Gabriela N. Aranda, Aurora Vizcaíno, Alejandra Cechich, Mario Piattini
Usually, some aspects of any Global Software Development (GSD) project strongly impact the requirements elicitation activities because of the importance of communication to reach a common understanding about the system under construction. For example, cultural diversity and the impossibility of running face-to-face meetings dominate the scenario where communication must be done. In this paper, we analyze aspects that might be a source of communication problems and suggest strategies to reduce misunderstandings among stakeholders, aiming to help achieve more committed requirements.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
N. Aranda G., Vizcaíno A., Cechich A. and Piattini M. (2008). EVALUATING FACTORS THAT CHALLENGE GLOBAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT . In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: Special Session on Global Software Development: Challenges and Advances, (ICSOFT 2008) ISBN 978-989-8111-52-4, pages 355-363. DOI: 10.5220/0001889603550363
in Bibtex Style
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author={Gabriela N. Aranda and Aurora Vizcaíno and Alejandra Cechich and Mario Piattini},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: Special Session on Global Software Development: Challenges and Advances, (ICSOFT 2008)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume 2: Special Session on Global Software Development: Challenges and Advances, (ICSOFT 2008)
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