Jane Hall and Klaus-Peter Eckert
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Workflow technologies, e-Business, virtual organization, ISPs.
Abstract: Although workflow technologies have existed for some time, their true potential is only now being unlocked
with the emergence of Web services technology and XML in conjunction with expanding Internet use.
There has been extensive support for Web services and the standards have matured sufficiently for
widespread adoption, replacing proprietary standards for interfaces and data that hindered the integration
and automation of business processes, especially between partners wanting to cooperate in a virtual
organization. This paper discusses the application of workflow technologies in supporting the e-Business of
small Internet Service Providers (ISPs) collaborating in a virtual cluster. Not only business processes but
also innovative technical processes are being executed as workflows in the marketing, deployment and
operation of tailored ISP services. A scenario depicts the actual processes used and illustrates how the
software being developed supports e-Business for ISPs collaborating in a virtual cluster.
An ISP here is a small firm providing Internet and
communication services to business users,
themselves mainly small and medium enterprises
(SMEs). e-Business is of direct concern to these
ISPs for in the volatile and challenging marketplace
of today it is imperative for them to improve their
efficiency, to reduce their costs and to automate the
selling and provisioning of the services they offer if
they are to survive. For e-Business to be successful,
full advantage must be taken of the technologies
allowing open interoperability and supporting cross-
organizational cooperation.
This paper discusses the use of workflow
technologies to support a virtual cluster of small
ISPs in marketing and delivering services to
customers. The research has involved an
investigation into how workflow technologies could
be used in this context, whether this was a feasible
objective, the challenges and issues involved, and
how a workflow platform could be designed and
implemented to support the objectives. Many of the
issues are generic and applicable to many areas, they
are however discussed in this paper within the
framework of small ISPs collaborating in a virtual
cluster. This paper illustrates some of the main ideas
and issues in developing a workflow support system
for ISP collaboration and in particular highlights an
innovative part of the work by showing how
technical processes that have been carried out
manually by ISPs can be automated using workflow
technologies. Only by using such automated
processes can small ISPs hope to remain competitive
and agile in the marketplace of today and the use of
workflow technologies here can demonstrate their
potential in such applications.
The structure of this paper is as follows. First
some context is given to the rationale behind a
virtual cluster of small ISPs. Then the application of
workflow technologies to support the operation of
the cluster and the collaboration between cluster
partners in marketing and deploying services are
discussed. The workflow techologies selected and
the platform for modeling, specifying and executing
them are presented. The business and technical
workflows developed for running on the platform
are examined. An e-Business scenario is outlined to
show how the VISP software infrastructure is being
used for marketing and deploying composite ISP
services. The work is being carried out within the
European IST project VISP (IST-FP6-027178) and
conclusions are drawn on the experience gained in
the project of utilizing workflow technologies for
ISP e-Business.
Hall J. and Eckert K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 307-314
DOI: 10.5220/0001908603070314
The ISP market is changing rapidly, is quite volatile
and very competitive. A small ISP lacks financial
resources and has few personnel, which means it
cannot cover all areas but does have expertise in
specialized areas. It offers a limited range of services
and so cannot cross-sell additional services to
existing customers. No small ISP on its own can
provide the geographic coverage and the wide range
of specialized services that customers are now
Collaboration enables individual business entities
to pool resources and competencies to provide
value-added products and services (Camarinha-
Matos, Afsarmanesh, 2006). The benefits of
collaboration in virtual organizations generally are
relevant also for small ISPs (Kürümlüoglu et al.,
2005). A solution for a small ISP is therefore to form
a virtual cluster with other small ISPs for e-Business
purposes. In this way, a greater variety of services
can be offered as an ISP can integrate its own
services with those of its partners in the cluster,
extend its geographic coverage and become more
visible in the market. As customers are requiring
increasingly specialized services, often for a market
of one, tailored services can be offered by the cluster
to its customers by composing new services from the
different services offered by various cluster partners.
