e-Commerce Usability Perspectives in Indonesia
Vincent Didiek Wiet Aryanto
Graduate School of Business Management Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Website, interactivity, usability.
Abstract: Usability is a key factor of website that is commercially successful. Interactivity has been linked to website
usability. This research confirms that improving website interactivity promotes website usability. In
addition, the extension of previous research such as usability sub construct such as learn ability,
memorability, efficiency, user error and self-efficacy are validated to improve the body of knowledge
particularly on e-commerce research.
The use of e-commerce alleviates Indonesian textile
industries nowadays that are beset by economic
crisis. As a matter of fact, using e-commerce
increases firm’s revenue up to twenty percent.
Consequently, it increases firm’s efficiencies in
production and marketing as well (Kompas, 2004).
The impact of internet on marketing and/or
advertising has been very important in current years,
and it continues to proliferate (Ha, 2003; Macias
2003). The internet exposes to advertising, giving
consumers the discretion to participate to particular
messages within the medium (Klein, 2003).
Marketing has changed dramatically due to the
development of the internet (Strauss and Frost,
1999) and since its inception; online marketing
including e-commerce has seen rapid change
(Rowley, 2001). Growing online competition and
maturation of internet technology have underpinned
the expansion of website factors, beyond extensive
product offerings, customer convenience, ease of
navigation, and security, that affect online marketing
success (Choate, 2000; Liu et al, 2000; Lohse et al;
Unfortunately, this is not true for most formats of
internet advertising, advertising formats such as
buttons, spams, banners, hypertexts, pop-ups; bars
are not requested by the receiver of the messages.
These advertisements are commonly incorporated in
portals, search engines, or media websites, reach
large audiences (Ha, 2003).
When the consumers is interested, he or she
clicks on one of these advertisings and begin to
control the communication process, hence,
advertising exposure is able to active (Chaterjee et
al, 2003). Websites, therefore, represent the most
important form of interactive advertising. Websites
are based on information and communication
technologies enable easy and quick interaction
between consumers and marketers (Coyle &
Thorson, 2001). In a website, individuals can
interact with the medium itself, which is called
“machine interactivity”. The machine interactivity
allows consumers to control what information will
be presented, in what order, and for how long.
(Ariely, 2000).
Website interactivity is a design factor that has
been indirectly linked to website usability.
Furthermore, interactivity is defined as mutual
communication between at least two entities, with
website interactivity generally involving
communication between a user and the website (Liu
& Shrum, 2002). Research on website interactivity
is still in its preliminary stages, and there is a
theoretical gap exists in describing and foreseeing
the linkage between usability and interactivity.
Seemingly, it may be intuitive that websites with a
high extent of interactivity are more usable than less
extent of interactivity, there is little theoretical and
empirical proof to support this notion. So far,
research indicates that interactivity can be useful,
value-neutral, or detrimental to a website, depending
on the situations. So, understanding how
interactivity affects usability is essential to the
Didiek Wiet Aryanto V. (2008).
WEBSITE INTERACTIVITY - e-Commerce Usability Perspectives in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 464-469
DOI: 10.5220/0001910604640469
progress of research on usability in e-commerce
websites. (Liu, 2003).
Usability literature provides guidelines for
improving website usability; however, many of
these guidelines are not supported by theoretical and
empirical evidence causing them incorrect, and
inapplicable in some contexts. Accordingly, many
usability guidelines largely ignore interactivity
aspects of user engagement. Thus, practitioner-based
usability guidelines will not necessarily provide
appropriate levels of website interactivity. (Chen &
Yen, 2004).
In response to the increasing demand for e-
commerce, it becomes more important to promote
recent usability literature with research based on
validated theory and empirical data. This research is
based on the improvement of the previous research
undertaken by Lowry et al; 2006. That suggested to
take into account on usability sub construct such as
learn ability, memorability, efficiency, error
prevention and self efficacy as suggested by Liu and
Shrum (2002), aside from satisfaction, this research.
