: A European Serious Gaming 3D
Elias Kalapanidas
, Hikari Watanabe
, Costas Davarakis
, Hannes Kaufmann
Fernando Fernandez Aranda
, Tony Lam
, Todor Ganchev
and Dimitri Konstantas
Systema Technologies, 215 Mesogion Av., GR-11525, Athens, Greece
University of Geneva, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
24 rue General Dufour, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Vienna University of Technology, Interactive Media Systems Group
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188/2, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, Servicio de Psiquiatría
Feixa Llarga s/n, E-08907 Hospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
NetUnion SARL, Avenue de Villamont, 19, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland
University of Patras, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wire Communications Laboratory, GR-26500 Rion-Patras, Greece
Abstract. Serious games are about to enter the medical sector to give people
with behavioural or addictive disorders the ability to use them as part of health
promotion and disease prevention. The PlayMancer framework will support
physical rehabilitations and psycho-education programs thru a modular
multiplayer networked 3D game based on the Universally Accessible Games
(UA games) guidelines.
1 Introduction
The potential of games for entertainment and learning has been demonstrated
thoroughly from both research and market. Unfortunately, the investments committed
to entertainment dwarfs what is committed for more serious purposes. Furthermore,
game development has become more complex, expensive, and burdened with a long
development cycle. This creates barriers to independent game developers, and inhibits
the introduction of innovative games, or new game genres, i.e. serious games, or
games accessible to communities with special needs. The aim of the PlayMancer
project is to implement a framework and a platform for serious games. PlayMancer
will implement a new Serious Game environment, by augmenting existing 3D gaming
engines with new possibilities. The objectives of the project are four-fold:
The work described in this paper is supported by the Commission of the European Union in the frame of
the ICT FP7 research program under project number FP7-215839.
Kalapanidas E., Watanabe H., Davarakis C., Kaufmann H., Fernandez Aranda F., Lam T., Ganchev T. and Konstantas D. (2008).
PlayMancer : A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on e-Health Services and Technologies, pages 51-59
DOI: 10.5220/0001898900510059
To construct a next generation networked gaming environment, mainly augmenting
the gaming experience with innovative information and communication
technologies (ICT) modes of interaction between the player and the game world,
to allow for a shorter and most cost-effective game production chain, by enabling
techniques for procedural content creation based on generative modelling, and thus
reduce the cost of offering a full-fledged pre-designed gaming world,
to evolve the principles of Universally Accessible Games (UA games) [1] for
application into 3D-based games, following a design for all philosophy, with the
ultimate goal of designing games to be equally challenging to players of different
abilities and
to evaluate the proposed framework and gaming infrastructure by developing and
testing a series of serious games modules as applied to two application domains:
physical rehabilitation, and therapeutic support and lifestyle management programs
for behavioural and addictive disorders.
The driving applications for the project will be physical rehabilitation and lifestyle
related disorders. Physical rehabilitation will drive platform requirements for
supporting the development of UA games and the integration of low cost player
motion tracking and bio-feedback devices. Games scenarios from the lifestyle related
disorder will implicate platform requirements for emotion recognition of states such
as boredom, depression, anxiety and associated cognitive responses. Due to the
modular nature of the envisioned PlayMancer gaming platform architecture and the
commitment to Design-for-All philosophy, the project results could be generalised to
other serious games applications and user communities.
2 Concept
Serious games (SGs) or persuasive games are computer and video games used as
educational technology or as a vehicle for presenting or promoting a point of view.
They can be similar to educational games, but are often intended for an audience
outside of primary or secondary education. Serious games can be of any genre and
many of them can be considered a kind of edutainment. The serious games are
intended to provide an engaging, self-reinforcing context in which to motivate and
educate the players towards non-game events or processes, including business
operations, training, marketing and advertisement. Serious games can be compelling,
educative, provocative, disruptive and inspirational.
