Roberto Paiano, Anna Lisa Guido and Enrico Pulimeno
Dipartimento Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, SalentoUniversity, Via per Arnesano, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Keywords: Multi agent systems, ontology reasoning, domain independent, domain dependent.
Abstract: The increasing interest towards e-business systems, and thus the need of the companies to communicate
with other companies in an efficient and flexible way, brings to a new way of thinking about information
systems that open itself towards distributed systems where the exchange of information may happen. The
problem is in the way that this exchange can be made both from the technology point of view and from the
conceptual point of view. If from a side a recent technology for information exchange (DDS- Data
Distribution Service) can help us from the other one it seem interesting the use of ontology as representation
tool of application domain that must open itself to the communication. In this paper we present an
architecture that is oriented to a multi-agent communication that uses ontologies and DDS as information
exchange protocol. The architecture here presented must be repeat without difficulties on an e-business
system assuming that each agent of the proposed architecture is a company in an e-business system.
An e-business system is a system where involved
companies communicate among them exchanging
data in as much as possible efficient and flexible
way with the goal to satisfy the final user. Two are
the main problems that rise in this area:
Conceptual problem related to the definition of
a semantics of interchange of the data in order
to assure the communication of the
companies in heterogeneous environments;
Technological problem related to the use of a
suitable data interchange system useful to
assure the communication between
heterogeneous systems.
Both the problems are difficult to be faced and
surely can be of great help the formal ontologies to
solve the first problem (conceptual problem) and,
relatively to the technological problem, it can come
in help the DDS technology (Data Distribution
Service) (DDS, 2001) standard OMG and surely
useful not only for synchronous comminication
among companies but also for the asyncronous one.
Very often, in fact, the companies don’t need
only information in real time: we can think, for
example, to a business process that needs to have a
data coming from another information system. The
data requested from the business processes in order
to go on with the execution are not immediately
available. It is necessary a mechanism that allows to
ask for the data and wait until the data is made
available by some other information system that can
provide it.
A base architecture useful to think about an e-
business system based on a multi-agent has been
presented in a research project lead by SSI (Space
Software Italia) and the Department of Engineering
Innovation of the University of Salento. The project
was founded by Apulia region. Starting from a
multi-agent system already made up from SSI in a
demining system where each agent is represented by
a robot, the goal of the project has been to enable
the communication between agents through a level
of intelligence made up by semantic web
technologies, in order to define a run-time all the
parameters to publish/subscribe depending on the
operational context where agents work.
Naturally, when in the multi-agent system the
parameters to publish/subscribe has been identify , it
is necessary to avoid that they are manually
published/subscribed in the DDS; it would be,
therefore, useful that the classes (the parameters are
published/subscribed in the DDS through classes)
that materially define these parameters inside the
DDS, are automatically produced.
Paiano R., Lisa Guido A. and Pulimeno E. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 101-106
DOI: 10.5220/0001913301010106
The "intelligent" level, that it is important to add,
it has to operate so that to allow "to understand",
depending on the context, the parameters to
publish/subscribe. To add this level, the formal
ontologies are particularly useful. Not only the
ontology but also the technologies of reasoning that
allow from a side to define the context where the
system operates and from the other to individualize
the rules of action that each agent can take in order
to answer to a well defined event.
The comparison with this kind of system and the
e-business systems is immediate: every agent
represents every information system involved in the
information interchange. The "intelligent" level
allows subsequently the different information
systems to publish/subscribe in the DDS the data of
interest to an appropriate system of reasoning that
allows to identify the correct information.
In this paper we present a high-level architecture
designed in the research project: the architecture is
useful in order to allow the communication among
the involved agents. As it will be clearer
subsequently, the base idea will be that to make the
application domain independent in comparison to
the definition of the key elements that make possible
the communication (DDS). Besides particularly
interesting is the sharing of an only one knowledge
base among several agents of the system.
After having introduced in the section 2 the state
of the art to the multi-agent systems, in the section 3
will be introduced three alternatives considered as it
regards the positioning of the knowledge base on the
various agents that constitute the system. In the
section 4 we present the architecture of the multi-
agent system, finally, in the section 5, we present the
conclusions of the paper.
The e-business systems have not been thought and
developed, until now, according to a multi-agent
logic. It is useful, however, to present the state of the
art related to the multi-agent systems in order to
understand the problem list related to the
development of a system of this type.
In a multi-agent system we may speak about 4
main aspects:
decisional aspects related to the agent: what
actions an agent undertakes depending on the
external environment;
outsourcing of the execution: possibility that
more agents collaborate together, performing
elementary actions to complete a complex
interactions among agents: information
interchange among agents in distributed
Evolution toward component more and more
endowed with autonomy: agents that in full
autonomy reach their own goals.
