Veronica Gacitua-Decar and Claus Pahl
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Service-oriented architecture, Enterprise application integration, Business patterns, SOA patterns, Architec-
tural analysis, Architectural design, Architecture change.
Service architectures are an increasingly adopted architectural approach for solving the Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI) problem originated by business process automation requirements. In previous work, we
developed a methodological framework for the designing of service architectures for EAI. The framework is
structured in a layered architecture called LABAS, and is distinguished by using architectural abstractions in
different layers. This paper describes the pattern-based techniques used in LABAS for service identification,
for transformation from business models to service architectures and for architecture modifications.
Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) have been con-
sidered a promising architectural approach for Enter-
prise Applications Integration (EAI). Software ser-
vices are the building blocks for SOA, and they can
be composed to provide a more coarse grained func-
tionality and to automate business processes. The de-
signing of SOA requires a systematic method in order
to generate quality-aware, modifiable and business-
IT aligned service architectures. The development of
service architectures for EAI encompass the analysis
of the involved business processes, business informa-
tion models and applications architecture (Erl, 2004).
Software Patterns are considered in the software
community as architectural abstractions that repre-
sent encapsulated practical knowledge. The instanti-
ation of architectural and design patterns on a partic-
ular architecture design have an impact over the qual-
ity attributes of that architecture (Bass et al., 2004).
At business level, business reference models and pat-
terns also provide encapsulated knowledge,represent-
ing for example best practices, standard business pro-
cesses, standard information models, among others
(Fettke and Loos, 2006).
In previous work (Gacitua-Decar and Pahl, 2008),
we developed a pattern-based and business model-
driven architecture development framework for the
designing of service architectures for EAI. The frame-
work is structured in a layered architecture. The ob-
jective of this paper is to summarise the notations and
techniques required for such a development frame-
work. The contribution of the paper is the pattern-
based techniques for service identification, service
architecture development, architecture modification,
and transformation from business models to service
architectures used in our framework.
Different pattern-based techniques have been pro-
posed for analysis, design and evolution of architec-
tures. In (Zdun, 2007), a systematic method to select
patterns using language grammars and design space
analysis is introduced. Architectural decisions are
triggered by a design problem. In (Kim and Khawand,
), an approach to specify the problem domain of de-
sign patterns is described. The contribution advance
in the direction of automatic evaluation of pattern ap-
plicability. Often, patterns are not used in an iso-
lated way. Sets of patterns are normally part of organ-
ised collections named pattern languages. Pattern lan-
guages allow regulated combinations that extends the
reach of individual patterns (Buschmann et al., 2007).
Architecture transformations are the main architec-
tural concerns after the implementation of a software.
Discovering the instances of architectural and design
patterns, and providing techniques to modify the ar-
Gacitua-Decar V. and Pahl C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE/GSDCA/MUSE, pages 252-257
DOI: 10.5220/0001900802520257
chitecture in a controlled way, are two important ac-
tivities for software maintenance. Since the nineties,
pattern discovering techniques have been proposed
to recover patterns from source code. Several ap-
proaches start extracting the classes model from the
source code, and subsequently mining the patterns
from that model. A review of pattern discovery tech-
niques can be found in (Dong et al., 2007). Non
controlled changes in the architecture might inter-
fere with the previously applied design patterns. In
(Zhao et al., 2007) a graph-transformation approach
to pattern level design validation and evolution is pre-
sented. In (Gomes et al., 2003) a set of patterns oper-
ators are introduced to design architectures for appli-
cations in grid environments. In (Pahl et al., 2007),
an ontological-based approach for modelling archi-
tecture styles is presented. As such patterns, styles
are architecture abstractions. Style modifications and
combinations among styles are introduced. Relations
between quality requirements and modelling of styles
are investigated.
The integration problem is structured as a layered ar-
chitecture named LABAS (Layered Architecture for
Business, Applications and Services). An incremen-
tal transformation from models at business level to a
service architecture is supported by the use of busi-
ness reference models and patterns. Fig.1 depicts the
architecture layers, their elements and involved archi-
tecture abstractions.
3.1 Layers in LABAS
Layers separate aspects of the integration application
problem. Aspects separation improves the architec-
ture maintainability. Explicit connections between
layer elements provide beneficial traceability charac-
teristics, essential for change management.
Business Modelling Layer (BML) is a container for
business elements and provides the process models
and domain models that represent the context of the
business process automation problem. Models in
BML are expressed in an enhanced BPMN notation.