The PlayMancer project is conceived to take advantage of the current market
momentum towards a next generation gaming platform. After the mass-market
adoption of 3D graphics acceleration cards due to the recent game technology
advancement, the PlayMancer consortium anticipates a similar trend to happen with
new interaction modes in the near future. The game core (the PlayMancer platform)
will be built by encompassing an Augmented Reality (AR) 3D game-like world. AR
has been used so far for scientific applications with success, but due to the fact that
these applications are very specialized, AR constitutes a very limited market and as a
consequence the average cost of AR products are exaggeratedly high for an average
game user. However, we believe that reducing the games production cycle will
accelerate create an economy of scale that will drive down the cost and increase the
availability of games, games components and technology. Thus it is expected that the
cost of AR technology will be considerably dropped, if future game platforms
massively exploit them, the same way that 3D games did for 3D acceleration card
In remote constrained physical spaces (distributed playgrounds), multiple players
will use an accessible navigation interface through as many information channels as
possible: speech, emotional cues, simple gestures, tactile devices, haptic sensitive
devices, 3D shapes and volumes. Using a full-scale spoken dialogue system that
includes speech recognition and understanding, speaker recognition, emotion
detection, user modelling, context awareness, dialogue flow modelling, natural
language generation, text-to-speech (TTS), etc, would enable advanced human-
machine interaction and eventually higher level of user satisfaction. According to the
game plot, the players will have to navigate through the virtual universe, interact with
AI-motivated digital characters, with each other, make plans, or just watch the
narration of the story. The games will be structured around micro-goals, which will
form missions and quests. By combining different interaction patterns, the players
will be able to achieve these goals. An indicative scenario including such a micro-
goal follows: A player’s avatar has dropped off his wheel chair. In order to sit again
on the chair, the player should: be calm (self-controlled), move to the chair, grab the
chair and then lift himself and put himself on the chair. The game will judge calmness
by getting and processing input from bio-feedback regarding pulse and heart rate, and
then each of the motion actions based on gait monitoring and motion tracking.
3 General Description
The project will follow a user-centred design cycle throughout its development
engaging the different user groups in all the stages of design. For determining the
proper interaction mechanisms that users would like, two iterations will conduct
definition, specification, implementation, integration and utilization on a set of
different interface configurations, enabling different setups of the available modes and
information sources: spoken dialogue interaction, recognition of motion gestures,
recognition of emotional states based on speech, bio-feedback. User-centred design
Early focus on users, tasks and environment,
active involvement of users,
an appropriate allocation of function between user and system,
incorporation of user-derived feedback into system design,
iterative design whereby a prototype is designed tested and modified.
Project iterations (lifecycles) have been designed according to ISO 13407 (Human-
Centred Design Processes for Interactive Systems).
3.1 PlayMancer System Architecture and System Components
PlayMancer will exploit open-source 3D game engines, such as OGRE [2] and
CrystalSpace [3], and develop code and tools in order to deliver a new advanced
computer game platform. The overall architecture will follow the layers in figure 1:
Fig. 1. Deployment of PlayMancer components over the network.
3.2 Motion Capture Systems
In order to enable full body interaction in networked environments, an affordable
motion capture system will be developed. Marker-based optical motion capture has
become a de facto standard capture technology in the movie and entertainment
industry in the previous ten years. Thereby one or more actors wearing retro-reflective
markers attached to them, are tracked by a number of cameras (minimum six). All
motions are computed in real time (with millimetre accuracy) and are available for
further processing e.g. recording, analyzing, motion transfer to a virtual character and
The hardware platform will be based on TUW’s work [4] of an existing accurate,
fast and affordable infrared-optical tracking system. Choosing commodity hardware
over custom-built components has always been a reliable cost-minimization strategy.
Due to lower costs there are a number of fields that would dramatically benefit
from affordable motion-capture including rehabilitation clinics (e.g. gait analysis,
stroke patient therapy and many more) and independent biomedical researchers in
many fields. Even veterinary clinics could use accessible motion-tracking systems to
examine animal gaits and behaviours for diagnosis.
3.3 Bio-feedback Interaction
In recent years bio-feedback has become increasingly important as a non-classical
user interface. Especially in medical applications where users’ biosignals are of vital
importance various sensors have been integrated and used for feedback to patients and
medical personnel.
