Vítor Basto, João Varajão and António Cunha
Department of Engineering, University of trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Nutrition, Pervasive Nutritional Monitoring, Nutritional Advise System.
Abstract: It is well known, widely accepted, scientifically proved and published by major governmental and non-
governmental organizations worldwide (e.g. WHO - World Health Organization), that nutritional
misbehaviour in so called developed countries, is a major cause of diseases, morbidity and death. The
phenomenon is mainly felt in aged populations, but a significant increase has also been detected more
recently in young populations. This paper presents a proposal to tackle serious social and behavioural
problems related to aging and nutrition. NutriMe is presented as a nutritional monitoring and advising
system to help individuals to monitor and correct their behaviours. We also propose NutriMe as the main
component for a public national observatory on nutritional profiles for public health analysis purposes.
Several economical, social and cultural factors that
took place in the last decades in developed countries
have strongly influenced human diseases profiles.
Among those factors, globalization and urban
prevalent and increasing lifestyles are worth to
mention. One of the reflexes turning out from those
changes is related to nutritional (mis)behaviours
(Lopes et al., 2006). Although other reflexes are also
subject of research (e.g. smoking, pollution, etc.), we
will not take them into account in our study,
knowing that nutrition is referred as one of the most
important factors.
The outcome of several years of research about
nutritional reflexes on health/diseases, lead to a
present common sense assumption that proper
nutritional monitoring and advise is need, must be
continuous, rigorous and customised for each
individual, according to biological, medical, and life
style parameters (Lopes et al., 2006).
The extent of many harmful reflexes (e.g.
morbidity and mortality) caused by incorrect
nutritional behaviours on health, have been
estimated in several studies. World Health
Organization (WHO) reports that 80% of
cardiovascular disease cases, 90% of diabetes
mellitus type 2 and 33% of all types of cancer could
have been prevented by adopting healthier lifestyles,
which includes correct nutrition, regular physical
activity and non-smoking (WHO, 2006). WHO also
states that: “A change in dietary habits, physical
activity and tobacco control, have a major impact in
reducing the rates of these chronic diseases, often in
a relatively short time”.
Nutritional monitoring and advise is therefore
important both in an individual point of view for
individual behaviours correction, and in a global
point of view, essential for global policy definitions
and for nutritional education planning.
NutriMe, the system proposed in this paper, is a
system designed to tackle the above presented
issues. NutriMe can also be integrated with the
Smart pantry project - Diet module (Alves et al.,
2006), whose features consist of a subset of NutriMe
features in the context of a smart house project
focused on accessibility and inclusion.
In section 2 a general characterization is made of
the Smart pantry project and explained its possible
integration with the NutriMe system, followed by
section 3 which presents the NutriMe system.
Section 4 shows a NutriMe prototype and some
issues related to the distributed data model are
presented in section 5. Finally, conclusions and
future work are referred in section 6.
Basto V., Varajão J. and Cunha A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 149-154
DOI: 10.5220/0001906001490154
Developed countries aged populations is raising
several and severe problems related to home daily
elder people tasks, such as physical access and
handling of home stored goods, nutritional control
and health care, etc. The Smart pantry project
(Alves et al., 2006) was developed with the intention
to fulfil some of those needs. Its main features are
related to stock control, triggering advertises to
replace depleted/missing products, create automatic
customized shop lists, make products physically
accessible to people with reduced mobility,
suggesting menus tailed to user preferences and
medical profiles (diets), all supported by a central
database system (Barrias et al., 2008). Figure 1
presents a modular architecture for the smart pantry
as proposed in (Alves et al., 2006).
Figure 1: Modular architecture for the smart pantry
Source: (Alves et al., 2006).
In this system, users enter products using the
entry module, which automatically identifies the
product, presents its features to the user and asks
him for confirmation/validation. After validation, the
system stores the product according to its storage
conditions (temperature and humidity), size, expiry
dates, etc.
Based on the storage information in the database,
the stock management module manages the
existence of stored products (e.g. expiry dates, so
that they can be disposed or used), a ‘shopping list’
is also presented based on predicted needs, on-line
shopping with supplier’s systems integration
(Cardoso et al., 2007), history of menus, etc.
