Torab Torabi, Saqib Ali and Hassan Ali
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
La Trobe University, Melbourne 3086, Australia
Keywords: Business processes, Location aware, device independence, context-aware.
Abstract: Deployment of a business process to mobile devices in different context and in a device independence
environment is a challenging task. The desirable is that a Business Process could be deployed to any mobile
device in any location or environment the user operates. One obstacle in business process deployment on
mobile devices is the rapid changes in mobile technologies. In this research we have developed and
implemented a mobile business process deployment framework that caters for both device independence
and context-aware environments. In this paper the focus is on how device independence and context-
awareness can be integrated for mobile business processes deployment.
The companies recently have been paying a great
deal of attention to the potential of mobile
communication technologies to redefine and extend
the world of traditional E-Business by making its
applications more available to the mobile users.
According to (Swaminathan and S.R.Tayur 2003),
E-business is defined as “a business process that
uses internet or other electronic medium as a
channel to complete business transactions”.
Mobile Business is often described as the
successor of electronic business and defined as the
subset of it (Adam, Chikova et al. 2005). It is
assumed that any business operations performed by
desktop computer can also be performed via
wireless network. However mobile technology
offers additional possibilities that are unique to the
wireless world and cannot be performed via fixed
network. For example, providing the mobile users
with the services of location aware and context-
aware applications which cannot be performed with
a fixed internet connection (Zhang, Archer et al.
2003). Mobile business can be defined as the
exchange of goods, services, and information using
mobile devices (Paavilainen 2002) .
Mobile Services are usually characterized by
mobility; reach-ability, localization, and
identification (Kaasinen 2003) (Siau and Shen
2003). Mobility is the central distinguishing feature
of mobile technology. As mobile devices constantly
accompany their users, people can receive and send
data regardless of place and time. They can also be
reached by people at all times. This feature is
especially useful to logistic and supply chain
companies that regularly need to reach their mobile
workforce to allocate various tasks to them.
The success of the recent applications is based
not only on new technology, but rather on its proper
use (Liang and Wei 2004). Wireless applications
would be advantageous only when they can be
useful to their end users (Kalakota and Robinson
2001). Mobile business value proposition originate
from the fusion of the wireless technology with
already available electronic business applications.
On the other hand, the unique features of mobile
business – mobility, localization give rise to
emergence of completely new applications and
business models.
1.1 Mobile Business Processes
according to Davenport (Davenport 1992) a
business process can be defined as “a specific
ordering of work activities across time and place,
with a beginning, an end, and clearly identified
Torabi T., Ali S. and Ali H. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 209-216
DOI: 10.5220/0001914002090216
inputs and outputs: a structure for action.” The
business profit depends on efficient delivery of
goods and services controlled by business process
(Ali, Torabi et al. 2006) (Ali, Soh et al. 2005). So
there is a need for the companies to make use of the
technologies to make their product more profitable
and their services more efficient.
Many companies have been able to make their
traditional business processes into mobile business
processes. “Mobile Business Process” is a business
process, when a place of execution of an activity can
be different in different instances of the business
process or places can change during the execution of
an activity (Ritz and Stender 2003) (Berger, Bouzid
et al. 2003). Mobile Business Processes can be
based on these three assumptions:
“Uncertainty of Location”.
“Uncertainty of Location” is externally
determined, and
A corporation with external resources is
needed in the execution of the process.
1.2 Context-Aware Mobile
Context means situational information, or as
(Barkhuss and Dey 2003) states: “Context is any
information that can be used to characterize the
situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or
object that is considered relevant to the interaction
between a user and an application, including the
user and the application themselves.”
Context-aware is a concept where the
applications can discover and take advantage of
contextual information such as user location, time of
day, nearby people, devices, and user activity.
An example of context-aware applications is the
scenario in which a consumer makes use of the
mobile technologies in retail grocery supply chain
through mobile shopping of electronically
referenced grocery products. This kind of
application is also beneficial to retailers, who by
knowing the exact location of the consumer can
allocate the workforce more accordingly and
efficiently, and can avoid out-of-stocks (Hakkila and
Mantyiarvi 2005) (Koolwaaij and Strating 2003).
1.3 Device Independence
In today’s world of rapidly changing technologies
and the rise in the use of mobile devices has created
a need for content adaptation. According to one of
the authors (Mikhalenki 2004), the goal of device
independence is to develop ways for future web
content and applications to be authored, generated,
or adapted for a better user experience when
delivered via many device types.