The services offered by ISPs require a long-term
relationship with the customer as they are provided
over months or years. Unlike other forms of virtual
organization (Camarinha et al., 2005), a VISP
cluster is therefore intended to be a long-living
entity, although partners can join and leave. Two
operational modes are envisaged for the cluster. The
Community mode is where each partner owns its
own customers and the cluster is not visible
externally. The partner serves its customers and the
cluster is used dynamically as a pool of services for
subcontracting. In the Virtual Enterprise mode it is
the cluster that is visible to the customer and the
cluster owns the customer relationship, the customer
data and the customer transaction. When a customer
makes an enquiry about a service in this mode it is
sent to one partner, which communicates with the
customer on behalf of the cluster. The cluster is a
federation of independent partners collaborating in a
decentralized manner to conduct e-Business. Each
partner is a separate entity that joins in the
collaboration to the extent that it wishes.
Workflow has been defined as “the automation of a
business process” (Workflow Management
Coalition, 1999). Ever since the existence of widely
available computing power, there have been
numerous developments aimed at automating and
streamlining the activities in a business process in
order to improve the efficiency of the organization,
both internally and vis-à-vis other organizations (van
der Aalst et al., 2003).
A major objective of the VISP project is to
develop an innovative software platform enabling a
cluster of small ISPs to collaborate and operate as a
single business entity using workflow technologies
to support the dynamic implementation and
provisioning of tailored services. The provisioning
and operation of ISP services by cooperating cluster
partners requires the introduction not only of
business but also of technical workflows in the
cluster. However, little work has been undertaken on
automating the activities in a technical process and it
was one of the research topics to undertake work
here so that technical processes could also be
Workflow technologies are being adopted to
provide the software infrastructure required by the
cluster when undertaking e-Business transactions
both with customers and between the partners
themselves. Partners in the cluster can use
collaboration-based process models to describe their
cooperation. A workflow will specify how the
individual roles participate in an end-to-end process.
These processes are modeled as workflows using
formal languages in order to be deployed and
executed on distributed workflow engines.
There has been extensive support for Web
services and the standards have matured sufficiently
for widespread adoption, especially between
partners wanting to cooperate in a value network
(Keen and McDonald, 2000). Integration both within
the enterprise as well as between enterprises is not
only easier but also cheaper. These developments
clearly have an impact on the VISP idea of
cooperating roles in an SME cluster, which requires
technologies that automate processes across
organization boundaries. This availability is a
significant element in making the VISP vision a
Work that had been undertaken in the area of
workflows, especially between organizations, could
be used as a basis on for the work in VISP for the
ISP service domain. This included projects such as
CrossWork, which was concerned with cross-
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
organizational processes in the automotive industry
(; CrossFlow, which
investigated workflows in dynamically formed
virtual organizations (;
and Astro, which has been developing tools to
support distributed processes during their lifecycle
A top-down approach is being adopted using
workflow technologies. The high-level process can
be recursively decomposed into sub-processes until
the required level of detail is obtained for execution
on a workflow engine. Various modeling languages
were available and an investigation was undertaken
to select those most appropriate for the VISP work
(Eckert et al., 2006). BPMN was adopted as a
modeling language for the high-level business and
technical process modeling (BPMN, 2006). It is a
standard containing a standardized mapping to
BPEL4WS, or BPEL for short (Andrews et al.,
2003), and it was felt that its graphical notation is
more intuitive for non-IT specialists acquainted with
the graphical notation of traditional business
flowcharting notations. Despite the weaknesses and
deficiencies of BPMN (Wohed et al., 2006), it was
available on the market in tools complying with the
standard at the time of language and tool selection
for VISP. The ‘ideal’ solutions were not available
and a pragmatic decision was to select a technology
that seemed to have potential and was suitable for
VISP’s purposes.
The BPMN flows are at a high level and may be
decomposed to several levels of detail but they
remain in BPMN. Mappings from BPMN to BPEL
according to the standard are then undertaken and so
tools are required that not only support the
specification work in a particular language but that
can map to another language and/or import and
export such languages. BPEL also has its strengths
and weaknesses (Wohed et al., 2003), but is in
widespread use for implementing workflows. It was
selected as it met the VISP requirements in the area
of workflow technologies and also because the only
standardized mapping was from BPMN to BPEL.
The tools selected for these languages were also
investigated and selected on the basis of their
suitability for VISP aims in the first phase of the
project as well as their adherence to the standard
specifications of BPMN and BPEL.
