Because these reason of that, we are
experimenting using Protege or OntoWeb with those
two mechanisms to build our ontology instead.
These tools are well known, free and with a profuse
In this work we combine several methodologies in
order to build an Ontology of knowledge regarding
medical studies that have been performed over
patients with Orthopedic diseases in pathological
walking or march. The work has been undertaken on
the basis of the Venezuelan Hospital Ortopédico
Infantil (HOI) March Laboratory database. The
result of this work would be an original contribution
to the research for this kind of laboratories, because
there is no precedent ontology in this field. Several
institutions could take advantage of this as a support
tool for the diagnosis and treatment of these
diseases. This work would allow the publication and
sharing of this kind of information for querying and
mining purposes. In future works we will apply
fuzzy logic tools for mining and querying medical
information from march laboratories. In order to do
so, we will extend such techniques with the use of
Ontology. We hope to reach a benefit for humanity.
We acknowledge that the inspiration and all that we
need for working an living come from Heaven, from
our Lord and Eternal Father. For this work, we have
the financial aid of Venezuelan National Foundation
for Science, Technology and Innovation FONACIT
by means of the project G-200500278. We also give
thanks to the Hospital Ortopédico Infantil
Foundation and especially to the staff of the March
Laboratory who have cooperate in this research
proposing valuable data and knowledge. Finally, we
want to express acknowledgement to Dr. Miriam
Rodríguez, physician, specialist in rehabilitation and
physiatrists, medical advisor of our project.
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