Currently many companies typically design web
applications for desktop browsers. And adaptation
of this kind of web site for small display is
effectively impossible and the companies creating a
parallel site for these devices is also impractical. To
solve this problem, the device-independent approach
is used to support different devices without the high
Device Independence technologies can be
divided into three different categories namely: -
intermediate, client-side and server-side (Butler,
Giannetti et al. 2002).
Intermediate approach can offer limited
adaptation to the content delivery. This approach
gives data-enabled phones access to web sites either
omitting server’s full resolution colour images or
changing it to the low resolution depending on the
device display capabilities (Hwang, Kim et al. 2003)
(Butler, Giannetti et al. 2002).
In the client-side approach the content adaptation
can occur on the device itself. The advantage for this
approach is that the adaptation code has direct
access to the device capabilities (Butler, Giannetti et
al. 2002).
Server-side content adaptation approach offers
maximum control over the delivered content
including the ability to change content, navigation
and style. In this approach the server is assumed to
have sufficient information about the delivery
context, including the delivery device capabilities.
Using device independence approach the content
integrators do not need to develop content for every
single device, where the content can be delivered to
different devices without accumulating more
resources and effort.
In the next sub-section we will discuss different
deployment methodologies and we will discuss our
approach in mobile business process deployment.
1.4 Deployment
In terms of technology, the word “deployment
means “Installing, setting up, testing, and execution”
(Ali, Torabi et al. 2006). Therefore, deployment can
be interpreted as a general process that must be
customized according to specific requirements or
Deployment of software, applications or a
process is a complex task which covers all the
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
activities from the end of the development itself to
installation and maintenance of the application on
the consumer devices. In (Richman 2001) the
authors have compared different types of
deployment techniques in terms of their scale,
complexity, expressiveness, and barriers to first use.
The deployment solutions being handled by these
implementation techniques: manual, script,
language, and model-based deployment.
The automation of application or service
deployment improves correctness, speed and
documentation but, as different companies have
experienced, it comes at an increased cost in
development time and a steeper administrators’
learning curve.
According to recent research, business processes
are deployed through XML web services. Web
services can be considered as the emerging
distributed middleware technology that uses a
simple XML-based protocol to allow applications to
exchange data across the web (Zhang, Zhang et al.
2004; Hammadi, Ali et al. 2006). At the core of the
Web Service is the Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP) an XML-based communication protocol for
interacting with Web Services. The SOAP
specification includes syntax to define messages,
encode or serialize rules for data exchange and
conventions for representing RPCs (Austaller,
Kangsharju et al. 2004) .
WSDL is used for describing the services
available. It describes where the service is located,
what operations are supported and the format of the
messages to be exchanged based on how the service
is invoked (Gokhale, Kumar et al. 2002; Austaller,
Kangsharju et al. 2004). On the other hand Business
Process Execution Language (BPEL) is the language
that is used to implement business processes in Web
Services. It defines a notation for specifying
business process behavior based on Web Services
(IBM, Systems et al. 2002).
Certain technologies and models have been
presented in recent years for the deployment of
services and applications using mobile technology.
One of the technologies being used recently by the
companies for the deployment of services is over-
the-air (OTA) deployment. OTA is becoming
increasingly important to support. OTA delivery
enables easy deployment and upgrades to the
applications, thereby reducing the disrupting effect
which installation of new applications and upgrades
may have on mobile users (Taconet, Putrycz et al.
2003) (Fjellheim 2006).
Another kind of deployment technique is “static
deployment” where the user connects to the site of
the application server through its mobile and then
subscribes to a download operation. Then the user
receives an SMS containing instructions for
downloading and installing the application.
The framework known as Smart Deployment
Infrastructure (SDI) is designed to facilitate the
installation of large distributed applications for any
kind of user terminal. This framework is also
presented for the context-aware deployment of
applications to the mobile users (Taconet, Putrycz et
al. 2003). The framework is implemented with
middleware technologies like CORBA and SOAP
which facilitates the development of large scale
distributed applications. SDI offers automatic
deployment of multi-component applications and
provides a deployment solution to customize
installation and to adapt to device capabilities
(Courtney 2000; Taconet, Putrycz et al. 2003).
In the next section we will present a framework for
mobile business process deployment. The
framework caters for deployment of a process in a
device independence and context-aware
In this section we present a novel framework for
business process deployment in a mobile
environment taking into account the context of the
user and specification of the device to be used. The
overview of the architecture is shown in
Figure 1.
