after the minimisation process there
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
are obvious contradictions inherent in these
combinations which can be further removed to
achieve parsimonious explanations. An example of
one of these contradictions is where part of the
expression states that ‘orsdr’ influences success,
while another part states that ‘pDRLW’ influences
success. Therefore, the presence of ‘DR’ and the
absence of ‘dr’ are contradictory.
By listing all individual parts of the expression,
they can be compared to each of the other parts of
the expression. This comparison leads to further
simplification and further insight. As a result of this
clarifying exercise we are able to produce three
statements of conjunctual combinations of CAFs for
Agile adoption that are necessary in assessing the
suitability of Agile to a software project. Our three
statements are as follows:
layout of workspace (LW) is necessary but not
sufficient for Agile adoption.
process (P) and the layout of workspace (LW)
are necessary factors in the absence of
documentation requirements (DR) and
organisational and reporting structure (ORS).
organisational and reporting structure (ORS),
documentation requirements (DR) and the
layout of workspace (LW) are necessary factors
in the absence of process (P).
Although these statements apply only to the
scenario presented to the participants in this study,
they still provide useful insight and opportunities for
further discussion. It is proposed that a workshop
environment, promoting the enacted sense-making
of outcomes, in light of the level of participant
awareness of the CAFs for Agile adoption (before
any decisions or actions are taken), will promote the
establishment of a mindful (Swanson and Ramiller,
2004) approach to adopting Agile methods for a
software project. In fact, the sense-making process
can be viewed as an operationalisation of the
concept of mindfulness discussed by Swanson and
Ramiller (2004).
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