In the last year both standards used in VISP have
been significantly improved. OASIS published
version 2 of WS-BPEL (BPEL, 2007) and several
big IT companies proposed an initial submission of
BPMN 2.0 (BPMN, 2008) to OMG. BPMN 2.0 will
comprise standardized mappings to WS-BPEL as
well as to the emerging standards for human
interaction, BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask.
Additionally the submission introduces a
standardized XML-based exchange format for
BPMN models, which was lacking in the previous
During the lifetime of the VISP project, most
vendors of BPEL development and execution tools
have migrated from BPEL 1.1 to WS-BPEL 2.0.
Because the expressiveness of WS-BPEL and the
number of built-in functions increased, it became an
option to use the new version of the language and
supporting tools. In this situation, the mapping chain
has to be extended from BPMN to BPEL 1.1 and
then further to WS-BPEL. Theoretically both
mappings cannot be fully performed automatically.
A mapping from BPMN to BPEL is only possible
for a subset of BPMN models, thus not every valid
BPMN model is “BPEL-valid”. Additionally not
every BPEL process can be mapped to a WS-BPEL
process. Fortunately the selected tool supports a
best-effort mapping that works for most
specifications and requires only minor manual
3.1 VISP Workflow Platform
As the VISP project is basing its software
infrastructure on workflow technologies, the
software platform that it is developing will allow the
cluster to specify, model, deploy and execute
workflows that support the operation of the cluster
and the provision of tailored services to customers.
This software platform consists of two major parts.
The Workflow Modelling and Specification
Platform (WfMSP) is designed to support service
and workflow specification, modeling, choreography
and orchestration. The Workflow Execution
Platform (WfEP) executes and controls the
workflows (see Figure 1).
Informal textual descriptions provided by
domain experts and following Cockburn’s style of
writing use cases (Cockburn, 2001) are the primary
input to the WfMSP. They have to be formalized,
first as BPMN models, then as abstract BPEL
skeletons and emerge as an executable workflow
that can be deployed on the WfEP. The workflow
engines are the coordinating point of the WfEP that
are responsible for executing and controlling the
workflows specified by the WfMSP. The WfEP
interfaces either directly or through mediation
devices with partners’ ERPs and with network and
system components.
Figure 1: The VISP workflow platform.
3.2 VISP Workflows
Workflows are being developed in the VISP project
to support the provisioning and operation of services
offered by the partners in a VISP cluster. Processes
are being specified, modelled, and executed as
workflows of activities in both the business and the
technical domains (see Figure 2).
A set of business workflows is being developed
within the project able to deal with business
processes in a dynamic cluster of partners and
therefore providing for multilateral relationships and
not only for binary relationships. These use standard
processes where available, such as those from the
OAGIS specifications together with their associated
WSDLs (OAGIS, 2008) and are also based on the
use cases produced as part of the requirements work
undertaken within the project.
The technical processes in VISP are those that
interact directly with network elements. Technical
processes cover all technical activities related to the
lifecycle of an ISP service in order to instantiate,
commission, activate, deactivate and decommission
the service. Further administrative activities such as
testing, technical location transfer, suspend and
resume are also being included. The project is
providing formalized workflow specifications of
technical processes that are currently manually
executed in order to be able to process them
automatically in a standardized way, something that
has been possible for business processes but not so
far for technical processes.
The technical processes are categorized in two
groups, the Administrative Technical Processes
(ATPs) and the Toolbox Technical Processes
(TTPs). The ATPs perform all operations required to
support a single ISP service instance lifecycle and to
interface them to the corresponding business
processes. They administer an instance of an ISP
service and are invoked by the business processes.
They can be defined and used without the VISP
system and an adapter to the VISP system has been
developed that maps and forwards all the necessary
information stored in the VISP repositories and
workflow engines to the ATPs and TTPs.
The TTPs act directly on low-level Web services
found in the mediation servers of the various
network elements. They usually contain just one
atomic operation to be performed on one low-level
Web service. They are invoked by the ATPs and are
specific to a service instance type.
The relationship between the business processes,
ATPs and TTPs can be seen in the service instance
lifecycle where business processes are responsible
for handling generic operations on composed
services, or service sets, for example, “instantiate a
service set”. Business processes first invoke the
trading mechanism and determine the cluster partner
that is best suited to provide the “Simple Call
Service” VoIP. Then they invoke ATPs to perform
operations on each of the service instances in the
service set, in this case “instantiate Simple Call
Service”. Each ATP can call directly one or more
TTPs to carry out atomic administrative operations
on service instances.
