A to B was possible, from results obtained in the
previous test; however, here we successfully showed
that the MP does route to another domain. Though a
single router is used, in a network comprising of
many routers, the MP should also be able to achieve
the ends of Power Management, provided that
routers and firewalls are configured to allow
broadcast packets to travel between subnets (Korn
et. al., 2006). (The tool used in these experiments is
Prof Shutdown 3.2 evaluation version
(profshutdown, 2006)).
This paper shows that PM can be supported by MP
without detriment to network performance. Our own
research indicates that the adoption of PM take-up is
at best ad-hoc, sparse and often a small project after
business critical objectives have been realised. We
believe this to be counterproductive, as buy-in by all
stakeholders will itself contribute to the bottom line
of businesses and our world. Because the MP piggy-
backs Ethernet, we further believe that the case for
its deployment and the potential return on
investment (ROI) is significant.
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business