due to this reduction.
Range 12 relates to the case where the redemp-
tion due date comes after the date on which the pay-
ment is due, and is the converse of range 11 where the
payer/payee relationships of interest payments by the
debtor, transferor and transferee are reversed.
Range 13 specifies that when there is an increase
in the fluctuation target for current assets on day e,
it is not possible to perform matching with electronic
receivables issued by the issuer involving a change in
the redemption due date so as to reduce the redemp-
tion due date astride day e (a change that depletes cur-
rent assets). Since this means it is possible to exceed
the target if only one of the combinations is agreed
upon, in this formularization the fact that fluctuation
targets cannot be exceeded is added as a premise to
this constraint.
Range 14 relates to the converse of range 13 in
cases where the current formula fluctuation target of
the issuer is reduced.
Ranges 15 and 16 are the same as ranges 13 and
14 where the issuer imposes limits on the redemption
due data by means of restrictions on changes to the
payment due date in transferee k.
With regard to the definition contents of the above
target functions and constant formulae, first, target
function 1 is the maximization of a primary function
with v(R
, P
, f) as a variable, and it takes an inte-
ger value. Also, the constraint formulae are all first-
order inequalities that take v(R
, P
, f) as a vari-
able. This problem can therefore be classified as an
integer linear programming problem.
The effects of changes in due date and the effects
of optimizing the combinations of electronic receiv-
ables and payments were verified by simulation. This
section discusses the preconditions under which the
simulation was conducted, and then presents the mea-
surement results.
4.1 Preconditions
There is currently no statistical information relating
to the issue of electronic receivables. We therefore
performed the simulation by assuming conditions for
the issue of electronic receivables based on finan-
cial information from Japanese businesses. Table 1
shows the financial information and the conditions
for the issue of electronic receivables assumed in this
simulation. The financial information was sourced
from corporate statistics published by the National
Tax Agency and from settlement trends for 2003 pub-
lished by the Bank of Japan, including the average
sales figures for Japanese corporations, payable liabil-
ities (accounts payable, bills payable), received credit
(accounts receivable, bills receivable), average sum
of bills cleared, and average sum of accounts receiv-
able. The conditions for the issue of electronic receiv-
ables were assumed based on this financial informa-
tion. Specifically, we made assumptions regardingthe
average redemption period of electronic receivables,
the average frequency of issue and the average sum.
The respective calculation formulae are shown below.
• Average redemption period of electronic receiv-
ables = receivable credit / sales × 365
• Average number of electronic receivables issued
= (bills receivable / average sum of bills cleared
+ accounts receivable / average sum of accounts
receivable) / 365
• Average sum of credit = receivable credit / (bills
receivable / average sum of bills cleared + ac-
counts receivable / average sum of accounts re-
In the simulation, the number of companies was
taken to be 260 (one thousandth of the actual num-
ber of businesses), and measurements were performed
by repeating the transactions over two years. In real
situations, not necessarily all the credit is replaced
with electronic receivables, and not necessarily all
the electronic receivables are subject to being trans-
ferred, so the simulation was performed by making a
few changes to the ratio of transferable sums with re-
gard to the credit sums of the electronic receivables
belonging to a business. The simulation environment
parameters were as follows: MPU: Xeon
2.8 GHz,
Memory: 3 GByte, Windows XP
, JDK 1.6.0 01
LpSolve et al., 2004). In the evalu-
ation results shown in the next section, measurements
were also performed by varying some conditions of
the other parameters (variation in redemption peri-
ods of electronic receivables, variation in frequency
of issue of electronic receivables, variation in mone-
tary value of electronic receivables, number of com-
panies simulated), but the effects of these changes
were smaller than those of the parameters shown in
Table 1 and thus these results are omitted.
Xeon is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Windows XP is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.