Within the PlayMancer game biosignals will give important indications on a patient’s
medical condition, his motivation, excitement and engagement. These user input
signals will be integrated into the platform, providing user interaction in a non-
classical way. The game itself will respond to these signals and provide feedback
accordingly. In order to analyze multiple biosignals and to research which sensor
modalities can best be utilized within the project, a mobile biosignal acquisition
device g.MOBIlab (from g.tec) will be acquired. It comes with four EEG/EOG, two
ECG/EMG channels, four digital channels and two analog inputs which can be used
for other sensors. This allows the investigation of brain-, heart-, muscle-activity, eye
movement, respiration, galvanic skin response, pulse and other body signals.
Wireless connection to the game client provides sufficient flexibility to analyze
biosignals in the different PlayMancer game scenarios.
3.4 Gait Rehabilitation Infrastructure
Gait therapy might be necessary after neurological injuries of patients with movement
disorders caused by stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury, multiple
sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. Other causes can be orthopaedic injuries such as
fractures in the leg or foot. In Germany for instance 250.000 people suffer from stroke
every year. Modern concepts of motor learning favour a task specific training, i.e. to
relearn walking, the patient has to walk repetitively in a correct manner.
Up to date a small number of robotic treadmill devices are available on the market
(e.g. Lokomat, HapticWalker,…) which are used for gait therapy in rehabilitation
clinics throughout Europe. One disadvantage of existing devices is that they provide
no kind of visual feedback to the patient. Feedback, especially positive feedback is
very important to encourage and motivate patients to continue training. The motion
capture module of the PlayMancer platform will be used to capture and conduct gait
motion analysis. A PlayMancer game will be developed to provide important positive
visual feedback to the patient. Bio-feedback monitoring will be used in addition to
interface with the game.
3.5 QoS Packet Sniffing and Adaptive State Synchronisation
The traditional game topology of networked games is client-server, with most to all
sensitive data kept server-side. An architecture commonly used for such applications
is a client-server object replication system. In this system, specific objects and data
members are transmitted on creation or changes. This can happen explicitly, with a
call to serialize and replicate, or implicitly, where data is polled every update cycle
and compared to the value it had the last update cycle. This is a good approach that is
both straightforward and easy to understand. It fits into existing single player systems.
With implementations that replicate objects automatically, scripts can modify data
without knowledge of the underlying system and still achieve network
synchronization. However, it is less efficient than a hand-tweaked system, sending
data independent of context and often redundantly. It is also less secure, creating a
strong coupling between game-code and network activity. As game-code changes are
made, especially by programmers that aren't familiar with network security,
vulnerabilities arise. Aiming at improving the efficiency of network usage in
networked games, PlayMancer will introduce a technique for adaptive game state
synchronisation that exploits a quality-of-service packet sniffing component.
3.6 Dialogue Systems
The increasing use of spoken dialogue systems raises the need for more effective and
user friendly interaction between human and machine. Most of the dialogue systems
implemented in the past years do not take advantage of the knowledge of the
emotional state of the user. However, detection of the emotional state of the user can
be proved valuable for the dialogue manager. For instance, retrieving information
about the user’s emotion can provide feedback to the dialogue flow manager so as to
resolve problematic situations.
Further to exploiting knowledge and experience from past research results [5], [6],
[7], PlayMancer is going to develop a full-scale multimodal dialogue system that is
aware about the identity of speakers, their emotional state, the specific context, and
that is capable of natural spoken speech understanding and generation. Specifically,
we will investigate new research directions related to the multimodal dialogue
interaction and to develop novel algorithms for fusion of heterogeneous data streams.
We will invest efforts in designing a next-generation dialogue flow management
algorithms which would enable dynamic compilation of the dialogue flow depending
on various indicators. Finally, an advanced user modelling, context awareness and
behaviour analysis techniques will be employed to enhance the intelligence of the
PlayMancer game platform. The final multimodal dialogue-enabled interaction
manager will interface the PlayMancer game engine and their complementary use
would enable advanced human-machine interaction and eventually higher level of
user satisfaction.
Due the multidisciplinary effort that is required for creation of the PlayMancer
multimodal interaction interface and to the new application area, we anticipate that we
will push beyond state in the area of multimodal interaction, multimodal dialogue
systems, intelligent computing and learning. Specifically, employing novel techniques
such as argumentation based reasoning and hierarchical temporal memory [8] we will
address game-strategy and human-behaviour analysis problems, which up to now
have not been solved.
4 Game Modules
While designing the game scenarios, PlayMancer will consume effort into creating
the main characteristics of flow experience [9]. This is a state where the following
components are identified relative to the player interaction with the game:
A challenging activity requiring skill,
a merging of action and awareness,
clear goals,
direct, immediate feedback,
concentration on the task at hand,
a sense of control,
a loss of self-consciousness,
an altered sense of time.
Development of the PlayMancer platform will be driven by serious games
scenario from two application domains: therapeutic support programs for lifestyle
related disorders, and physical rehabilitation. These domains provide some unique
opportunities and challenges to move the networking and platform requirements
beyond the current state of the art and provide a basis for developing a generic
platform that could support application of serious games in other application domains.
Specifically, the focus on physical rehabilitation will drive platform requirements for
supporting the development of UA games and the integration of low cost player
motion tracking and gesture recognition devices. Games scenarios from the lifestyle
related disorder could implicate a platform requirements for multi-modal emotion
measurement, domain rather or task-oriented dialogue, measuring emotion states such
as boredom, depression, anxiety and associated cognitive responses. While guided
online therapeutic support programs are developing at a rapid rate [10], [11] with
promising initial results, several major problems remain: The difficulty of
communicating and working with important cognitive concepts, and the problem of
motivation and compliance, i.e. working with the program consistently. The goal of
PlayMancer is to develop serious games to illustrate difficult to explain concepts, to
provide sensory and emotional feedback, and to provide more enjoyable exercises that
would increase compliance. These games are a replacement. They should be used
initially as a tool for health care professionals. Specific game scenario will be defined
in PlayMancer, to deal with problems, cognitive traits and risk factors common to a
variety of lifestyle related behavioural disorders. These scenarios will be developed
within the PlayMancer platform and will be evaluated in pilot trials to determine user
acceptance and efficacy in improving cognitive believes and lifestyle improvement.
The user requirements and game play scenarios will be developed to insure
anonymity, privacy and confidentiality. These requirements will no doubt require that
no personal data of any kind will be stored on the platform, in some cases, the games
scenario would be only be played by an individual interacting with a game objects, or
with a restricted group of authorised users.
These games are intended for use as part of the health promotion and disease
prevention process, and not as a replacement. The games modules could be evaluated
as supplementary modules (seen as vertical components in the modular framework in
figure 2) based on the SALUT platform for delivery of guided self-management
programs for behavioural and addictive disorders. This platform was developed by
NetUnion within the FP5 research project SALUT and evaluated by hospitals and
clinics in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Spain (University Hospital of Bellvitge),
Holland, and Austria. All evaluations were conducted with approval from the ethical
committee of the partner institution.
The games modules could also be integrated, dynamically, based on user need and
interest using a dynamic composition of service model for games delivery. Special
configurations will be tailored for each user group. Scoring and feedback will also be
configured according to needs and requirements for different user groups. All players
will receive some standard scoring, while end user with special needs will be also be
provided additional information, available only to the user, such as charts showing
progress towards a therapeutic objective over time. After the implementation of these
game modules in the 3D platform of PlayMancer, experimental field trials will be
conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of applying these modules to adult
players. Evaluation of the games module will be conducted by the University Hospital
Fig. 2. Game modules for gambling addiction and eating disorders treatment.
of Bellvitge, in Barcelona, supported by NetUnion in Lausanne. All evaluation studies
will be conducted in compliance with all national and European ethical standards and
guidelines. Both partners have extensive experience in working with online
therapeutic support programs with populations with special needs within the SALUT
project (cited above) and other national and international research projects. Approval
from ethical committee, and informed consent for patients will be part of any studied
protocol within PlayMancer. The consortium will conform to all applicable laws and
regulations regarding experiments with human subjects.
The subjects will be selected among the adult population who can give consent.
Most eating disorder (bulimia and binge eating disorders) and pathological
gamblers are adult patients.
The serious games will only be made available to an adult population having been
fully informed about the purpose of the games and the application of certain rules
of conduct.
Small populations or closed communities will be selected to take part into the
evaluation field trials. Most of the participants will have to be screened or will
require individual interviews.
The project started in November 2007 and at the time of the writing of this paper it
has reached the state of user requirement identification and a first definition of
functional requirements. We expect to have a first fast prototype by January 2009 and
start trials in May 2009.
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