The storage module consists of a robotic storage
system, adapted to user needs (accessible) and to
available space and conditions. It may be based on
rotating shelves, suspended elements, or other
systems such those employed in large-scale storage
In order to produce a prototype, two basic
solutions are under development: one thought to be
part of traditional kitchen furniture (a numeric-
control system drawing its inspiration from a bucket
chain); another will be a robotic system of the ‘mini-
warehouse’ variety, to be installed in its own
compartment – the ‘pantry’ (modular systems of
greater capacity).
An extremely important element is the HCI
(nicely) module (human computer interface module)
that will be programmed according to user profiles
and specific needs, so that the system can interact
with each person according to his personal
physical/psychological skills and impairments
(image-based, text-based, voice based, simplified vs.
full featured versions).
The diet module has a set of menus that allow the
counselling of users, accounting for different
criteria, such as the number of people (family size),
the status of the food stock, or the way for eating
Smart pantry project diet module features are
considered as part of NutriMe project as the home
based monitoring and advising features. Nutrime
intends to cope with ubiquitous nutritional
monitoring also in other contexts like restaurants,
canteens, bars and pubs, vending machines (food,
beverage, cigars automatic selling machines), etc.
Nutrime extends the concept of nutritional
monitoring to ubiquitous individual monitoring and
advising system.
NutriMe is a distributed software and distributed
data based system that collects nutritional
information from different sources. In addition to
individual nutritional information gathering, it also
links, relates data, ensures consistency and
integration of syntactic and semantic data models
from different sources (food suppliers – home,
restaurants, vending, etc.). NutriMe uses that
information not only for individual real-time
nutritional monitoring and advising, but also for the
purpose of feeding a nutritional national database
(nutritionalobservatory’). The observatory
database allows for classification, segmentation and
prediction of nutritional profiles. Based on data
analysis and knowledge extraction (data mining)
from this database, public health policies and
strategies can be better supported and deployed.
Figure 2 shows the components of NutriMe
(conceptual view).
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Figure 2: Components of NutriMe (conceptual view).
Each component relies on different technologies
and targets different purposes and features of a
global nutritional monitoring and advising system.
NutriMe conceptual model, its individual
components roles and descriptions, follow:
Home desktop component, supports all the
features mentioned in the Smart pantry project
– Diet module. The major features specified
are related to user profile characterisation
(age, gender, physical activity profile,
professional profile, medical profile, etc.),
alimentary items characterisation
(identification, common description,
nutritional data composition, etc.), diets,
healthy profiles characterisation, nutritional
reports generation and nutritional advise;
Mobile device component, implements a mobile
version of the Home desktop component and
features for interoperation and integration with
all the other system components that provide
(or collect) nutritional data for the individual,
like the Home desktop, Restaurant, Automatic
selling machines and Nutritional observatory
components. It is intended to download and
run mobile code made available from the other
system components (e.g. in restaurants),
behave like an extended GUI (graphical user
interface) of those systems and interchange
(collect/provide) information about individual
user consumed items from those system
components. The consumed items identified
and/or described are to be found in the mobile
device database for nutritional monitoring,
processing and advise purposes. The mobile
component is also able to look through
consumed items description provided by the
other system components, map them into the
nutritional characterisation and run the
respective nutritional monitoring, evaluation/
classification and advise algorithms;
Restaurant component, our concept of a “smart
restaurant” system component includes the
following major features: provide mobile
applications/code to be downloaded into
customer mobile devices allowing for
customer multimedia interactive menu
selection (e.g. food, drink, desert, etc.), for
delivery selection (e.g. tables and location of
the customers to be selected based on
interactive maps), for customer identification
and profile management (e.g. personal data for
invoice and receipts), detailed and electronic
invoice issuing (detailed info about consumed
items) sent to the customer mobile device,
electronic payments, etc.;
Automatic selling machines (vending)
component, this is a generic component
representing any other system component
providing and/or collecting nutritional
information (e.g. beverage and food automatic
selling machines). Each of these components
must provide mobile code to be run on user
mobile devices or implement a compliant
generic communication protocol profile (to be
defined) for integration with the mobile
Nutritional observatory component, includes
features of data collection from individual
devices (desktop and mobile devices) and
restaurant systems, data synthesis, nutritional
profiles analysis based on multiple criteria
(e.g. age, location/geography, profession,
etc.), allowing for population risk
classification and evaluation concerning
nutritional behaviours and diseases prevalence
NutriMe intends to promote healthy nutritional
behaviours by the means of ubiquitous nutritional
monitoring in an individual and population basis
(reporting individual and population nutritional
warnings). In addition, it is intended to provide
detailed individual nutritional advising (suggesting
detailed meals according to nutritional principles
and user preferences), global behaviour synthesis,
risk evaluation and classification using data mining
Figure 3 shows UML (Unified Modeling
Language) Use Cases specification for NutriMe.