The framework proposed consists of five
different components:
Deployment component
Process specification component
Device Specification component
Context-Aware component
Mobile Interface component
The “deployment component” is the main
component of the framework. This framework
consists of two layers namely Composition Layer
and Deployment Layer. The work for the
composition layer is to compose a selected Business
Process, setting the context of the deployment and
customizing the process according to the device
being used in the “Mobile Environment”. Where the
deployment layer activates the customized business
process to the Mobile Environment.
Figure 1: Device Independence & Context-aware mobile
process deployment framework.
The second component in this framework is
process specification component”. This is a
traditional Business Process component consisting
of activities, resources and user interfaces. User
Interfaces are stored as XML documents in the UI
Database associated with process specification
“Device Specification component” is a typical
component. It consists of different hardware
configurations, screen resolution settings and other
features for the mobile devices being currently used
in the Mobile Environment.
“Context-Aware component” consists of many
parameters but in our Context-Aware component,
we only consider two parameters “Location and
Environment”. The location of the Mobile User is
determined using different technologies like GPS,
GSM, or MPS as shown in location server defined in
our architecture. The “Location Database” is used to
store all the locations of the users and later can be
used in process deployment.
“Mobile Interface component” consists of the
N number of users using N number of mobile
devices. The Mobile devices being used can be
pocket pc’s, smart phone’s or PDA’s etc.
In the rest of this section we will present the
Framework Design and the System Architecture.
The three-tier system architecture best shows the
interaction between the components and
communication between the three tiers.
2.1 The Framework Design
This section will focus on the Object-Oriented
Design for the proposed Mobile Business Process
Deployment Framework.
We will start our design with the "High Level
Component Diagram" as presented in Figure 2.
Our Object Oriented design is generic, flexible,
scalable, reusable, and it provides the flexibility to
coordinate, coordinate, and synchronize between
components and process automation.
This component diagram shows the system
functionality through a high level of abstraction. For
our design there are nine active components.
In this section we will be present a brief
description of each of the components. We will
briefly discuss the functionalities and properties that
each of the components possesses then in the next
section we will discuss each component in detail
with the help of a class diagram. The brief
explanation of each of the components is as follows:
Mapping Engine: - This component is to take
care of mapping between different protocols. All the
functionalities like displaying simple map, Geo-
coding, Reverse Geo-coding and routing would be
done by this component.
Process Specification: - This is a traditional
Business Process component consisting of activities,
resources and related user interfaces. All the
specifications would take place in this component.
The specification for the Business Process along
with its activities, resources and user interfaces are
stored in process database.
Figure 2: High level component diagram.
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Device Specification: - It consists of different
hardware configurations, screen resolution settings
and other features for the mobile devices being
currently used in the Mobile Environment. In the
framework these would be stored as an XML
documents and would be used at the time of
deployment. Device database is used to store all the
device specification for different mobile devices.
Context-Aware: - Consists of many parameters
including "Location and Environment" parameters.
In this component we show how the location and
environment parameter can be determined using
different positioning and sensor technologies.
Context database is using to store the context
information of the user in the mobile environment.
Deployment: - This is the major component of
the framework. This component is where the actual
deployment would take place. All the components
would be integrated and coordinated before
deploying to the mobile environment. All the
Protocols and Web Services technologies would also
reside in this component.
XML Parsing Component: - All the XML
parsing of the incoming responses, XML documents
stored for Process Specification, Context and Device
Specification is carried out by this component.
2.1.1 Mapping Engine
The purpose of the mapping engine is to provide the
framework with the maps if required during
deployment. The maps are really important if one
wants to show the user its location that in our case
one of the parameters of the context information.
The class diagram for the component is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Mapping Engine.
Mapping Engine is adopted from a Location
Based Services Company, iGoPlus, this exercise. As
can be seen from the class diagram above, there is a
SDK Interface that links the application with the
mapping engine
Through this engine our framework would be
able to do the following functionalities:
Display simple map with centerOnAddress or
CenterOnPositon. Where the map would be
centered either by latitude longitude position or
by address.
Show Geocoded address on the Map.
Do Reverse Geocoding and show the position
of the points on the map.
Display the route between two points on the
map. This also includes displaying the Text
Instructions required in navigating from start to
end position.
Do the map customization in terms of
orientation, color, mapView and size.
2.1.2 Process Specification
This component takes care of the Business Process
Specification along with its activities and resources.
A Business Process can have many activities and
each can have different resources.
