4 Conclusions and Future Work
We have presented the vision, design and prototype implementation of a generic
framework for deploying applications as grid services. Our approach simplifies the
task of developing a grid service based on an existing or a new application, providing
application developers with a high level programming model, hiding the complexity
of dealing with web services and grid technologies. To test the proposed framework
we developed a simple visualization service by customizing the generic components
and we illustrated how an existing parallel rendering application can be deployed as a
grid service. Whilst the current implementation of the framework has demonstrated
the basic principles behind the architectural design, it represents a work in progress.
Future research and development will address issues concerning resource monitoring
and (re)scheduling, deployment of MPI applications, enabling inter-process commu-
nication during processing and providing Quality of Service support. Further devel-
opment will also include adding built-in functionality to our service and creating an
extension dedicated to grid visualization.
The research for this paper was supported by the Grant 74 CEEX-II03/31.07.2006.
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