The CSW mediator will consult a registry of atlases
and identify the atlases that may have data within the
bounding box selected, as a bounding box is associ-
ated with each atlas representing its geographic ex-
tent in order to optimize query execution by avoid-
ing rewriting queries over CSWs with no data cover-
ing the area of interest. Next, the atlas mediator will
translate the user’s request according to the process
described in subsection 4.4, collect the responses and
send them back to the user through the graphical in-
The atlas mediator prototype described in this pa-
per is a first step towards atlas integration as part of
a new International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN).
The prototype showcases how ontologies and ontol-
ogy mappings can be used to integrate different het-
erogeneous and autonomous atlases (or information
systems), particularly OGC CSWs.
The next step of the ICAN initiative is to integrate
WFS and CSW mediation techniques in order to de-
fine a more complete approach for integrating both
data and metadata. Also, thematic information will be
considered and interfaces will be specified for sharing
this type of information, which is highly important in
atlases. The aim is to define a complete solution for
integrating CWAs.
An initial evaluation revealed that the number of
inferred keywords in rewritten queries can be dra-
matic depending on how general the user’s selected
keywords are. In some cases, one global keyword can
correspond to more than sixty local keywords of a lo-
cal atlas. This results in huge queries whose execu-
tion can be time consuming, especially when a large
number of users are connected to the global atlas at
the same time. In addition, no effort has been made to
rank metadata records according to relevance, date, or
spatial proximity. Future work will take these prob-
lems into consideration in order to optimize query
rewriting and execution as well as results presenta-
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Integrating Coastal Web Atlases