We have developed a UML profile for the BPMN
notation. Most BML constructs are mapped to
UML 2.0 activity diagrams constructs. Additionally,
the BPMN notation is enhanced by domain model
Figure 1: Layered Architecture (LABAS).
Application Architecture Layer (AAL) is a con-
tainer for applications components supporting the
business processes in BML. AAL is organized in a
process-wide applications architecture. Applications
might be owned by different process roles in BML.
The applications architecture is modelled with AAL
elements of the LABAS profile. AAL constructs are
mapped to UML 2.0 component diagrams constructs.
Business-Applications Intermediate Layer (BAIL)
integrates the elements from BML and AAL in
an enhanced business process model. An explicit
traceability model relates BML and AAL elements.
The traces in BAIL are an integral part of the LABAS
profile and follows the trace-tagged traceability
metamodel from (Baelen and Berbers, 2007).
Service Architecture Layer (SAL) is a container for
software services and is organised in a service archi-
tecture that solves the applications integration prob-
lem. Service architecture models are expressed with
SAL elements of the LABAS profile. The LABAS
metamodel and the LABAS profile for SAL are estab-
lished upon a proposal for a UML Profile and Meta-
model for Services (UPMS) in the OMG
. Services
are categorised in two main types. Business services
abstract activities or business entities from the BML
into the SAL. Technical services abstract functionality
and data provided by the AAL into the SAL, as well
as, functionality required to manage technical issues
such as security, messaging, etc.
3.2 Architectural Abstractions
Domain-Specific Business Reference Models are
standard decompositions of a business domain. Ref-
erence models arise from experience, and together
with business patterns, they can constitute business
reference architectures.
available at
Business Patterns. They are considered as micro-
models detailing standard decompositions of
reference models. Two types of business patterns are
considered: process patterns and domain patterns.
Note that process and domain patterns have a lin-
guistic and a structural dimension, however process
patterns add a behavioural dimension. In this paper,
we refer only to structural aspects of patterns.
SOA Patterns are software design patterns in
the context of service architectures. They have a
three-part representation with context, problem and
solution descriptions. Well-known design patterns,
such as the GoF patterns (Gamma et al., 1993),
are normally described in a textual form. Formal-
isations of patterns have been introduced to fulfil
requirements of pattern recovery and automatic code
generation techniques. In LABAS, SOA patterns
enhance the business-driven service architecture
derived from successive transformations from models
in BML to SAL, into a service architecture that incor-
porates design solutions for technical aspects, such
as service invoking, service composition, security,
among others.
Pattern Catalogues. In LABAS, business and SOA
patterns are implemented and organisedin pattern cat-
alogues. Each pattern in a pattern catalogue contains
information organised in a pattern template. The tem-
plate includes a textual explanation of pattern intent,
motivation, participants, consequences, among oth-
ers, but also models using elements of the LABAS
profile. The latter approach allows the exportation of
the pattern catalogue as a XMI file, promoting the use
of patterns as tool-supported modelling constructs.
Information of quality attributes associated to patterns
is also included in a section of the pattern template.
This section describes the pattern-based techniques
used in LABAS. The techniques aim to facilitate the
activities performed by business analysts and soft-
ware architects to transform a business model into a
service architecture.
4.1 Business Service Identification
Business patterns are utilised to facilitate the recogni-
tion of reusable portions of the business model, set-
ting boundaries for the definition of reusable business
services. Business patterns from reference models are
Figure 2: Business process patterns in a process model.
a common denominator among organisationsin a spe-
cific domain, and also within the same organisation
that is changing over time. Changeability is related
to the ease of an architecture to change, but also with
the ability of the architecture to remain invariant after
a change agent acts (Ross et al., 2008). The definition
of the business services in LABAS takes into account
the latter characteristic.
Business patterns identification could be a
human-performed activity, but our aim is to provide
techniques to support business analysts and architects
with algorithms to automate the identification of
business patterns in a business model.
Business Pattern Matching. In LABAS, business
models, architectures, business patterns and SOA pat-
terns are represented as graphs. Graphs are a suit-
able formalisation, since they can capture both: struc-
ture and behaviour, and also allow abstractions such
as patterns to be related to architectures. The pattern
matching technique is based on the matching of the
graph (G
) representing the pattern, over the graph
representing the business model. In order to
identify a business pattern, and consequently a busi-
ness service, an algorithm searches for the sub-graph
within the graph G
. Fig.2 shows a simplified
schema of a reference process model (2a) with pro-
cess patterns (2b), and a business model containing
those patterns (2c).