The multi-agent systems need a study of the
nature of the interactions. It results therefore
important the notions of collaboration and
Interesting, in this paper, to underline that for the
realization of a multi-agent architecture it is
necessary to have a layer of communication and a
layer of conceptual modelling.
Communication Layer: currently the most
qualified is standard seems to be FIPA-ACL
(FIPA, 2002) (Agent Communication
Language) created from the Foundation for
Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA). This
standard is founded on the linguistic action
theory, elaborated by John Searle (Searle,
1969). An important implementation of the
FIPA standard is the framework JADE
( an open source platform
for peer-to-peer agent based communication
developed by Telecom Italia Lab.
Conceptual Model Layer: it is very important
to identify the domain where agents operate
and it is important the dynamics of
interactions between agents.
Currently, particularly interesting within the
modelling of the multi agent systems it results:
The BDI Model (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions)
(Chang-Hyun, Guobin et. Al, 1969): it
considers the agent environment belief, which
is the result of its knowledge and perceptions,
and a set of Desires. Intersecting these two
sets, we obtain a new set of intentions, which
can become actions.
(Bresciani, Perini et. Al, 2004) a
software development methodology founded
on concepts used to model early requirements.
In particular, the proposal adopts Eric Yu's
modelling framework, which offers the
notions of actor, goal and dependency, and
uses these as a foundation to model early and
late requirements, architectural and detailed
design. The language used in Tropos for the
conceptual modelling is formalized in a meta-
model described with a set of UML class
In literature there are several papers that examine
the software engineering paradigm applied to the
multi-agents system, among them an article of Pratik
K. Biswas (Patrik, Biswas, 2007) describes
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
extensively the multi-agent system elements and
their correlations, confronting them with UML
paradigm that it reuses for their modelling.
Very interesting in a multi-agent system is the
ontological approach very useful to provide an
explicit and formal representation of the domain.
This representation is simple to realize and it is
simple to exchange between agents thanks the
ontological languages such OWL (W3C, 2004).
An e-business system thought in the multi-agent
terms it will have, for the complexity of the
scenarios in which it will operate, an elevated degree
of hardiness and modularity. To reach this goal it is
important to make more independent possible the
various agents (nodes) of the system, that they need
a continuous interchange of data in order to reach
their own goal.
The first problem to face is that to add to a
multi-agent system a layer of "intelligence" that is
able to provide a good level of autonomy and facility
of updating the system, besides it provides the
possibility to describe the several events that are
verified inside the system and to which the agents
must answer. This level of intelligence is constituted
by an ontology (opportunely supported by a system
of rules) that it results particularly useful to
guarantee a complete understanding of the domain to
all the interested agents, and accordingly one swifter
change of his in case of changes or the insertion and
management of unexpected events.
In the use of ontology in the e-business
systems based in multi-agents it is had to analyze
with attention as it must be defined and above all if
this ontology has to be positioned only on a node
inside the system or must be distributes on different
nodes. We describe 3 hypotheses of work
individualized defining among them the most
suitable to the context in which we work.
3.1 Centralized Knowledge Base
The centralized system foresees that all the agents
that cooperate make reference to a knowledge base
centralized on only one agent. This system involves
that, all the information push through the central
node which stores them in the knowledge base and
elaborates them.
The advantages of this approach are:
the system is simple to manage;
presence of a supervision node from which it is
possible to access all the information and to
provide precise commands to the other agents;
The disadvantages are:
The supervisor node results a critical Point of
Failure, in fact if the supervisor node had to
come less for some reason the knowledge base
would result unreachable from the other nodes
and, therefore, the overall system go down.
Agents have little decision autonomy.
3.2 Knowledge Base Total Distribute
In a structure that introduces an high degree of
distribution, all the agents work in independent way
and the exchange of data it has the goal to make
possible the coordination among the agents. All the
agents are in communication exploiting a system of
connection reliable (the DDS) that limit the Point of
failure. At ontology level, for this scenario two
different solutions can be identified, one that
foresees to repeat the whole knowledge base of
domain on every agent and the other is to foresees
the distribution of the domain ontology so that to put
on every agent only the part of knowledge base that
interests the specific agent for the carrying out of
his/her own role in the system.
3.2.1 Knowledge Base Replied on the Agents
In this structure, in which knowledge base is repeat
on every agent every node of the system, knows the
whole domain.