It shows the system actors, features, their
interactions and relationships (Fowler, 2003).
Food co nsum er
Manual explicit
Setup restaurant
virtual space
Hea lth
Nutritional monitoring
and advisin
Food s upplie r
Virtua l
interfaces setu
Setup vending
machines virtual
Consum er
rofile setu
Nutrit ional data
Group nut r it ional and
health data analysis
and data minin
Restaurant systems
Physical and health
rofile setu
rofile setu
Nutrit ionist
Indiv idual nutritiona l a nd
health data analysis and data
<<ext end>>
Figure 3: NutriMe Use-Cases Diagram.
Use Case “Consumer profile setup” allows the
user to provide his personal data (e.g. gender, age,
height, weight) to the system, defining nutritional
profiles, diets and preferences (e.g. vegetarian,
athlete, diabetic, etc).
Use Cases “Nutritional misbehaviour alerts”
and “Nutritional monitoring reporting and
advising” allows for automatic warnings from
NutriMe towards the user, allows the user to access
statistics about his behaviour and provides
nutritional advising. In addition, NutriMe provides
extra nutritional expertise and tools for knowledge
extraction (clustering, classification, prediction)
from monitoring data for nutrition professionals
(“Nutritionist”) decision support in “Individual
nutritional and health data analysis and data
mining” Use Case.
An observatory component of NutriMe is also
feed by nutritional monitoring data (Use Case
Nutritional data observatory feed”) for “Group
nutritional and health data analysis and data
mining” purposes.
Virtual interfaces setup” Use Case supports
user interface, data and functional integration
features between NutriMe and “Food supplier
systems”. For instance, it is possible for “Food
consumers” to issue meal orders from NutriMe that
are transmitted electronically and processed by
Restaurant systems”. When “Food consumers
interact with “Food supplier systems” through
NutriMeAutomatic consumption registration” is
possible. “Automatic consumption registration” is
the preferred way of nutritional data gathering in
NutriMe, butManual explicit consumption
registration” by “Food consumers” are also
available in NutriMe.
NutriMe simplified data model is presented in an
Entity-Relationship diagram in Figure 4. The
conceptual data model will be deployed as a
distributed relational database system as detailed in
section 5. As a distributed software and distributed
data based system that collects nutritional
information from different sources and
heterogeneous technologies, concerns of
consistency, correctness, integration of syntactic and
semantic data models are to be considered.
Figure 4: NutriMe Entities-Relationships Diagram.
An innovative implementation of NutriMe
involving flexible and adaptive information systems
integration based on desktop and mobile devices is
presented in section 4.
Inclusion and accessibility have been major
concerns during all development life cycle of
NutriMe. Software design and technology selection
were essential to construct a solution that promotes
device and software mobility, usability, high
availability and continuous monitoring.
Mobile technologies such mobile phones/PDAs
proved recently to ease cumbersome daily task.
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Recent devices reached significant processing
storage and communication capabilities, allowing
increasing features and new applications. The
massive adoption of this kind of devices is
considered today one of the greatest success of
information and communications technologies
market acceptance (Paes, 2006).
The above mentioned technical factors, growing
market acceptance, easy of use and ubiquity of this
kind of mobile technologies, lead us to select this
computing and communication technologies as the
basic support for the main NutriMe component.