In response to the existing gaps in interactivity
literature we set forth some research questions:
Should perceived measures of two way
communication, active control and
synchronicity highly correlated with each
Is there any positive correlation between
website interactivity and website usability?
Is there any positive correlation between
website interactivity and website usability sub
construct satisfaction?
Is there any positive correlation between
website interactivity and sub construct self
efficacy of user?
2.1 Interactivity
Most of the definitions of interactivity particularly
refer to two-way communication and interchange in
which two or more parties send related message to
each other (Liu & Shrum, 2007). Pavlik (1996)
defines interactivity as a process of reciprocal
influence (p.135), while Alba et al; (1997) proposed
that two dimension of interactivity generally focuses
on face-to-face interpersonal communication,
however, Ha & James (1998) contended that the
definition of interactivity based on interpersonal
communication is too restrictive to fit technical
communication. This assertion is particularly
relevant when considering work that takes place
over the WWW (World Wide Web) and related
technologies. In the technology point of view,
interactivity concept includes both human beings
and computers as parties in an interaction.
2.2 Website Interactivity
Website interactivity is pondered to be a subset of
interactivity that focuses on the interaction between
websites and users. In this regard, website
interactivity is broadly defined as any action a user
or a website takes a time, while a user is
predetermined end-user goal with the website, such
as accessing information-whether users are seeking
specific information or just browsing. Other goals
may include business transactions or even
entertainment (Stomer & Galley, 2000).
Interactivity of a website offers facilitated
communications, customization of presented
information, image manipulation, and entertainment
for the customer. (Mathwick, 2002). The interactive
nature of websites has been credited with increasing
the desire to browse and purchase online (Li et al;
According to Liu and Shrum (2002) a two-way
communication, active control and synchronicity
mold the basis of a powerful, yet simple. Further
development in two way communication refers to
bi-directional flow of communication between
communicators. (Liu, 2003). Active control is
present when a user is given the ability to choose
information and guide the interaction.
Synchronicity indicates the timing of information
exchange; a more concurrent or simultaneous
exchange between two entities is a more
synchronous interaction than an exchange with a
longer time lag between responses. These three sub-
constructs of interactivity form the basis for
exploring the relationship between website
interactivity and website usability.
The effects of fulfilled and unfulfilled
expectations and desires of interactivity in websites
are preliminary supported by website interactivity
research. Wu (1999) found out a strong, positive
correlation between positive perceptions toward a
website and interactivity. Liu and Shrum (2002)
provide a literature review and theoretical
proposition to support the notion that two way
communication, active control and synchronicity
improve interactivity and communication with
websites. Lowry et al; (2006) research’s to students
taking Management Information System
WEBSITE INTERACTIVITY - e-Commerce Usability Perspectives in Indonesia
coursework, supported Liu and Shrum’s theoretical
proposition that two way communication, active
control and synchronicity have strong positive
correlation with website interactiveness.
2.3 Website Usability
The more usable websites, the more positive attitude
towards online marketing or e-commerce and
increase repeated visit rates, while websites with low
usability have the opposite effect. Nielsen (2003)
defines usability in terms of learn ability, efficiency,
memorability, user errors and satisfaction.
Concerning website usability, Lowry et al; (2006)
applied on his research, Nielsen’s theoretical
framework, but only for the satisfaction variable,
since the researcher believed that satisfaction
triggered website usability and ultimately, satisfied
users revisited designated websites. However,
Lowry et al (2006) suggested for future research to
explore usability in terms of learns ability,
efficiency, memorability, user errors. Lowry et al;
(2006) used modified measure of satisfaction as
developed by McKinney et al (2002) and found out
that there was strong positive correlation between
website interactivity and satisfaction. The attribute
of subjective satisfaction used by Lowry et al (2006)
refers to how pleasant a user finds it to use computer
application or websites.
Self Efficacy influences people’s choice of
activities, how much effort they will expend, and
how long they will sustain effort in dealing with
stressful situations. Self efficacy expectations
toward the emerging traditional computer-based
learning systems are likely to influence how
participants use the systems (Bandura, 1996). Users
with high self-efficacy tend to be more persistent in
their learning and more confident in their ability to
use the systems. Disorientation is one of the
problems that novice explorers tend to have while
navigating within a cyberspace (Dias et al; 1999).
Lowry et al; (2006) suggested for future
empirical research the use of self-efficacy to
measure website usability. Previous empirical
research done by Liu and Shrum (2002) also
suggested exploring users’ self-efficacy. We now
operationalize hypotheses to test various elements of
our theoretical extension of website interactivity to
e-commerce website usability as follows:
H1 The perceived measures of two way
communication, active control and synchronicity
should highly correlate with each other.
H2 There is positive correlation between website
interactivity and website usability.
H3 There is positive correlation between website
interactivity and website usability sub construct
H4 There is positive correlation between website
interactivity and sub construct self efficacy of user.
This research entitled: Website interactivity: E-
commerce Usability Perspectives aim at exploring
the following:
The perceived measures of two way
communication, active control and
synchronicity correlate with each other.
The correlation between website interactivity
and website usability.
The correlation between website interactivity
and website usability sub construct satisfaction.
The correlation between website interactivity
and sub construct self-efficacy of user.
This study contributes to the theoretical
understanding of how website interactivity relates e-
commerce usability and its sub construct such as
satisfaction and self-efficacy. Because user
satisfaction, learn ability, memorability, efficiency,
user error, and self-efficacy have been identified in
defining website usability. Poor website usability
may lead to the misgivings in e-commerce
(Schneiderman, 2000). Rising interactivity shows
potential method of promoting consumer trust in e-
commerce websites via improved usability. A
deeper understanding of the relationship between
website interactivity and website usability provides
several theoretical contributions by validating the
theoretical models of Khalifa and Liu (2003), Liu
and Shrum (2002), and extending research done by
Lowry et al; (2006).
We tested the website interactivity and website
usability of website owned by Indonesian
Association of Textile and Apparel Industries
(A.P.I/Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia) composed of
twenty nine company members. The website can be
found at, this association
is an open membership association, willing to
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
bolster joint e-commerce on one website. So far,
API website has been inviting new members to join.
Consumers are able to surf various products offered
by the association interactively. This website was
chosen for three reasons (1) Textile and Apparel
Industries is one of the backbone industries
employing workers and generating fifth biggest
income nationally (2) Website participants from
both parties (consumers and producers) require
interaction with the website to furnish the intended
task (3) This website is unique since it is a joint-
membership industries or industries association. The
experimental design attributed website usability as
dependent variable and website interactivity as the
independent variable.
The participants were 31 students from a
Management Information System class at
Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang
Indonesia. Participants were sophomore-level
economics and business majors; 80% were female
and 20% were male. All major protocols were
followed e.g., informed consent. They were not
asked to mention their name at the questionnaire in
order to fulfill objectivity.
The participants were assigned to surf and
explore the intended website at the campus
computer laboratory for three consecutive days (4
hours times 3 days = 12 hours). They were assigned
as “ghost shopper” or acting consumers that pretend
to transact with the companies. Participants were
asked to what they expected and decided from API
or Indonesian Textile website. Each question was
rated on 1 to 5 Likert-like scale.
To test H1 - the perceived measures of two-way
communication, active control and synchronicity
should be highly correlated with each other-we used
Pearson’s correlations. These correlations provided
support for H1 that was positively correlated to each
other. However, two-way communication was
correlated with active control slightly (0.231),
whereas two-way communication correlated with
synchronicity (0.477) significant at the 0.01 level (2-
tailed). Active control correlated positively with
synchronicity 0.444 significant at the level 0.05
levels (2-tailed). The weak correlation between two-
way communication and synchronicity can be
described that users faced a major obstacle
particularly the degree of synchronicity with respect
to internet speed and the responsiveness of website
officers/masters to deal with the e-commerce users.
To test H2 - there is positive correlation between
website interactiveness and website usability. The
result was positively correlated between
interactiveness and usability (0.656). Correlation
was significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) which
fully supported H2.
To test H3 - there is positive correlation between
website interactiveness and website usability sub
construct satisfaction. The result was positively
correlated (0.271) but in a less sturdy sense and less
statistically significant.
To test H4 - there is positive correlation between
website interactiveness and website usability subs
construct self-efficacy. The result was positively
correlated (0.466). Correlation was significant at the
level 0.01 (2-tailed), which fully support H4. We
performed Npar test, and the distribution was
6.1 Discussion
This research extended e-commerce website
interactivity theory by testing the relationships with
website usability. We found that perceived
interactivity sub constructs of two-way
communication, active control and synchronicity
were correlated with each other. This finding
bolstered the previous research done by Khalifa and
Liu (2003); Liu and Shrum (2002) and Lowry et al;
(2006). We also provided extension of usability sub-
constructs in terms of learn ability, memorability,
efficiency, user error and self-efficacy that was
recommended for further study by previous
researchers. We captured these ideas to carry out in
our research and eventually, the result was website
interactivity, significantly correlated with usability.
However, contrary to the previous research done by
Lowry et al; (2006), we found that website
interactivity was not correlated with usability sub
construct satisfactions.
These phenomena can be explained that
technically speaking, network performance was
lousy in the campus area and its surrounding; this
caused slower internet speed especially during office
hours. Users encountered with problems for wasting
time. Dissatisfaction also occurred when the images
appeared on textile website was not many and
attractive. Apparently, the website designer
purposely designed the minimum images and
pictures to be posted in the website to enable faster
download and upload time. Fiore and Jin (2003)
found out that fewer images appeared on textile and
apparel website e.g., 3 dimensions of virtual images,
images of apparel examples dissatisfied the users.
WEBSITE INTERACTIVITY - e-Commerce Usability Perspectives in Indonesia
Slow response from the webmaster or persons in
charge to serve and entertain the users in fact, has
dissatisfied them.
We came up in the study that website
interactivity was strongly correlated with website
usability sub construct self-efficacy. The
interactivity of this textile website was related to the
users confident to surf, obtain information and
transact business on the website.
7.1 Limitations & Future Research
Limitation of this research is that although the
increased interactivity benefits in our sample
website, however, high interactivity is not
necessarily always good. Sundar et al (2003) have
suggested that there is point interactivity affects
users negatively; this point may be based on the
character of the individual. Future research shall
explore the effects of high levels of interactivity on
website users.
Another limitation is that our research only
focused on textile website, with respondents who
were college or university students. Future research
should incorporate travel agents, flight agents, blogs
and other types of websites etc and should also use
research samples from populations other than
university students.
Since we determined the designated purposely
textile website for the respondents or participants in
the interactivity research, for the future research we
recommend to open the participants in opting their
The shortcomings such as internet networks that
decelerate the internet speed, lack of attractive
images and pictures, unresponsive behavior of
officer in charge should be taken into account;
otherwise, user distrust will be prevalence to use e-
Limited number of participants or respondents
was also the weakness of this research; therefore,
future research should involve various internet users.
7.2 Conclusions
This research confirms that improving website
interactivity promotes website usability. It extended
e-commerce website interactivity theory by testing
the relationships with website usability. We found
that perceived interactivity sub constructs of two-
way communication, active control and
synchronicity were correlated with each other.
Furthermore, result of the research was website
interactivity, significantly correlated with usability.
However, contrary to the previous research done by
Lowry et al; (2006), we found that website
interactivity was not correlated with usability sub
construct satisfactions.
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