Building the Quality Assurance into Information System Architecture
Dragutin Vukovic
INKUS Ltd., R. Boskovica 67, Velika Gorica, Croatia
Krešimir Fertalj
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Quality, information system, governance, cell architecture, client, server, service.
Abstract: Key goals in assuring information system quality are continual improvement of IT performance, to deliver
optimum business value and ensure regulatory compliance. Practices that support these goals are strategic
alignment, asset and resource management, investment and portfolio management, risk management and
sustained operational excellence. These are all about governance. While most organizations select a specific
framework and apply it on the existing architecture, this may hinder them in taking a more holistic approach
to IT governance. This paper discusses governance reference model and frameworks, and proposes a
holistic approach in which prerequisites for quality assurance are built-in into information system
Quality assurance means giving complete
satisfaction - providing customers with what they
want, when they want it, at a price they can afford.
"Fitness for Purpose" is the phrase which best
explains the concept and employs the principle of
"Get it right, first time, every time" (Al-Hakim,
Quality assurance is essential to the success of
business. To make a difference, good quality
practice must be embraced by senior management
and instilled within an organization’s culture.
Quality is not just about implementing a system or
working towards a set standard. It is an attitude, a
way of working, which not only improves
businesses but the way people work and live.
Quality assurance is a companywide
commitment to quality involving each employee
from top management to the newest recruit, with the
aim of making everyone aware of the importance of
their own particular role and where it fits into the
drive to improve total quality. It requires that
"standards" are set for products and services and that
a documented and workable system of management
control is in place within the company to ensure that
such product and service standards are met. It is a
continuous process to ensure that quality of service
is consistently maintained and in the most efficient
and economic manner.
The demands on IT organizations, especially in
finances, have never been higher. In addition to
fulfilling their traditional responsibilities, IT
organizations must now:
- Run IT like a business by forecasting and
delivering results with accuracy and
- Align IT spend with business priorities, rapidly
adjusting as conditions change;
- Demonstrate measurable business value from
technology investments;
- Take advantage of outsourcing, consolidation
and other cost reduction vehicles;
- Communicate effectively with business partners
and other stakeholders to create transparency,
accountability and ownership;
- Operate in accordance with today's stringent
corporate governance requirements.
Meeting these challenges requires a coordinated
approach to IT Management and Governance.
Vukovic D. and Fertalj K. (2008).
INFORMATION SYSTEM QUALITY ASSURANCE IN FINANCES - Building the Quality Assurance into Information System Architecture.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 355-360
DOI: 10.5220/0001892103550360
Enthusiastic to achieve their goals, many IT
organizations launch projects to adopt and
implement one or more management frameworks,
such as ISO 20000 (ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005), ISO
9000 (ISO 9001:2000), or ISO 27001 (ISO/IEC
27001:2005). Although making their IT services
more manageable, they generally fail in achieving
such goals as required by business drivers and
strategic objectives. Main reason for this failure lies
in misconception of two terms: management and
In plain words, we can say that management is
decisions we make, and governance is the structure
for making them.
Other organizations, with more sense in this
distinction, will adopt further frameworks, known as
governance frameworks, such as Control Objectives
for Information and related Technology COBIT®
(ITGI/ISACA COBIT, 2007) or Val IT™
(ITGI/ISACA ValIT, 2007). They will probably
perform better but, from the business strategy point
of view, results may be still unsatisfactory.
It is our belief that, with premature focus to
specific framework, organizations can be deflected
from taking a more holistic approach to IT
governance, neglecting the changes in their
information systems architecture needed to
implement prerequisites for quality assurance into it.
In this paper we discuss the IT governance
reference model, recognize its part which is likely to
be implemented in information system architecture,
and propose a concept of distributed computer
system architecture tailored to support this
A generally accepted definition of IT governance is
to encourage desirable behaviour in the use of
information and technology (Bloem et al, 2006).
Behaviour constitutes both decision and action - not
just making a decision, but taking action on it. IT
governance consist of a set of formal and informal
rules and practices determining how empowerment
is exercised, how IT decisions are made and how IT
decision makers are held accountable for serving the
corporate interest.
Here we propose an abstract multilayered
reference model of IT governance. Layers of the
model are as follows.
Business Drivers. For any business, once in place,
there will be a set of key factors which essentially
'drive' it forward. Different businesses have quite
different drivers. Business drivers are external or
internal influences that significantly impact and/or
set direction for organization’s strategy. Identifying
and prioritizing these are the critical first step in
creating the strategy map, goals, measures and
Internal Environment. Cultural and operating
climate should be established to promote effective
IT governance. Culture should exhibit leadership
represented in value statements, mission statements
and guiding principles. Value statements represent
main philosophies and beliefs that influence
organization's vision and mission. Guiding principles
should encapsulate the role IT will play and how
decisions will be driven, enacted by controls in the
form of policies, standards and procedures.
