An Exploratory Study
Michele Cornacchia, Filomena Papa, Stefano Livi
, Bartolomeo Sapio
Enrico Nicolò and Gaetano Bruno
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Via Baldassarre Castiglione, 59 - 00142, Rome, Italy
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Psychology 2, Via dei Marsi, 78 – 00185, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Adoption of technology, interactive public services, digital terrestrial television (DTT), end-users
evaluation, field study, home equipment, ICT influence on home life, predicting model, questionnaire,
research methodology, residential users, T-government, usability, usage, use behaviour.
Abstract: Developing humanly acceptable information and interactive systems is a complex process where testing
from the outset, the setting of operational criteria for efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction, the
development of prototyping etc., has to be considered as the central activity of a field implementation.
Design and operative alternatives can be effectively selected and long-term targets can be seen to be
attainable. However, sometimes it happens, especially in the domain of information system implementation,
that obtained datasets can be effectively utilised to reach more tailored purposes. The case of interactive T-
government services at the Municipality of Parma is analysed aiming to redesign the analysis model about
the factors affecting the usage. To this respect one of the most recognized ICT predicting models in the
literature is utilized. Final results show the success of the methodology and encourage further developments
and applications in contiguous areas of ICT designed for residential population.
The following study has been designed to be an
exploratory study into aspects of T-government
services usage among residential users. It aims to
generate new groups of variables from a pre-existing
dataset which can address the analysts towards
different and reasonably more tailored purposes. The
method and the first results here presented are part
of a larger work still in progress, moreover having
the objective to investigate the usability and
economic factors affecting adoption and usage of T-
government services.
With reference to the emerging ICT usage, it
may happen, especially in the domain of information
system implementation, that achieved datasets, even
rich and widely aimed to support the design of
technologies compatible with users’ abilities and
needs, cannot be applicable to more complex and
different kinds of analyses. Reasons can have
different justifications, nevertheless it is usual that
different theoretical positions do not all share the
same views even in the same research domain.
Hence there can be different orientations, even with
respect to a similar target of an investigation, which
can carry to a wide range of final resultant datasets,
i.e. different for study typology, for structure, for
procedures to submit/collect data, for user profile,
for task design, for boundary conditions, and so on.
T-government stands for a wide set of services
addressed to citizens (e.g. about health, education,
tourism, bills payment), delivered by a Public
Administration and accessible by Digital Television.
The piloting research program on DTT (Digital
Terrestrial Television) in Italy has been developed
through a number of initiatives (Section 2.1), some
of them issued to explore the potential impact on
population of the new digital services associated
with the broadcasted TV channels. In that field of
investigation, T-government interactive services
were introduced to be early tested with a real sample
of residential private adopters of the digital TV
decoder. A large amount of data were processed to
investigate how residential end-users reacted to the
usage of T-government services and they perceived
their added value. Specifically, the results pointed
Cornacchia M., Papa F., Livi S., Sapio B., Nicolò E. and Bruno G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 315-322
DOI: 10.5220/0001908703150322
out how, in some cases, the usage of the services
was to some extent low assessed. A significant
difference in the usage was also found between
informative and interactive services.
These findings have been the input for the
current investigation about the factors affecting the
usage. The study was carried out by comparing the
UTAUT model (Unified Theory of Acceptance and
Use of Technology, Venkatesh et al. 2003) with the
real data of the basic questionnaire, the one applied
to the Italian T-government project named “Parma
Municipality Services” (Section 2.2), in order to
redesign the analysis model.
The UTAUT model (Section 3) is a proved,
reliable representation from social psychology,
concerned with the determinants of acceptance and
usage behaviour of new adopters of emerging
information technology. It was applied as reference
to cluster and re-code the relevant variables from the
pre-existing dataset into new groups of indicators
(Section 3.1). The indicators thus generated, were
those of T-government, concerning respectively
interactive services and informative contents. At last
they were tested both for significance and construct
power to check if they effectively meet the reference
model basic requirements (Section 4), so verifying
that structural differences may be sometimes
overcome to start more complex analyses.