User interfaces are attached to each subsequent
activity. Not every activity may have a user
interface. User interfaces are associated to activities
during business process specification. The class
diagram for Process Specification is shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Process specification.
A Business Process may have number of
activities and each activity has some resources at its
disposal. Among others other characteristics of
resources includes whether or not they are
consumable or sharable resources. User interface
specification is an important part of this component.
In our framework we are assuming that user
interfaces would not be specified but only
referenced. Its attributes include id and path where
user interfaces are stored. It should be noted that not
all activities would have user interfaces attached to
The Process Specification is stored in the
database. It can be seen from the diagram that there
is one main super class "Database Management"
which has all the subclasses from it, which are used
in the system. The class "Database Management"
contains all the attributes and the operations
common to all the classes.
2.1.3 Device Specification
Having discussed the design for Mapping Engine
and Process Specification, in this section we will
present the design for Device Specification. Device
Specification is stored as an XML document in the
database. Device Specification consists of software
and hardware specification. Other components
interact with this component through Device
Interface. The design of the device specification of
the framework is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Device specification.
As can be seen from the diagram, the framework
interacts with the device specification component
through an interface. One device would have one
specification and the specification would have
attributes such as screen resolution, screen size,
software specification, hardware specification and
colour capability.
2.1.4 Context-Aware
In this section we present the design for context-
aware component. There are many parameters as
part of context-aware information, including the
location and environment. The contextual
information for this component would be stored as
XML documents in the database.
The design for this component is based on the
working of commercial applications like on-board
navigation systems, gadgets or sensors for light or
noise. The context parameters, location and
environment will be determined as shown in Figure
Figure 6: Context-aware component.
The framework will be determining location
through two positioning technologies that are MPS
and GPS. The position from these two technologies
is in the form of Latitude and Longitude. Whereas
Environment parameters is determined through
sensor interfaces as shown in Figure 6.
2.1.5 Deployment
Having specified Business Process, activities and
resources, the deployment component brings context
information and customized user interfaces together
before deploying it to mobile environment. The
composition layer coordinates and integrates all
three components and the mapping engine
component before the protocol layer can deploy it.
The design for the deployment component is shown
in Figure 7.
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Figure 7: Deployment component.
This component is the backbone for the
deployment process. The Composition layer
coordinates and integrates all the three components
together towards the deployment process. Examples
of functions being performed by this layer are as
getLocation():- Gets the location of the
particular user from the Context-Aware
Component. The response returned would be in
terms of latitude and longitude.
getDeviceSpecification():-Gets the Device
Specification for a particular device from the
Device Specification Component.
setDeviceSpecification():- Sets the Device
Specification for a particular mobile device in
the Device Specification Component.
A Business Process can be deployed either by
HTTP connection or by SOAP commands. The
Framework caters for both of these protocols.
2.2 System Architecture
The system architecture for the Mobile Business
Process Deployment Framework is divided into
three main parts client layer, business logic and
database layer. The System Architecture is shown in
The client layer or tier interfaces between the
system and the user. It consists of a mobile device
running on operating system windows CE 5.0. The
Business Process is deployed to a mobile device in
form of XML document. The communication
between client tier and business logic tier is done
through XML web services hosted on ASP. Net
Web Server.
Apache Cocoon Server is used in the framework
to determine the software capabilities of a mobile
device from the responses received from the client
tier. ASP .Net local Web Server is used to support
XML Web Services and Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP). These technologies set up the
communication between the server and the client.
Contextual Information and specifications for
mobile devices are also stored as XML documents
in the Mysql Database.
Figure 8: Three tier architecture.
Deployment Engine Component consists of two
layers Composition Layer and Protocol Layer. The
responsibility for the composition layer is to
compose a selected Business Process, setting the
context of the deployment and customizing the
business process according to the device being used.
The protocol layer would set protocols for the
deployment like setting up parameter for SOAP
commands and setting up HTTP connections.
The database layer consists of database and
Mapping Engine. For communication between
Business Logic Tier and Mysql, there is MyODBC
Interface that takes the request from the server and
sends it to database.
In this paper we have discussed deployment of a
business process to a mobile device in a chosen
context and in a device independence environment.
A Business Process can be deployed to any mobile
device in any location or environment the user may
be. This framework helps companies and developers
to deploy same business processes to different
mobile devices without any software or user
interface configuration. Much research has been
done in the field of context-aware and device
independence, our contribution to this research is to
bring these aspects together and design a framework
that can bring more flexibility to the provider and
the consumer.
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business