The advantages of this approach are:
Non-existence of a Point of Failure;
The autonomy degree of the agent enhance
All the agents have peer decisional ability
exploiting the knowledge base;
The disadvantages are:
Every change on the knowledge base has to be
repeat on every agent;
The system needs a good structure of
The complexity of each agent enhances.
3.2.2 Knowledge Base Distribute on the
Another solution foresees the distribution on the
several agents of the description of the domain that
must be decomposed in modules depending on the
specific criterions of competence. In other words, it
deals with decomposing in several functionalities the
ontology and to implement them on the several
agents based on the demands of these.
The advantages of this approach are:
Least redundancies of the data, every agent
has only the information of which it has need;
Absence of a single Point of Failure, and
therefore greater independence of the robots;
Possible changes to be brought to the
ontological structure of the data base would be
alone on the single agent and not on
The disadvantages are:
Planning is complex because each agent is
Limited decisional ability for the agents.
3.3 The Selected Solution
The selected solution is to have a distributed system
with a knowledge base repeat on every agent of the
operational context. In this way the several nodes
that operate in the system will be fully autonomous
and able to develop his/her own task without
depending in some way on the other participants to
the mission, also communicating and exchanging
data, in continuous way, with the other agents.
Before introducing the logical architecture
conceived it is fundamental to clarify shortly the
operation of the middleware of communication
4.1 Use of the DDS as Tool for the
Communication among Agents
The DDS is a useful tool proposed by the OMG that
enable the communication within data-centric
systems. The system of communication is
asynchronous and it is based on the
publishing/subscribing protocol: when agent that
operates in the system has the necessity of a data, it
makes a subscribing of it pointing out the data of
which it has need; when some other agent of the
system makes the data available, it effects a
publishing of it. The agent that has previously
effected the subscribing is able, to this point, to get
the data of interest. The data publishing/subscribing
is encapsulated in a class and send to the DDS. Since
information may change depending on the particular
operational context, also the relative
publishing/subscribing class can vary depending on
the particular data to send to the DDS.
4.2 Goal in the Realization of the
The idea that is at the base of the conceived
architecture is born from two fundamental requisite:
Decouple the decisional aspect related to the
publishing/subscribing of well defined
information, from the technological aspect
tied up to the necessity to produce on the fly
the useful classes to publishing/subscribing
the parameters in the DDS
To provide an high flexibility level to the
system in this way to allow an adaptation of
the same to the different operational scenarios
where the architecture could operate, also
without denying the consequential
potentialities from the existence of a
middleware able to guarantee the
communication among the various agents.
Having decided to use a semantic base replied on
every agent of the environment, we decided to
decouple the component of the knowledge base of
domain from that related to the management and
representation of the concepts that describe the
middleware of communication (DDS).
The proposed decoupling makes the system
independent from the particular operational context,
providing a flexible and easily adaptable structure.
The proposed architecture is in fig. 1.
Figure 1: Logical architecture.
First of all we observe the presence of two layers
one called "domain independent" and one called
"domain dependent". Within these two layers,
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
interconnected through a system of rules as will be
detailed after, the presence of two knowledge bases
is observed:
Knowledge Base Domain Dependent: this
module represents the KB specific of a special
operational context.
Knowledge Base Domain Independent: this
module represents several elements that
constitute the DDS.
We can observes, within the layer "domain
dependent" the presence of an "agent". It represents
a generic agent that will contain both the knowledge
base domain dependent and the knowledge base
domain independent and that will make operation of
publishing/subscribing of the information on the
4.3 Ontology Domain Dependent
The knowledge of the context, in which the agents
work, and of its dynamics, it allows to be able to
manage in the best way the events that can be
verified in it. The module has the goal to represent
the application domain in which the agents operate
and the possible semantics relationships existing
among the information that the various agents could
exchange. In this module it will be present,
therefore, this domain ontology that must have
realized from the expert of domain that, better of
everybody, it is able to define every aspect of it. In
the knowledge base it is possible to find the specific
information about the domain and their semantic
relationships as an example if the domain is an
information system that manage data about
environment, the concept in the knowledge base will
be the sensor used to obtain data or the area where
data will be obtained and these two concepts will be
related each other in order to provide the semantic
link. For each sensor it will be possible to define the
period of time when the data will be obtained and
the threshold values defined in the specific context.
These information will constitute a small part of the
overall domain ontology that describe the specific
information system.