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 2: Business and technical processes.
Figure 3: Overview of the VISP components.
In this example, the ATP invokes the TTP that
initializes the new user account in the network
infrastructure. The TTPs help to isolate the upper
layers of processes from any changes to the WSDL
description as only the TTPs using the specified
WSDL file need to be changed and not the ATPs
themselves (see Figure 3). The parameters needed to
invoke the TTPs are either stored in the VISP
repositories or can be retrieved from the ISP’s
employees, for example from network engineers,
utilizing the VISP internal worklist management
The technical processes are intended to automate
as much as possible of what network engineers have
been undertaking manually to date. The need to be
efficient and competitive means that small ISPs can
no longer have their scarce human resources tied up
in time-consuming tasks. The VISP project is
therefore taking the technical knowledge of network
engineers, preparing textual specifications of the
steps involved in their work, modeling these steps in
BPMN, mapping this to abstract BPEL, refining to
executable BPEL and then running on the partners’
workflow engines.
Technical processes have not been standardized
and so this work constitutes an innovative aspect of
the project. The intention is to automate where
possible not only the business but also the technical
aspects of provisioning and delivering ISP services.
This can save scarce human expertise for more
complex tasks and thus enable ISPs to be more
competitive and efficient in the marketplace.
This section introduces the implementation of the
VISP software infrastructure and the specific issues
encountered. Implementation work is being carried
out incrementally, with the first release concerned
with how a simple VoIP service can be sold to a
customer and how a VoIP system already accessible
through Web services can be controlled from the
VISP software infrastructure.
The e-Business scenario comprises the sale and
provisioning of a VoIP service for a customer and it
demonstrates how the various parts of the software
infrastructure are utilized to support this. A
prospective customer enquires about the ‘simple call
service’ VoIP via a cluster communication channel
and a sales representative from one of the partners is
selected to process the customer’s request on behalf
of the cluster. The sales representative checks the
customer in the cluster’s Consumer Directory and if
not already in the repository, registers the customer
there. This requires infrastructure support to search
the Consumer Directory and, if necessary, to update
it with the prospective customer’s details. Business
workflows have been implemented with the
appropriate GUIs to do this.
In order to meet the customer request, the sales
representative checks the VISP cluster Service
Knowledge Base (SKB) for possible solutions and
combinations of services. The SKB contains
technical information about the services in the
cluster and workflows have been developed to add,
delete or modify a service as well as to browse the
SKB. The Market Directory can also be searched to
ascertain which partners are offering which services
and the availability of these services. Once the
component services required to support the VoIP
service for the customer have been selected, the
sales representative groups the services provided by
cluster partners into a candidate service set. A
service set is the result of the composition of the
services into one group and enables the selection and
combination of services, characteristics and values
to be validated. The sales representative stores the
definition of the service set in a personal Service Set
Catalogue and validates it.
The sales representative uses the VISP
workflows to instantiate the service set. Instantiation
is a means of reserving resources so that if the
customer accepts the offer, the service can be
provided to the customer. Instantiation is therefore
based on the confirmation of resource reservations
from partners contributing services to the service set.
If a cluster partner is not able to provide a service of
the service set, an appropriate cluster member is
selected by means of trading mechanisms performed
according to a particular economic model. Trading is
thus part of the service instantiation process and has
a business (quote, contract) as well as a technical
(instantiation) result. Details of the instantiated
service set are stored in the Service Instance Base,
which stores all trading and deployment information
concerning the service instances comprising the
service set. The technical part of the offer can be
transferred to an ERP for a full offer preparation, if
applicable. This can include all contractual terms
and conditions, billing and payment details and SLA
The offer is then made to the customer and
further negotiations may ensue. If the offer is
accepted, the sales representative starts the
commissioning of the service set. Commissioning of
the service set has to be performed according to the
requirements of the offer and in particular its timing.
The resources previously reserved are allocated to
the service set and once commissioning has been
carried out, the service set can be activated on the
date agreed with the customer. Commissioning and
activation of the service set are carried out
automatically with the technical workflows
developed in VISP.