T-government services are herewith categorised as
“informative services” (e.g. provision of general
information) and “interactive services” (e.g.
searching for specific information, e-mail, chat, form
filling and form sending, payments).
Most of T-government services that have been so
far developed are informative services.
One of the opportunity given by T-government is
to promote the use of ICT-based public services by
large groups of people (e.g. the elderly), who have
no Internet access or the required skills of using. For
those people, the past experience with TV and
remote control may be a key qualification to become
effective users of the above services.
On the other hand some studies (Damodaran,
2002) make evident the gap of knowledge about the
human aspects of T-government services: usage and
usability, user satisfaction, the capability of services
to reach all citizens and the capability to include
them in the benefits of information society.
On these topics some field investigations have
been developed in Italy in the framework of the T-
government projects promoted by Centro Nazionale
per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione
(CNIPA) and Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB).
2.1 T-government Field Investigations
Developed in Italy
2.1.1 CNIPA Projects
In Italy, in 2004 CNIPA allocated 7 million euro in
order to co-fund T-government projects based on
DTT and addressed to the general public. As in the
case of the advanced applications co-funded by FUB
(3 million euro), such a competitive call came from
a joint initiative of the Minister for Communications
and the Minister for Innovation and Technology.
The experimentation carried out by CNIPA is
mainly oriented to transfer on the DTT platform
existing e-government services. Twenty-nine
informative applications were selected and co-
funded, with a total amount of investments
exceeding 32.5 million euros. Correspondingly, 13
regions, 25 provinces, 164 municipalities and 15
mountain communities along with 40 local and
national broadcasting corporations were involved.
These funded projects aimed at the experimental
implementation of several services for the citizens.
The services considered within projects can be
grouped into five classes:
social services: health care, social assistance and
disability, third age, jobs and occupations;
environment and tourism: environment, tourism,
traffic congestion and cultural events;
education: nursery schools, kindergartens,
schools and universities;
relationships with Public Administration:
institutional activities;
“Agorà”: citizens and elections.
Within several projects, interactive services
exploiting back channel (reverse/return channel) and
smart cards have been experimented.
As to the users involved, particular attention has
been devoted to people having limited opportunities
of accessing the Internet, users with disabilities, old
people and people looking for their first job.
2.1.2 FUB Projects
One of the objectives of the six T-government
projects co-funded by Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
(FUB) was to experiment high interactivity T-
government services, realised by Digital Terrestrial
Television (DTT), involving real users.
The high interactivity T-government services
provide the user with some of the following features:
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
remote interactivity using the return channel;
high performance return channel (e.g. broadband
or wireless);
user authentication using a smart card (e.g.
electronic identity card, services regional card or
other kind of smart cards);
on line payments.
The experimented services belong to different
application areas: demographics, utilities and fines,
education, T-health, T-learning, employment, T-
commerce, T-banking.
In order to investigate usage, usability and socio-
economical aspects of T-government services, an
explorative field investigation was developed in
each of the six projects.
The field investigations were realised using a
common framework referring to human factors
discipline (Papa & Spedaletti, 2001). The following
main usability aspects related to interactive services
were identified (Papa & Spedaletti, 2004): perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use and attractiveness,
training and user support (human support, user
manual, support provided by DTT, call center), user
perception of technical disturbances and troubles
(due to television signal, set top box, return
channel), security and privacy perception
(confidentiality of personal data, security of
payments), impact of the equipment in the house,
users’ satisfaction about the service including the
comparison of different channels to perform the
same task (e.g. DTT versus Internet, DTT versus
traditional office desk).
Service usage is related to whether a given
service is used or not and to the service utilisation
level. Service usage is evaluated collecting
subjective data provided by the user. The adopted
indicators for service utilisation level are (Davis,
1993): frequency of use, time duration of the
session, kind of use (shallow or intensive). Socio-
economical aspects included: user profile (including
income and social network information), TV and
Internet usage (including other entertainment
technologies), and scenarios (including interest
levels, willingness to pay for equipment and
services, decision factors).