4.4 Ontology Domain Independent
In this module there is the ontology that represents
the specifications of the substratum of
communication chosen for this architecture. This
knowledge base reproduces, of fact, the OMG
specification for the DDS: this knowledge base will
be completed with the individuals, depending on the
specific necessities, from the information obtained
following inference, from the KB domain
dependent. For example, if it is important, for the
information system to publish/subscribe a well
specific data obtained by the sensor, for example the
temperature data, the information useful to make a
topic for the temperature will be moved from the
knowledge base domain dependent to the knowledge
base domain dependent.
4.5 Jena Reasoner Module
The Jena reasoner module have the task to realize,
through the application of ad-hoc SWRL rules
written by the business expert, the deductions on the
knowledge base that allow to intercept events that
must happen and that they require, eventually, of a
publishing/subscribing of information on the DDS
with the goal to complete one determined activity.
With an opportune analogy, every information
system within an e-business system will deduce
from the domain ontology what information to
publish/subscribe in order to communicate with the
other systems.
4.6 Rule Engine Module
The rule engine module will provide, through the
opportune rules defined in the SPARQL language, to
extract from the KB domain dependent the
information to publish/subscribe and will add
individuals to the ontological classes that represent,
instead, the DDS (KB domain independent).
4.7 Java Class Generator Module
Since the system of publish/subscribe of the DDS
founds him, of fact, on a system of publish/subscribe
of classes, the presence of this module is
fundamental because it able to produce, beginning
from the individuals of the KB domain independent,
the useful classes to make the operation of
publish/subscribe. The class draws the information
that the domain expert associates to every topics
(“topics” are the elements that able the
communication in the DDS) this information,
through the rule engine module, is repeat in the KB
domain dependent and from here used for the
creation of the relative classes.
4.8 Description of the Information
The information flow in the architecture can be so
The agent captures the information stored in
the knowledge base domain dependent;
The Jena reasoner module makes the
appropriate deduction through the SWRL rule
The RULE ENGINE module defines the
mapping rules between the two knowledge
base (domain dependent and domain
The java classes generator generates the .java
file and the corresponding .class file;
The .class file will be used to send information
through the DDS.
It is important to observe that the separation
between knowledge base domain dependent and
knowledge base domain dependent increases the
flexibility level of the system. Changing the context
of business in which the system operates mean to
define the knowledge base domain dependent and
the system of reasoning (module rule engine and
Jena reasoner) leaving the dynamics of
communication made up through the DDS.
In this paper we propose an architecture conceived
for the communication of a data centric multi-agent
systems that they use as middleware of
communication the DDS recently proposed by
Particularly interesting is the analogy among the
data-centric systems and the multi-agent systems
applied to an e-business context. The analogy can be
done thinking about every information system
involved in the e-business environment as a single
agent of the architecture here presented. In this way
it will be possible to bring on a e-business system
the whole efficiency and the flexibility that the
proposed architecture introduces: the great
advantage obtainable is the separation between the
KB domain independent and the knowledge base
domain dependent, another advantage is the
possibility to produce in automatic the useful classes
to make the data publishing/subscribing of the data.
Naturally, repeating the architecture proposed on
an e-business system there are many aspects to
clarify that brings to several research ideas.
The first problem is surely tied to the semantic
interoperability: it is necessary to build a knowledge
base that describes the whole domain in which every
information system participates but as it is possible
to effect the transfer of the information proper of
every informative system (which those present in the
database) in format compatible with those described
in the ontology domain dependent? And what mean,
practically, to describe a domain?
Parallels to these problems, the problem of
reasoning is still open: few has been done in
international scientific community in this sense so
much that doesn't exist, until now, a standard
language universally recognized for realizing the
reasoning. In this architecture SWRL is used but this
doesn't exclude, in a next future, the use of a
language more efficient.
In every case, is interesting the idea at the base
of the present paper that consists of using in an e-
business system the formal ontologies and the
mechanisms of reasoning.
We would thank SSI (Space Software Italia)
company and Antonella Falzone for the tangible
Bresciani, P., Perini, A., Giorgini P., Giunchiglia, F.,
Mylopoulos, J. 2004 Tropos: An Agent-Oriented
Software Development Methodology. In Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Sytems, 8, 203–236, 2004
Chang-Hyun, J., Guobin, C., James, C. (2004) A New
Approach to the BDI Agent-Based Modelling In 2004
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems Version
1.2 OMG Available Specification formal/07-01-01
FIPA ACL Message Structure Specification 1996-2002
Pratik K. Biswas, Towards Agent-Oriented
Conceptualization and Implementation. 2007, IGI
Searle, J. 1969 Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy
of Language, Cambridge University Press, 1969 ISBN
W3C (February, 10 2004) “OWL Web Ontology language
Reference” W3C
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business