architectures for EAI. Traditionally, the creation of ar-
chitectures have only focused on structural descrip-
tions. Instead, the focus in this paper has been on pro-
cesses and constrained architectural descriptions. The
continual rise of abstraction in software engineering
approaches was a central driver, placing the notion of
patterns at business domain level and focusing on its
subsequent transformation to a service architecture.
The LABAS architecture and its associated method-
ological framework have as an ultimate goal, the cre-
ation of service architecture solutions for EAI with
improved changeability characteristics, while main-
taining coherence between the business model and the
software architecture. Explicit traceability between
elements of different layer in LABAS contribute to
the coherence between the business and the software
levels. The improved changeability characteristics of
the architecture solutions are achieved by using ar-
chitectural abstractions. Their use is enabled through
the pattern-based techniques described in this paper.
The techniques are utilised for software service iden-
tification, for business model to service architecture
transformations and for architecture modifications.
Our future plans include the use of the
Architecture-Level Modifiability Analysis (ALMA)
method (Bengtsson et al., 2004) to evaluate the archi-
tecture solutions created with LABAS. In (Gacitua-
Decar and Pahl, 2008) we demonstrate the use of
LABAS and discuss the use of ALMA. We also con-
sider the formalisation and implementation of the
pattern-based techniques described in this paper. We
will investigate sematic and behavioral aspects in pat-
terns. The implementation of techniques is planned
to be part of a plug-in for a standard UML modelling
tool. The plug-in is complemented with a LABAS
profile, compliant with the LABAS metamodel. Ad-
ditionally, a simplified pattern catalogue at business
level, and a SOA pattern catalogue will be developed
for evaluation purposes.
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