The main results of the field investigations realised
in the FUB projects can be summarised as follows:
The role of the information and communication
campaign is very important in ensuring a high
adhesion to the field experiment by the users of
the panels and, in some projects, in increasing
the service usage.
In general, the usage of T-government services
has been quite low. A relevant difference in
usage was found between informative services
and interactive services. A possible explanation
could be related also to the fact that some
services with “high interactivity” are mainly
referring to periodical or occasional activities
(e.g. bill payment for phone etc, payment of
fines, change of family doctor) which cannot
justify a continuous use in the short time period
of the field experiments (two-three months on
average). However, the reasons of low usage
should be investigated in depth.
In general, technical problems were not
producing relevant perception of disturbances
and troubles and the users easily handled the
provided equipment. Overall the users were quite
satisfied with T-government services in
comparison to different channels to perform the
same task as the Internet and the traditional
office desk. However, in some projects, technical
problems produced relevant perception of
disturbances and troubles mainly due to the lack
of the digital television signal and to the
interruption of the connection with the return
channel. Other problems were connected with
current input devices of the digital television, for
instance user difficulties in the input of
alphanumeric data by the remote control or by
the virtual keyboard.
Services developed in three of the six projects
are still “on air” after the end of the project.
These services have the common feature of
being provided in the context of a public
administration (municipality, regional
administration, public schools).
One of the initial objectives of the projects was
to promote the use of Public Administration
services by groups of people who have not the
needed skills to use a computer and the Internet
but are familiar with television and with the
remote control. To this respect this objective was
only partially reached since the investigation has
shown that the most intensive users of T-
government services were people using a PC and
the Internet at home.
As mentioned before, the reasons of the low
utilisation of interactive services need to be
investigated more in depth. In particular, the
identification of factors affecting usage of
interactive T-government services could provide
useful elements to increase their usage in the future.
2.1.3 The Field Investigation Developed in
the Municipality of Parma
FUB provided the six projects with a common
framework and some general tools:
guidelines to evaluate usability of T-government
services with high interactivity;
a first questionnaire for the users, about usability
and usage aspects;
a second questionnaire for the users, concerning
socio-economical aspects.
Each question or group of questions had the aim
to evaluate indicators related to usability aspects,
socio-economical aspects and usage. Within the
above common framework, each project utilised
different tools and techniques for data collection,
adapting the above general tools to the particular
context of the project. Each project was also
responsible for data collection. In the following, the
field experiment carried out in the Project “Parma
Municipality Services” is described.
T-government Services Implemented.
The project
has developed both informative and interactive
services. The former provide information about:
Parma Municipality organisation; services offered to
the citizens by the Municipality; cultural initiatives
in progress in the city.
The interactive services allow the user (after
authentication through Electronic Identity Card):
to pay fines using a credit card;
to visualise the state of a demographic dossier
(e.g. for changing place of abode);
to visualise the state of a request for education
services provided by the municipality (e.g.
nursery school).
A screen shot is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Data input to select a demographic dossier.
During the field experiment a call center was
available to the users for any information and help in
the utilisation of the services.
The Users Panel. A sample of 200 people was
selected from a group of 4.000 citizens of Parma
Municipality. The selection followed two main
demographic characteristics to reflect the main
features of citizens in the Municipality of Parma
(in terms of age, gender, and city district);
potential interest toward the interactive services
under experimentation (holders of driving
licence and electronic identity card).
It was decided to choose the sample age ranging
from 20 to 45 years, people in general skilled in the
use of new information technology. The 200
citizens were randomly selected in this age range.
Finally, 181 citizens (88 males and 93 females) took
part at the experiment for the all planned period of
two months and a half.
Procedure. In the first phase, the T-government
applications were implemented and broadcasted in
the territory of Parma Municipality.
In the second phase a randomly chosen users
panel of 200 citizens was selected with the above
mentioned criteria. The recruitment officially started
when the municipality sent a letter to the users’
panel explaining objectives and modalities of the
trial. The users were then invited to contact the call
center to choose between self-installation and
personnel assisted installation of the decoder.
In case of self-installation, users were asked to
pick up by themselves the Set-Top-Box (STB) at the
Municipality offices. A user guide was also released
to aid home installation and services use. In case of
assisted installation, a technician brought the STB to
the people residence and there trained the users.
Tools and Techniques for Data Collection. Data
were collected mainly using a paper-based
questionnaire filled in by the users. The
questionnaire was both delivered and collected by
Municipality of Parma personnel.
Results. The first results of the field investigation
can be summarised in the following points:
The usage of interactive services has been quite
low. In particular only 20% of the users
answering to the questionnaire completely used
the interactive services. 35% used the interactive
services in a shallow way. A possible
explanation could be related to the fact that the
services are referring to occasional activities
(e.g. payment of fines).
Technical problems were not producing relevant
perception of disturbances and troubles and the
users easily handled complex equipment. Overall
the users were quite satisfied with T-government
services in comparison to different channels to
perform the same task, as the Internet and
traditional office desk. However, the sample
involved in the field study was composed by a
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
large part of young people using ICTs. Of course
it is not possible to generalise such indications to
the whole Parma population and, even less, to
the whole Italian population.
Since many years the study/assessment of usage of
emerging ICTs requires to be carried out through the
analysis of more and more reliable models (
Taylor &
Todd, 1995).
3.1 Theoretical Background
In this paper we assume that the main forecasting
feature of the most recognized models in the
literature, i.e. the “Technology Acceptance Models”
(TAM) (
Malhotra & Galletta, 1999) and UTAUT
(Venkatesh et al., 2003) in particular, could be
applied to analyse other experimental datasets, built
up by different criteria other than, of course, to be
suitable with ICT contexts of use. This hypothesis,
whether verified, should expand the possibilities to
analyse the usage constructs of the original sets of
variables and as well as to come to more satisfying
results. In fact, it is very difficult to attain data due
to the high complexity and variability especially
about socio-technical systems (Dillon, 2000) and/or
when technology is being oversold (Cornacchia,
2003). The relevant literature on this topic describes
the development of several models of technology
acceptance by the users and many extensions to the
basic constructs (Malhotra & Galletta, 1999;
Venkatesh & Davis, 2000), mostly built with the
behavioural elements (Ajzen, 1996) of who is
forming an intention to act (Bandura, 1986) and the
inclusion of some kinds of constraints (limited
ability, learning and usage (Bagozzi et al, 1992),
time, environmental, organisational, unconscious
habits, and so on) which influence the individuals’
actions (Compeau et al, 1999; Pierro et al, 2003).
This study thus aims to give a methodological
answer in measuring the effects of re-coding the
experimental T-government variables dataset, the
one described in the previous paragraph. The
procedure is carried out by matching the T-
government simple sets of variables with/into new
ones of the usage and technology acceptance of
Actually the TAM and UTAUT both apply to the
adoption and use processes of emerging ICT in order
to understand the human choices and technology
acceptance. The models suggest that when users are
presented with new technological devices, a number
of factors influence their decision about how and
when they will use them, notably two main key sets
of constructs: Perceived Usefulness and Perceived
Ease of Use (Davis, 1989).
Perceived Usefulness is defined as the user’s
“subjective probability that using a specific
application system will increase his/her job
performance within an organisational context”.
Perceived Ease of Use refers to “the degree to which
the users expects the target system to be free of
efforts”. Both complex constructs predict the attitude
toward using the system, in that order defined as
“the users desirability of using the system”.
There can be also strong behavioural elements
with which the models assume that when someone is
forming an intention to act, then he/she is free to act
without limitations. UTAUT extends TAM by
introducing the terms of social influence and
cognitive instrumental processes and, above all, it
ultimately unifies the main competing user
acceptance models, namely eight theoretical
approaches sharing the same basic concepts. As
shown in Figure2, the key dependent variable is the
intention and/or the use of technology, thus the final
purpose of the model is that of understanding and
providing explanation of the phenomenon “use of
information technology”, taken as dependent
variable. The role of intention, as an antecedent of
behaviour (i.e. of use), is the actual critical factor of
the model and was analysed and proved in literature.
Figure 2: Basic concept underlying user acceptance
In the formulation of the unified model four
constructs were identified which may play a
significant role as direct determinants of the user
acceptance and usage behaviour: Performance
Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and
Facilitating Conditions. In addition, Age, Gender,
Experience and Voluntariness of Use were the
moderators of the model.
3.2 Recoding T-government Variables
In the current exploratory study all direct
determinants of UTAUT constructs were considered
in the application with experimental T-government
dataset. To this extent, the questionnaire items were
recoded into aspects dealing with usage of “STB”,
“informative contents”, “interactive contents” and
others. During the matching and re-coding process,
the following four step scheme was applied:
1. set up the reference sets of complex constructs
from UTAUT;
2. search for simple items in the questionnaire that
can replicate the causal structure of the unified
model UTAUT, according to its requirements
and basic conditions;
3. re-code by grouping them into new sets;
4. test statistically both for significance and
meaningfulness of the new constructs of
Following steps 2 and 3 in the above mentioned
scheme, factors of UTAUT model were replicated
using the indicators adequately selected from the T-
government questionnaire. The result of such
recoding process is herewith summarised.
Use Behaviour
Use of Parma municipality services
Use of DTV services
Frequency of use
Time duration of each session
Type of use (intensive/shallow)
Comparison with alternative channels
Weekly interactions
Behavioural intention
Willingness to pay for equipment
Willingness to pay for services
Interest levels toward DTV services
Performance expectancy
Perceived service usefulness
User satisfaction
Comparison with alternative channels
Factors influencing adoption
Privacy and security
Effort expectancy
Perceived ease of use
Perception of technical problems
- Loss of television signal
- Too much time for application loading
- Loss of connection by the return channel
- Problems in establishing the connection
- Too much time to reach the objective
- Technical troubles in using equipment
Interaction with equipment
Service functions
Impact of equipment in the house
Social influence
Social network
Facilitating conditions
Decoder installation
User support provided by DTT
User manual for STB install
Manual for service use
Information on the cost of connection
Call center and contact center
Income and education
Experience (skills in using TV, Internet and
entertainment appliances)
Arranged by the above recoded factors, since
this was an exploratory study, dependent variables
considered in testing the significance of the new
causal constructs (step 4 of the procedure) were:
cont_utente_servizi (STB Use)
cont_interattivi (Interactive Service Use)
cont_informativi (Informative Service Use).
Besides, in carrying out assessment, following
independent variables constructs were applied:
Performance expectancy
Effort expectancy
Social influence
Facilitating conditions
The other constructs left over, i.e. Behavioural
Intention and Moderators, were not taken into
consideration at this preliminary stage of the study.
Finally, ahead of computing each predictor of the
novel UTAUT model, the three dependent variables
were standardised in order to make them comparable
each other.
In order to better understand the active relations
among the new generated set of variables, either for
the general or for the information or for the
interactive usage of T-government services, a
regression analysis was applied according with the
UTAUT reference model. This choice was suitable
given the low variability affecting the new
dependent variables. To this regard, it was pointed
out how people didn’t use many of the several
available on-line facilities, but they typically used no
more than one at time.
4.1 Predictors Estimation
Regression analysis allowed to estimate the different
weights of the UTAUT model factors applied to the
novel T-government usage structure, that is the
influence each of them may have in controlling the
weight of a single predictor.
Three models were thus arranged and tested,
using as criteria the assessment respectively of STB
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Use, of Interactive Service Use, and of Informative
Service Use. As shown in Table 1, set
cont_utente_servizi (STB Use) as dependent
variable, all coefficients with the exception of
Facilitating conditions were significant (overall
model: Adjusted R Square=.13; p<.000). Hence, it
can be said, the more subjects perceived high values
of these three predictors in adopting the STB the
more positive was the evaluation of this dependent
variable (Beta=.279, .311; .236; overall p<.001).
Table 1: Dependent variable: general STB Use.
Predictors Beta t Sig.
Performance expectancy .279 3.406 .001
Effort expectancy .311 3.793 .000
Social influence .236 3.368 .001
Facilitating conditions .046 .648 .518
In the second model of Table 2, the evaluation of
Interactive Service Use, set cont_interattivi as
dependant variable, gave nearly the same results
than the previous one (overall model: Adjusted R
Square=.14; p<.000). Therefore, still excluding
Facilitating conditions, the more subjects perceived
high values of the three predictors in using the
Interactive Service the more positive was the
evaluation of this dependent variable (Beta=.315,
.285; .264; overall p<.001).
Table 2: Dependent variable: Interactive Service Use.
Predictors Beta t Sig.
Performance expectancy .315 3.900 .000
Effort expectancy .285 3.528 .001
Social influence .264 3.811 .000
Facilitating conditions .032 .456 .649
Finally, as shown in Table 3., the evaluation of
Informative Service Use, set cont_informativi as
dependent variable, found that no one predictor
turned out to be effective (overall model: Adjusted R
Square=.003; p=n.s.); (Beta=.107, .153; .081; .024;
overall p>.05).
Table 3: Dependent variable: Informative Service Use.
Predictors Beta t Sig.
Performance expectancy .107 1.222 .223
Effort expectancy .153 1.749 .082
Social influence .081 1.086 .279
Facilitating conditions .024 .315 .753
According to this last model, Use of Informative
Services is not a variable depending on the given
UTAUT factors. Whether a predictor should be
taken for a supplementary analysis, the best rank is
Effort Expectancy.
4.2 The Final Model
By means of regression analysis it was demonstrated
if and how much the values taken by the dependent
variables, as well arranged from the T-government
dataset, either depended on or were determined by
the correspondent values taken by the independent
variables, in our case the main determinants of
UTAUT. Figure 3 summarises the results of the
positive dependences found in the analysis.
Figure 3: T-government factors usage: final model.
The figure also shows that Facilitating Conditions
hasn’t effective links to the hypothesised usage
In this paper the main feature of a forecasting model
has been applied in order to give a further
representation of a field research dataset about ICT
information and interactive services proposed for
residential users. Specifically, data coming from an
Italian T-government field experience at the
Municipality of Parma were re-processed to bring to
more significant results towards new purposes, i.e.
the identification of most relevant factors affecting
usage. In such a way, the low usage of interactive
services scored at Parma, and as well as of
informative services and decoder adoption, was
explained in terms of “use of information
technology” key dependant variable, in UTAUT
mentioned as direct determinant of user acceptance
and usage behaviour. The determinants Performance
Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and
Facilitating Conditions were reformulated by means
of T-government data to assess if and how much the
information system was humanly acceptable
developed. Results demonstrate that the procedural
scheme can be successfully applied to recode most
basic questionnaire items into new constructs
referable to UTAUT. The resultant model achieved
is statistically significant for the first three constructs
above mentioned, while it reveals to be partially
adequate for the last construct. Results encourage
also to go ahead in further developments on some
important issues.
At this stage of the study about the usage of T-
government services, the UTAUT key moderators
(i.e. age, gender, experience, voluntariness) were not
included in the process. However, a further analysis
has been planned to aim at finding whether it is
possible to incorporate in the model the variables
“income” and “education”, either as new moderators
or as new determinants.
This study is antecedent to a development also in
the area of forecasting the T-government services
diffusion processes for residential users. Actually,
re-modulated datasets and UTAUT constructs can
effectively feed a microsimulation model (Turk et al,
2008), where different policy measures (such as
subsidisation or inclusion of different services)
could be tested from different aspects, for instance
their cost, time and relevance.
The T-government projects promoted by FUB and
CNIPA were co-funded via a competitive call
coming from a joint initiative of the Italian Ministry
of Communication and the Italian Ministry for
Innovation and Technology. The field investigation
of the Project “Parma Municipality Services” was
developed in the framework of the agreement
between Fondazione Ugo Bordoni and the project
partners, Municipality of Parma, Itcity and
Enterprise Digital Architects. The authors would like
to thank: Sebastiano Trigila (Chief of the FUB T-
government program) for the supervision of the
projects; Roberto Azzano (ANFoV) and Giulia
Berni (ANFoV) for their contribution to the
supervision of user trials.
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