Entrustment Framework. Ensures accountability
for desired outcomes, as well as decision authorities
(individuals, committees, boards) empowered to
make and ratify decisions regarding the use of IT.
The framework should also include organizational
structures and functional interrelationships.
Figure 1: The IT Governance Reference Model.
Decision Model and Framework. Enables sound
and informed decision making, ensuring that IT
decisions are coherent and consistent with the
corporate direction and aligned with the overall
business strategy. The goal should be to make
decisions based on a more manageable set of
possibilities by eliminating choices that are in
conflict or inconsistent with the guiding principles
and policies. Decision factors might include cost-
benefit analysis, risk identification, scope definition,
financial impact, time to delivery, and efficiency and
effectiveness of delivery.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Value Realization and Delivery Framework. This
layer is generally viewed as having two parts,
demand management and supply management.
Demand management includes the activities involved
with generating demand for the products and services
offered by the organization. Supply management
consists of the activities that are directly involved
with provisioning and supplying the products and
services offered by the organization.
Building on the idea proposed by the IT
Governance Institute (ITGI) we will further split this
layer into five areas, as shown in Figure 2: value
creation, value delivery, risk management, resource
management, and performance management.
Value Realization and Delivery Framework
Internal Environment
Entrustment Framework
Decision Model and Framework
Performance management
Value management
Figure 2: Decomposition of value realization and delivery
framework layer.
Value Management. Main concern in this layer is
the delivery of business value from IT investments,
its objective being to ensure that organizations
maximize value by optimizing the benefits of
investments throughout their economic life cycle
within defined risk tolerance thresholds. To
objectively assess the relative business value of
alternative IT investment planning decisions a "value
framework" should be established. This can be
achieved in various ways, e.g. by mapping business
KPIs to IT KPIs and developing an appropriate set
of balanced scorecards that link business and IT
We will now take a closer look at the Value
realization and delivery framework layer of the
reference model.
Information system itself cannot produce value.
Value creation is a process driven by people
working with information system. In finances, value
is deposited in data stored throughout information
system. Stored data is the most valuable asset of any
financial organisation. To ensure against
deterioration of this asset value and quality,
information system shall provide for integrity of
Value is delivered by means of information
system, as a set of data relations retrieved upon the
user query, and delivered to the user in consistent
and timely manner. Information system shall provide
for availability of data to authenticated and
accredited user in his/her security context.
Information should not be presented to users not
accredited and entitled to see it. Information system
shall provide for data confidentiality, to mitigate
risks of data misuse.
These three requirements comprise well known
trinity of information security management, known
as CIA; confidentiality, integrity, availability
Khadraoui and Herrmann 2007). But, having been
inclined to governance, we shall also take into
consideration resource and performance
management, so as to achieve synergetic effect of
optimal business results with suboptimal IT
This will conclude the round-up of general
requirements which we deem to be candidates for
integration into information system. Below we will
propose a concept of multilevel cell distributed
computer system architecture which shall implement
functions to satisfy these requirements.
Cell-based distributed system architecture is a
development from the architecture based on
communicating proxies. (Lerner et al, 2002) Cells
are distributed computer systems built of computers
not necessarily of the same functionality, with the
possibility of having the whole cell functionality
contained in the single computer. Cell has three
general function groups: connection, traffic
management and information system support.
In logical sense, cell functions can be divided
vertically into three functional levels (network,
system and business), and horizontally into four
INFORMATION SYSTEM QUALITY ASSURANCE IN FINANCES - Building the Quality Assurance into Information
System Architecture
Figure 3: Cell’s internal architecture.
functional elements (access, interconnection, storage
and service).
Although all functions can be implemented in
single computer, it is recommended to implement
different functional elements into different
computers. Having this in mind we will call these
computers, similarly: access computer,
interconnection computer, storage computer and
service computer. These computers comprise
building blocks of the cell’s internal architecture, as
depicted by Figure 3.
Internally, cell has two networks: cell network
and protected network. Cell network is semipublic
network into which external computers (clients,
servers or other cells) can enter through interconnect
computer or access computer, so as to gain access to
service computer or access computer. Protected
network is unreachable for external computers, and
only access computers can connect into it, in order
to access the cell’s data contained there on the
storage computers which are also attached to the
protected network.
Access Computers are, by their function, proxy
computers with some extended functionality. They
are characterized by having at least two network
interfaces. One interface connects access computer
into the protected network that enables them to
communicate with each other. Other interfaces
connect access computers with external computers
(clients, servers or other cells) either directly or
through the cell network and interconnection
Storage Computers are essentially database
servers. They provide services, related to databases
stored on them, to other cell computers, but only
through access computers. Therefore data stored in
the cell are not directly reachable by the external
Service Computers are, by their functions, general
servers. They provide services to other computers,
internal or external to the cell. Service computer can
be connected to the cell network or directly to access
Interconnecting Computers enable communication
with other networks and provide security boundary
for the cell. They also run several other security
related tasks such as registration, identification,
authentication, accreditation, encryption/decryption,
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: User query traversing two business cells.