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
4.2 Technical Service Identification
Identification of technical services is slightly differ-
ent to business service identification. In this case, the
enhanced process models in BAIL are used to iden-
tify common flowstructures across the process model.
The process model is decomposed until atomic activi-
ties are reached. The atomic activities of interest have
a one-to-one relation with the functionality provided
by applications in AAL. The Fig.3 shows the process
of Fig.2c, where the activities are enclosing
sets of application components that provide the func-
tionalities F1 to F17. S1 to S6 correspond to busi-
ness services. S1 and S5 were defined through busi-
ness pattern matching. St1 to St4 are technical ser-
vices that can be reused by business services. Techni-
cal services encapsulate common flow structures with
invocations to functionality provided by application
components in AAL
The identification of technical services across pro-
cess models pursue the fundamental concept of reuse
in SOA. The identification of the common control
flow structures is support by graph partitioning tech-
niques. Note that the graph representing the enhanced
process model has information about their elements
types, thus control flow structures involving certain
elements types can be further categorised as different
technical services types, for instance: data aggrega-
tion, calculations, among others.
4.3 Pattern-based Architecture
Modelling and Architecture Change
Software patterns have been used to allow reuse of
successfully applied designs, improving the quality
of the software. Analogously, business reference
models and a notion of patterns at business level,
provide a medium to reuse successful business
models. Both, business and software patterns might
be applied in practice, only based on the knowledge
of business analysts and architects. In the LABAS
approach, designers are supported by a repository
of experience-based solutions in the form of pattern
catalogues, and by implemented techniques allowing
the use of those pattern catalogues.
Note that the proper modelling notation for models in
LABAS is not used here because of space considerations.
Examples using the LABAS modelling notation can be ac-
cessed in (Gacitua-Decar and Pahl, 2008)
In order to simplify the illustration of technical ser-
vices in the Fig.3, only simple flow structures are depicted.
More complicate structures involving e.g. decisions, splits,
among other control flow structures, may also be used.
Figure 3: Business and Technical services identified in a
enhanced business process model.
Pattern Instantiation. Instantiate a pattern in a
model (called here: host model) is a basic task
required in pattern-based architecture modelling. Pat-
tern instantiation allows augmentation of a model or
architecture through the incorporation of that pattern
into the model or architecture. Pattern instantiation
involves the creation of pattern elements and relations
into the host model, and/or the merging of pattern
elements with host model elements. What elements
in the host model are merged can be decided by
the designer or suggested, as is explained below. In
LABAS, patterns can be instantiated at BML and
SAL to augment or to enhance models in these two
Suggestion of Applicability of a Pattern. Pattern in-
stantiation can be done only after the recognition of
the associated design problem. Inexperienced design-
ers might not be aware that a pattern can be applied
to improve the quality of their designs. If the pattern
problem is expressed in terms of elements and rela-
tions of the host model, the recognition of a pattern
problem could adopt a similar approach as the pat-
tern matching strategy explained in section 4.1. The
pattern problem is formalised as a sub-graph, which
is a subset of the graph that represents the business
model or architecture. Thus, the design problem can
be systematically searched, and once localised, it can
be suggested to the analyst or designer for the subse-
quent instantiation of the associated pattern solution.
Pattern suggestion and pattern instantiation are
geared in a pattern problem-solution pair. The
instantiation of the pattern solution into a model with
a design problem (pattern-problem), is formalised
as a graph transformation rule. The transformation
rule allows the transformation from a graph that
represents the model or architecture with a design
problem, into a graph that represents the model or
architecture with the instantiated pattern-solution.
Note that the modelling of the pattern problem
is a key issue for the automatic suggestion of the
applicability of a pattern (Kim and Khawand, ).
Pattern Comparison. A design problem could have
more than one pattern solution associated. In this
case, two or more patterns require a comparison. The
comparison is supported in LABAS with information
about quality attributes associated to the pattern.
This information is encapsulated in the pattern
consequences section of the pattern template.
Pattern Modification. The description of a pattern
solution is a generic description. The instantiation
of a pattern might require the modification of the
generic pattern solution into one that adjust to the
actual model. The adjustments should not interfere
with the objectives and consequences of the pattern.