Figure 5 shows the technological solution
proposed for NutriMe system main components,
including physical/logical elements, interoperation
and interactions.
Figure 5: Technical scenario for NutriMe mobile
component prototype.
NutriMe software (mobile and desktop)
components are hosted in PC like and mobile
devices (e.g. mobile phones/PDAs).
NutriMe desktop and mobile versions have been
developed with Microsoft .NET 2005 Framework
and Microsoft .NET Compact Framework
respectively. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact were de
DBMS (database management systems) adopted for
desktop and mobile support respectively. Data
replication, integrity and synchronisation are
supported by both mentioned DBMS (master-slave
data replication and synchronisation) which is the
most common strategy adopted for similar scenarios.
This strategy shows optimal trade-offs concerning
quality of service (availability, punctuality, etc.) and
resources consumption/usage (storage, processing
and communication) within strongly connected,
weakly connected and connectionless situations.
Support of multiple communications technologies
(GPRS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth), actually quite
common in mobile devices, enforces applications
robustness allowing not only for horizontal but also
vertical handoffs.
Next we present some prototype features and
graphical user interface of NutriMe. User personal
profile form is presented in Figure 6 (left picture) for
user characterisation features of Definition of
Personal and Nutritional Profiles Use Case. And
interactive consumption registration form is also
presented in Figure 6 (right picture) for
Consumption Monitoring Use Case features.
Figure 6: NutriMe personal profile form and Interactive
consumption registration form.
NutriMe user interface also provides friendly
graphical classifications of nutritional and health
ratios, such as the BMI - body mass index (Figure
6), which are subject of time evolution graphical or
text based presentation and analysis.
Supporting distributed relational database
technologies and strategies for NutriMe desktop and
mobile prototypes are presented in section 5.
Available commercial DBMS (e.g. Microsoft SQL
Server) allow for flexible data management,
enhancing application robustness, high availability
and performance, being especially important in
distributed systems involving mobile devices with
non continuous communication connectivity.
Replication strategies are usually adopted (and very
effective) to overcome periods of non connectivity.
However, data replication needs specific
mechanisms for integrity enforcement among the
copies spread throughout the several components of
a distributed system (e.g. mobile and desktop
equipment). While subject to isolated processing
during non connectivity periods, data replicas in
different processing devices can evolve to divergent,
eventually inconsistent states. Automatic
mechanisms must be activated to rollback or roll-
forward the replicas to get the overall distributed
system back to a consistent state. The mechanisms
adopted in our system for this purpose are based in
the two-level master-slave transaction model (Liu et
al., 1999).
One level is ruled by desktop workstations, the
second level is ruled by the mobile devices (one or
more devices). Data convergence actions take place
when a communication channel is available between
desktop equipment (master replicas) and mobile
devices (slave replicas).
First, the master (re)executes all transactions
made available by the slave, corresponding to all the
actions performed by the slave during non
connectivity periods. Second, the master notifies the
slave the successful reconciliation transactions to be
committed. Inconsistent transactions are tracked
back until its root (causal graph node), and undone
until the overall distributed system gets into a
consistent status.
The presented two-level master-slave replication
strategy seemed to us a suitable solution for the
NutriMe system. It revealed optimised trade-offs
according to quality of service and resource usage,
in scenarios similar to ours.
This paper presents a software based system
NutriMe, which addresses ubiquitous nutritional
monitoring and advising supported by several
cooperating software components distributed
through desktop and mobile devices, databases and
applications. The system intends to introduce
increasing computational and communication
pervasive features, assisting in simple daily tasks
with low or non intrusive reflexes (low or no
perception or interaction required from users).
Because aged populations are common in developed
countries, and they have usually special needs,
concerns of accessibility and usability have been of
major importance in the design and implementation
of NutriMe prototype. Individual and public interest
(e.g. health, economic) of this kind of systems are
worth to mention. They constituted our first interest
and justified further work and research on this topic.
Future work milestones include information
gathering and processing in public spaces context,
multimodal interfaces for impaired people,
introduction of data mining techniques for
customised individual user advise, extraction and
analysis of general nutritional tendencies and
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business