A request for service termination would typically
imply three steps, deactivation, decommissioning
and deinstantiation of the service instance so that its
status becomes ‘historic’. Again, the technical
workflows in the infrastructure carry this out.
An example of a centralized configuration of the
VISP infrastructure for a two partner virtual
enterprise mode is depicted in Figure 4. This
configuration shows two partners A and B with their
sales representatives and administrators. All actors
are using partner-specific front ends that are
connected to a common GUI server running the user
interface to the VISP application that is written in
Orbeon, an open source forms solution using
XForms and Ajax technology. The Orbeon server
can access the VISP repository services running as
Web services on the repository server. Depending on
the mode of the VISP cluster, either partner-specific
repositories and/or global repositories can be
queried. Additionally the Orbeon server invokes the
business workflows running on an activeBPEL
server as Web services.
These workflows invoke ATPs and TTPs
running in the same engine via their WSDL
interfaces. The last component shown in Figure 4 is
the mediation server (MS_1) to the VoIP technical
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 4: The configuration of the VISP infrastructure.
infrastructure that can be accessed by VISP TTPs
and by the ISP network operators via a proprietary
administration interface (Jacinto). In operational
environments, the repository servers and workflow
engines will be replicated and distributed to the
organizational domains of the cluster partners.
The research work of the VISP project has
investigated the feasibility of using workflow
technologies in an e-Business environment of ISPs.
This paper has shown how workflows can support e-
Business in a virtual cluster of small ISPs
collaborating to offer and deliver services to their
customers. A platform is being developed within the
VISP project to model, specify and execute the
business and technical workflows that have been
realized. In assessing the research work, the
following points can be made.
Experiences from the work in the project show
that it is a challenge to extract the knowledge of
experts in a form that is amenable to automation.
The modeling and specification of textual
specifications based on the knowledge of network
engineers therefore has to undergo several
Also, although there is a standardized mapping
from BPMN to BPEL, the fact that BPMN is a
graph-oriented language and BPEL a block-
structured language has meant that conventions had
to be established that were based on experience
within the project as well as on work undertaken
elsewhere (Ouyang, 2008). When using Web service
technology it was also found necessary to agree on
common conventions to ensure their interoperability
and reusability. This comprises agreements on
namespaces, message definitions, and binding styles.
The WS-I Basic Profile was therefore adopted
throughout the project (WSIO, 2004).
A big challenge in VISP is to interface generic
business processes with dynamic technical
processes. During the design time of the VISP
application it is known that for each ISP service,
corresponding ATPs with specific WSDLs have to
be invoked. Unfortunately these WSDLs are
unknown during design time. Thus a dynamic
invocation mechanism has been developed that
generates corresponding SOAP messages from
information stored in the VISP repositories using
XSLT transformations and retrieving endpoint
addresses from the VISP UDDI. Such a dynamic
invocation concept can be reused in every dynamic
SOA environment.
The work in the VISP project is ongoing.
Additional ISP services are being made available for
offer and the trading models used are to be extended.
More work is also required on ERP integration via
OAGIS 9.x WSDL interfaces, and the configuration
of the software needs to be based on a distributed
architecture to replace the centralized one currently
Workflows are an interesting and innovative
technology for supporting e-Business in the ISP
domain and the marketing and provisioning of ISP
services. Such technologies are being used
increasingly for both intra- and inter-enterprise
cooperation and ISPs, with their knowledge of
Internet and Web technologies, are well-placed to
use these technologies themselves. The research and
development work within the VISP project has
shown has shown that an infrastructure based on
workflow technology is feasible and can provide an
effective automated environment allowing small
ISPs to cooperate in offering and delivering services
to customers. In addition, several technical solutions
developed in the project can be transferred to SOA
implementations in different application domains.
Despite the challenges encountered in
implementing the workflow technologies for VISP
objectives, an analysis of the project results to date
show that workflow technologies have potential and
can be used to support a virtual cluster of small ISPs.
The VISP application is therefore being prototyped
and will be further developed for use in a
commercial environment.
This work was carried out with partial funding from
the EU through the IST project VISP (IST-FP6-
027178). Further information on VISP can be
obtained from
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business