The preservation of the pattern properties requires
that only allowed modifications can be done. Thus,
allowed modifications over patterns make use of a set
of pattern modification techniques. Basic techniques
involve for example, the increasing or decreasing of
the instances of pattern elements, and the increasing
or decreasing of pattern elements. After modification
of the pattern, validation techniques are applied.
Pattern Combination. Often, patterns are not
applied in a isolated way. They are combined to
reach a larger scope. Different types of pattern
combinations might occurs. For instance, patterns
can be unified or embedded. In the latter case, one
or more patterns are subsets of the pattern with
larger scope. Combination of two patterns could
interfere with the expected contributions that each
pattern provide separately. An important issue in
pattern combination is to verify that the individual
pattern consequences are preserved after the patterns
combination. This is difficult to ensure before
implementation, but some indication at design-time
can be provided with the analysis of possible inter-
ferences between associated pattern quality attributes.
Discussion. Requirements for combining patterns
could exceed the capabilities of simple techniques
such as the union or the embedding techniques men-
tioned above. Only as an illustration, we use an
analogy with relational algebra. Basic operations as
projection and selection in relational algebra are not
enough in some practical uses for data base queries.
Composition of operators is a solution to the restric-
tions of the basic operations. Analogously, combina-
tion of pattern techniques provides a medium to sat-
isfy more complex requirements imposed by architec-
ture modelling and modifications.
Several issues can also be discussed from a prac-
tical point of view. For instance, available business
models, architecture designs and patterns might have
different levels of details. However, the increasing
use of enterprise architecture frameworks, such as the
well-known Zachman framework (Sowa and Zach-
man, 1992), have encouraged the development and
maintenance of business and software architecture
models, together with associated reference architec-
tures and reference models. We can assume that mod-
els, architectures and their associated patterns exist,
and with same level of granularity. Note that this pa-
per leaves out of its scope, process simulation and lin-
guistics considerations for pattern matching and pat-
tern identification techniques. However, the integra-
tion of the behavioral and linguistic dimensions could
follow similar directions as in (Ehrig et al., 2007) and
(Martens, 2005).
4.4 Transformations
The methodological framework based on LABAS
(section 3) explains how to systematically transform
a business model into a service architecture. Pat-
terns are actively involved during this transformation.
Since a one-to-one transformation from business pro-
cesses into services is not realistic, a multi-step trans-
formation approach is adopted. Firstly, pattern-based
identified business services, which are documented
in the enhanced business process model of BAIL by
means of tagged values, are transformed into service
elements in SAL. Relations among BAIL elements
are preserved after the transformation, providing in
this manner, information about the flow dependen-
cies between business services. Subsequently, tech-
nical services, also documented with tagged values in
BAIL elements, are transformed into service elements
in SAL. Technical services also have flow dependen-
cies inherited from the BAIL model.
In this paper we have outlined the necessary nota-
tional elements and pattern-based techniques used in
our methodologicalframework for developing service
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
architectures for EAI. Traditionally, the creation of ar-
chitectures have only focused on structural descrip-
tions. Instead, the focus in this paper has been on pro-
cesses and constrained architectural descriptions. The
continual rise of abstraction in software engineering
approaches was a central driver, placing the notion of
patterns at business domain level and focusing on its
subsequent transformation to a service architecture.
The LABAS architecture and its associated method-
ological framework have as an ultimate goal, the cre-
ation of service architecture solutions for EAI with
improved changeability characteristics, while main-
taining coherence between the business model and the
software architecture. Explicit traceability between
elements of different layer in LABAS contribute to
the coherence between the business and the software
levels. The improved changeability characteristics of
the architecture solutions are achieved by using ar-
chitectural abstractions. Their use is enabled through
the pattern-based techniques described in this paper.
The techniques are utilised for software service iden-
tification, for business model to service architecture
transformations and for architecture modifications.
Our future plans include the use of the
Architecture-Level Modifiability Analysis (ALMA)
method (Bengtsson et al., 2004) to evaluate the archi-
tecture solutions created with LABAS. In (Gacitua-
Decar and Pahl, 2008) we demonstrate the use of
LABAS and discuss the use of ALMA. We also con-
sider the formalisation and implementation of the
pattern-based techniques described in this paper. We
will investigate sematic and behavioral aspects in pat-
terns. The implementation of techniques is planned
to be part of a plug-in for a standard UML modelling
tool. The plug-in is complemented with a LABAS
profile, compliant with the LABAS metamodel. Ad-
ditionally, a simplified pattern catalogue at business
level, and a SOA pattern catalogue will be developed
for evaluation purposes.
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