queries based on previous knowledge about the data
to be queried, considering quality dimensions such
as completeness, timeliness and accuracy. The
described approach, however, does not use XML as
the canonical data model and does not address
physical algebraic query plan implementation issues.
With the ubiquitous growth, availability, and usage
of data on the web, addressing data quality
requirements in connection with web queries is
emerging as a key priority for database research
(Gertz, M., Ozsu, T., Saake, G., and Sattler, K.,
2003). There are two established approaches for
addressing data quality issues relating to web data:
data warehouse-based, where relevant data is
reconciled, cleansed and warehoused prior to
querying; and mediator-based where quality metrics
and thresholds relating to cooperative web data
sources are evaluated “on the fly” at query
processing and execution time. In this paper we
illustrate the query processing extensions being
engineered into the Niagara internet query system to
support mediator-based quality aware query
processing for the completeness data quality
dimension. We are also addressing the timeliness
dimension (Sampaio, S. F. M., Dong, C., and
Sampaio, P. R. F, 2005) and extending SQL with
data quality constructs to express data quality
requirements (Dong, C., Sampaio, S. F. M., and
Sampaio, P. R. F., 2006). The data quality aware
query processing extensions encompass metadata
support, an XML-based data quality measurement
method, algebraic query processing operators, and
query plan structures of a query processing
framework aimed at helping users to identify, assess,
and filter out data regarded as of low completeness
data quality for the intended use. As future plans we
intend to incorporate accuracy data quality support
into the framework and benchmark the quality/cost
query optimiser in connection with a health care
application (Dong, C., Sampaio, S. F. M., and
Sampaio, P. R. F., 2005).
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