followed in design-reality gaps model (“DRG”,n.d.)
presents a set of questions which will attempt to rate
the gaps.
The DRG model involves questions relating to a
series of seven 'ITPOSMO' dimensions -
information, technology, processes, objectives &
values, staffing & skills, management systems and
structures, and other resources - with attached rating
numbers (“DRG”,n.d.). Using each of the seven
dimensions, two things have to be observed. One is
the organizational reality that exists at the time of
analysis and the other one is the requirements within
the design of the proposed e-government project.
For each one of the dimensions, a numerical rating
has to be allocated to indicate the size of the design-
reality gap on that dimension. The rating for each
dimension's gap can be anywhere on a scale from
zero to ten.
After the rating, the rating numbers for all seven
ITPOSMO dimensions are added up and can be
interpreted according to the table 1 (“DRG”,n.d.).
The seven dimensions are applied to the
proposed approach and the corresponding rating is
• Information: The information currently being
used for voter registration is the same as required by
the approach. So no change indicates 0 rating.
• Technology: The required software for the
development of the grid computing environment
would be slightly different than the setup currently
being used. So a rating of 4 can be allocated to this
• Processes: The work processes undertaken in
the current scenario need not be increased for the
requirement of the proposed scenario. So a rating of
0 can be assigned to this dimension.
• Objectives & values: The objectives and values
required for the key stakeholders of the proposed
system have to be exactly the same as the objectives
and values of the current system. So a rating of 0
should be assigned corresponding to this dimension.
• Staffing & skills: The staffing members and the
skill level or type will slightly differ in maintaining
the control of the grid architecture. So a rating of 3
has to be assigned for these criteria.
• Management systems & structures:
Management systems and structures required for the
implementation of the proposed approach will be
slightly different than the exiting system. But the
overall management will be the same. So a rating of
4 can be assigned for this dimension.
• Other resources: The time and money required
to implement the proposed system will be higher for
the initial setup. But it will definitely be lower for
maintenance compared to the existing system. So a
rating of 2 can be assigned.
The total rating for the ITPOSMO dimensions is
added up to 13. According to the table I, there is a
high possibility of success in the proposed approach.
Table 1: Overall rating analysis.
Likely Outcome
57 – 70
The e-government project will almost
certainly fail unless action is taken to
close design-reality gaps.
43 – 56
The e-government project may well fail
unless action is taken to close design-
reality gaps.
29 – 42
The e-government might fail totally, or
might well be a partial failure unless
action is taken to close design-reality
15 – 28
The e-government project might be a
partial failure unless action is taken to
close design-reality gaps.
0 – 14
The e-government project may well
Grid computing has become the popular solution to
distributed problems. Election process is a very
critical distributed problem faced in any
government. In this paper, a better approach is
proposed to maintain the database of the voter
registration, so that the distributed election process
can effectively be handled with the least possible use
of centralization.
Foster, I.(2006). Globus Toolkit Version 4: Software for
Service-Oriented Systems, IFIP International
Conference on Network and Parallel Computing,
Springer-Verlag LNCS 3779, pp 2-13. (15th April 2008).
Retrieved: April 15, 2008.
Banglapedia:history (n.d.). Retrieved: 17th April, 2008, Retrieved: 17th April, 2008.
DRG Model
shtml . Retrieved: 27th May, 2008.