A Selective Classification Scheme
Gunther Schiefer and Michael Decker
Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Method, University Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Simple Phone, Feature Phone, Smartphone, Handheld, Web-Tablet, Netbook, Mobile PC, Tablet-PC,
classification, mobile Terminal.
Abstract: There is a great number of different types of mobile computing devices like cellular phones, Handhelds and
notebooks. However in literature so far there is no common accepted definition for these terminal types. Es-
pecially the term “Smartphone” is used for very different types of mobile phones. In our article we therefore
propose a comprehensive taxonomy for mobile terminals that clearly distinguishes between different classes
of terminals.
Everyday life without mobile terminals is almost
unthinkable. With the increasing use of them for a
multiplicity of tasks the equipment variants increase
likewise. At present the most popular mobile termi-
nals with the highest penetrations rates are mobile
phones and Feature Phones. According to Kuhn
(Kuhn, 2004) a mobile terminal is a portable com-
puter-assisted communication system with inde-
pendent data processing capacity, which can com-
municate as endpoint of a wireless connection with
other IT-systems. “Independent data processing
capacity” means that the mobile terminal is equipped
with random access memory (RAM), a central proc-
essing unit (CPU) (this implies programmability),
own network-independent power supply (battery)
and the possibility to directly interact with human
users by providing means for data input (e.g. keys,
microphone, touchscreen) as well data output (e.g.
display, light emitting diodes, speaker). Thus radio
frequency identity tags (RFID), Smartcard etc. are
not mobile terminals in the sense of the above defi-
nition because they don’t dispose over an independ-
ent power supply and a user interface. Computers
integrated into machines (e.g. vending machines,
machines in factories) are also not considered as
mobile terminals because a human user can’t carry
them along.
Mobile terminals differ particularly with regard
to their size, their use and their performance for the
execution of mobile applications. One reason for this
is that mobile computing is a rather new technology
so a market consolidation like that for personal desk-
top computers didn't take place yet. There are also
many application scenarios for mobile computers
with different requirements so it is necessary to have
mobile terminals especially developed for individual
fields of applications. To get an impression of the
great variety of mobile terminals one can refer to the
project which assembles a profile database
with information about capabilities of different mo-
bile terminals: the file comprehends over 5.000
different profiles. Some software products for mo-
bile terminals are available in customized versions
for several hundred types of mobile terminals, e.g.
a mobile applications that provides
access to services like e-mail, news, weather fore-
casts and maps.
Nevertheless we can identify distinct classes of
mobile terminals with common characteristics.
Within the range of the mobile terminals there are a
number of different types. They differ in the charac-
teristics listed above. There are different approaches
to divide the terminals into different classes (see for
example (Noesekabel and Lehner, 2002), (Meier,
2002) or (Roth, 2005)). The borders between the
Schiefer G. and Decker M. (2008).
TAXONOMY FOR MOBILE TERMINALS - A Selective Classification Scheme.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 255-258
DOI: 10.5220/0001911502550258
different terminal classes are seen differently by
different authors and are often not clear. For exam-
ple according to Brome and Zeman (Brome and
Zeman, 2008) and Canalys (, 2004) the
classification into Feature Phone and Smartphone is
determined by whether additional software is exe-
cuted directly by the operating system or by a run-
time environment like Java ME. On the one hand
this distinction isn’t obvious, on the other hand there
are terminals which can do both.
Mobile terminals can differ in the following cri-
teria (list is not complete):
Size and weight
Input modes
Output modes
Kind of usage
Communication capabilities
Type of operating system
Some of these characteristics can be used to dis-
tinguish classes of terminals from each other. The
following section gives criteria for the classification
of mobile terminals into distinct classes without the
need to do a deepened technical analysis. All classes
regarded in our classification (see also Figure 1)
have the ability for bidirectional wireless communi-
cation and have an independent power in the form of
an accumulator. Hereby the often vague defined
term Smartphone will be clearly separated from
Feature Phone and Handheld.
2.1 Mobile Standard PC
The wireless mobile standard computers include
laptops/notebooks, subnotebooks (also called net-
books) and Tablet-PC (including ultra mobile PC
(UMPC)). Subnotebook is the name for a particu-
larly small and light notebook, whose equipment is
very similar to those in a full notebook, however has
no optical drives (CD/DVD-ROM-drive) and a
smaller keyboard. An UMPC is a Tablet-PC which
is maximally 8 inches large, weighs maximally
900 grams and has a display with a resolution of at
least 800x480 pixels; Keyboards can be attached
externally. On these terminals the conventional
desktop operating systems (Linux, Windows) can be
used as well as the compatible software packages
like office suites. Substantial distinguishing features
are the size of chassis and display, the weight, the
Figure 1: Classification tree of mobile terminals.
Mobile terminals
In narrow sense In broad sense
Wireless mobile
Mobile Internet
Standard PC
Mobile phones
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
integrated peripherals (e.g. optical Drive included)
and the operation kind of the terminals.
Notebooks with wireless communication capa-
bilities are mobile terminals according to definition
given above. However in the following considera-
tions we won’t focus on them because our article is
more concerned with smaller and lighter terminals
that can be used by a walking or standing user.
Notebooks usually need a „stand space“ like a table
or someone’s lap. Tablet PCs on the other hand are a
special subclass of the mobile standard computers,
because they have a touch-sensitive display and
therefore can be used while standing with only one
hand so they can be operated without a stand space.
2.2 Mobile Internet Devices
Beside the mobile standard PC there is a terminal
class “Mobile Internet Devices” (MID) (also called
Web-Tablet or mobile Thin Client) with similar
equipment and display size, however clearly reduced
function range and normally no mechanical drives.
Characteristically these terminals are equipped like
Handhelds (see below) with an operating system in
the read-only memory (ROM) and are immediately
ready for use after switching them on. Their function
range is similar to the Handhelds and they are
mainly used for browsing the web and as client for
terminal server sessions. They depend mostly on a
constant wireless network connection for the fulfil-
ment of their tasks. The Web-Tablets (like the Tablet
PC) can be operated through a touch-sensitive dis-
play, the mobile Thin Clients usually through a
2.3 Handhelds
Handhelds are small computers, which — like the
name already suggest — can be held in one hand.
They are called often also Personal Digital Assistant
(PDA). Historically these were originated from the
pure organizers, which could be predominantly used
for personal information management (PIM) appli-
cations like calendar, address book or personal
notes. Today's Handhelds have clearly higher per-
formance and are usually equipped with multimedia
capabilities. As written above, only Handhelds who
are able to establish a wireless connection are re-
garded here. They are equipped usually with an
operating system in the ROM and are immediately
ready for use after switching on (no boot-time
needed). Apart from the pre-installed programs in
the ROM, users can install further applications in the
RAM or the flash memory and attach various exten-
sion modules. Handhelds usually have a touch-
sensitive display and can be used with a pen (or the
fingers), or they have a text keyboard and navigation
keys for it. Increasingly there are terminals which
can be operated through both of them. Terminals are
only classified as Handheld if they cannot communi-
cate in communication networks for mobile teleph-
ony like GSM or UMTS.
2.4 Smartphones
The term “Smartphone” designates a combination of
Feature Phone (see below) and Handheld with usu-
ally somewhat smaller dimensions, smaller display
and partly reduced function range in comparison to
the Handheld. They form their own class. On the one
hand mobile computers which have the characteris-
tics of Handhelds and the ability to communication
over mobile telephony networks and have almost
everywhere and „seamless“
connection to the Inter-
net belong to this class. On the other hand portable
radio terminals with the characteristics of Feature
Phones that have extended input modes belong to
this class, too. The extended input mode can be
provided by a touch-sensitive display (which can be
used with the fingers or a pen) or a complete text
2.5 Feature Phones
Feature Phones are mobile phones (see below) with
usually somewhat larger display and extended func-
tion range. The primary use purpose of the Feature
Phones lies in mobile communication, which in-
cludes both the voice communication and text-based
communication (SMS, MMS, e-mail etc.). For this
terminal class the ability for wireless data communi-
cation over the mobile communications networks
(e.g. GPRS or UMTS) and the absence of the ex-
tended input modes are characteristic. These are
limited to a number keyboard and a few additional
keys. Particularly terminals which support not only
the GSM standard but also UMTS are equipped with
a Web browser and software to play back multime-
dia contents. On these terminals the user can install
additional software. Since many terminals have
proprietary operating systems, in most cases addi-
tional software is offered on basis of Java Micro
Seamless means that these terminals change unno-
ticed and without further user interaction inde-
pendently from one radio cell to another (soft
handover) and give the user the impression of only
one large radio cell.
TAXONOMY FOR MOBILE TERMINALS - A Selective Classification Scheme
Edition (Java ME), which is supported by nearly
every Feature Phone manufactured today.
2.6 Simple Phones
The classical mobile phones (also termed “cellular
phone”) were developed primarily for mere voice
communication. However nowadays text-based
communication in the form of the short message
service (SMS) is a standard feature of mobile
phones. For Simple Phones it is characteristic that
they are not able to use wireless data communication
based on TCP/IP (e.g. browsing the internet or re-
ceive e-mail). The resolution and colour depth pro-
vided by displays of these terminals was signifi-
cantly improved in the recent years. The displays
became also bigger but they are usually noticeably
smaller than those of Feature Phones. The function
range of these terminals can only be extended with
software in a small scale, e.g. by additional ring-
tones, pictures and multimedia animations or games,
whereby these are strongly limited by the memory
free space and the performance of the processor.
2.7 Special Terminals
Beyond the versatile usable standard terminals there
are a number of specialized mobile terminals which
cannot be arranged into the above classification.
These are for example e-book readers for storage
and reproduction of electronic books, electronic light
pens, which can read bar code or printed texts and
process electronically or bar code readers with num-
ber keyboard for the stocktaking in supermarkets: A
worker scans the product code, enters the number of
available products in shelf and transfers all immedi-
ately wirelessly to a server.
Navigation terminals for travellers became quite
popular in the last few years. Those terminals can be
used for locating as well as for route guidance.
These terminals can calculate their own position
based on the signals received from several satellites
(Küpper, 2005). The global positioning system
(GPS) of the US military or the Russian system
GLONASS are already in use for many years and
can be used nearly world-wide without fees. The
projected Galileo system by the European Union is a
civilian system that will provide some service for
navigation free of charge; the full operation of this
system is now scheduled to start in the year 2013.
GPS (ore others) receivers can be integrated into a
mobile terminal but there are also separate GPS
modules (so called “GPS mouse”) that can be con-
nected to a mobile terminal using a cable or blue-
In this article we distinguished the mobile terminals
clearly from other mobile devices. With the intro-
duction of the term Feature Phone, which is used
rarely by other authors, mobile phones can be di-
vided selectively into different classes. The term
Smartphone, which was until then fuzzy, become
consequently clear. With the introduction of the
class of special terminals, which comprehends all
terminals for special tasks that cannot and should not
be assigned to the standard classes, the classification
of mobile terminals is altogether clear and complete.
This work has been funded by the Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology, Germany (BMWi,
Contract No. 01MD06012). The responsibility for
the content of this article lies solely with the authors.
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Noesekabel, H., Lehner, F., 2002. Integration of web- and
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business