Basic functional cell level is network. Cell in this
level is called network cell. Network cell is based on
locality of computers which constitute the cell. It is
supposed that computers in the network cell all are
contained in single building or several closely placed
buildings, interconnected by private and physically
secured network. Network cell centralizes functions
such as traffic management, network management,
quality of service management, messaging, etc.
Network cells are being connected together to
form a system cell. If communication between
network cells is not local and protected, there should
be encryption/decryption function built into
interconnecting computers. System cell centralizes
functions of user identification, authentication and
System cells are interconnected to make a
business cell. Business cell centralizes the function
of registration. To enter a business cell user has to
register, and then his queries have to be checked for
authenticity and access rights whenever they enter
through system cell boundary.
Figure 4 shows an example of user query sent to
the server located in another business cell. As
shown, this query traverses several network, system
and business cells. Figure depicts all
encryption/decryption points as well as access rights
control points and registration points.
Multilevel cell architecture based on different
functional elements efficiently implements all three
basic functions of distributed system: connection,
network traffic management, and information
system support.
To implement connection function efficiently, it
should be founded on three general principles:
knowledge abstraction, lazy calculation, and
multiplication of data about clients and servers. All
three principles are supported by cell architecture
described here. Knowledge abstraction supposes
construction of abstract model for unified
representation of servers and clients in our computer
system. In the first step, notion of server (physical
entity providing a certain service) is replaced by
more abstract term service (service itself) which
cloaks physical characteristics of server computer.
Thus, instead of client/server architecture, we are
considering client/service architecture.
Lazy calculation of object characteristics
supposes that neither all objects, nor all their
attributes, are at every moment present locally in all
cells of distributed architecture. Only when objects’
characteristic is explicitly referenced the system will
contact other cells to retrieve the needed
information. This principle is supported by
INFORMATION SYSTEM QUALITY ASSURANCE IN FINANCES - Building the Quality Assurance into Information
System Architecture
institution of global catalogue which collects all
objects but only with some subset of attributes.
Multiplication of data about clients and servers is
achieved by partitioning and replicating objects into
other cells. Replication topology and schedule
should be designed carefully to optimize network
Cell architecture also supports efficient network
traffic management, based on data replication as
well as multiplication and distribution of functions.
Network cell manages and monitors traffic,
sends massages to computers and group of
computers, measures and allocates bandwidth, etc.
System cell replicates system and server data, and
distributes control and administrative jobs. Business
cell redirects network traffic, based on information
in registration databases, internally or towards other
While majority of connection and traffic
management functions are performed by network
and system cells, fundamental business cell purpose
is to provide support to information system By
executing many of monitoring, security and
administrative functions, business cell simplifies
server and client operation and makes their
connection efficient.
Key goals in assuring information system quality are
continual improvement of IT performance, to deliver
optimum business value and ensure regulatory
compliance. Multilevel cell distributed computer
architecture is capable of supporting these goals with
functions built into information system as its integral
part. It is not technology or platform dependent. It
could be implemented in existing computing
environment with minimal impact on physical
configuration of systems, as a set of middleware.
Improvements in information system quality
should be expected due to:
- Unified identity management;
- High security level;
- Implementation of “application as service”
- Platform independence; and
- Efficient system management.
It is possible, and recommendable, to use of-the-
shelf software products for implementation of
certain functions.
"Publication of this paper was supported by grant #
036-0361983-3137 by the Croatian Ministry of
science, education and sports."
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Khadraoui, D., Herrmann, F., 2007, Advances in
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Information Science Reference, New York
Lerner, M. Vanecek, G., Vidovic, N., Vrsalovic, D., 2002,
Middleware networks: Concept, Design and
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Academic Publishers, New York
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Information and Related Technologies, ITGI/ISACA
(IT Governance Institute / Information Systems Audit
and Control Association)
ITGI/ISACA ValIT, 2007, - Enterprise Value:
Governance of IT Investments, The Val IT Framework,
ITGI/ISACA (IT Governance Institute / Information
Systems Audit and Control Association)
ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems --
Requirements (ISO 9001:2000; EN ISO 9001:2000)
ISO/IEC 27001:2005, Information technology -- Security
techniques -- Information security management
systems -- Requirements (ISO/IEC 27001:2005)
ISO/IEC 17799:2005, Information technology -- Security
techniques -- Code of practice for information security
management (ISO/IEC 17799:2005)
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005, Information technology -- Service
management -- Part 1: Specification
ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005, Information technology -- Service
management -- Part 2: Code of practice
ISO/TR 13569:2005 - Financial services -- Information
security guidelines
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies