Integrating Physical and Virtual under the One Umbrella
Anton Bogdanovych
, Simeon Simoff
and Marc Esteva
School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, NSW, Australia
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Campus UAB, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Normative Multiagent Systems, Virtual Institutions, Causal Connection.
The paper outlines a normative approach to the design of distributed applications that must consistently inte-
grate a number of environments (i.e. form-based interfaces, 3D Virtual Worlds, physical world). The appli-
cation of the described ideas is illustrated on the example of a fish market, which is an application that can
simultaneously be accessed by the people from the physical world, people using form-based interfaces and
people embodied in a 3D Virtual World as avatars. The Normative Virtual Environments approach in this case
allows for maintaining a consistent causal connection amongst all these environments.
In order to survive in today’s highly competitive mar-
ket it has become a requirement for the employees
of many companies to be able to conduct their busi-
ness not only directly at the work place, but also at
home, using portable computers, or even “on the go”,
with the help of mobile devices (Umar, 2005). The
fact that many people continuously have to switch be-
tween conducting their activities in the physical envi-
ronment and within various virtual environments has
generated a demand for consistent integration of these
environments and the corresponding interfaces. The
need for bridging the gap between physical and virtual
has become a major concern of researchers working
in such areas as ubiquitous computing (Weiser, 1999)
and augmented reality (Azuma, 1997).
Both ubiquitous computing and augmented reality
applications primarily focus on creating a mixed real-
ity space and hiding the fact that virtual and physical
environments are in fact logically different spaces. In
some situations, however, a clear logical separation
between such spaces is highly desirable.
To illustrate this demand we offer an example of
a fish market accessible via three different types of
interfaces. First of all, there is a possibility to par-
ticipate in the actual physical fish market, where sell-
ers can demonstrate the quality of their fish and let
buyers purchase it, both acting in the physical world.
Those, who can’t be physically present in the actual
fish market may decide to buy their fish through the
Internet using a form-based interface. This is partic-
ularly useful for mobile devices, which are employed
by users who are moving around and do not require
a high level immersion from the provided interface.
Finally, there is also a possibility to have a life-like
3-dimensional representation of a fish market, where
the location of the fish market and the fish being auc-
tioned are reconstructed as realistic 3D models based
on the provided specifications. Such an interface so-
lution is useful for participants wishing to access the
fish market remotely, while still having a high degree
of realism to help them making informed decisions.
Clearly, each of the three types of interfaces pre-
sented above is oriented towards a separate class of
users. For the users accessing the fish market re-
motely it is not an option to be present at the physical
location and, therefore, technological integration of
the corresponding virtual environments with the phys-
ical world is not possible. The application of aug-
mented reality or ubiquitous computing techniques is
not beneficial in this case, while the need to logically
integrate all the three environments so that they all
maintain a single logical state is evident. For the par-
ticipants acting within the fish market remotely it is
absolutely vital to be updated on the changes of the
environment states (i.e. that the fish they are prepared
to buy was already purchased in the physical world
and is not in stock anymore) as well as it is important
to have a logically consistent environment.
For the development of systems requiring a logi-
cal integration of the physical world with a number of
Bogdanovych A., Simoff S. and Esteva M. (2008).
NORMATIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS - Integrating Physical and Virtual under the One Umbrella.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE, pages 233-236
DOI: 10.5220/0001900602330236
virtual environments we propose a new conceptual so-
lution called normative virtual environments (NVE).
These are environments that provide a unified way
of controlling the interactions of participants through
normative regulation of these interactions and are ca-
pable of maintaining a causal connection (Maes and
Nardi, 1988) between all the existing environments.
This means that the state of any environment could be
changed through acting upon any other environment.
Further we present the architectural solution sup-
porting such causal connection. The proposed ap-
proach is quite general and has a wide range of ap-
plications from electronic markets to e-procurement
systems. For the clarity of this presentation, how-
ever, we limit the problem domain to fish markets.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 introduces the fish market domain. Sec-
tion 3 explains the concept of normative virtual en-
vironments and outlines the underlying technological
solution. Section 4 shows the implementation of the
fish market as a normative virtual environment. Fi-
nally, Section 5 presents some concluding remarks.
In the Mediterranean fresh fish has been traditionally
sold through auction houses. There, fish is grouped
into sets of boxes (lots) and auctioned following the
Dutch protocol: price is progressively and quickly de-
creased by a small amount until a buyer submits a bid
or the price descent reaches a withdraw price.
Some contemporary fish markets automate their
selling methods via information technology. Figure 1
presents an example of such contemporary fish mar-
ket in Spain. Here the auction process is visualized on
the big electronic board. For each lot the board shows
the identification number of the product, type of prod-
uct, number of items in the lot and the current price.
The buyers are supplied with infrared devices that can
communicate with the main server. Pressing the “bid”
button on this device would stop the clock, finish the
auction and announce the buyer who has placed the
bid as the auction winner.
Figure 1: Contemporary Fish Market in Spain.
Even in such contemporary fish markets the pres-
ence of human buyers at the auction houses is still
necessary. This imposes two main barriers. First, it
restricts the potential buyers to those present in the
auction house. Second, it makes the participation in
several auctions simultaneously costly, as companies
have to send a representative to each one. The elim-
ination of such limitations would be very profitable
for both buyers and sellers. Increasing the number of
buyers makes the market more competitive and thus
increases the buying price to the benefit of sellers. It
also permits the participation of buyers without inter-
mediaries saving costs to the buyers. Next, we outline
the normative virtual environments approach offering
a general solution for eliminating these constraints.
The need for remote participation in fish markets was
expressed by the MASFIT project (Cun
ı et al., 2004),
which suggests using normative multiagent systems
for accomplishing this task. In particular, the partic-
ipation of buyers in fish market auctions is mediated
by a trusted third party called the electronic institu-
tion. An electronic institution formalizes the rules of
the fish market environment and establishes what the
participants are permitted and forbidden to do.
Such rules include the roles the participants can
play, the activities each role can engage into, the in-
teraction protocols associated to each of the activities
and a set of actions that can be performed. The tar-
get environment is separated into a number of logi-
cal groups of activities (scenes). Scenes are intercon-
nected to form a network that represents sequences
of activities, concurrency of activities or dependen-
cies among them. Only participants playing partic-
ular roles are admitted to a given scene, where they
should follow the interaction protocol specified for
the scene. Once the rules associated with an Elec-
tronic Institution are formalized, a software compo-
nent called AMELI can be used to launch the institu-
tion, let participants join it and communicate within
and will maintain the correct institutional state.
The MASFIT project wasn’t focused on integrat-
ing physical and virtual environments, instead it de-
veloped the mechanisms for software agents to par-
ticipate in a fish market simulation with similar con-
ditions as the humans do in the physical world. In our
approach we follow the path taken by the MASFIT
project for consistent integration of the virtual end
physical environments. Next, we present our solution
to extending the MASFIT approach.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3.1 Causal Connection
Our solution to integrating the physical world and
a number of virtual environments is to utilize the
AMELI system and causally connect it to each of the
environments. We call this approach Virtual Institu-
tions. Figure 2 outlines the fish market scenario im-
plemented using Virtual Institutions. Here a number
of fish auctions are conducted in the physical world
by a number of auction houses. Each auction house
connects to the virtual institution through the Auc-
tion Software running on their servers. The same Vir-
tual Institution is used by the participants in a num-
ber of virtual environments. On the picture these are
3D Virtual World (3-dimensional representation of a
fish market), 2D Form-Based Environment (a 2D rep-
resentation suitable for portable and stationary com-
puters) and 2D Mobile Environment (a simplified 2-
dimensional representation for mobile devices).
Having a causal connection allows any participant
to connect to the system through any environment and
the participants’ representation in every other envi-
ronment will be automatically created and the result
of any action will be propagated there. The tech-
nological component that enables the causal connec-
tion of all the environments to a single institution is
the “Causal Connection Server”. It utilizes the func-
tionality of the AMELI system. For every partici-
pant entering some environment the Causal Connec-
tion Server sends a request to AMELI requesting the
permission to join the institution. Then, every partic-
ipant’s action is first validated with AMELI and if ac-
cepted its performance is propagated to every con-
nected environment. Figure 3 illustrates the causal
connection mechanism for a 3D Virtual World.
The figure presents an example of how the institu-
tion controls the admission of participants to certain
activities (rooms). An event is generated as the result
of the participant positioning the mouse pointer over
the door handle and clicking the left mouse button (re-
questing the avatar in the Virtual World to open a door
by pushing the door handle). Each event that requires
institutional verification has an associated script and
the name of this script is stored in the Action/Message
table. The Causal Connection Server consults with
Figure 2: The system architecture example.
Figure 3: Causal Connection.
Figure 4: Causal Connection Server Architecture.
the Action/Message Table to find the institutional
message that represents this event in AMELI. In case
such a message is accepted by the AMELI, the re-
sponse message is sent back and the Causal Connec-
tion Server again consults the Action/Message table
to transform this response into the name of the action
that has to be executed in the Virtual World. Next, the
action is performed by executing the corresponding
script. In the given example this action will result in
opening the door and moving the avatar through it.
3.2 Technological Solution
Figure 4 outlines the Virtual Institutions approach
with the detailed focus on the architecture of the
Causal Connection Server. The AMELI system is
featured with two additional components: Federation
Monitor and Institution Monitor. These components
offer an interface to AMELI, allowing the observation
of all messages within a single Electronic Institution
platform. The Causal Connection Server is connected
to AMELI through sockets provided by these moni-
tors and collects available messages.
The Causal Connection Server is supplied with the
number of components. The Agent Launcher com-
ponent creates agents representing humans inside the
AMELI. The Communicator is a gateway between
AMELI, Agent Launcher and the connected environ-
ments. The StringToMessageProcessor translates the
institutional messages into a special Message class
that can be used for easy access to the message param-
eters. Two Message Monitors observe the incoming
messages and forward them for further processing.
The processing of the messages received from
NORMATIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS - Integrating Physical and Virtual under the One Umbrella
Figure 5: Physical World and Form-Based Environment.
Figure 6: Fish Market as a 3D Virtual World.
AMELI is done by the Action Composer. This com-
ponent consults the Action/Message table to the se-
lected environment. The Message Composer does
the opposite: it transforms events received from
the Atmosphere Player into messages that should be
sent to AMELI for verification. In order to create
the correspondence between avatars and agents, the
AvatarID/AgentID table stores their identifiers and
helps in making the mapping between them. Such a
mapping is necessary for being able to correctly dis-
patch messages and actions to recipients.
To demonstrate how the above-described architecture
can be enacted we illustrate its application to the fish
market scenario. The developed system consistently
connects all the environments outlined in Figure 2.
4.1 Physical World
Physical world is the environment where several
fish auctions are conducted by a number of auc-
tion houses. The participants perform their activities
through specific devices, which communicate with
the auction software through an infrared port. All the
responses of the virtual institution (associated with
the messages of participants from other connected en-
vironments) are communicated back to the auction
software, which then decides which of those to dis-
play on the auction board. Figure 5 a) gives an im-
pression about the interface used by participants.
4.2 Form-based Environments
There are also two form-based environments con-
nected to the system: a simplistic version for partici-
pants with mobile devices and the environment used
by users with personal computers. Apart from the
more functional interface the users of the non-mobile
environment can employ software agents to act in the
system on their behalf. The detailed presentation of
this functionality is given in (Cun
ı et al., 2004). Fig-
ure 5 b) outlines the form-based interface.
As in the previous case the actions of the partic-
ipants are first verified with the institution and only
then propagated to all the connected environments.
The validated actions of the participants from other
environments also result the update of the interface.
4.3 3D Virtual World
The 3D Virtual World is presented in Figure 6. Here
all the participants are visualized as avatars and can
observe each other’s actions. In the current limited
implementation we do not present a detailed 3D vi-
sualization of the auctioned lots, but simply put its
picture on the auction board (together with all the re-
lated information and the price). When a buyer de-
cides to purchase the lot its avatar is raising a hand
to give a visual clue to other participants. The details
of the auction winner are then displayed on the auc-
tion board. To maintain the causal connection, every
participant from any connected environment is visu-
alized as an avatar. Participants’ actions are also con-
sistently mapped to the avatars and the environment.
The paper has presented normative virtual environ-
ments as an approach for consistent logical integra-
tion of physical and virtual environments. The tech-
nological solution supporting this concept was illus-
trated on the example of a fish market, which can be
jointly used by participants from the physical world
and a number of remote virtual environments.
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and Solchaga, T. (2004). MASFIT: Multi-Agent Sys-
tems for Fish Trading. In Proceedings of the European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 710–714.
Maes, P. and Nardi, D. (1988). Meta-Level Architectures
and Reflection. Elsevier Science Inc., NY, USA.
Umar, A. (2005). IT Infrastructure to Enable Next Gen-
eration Enterprises. Information Systems Frontiers,
Weiser, M. (1999). Some computer science issues in ubiq-
uitous computing. SIGMOBILE: Mobile Computing
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ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies