The eCT is a Toolkit for e-commerce support, more
specifically for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) busi-
ness model. From a quick perspective, the eCT allows
the configuration of one or more electronic stores,
that allow customers to browse the product catalog,
add products to the shopping cart and proceed to the
check-out. On the other hand, store administrators
can configure and manage a number of store details
(such as product catalog, inventory, promotions and
orders) whereas eCT administrators manage aspects
that are available to all the stores (such as languages
and localization, currency units, shipping/payment
and taxing methods).
Figure 1: A WebComfortPortal with the eCT toolkit.
The eCT is an extension to the WebComfort platform,
aiming to support electronic stores that can be based
anywhere on the world and available to a global audi-
ence. Due to the variability of possible contexts, the
eCT must provide solutions for the different aspects
that can vary (e.g., languages, payment systems, ship-
ping systems, taxation, currencies, types of products
to sell). So, the main principles that guide the design
of the eCT are:
1. Adaptability to different contexts (such as differ-
ent countries and cultures, types of stores);
2. Extensibility, namely by the ease of development
and integration of new features;
3. Ease of installation and configuration, allowing a
quick setup of eCT according to stores’ different
business requirements.
This section discusses how these principles were
taken into consideration during the eCT design.
3.1 Overview
The eCT aggregates a set of WebComfort modules
that implement B2C e-commerce functionalities. The
eCT has a multi-tier (three-tier) architecture, with the
typical presentation, logic and data layers, with a We-
bComfort module being transversal to this tiers (see
Figure 2). The presentation tier of a module con-
tains the UI elements (Web User Controls and Web
Forms) that present information to the user and inter-
pret/respond to their actions.
The logic tier contains the module’s business
logic. This level can interact with the WebCom-
fort API, that provides a set of infrastructural fea-
tures available to the WebComfort modules, like au-
thentication or multi-language support. In a similar
way, infrastructural features of the eCT are provided
by the eCT API, that cover areas like: eCT config-
uration, store configuration, store operation manage-
ment, catalog, inventory and promotions. The eCT
configuration involves the configuration of global op-
tions shared by all stores; the store configuration in-
volves the configuration of each store options (e.g.,
accepted shipping/payment/taxing methods, currency
units); the store operation management involves the
management of orders, customers and statistics; the
catalog refers to the storing and management of prod-
uct data; the inventory corresponds to the information
of the physical storing of products; and promotions
corresponds to the features that allow the promotion
of certain products. At the eCT level, there are a num-
ber of possible extensions, namely: Product facets;
Shipping; Payment; Taxing; Logging; Statistics and
Reporting; and Currency Units.
The Data tier isolates the persistence aspects of the
module. The eCT toolkit uses two data repositories,
for the eCT data and statistics/logging data.
Now we present in more detail some of the more
relevant aspects/features of the presented architecture.
3.2 Product Facet Model
One main requirement identified was the support for
different types of products (e.g., books, digital files),
which may differ in the way they are presented to the
end-user, as well as in internal behavior. The eCT
supports the notion of a ”base product”, which can be
specialized or extended by applying facets according
to the context. These facets can be perceived as ex-
tensions to a product, that can add a certain behavior
and/or data. For instance, in a fine arts portal we can
allow the sale of fine arts originals by defining a facet
”Fine arts original”, that allows the association of this
information (author, materials, dimensions, etc) to the
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business