Balqies Sadoun and Omar Al-Bayari
Surveying and Geomatics Engineering Department, Al-Balqa’ Appplied University, Al-Salt, Jordan
Keywords: Geographic information System (GIS), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Ground Control Point (GCP),
Three Dimensional (3D), Global Positioning System (GPS), Real Time Kinematics (RTK),
Abstract: Conservation of historical sites depends on acquiring all data related to their life history and their shape. We
are using modern survey technologies such as GPS, satellite images, photogrammetry and classical
instrumentation to build a Geographic Information System (GIS), digital library and precise base map with
all its embedded benefits at a low cost.
GIS offers digital documentation of the site and its surrounding environment, which is essential for the
conservation and protection process of any heritage. In this work we are presenting GIS, digital base map
and an orthophoto for a newly established museum and its surrounding to be used in GIS modeling.
Global Positioning System (GPS) precise measurements and a high resolution satellite image were used to
produce a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and an orthophoto for the site in order to create a three
Dimensional model (3D). Finally, GIS and (3D) texture model for the museum were produced to conserve,
protect, monitor and manage the facility. It offered as well, the scheme to create a web site to post all
acquired information to publicize the new museum and the ability to employ any modern location based
service (LBS) technologies (emergency, security, guiding etc.).
It is very important to use modern technologies such
as satellite images, remote sensing, photogrammetry
and GIS (Grosman, 2000) to conserve cultural and
historical sites. New survey technologies are very
valuable in the mapping and the management of the
archeological data (Kvamme, 1999), (Bewley and
Raczkowski, 2002).
The objective of this work is the development of
a base-map: to display a detailed map of the site and
its general components, in order to portray an in-
depth data of any selected part and to create 3-D
model with the possibility of a walk through visit so
as to conserve and manage the site efficiently.
To achieve our objectives we had produced a
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and orthophoto
using some satellite images and a photogrammetry
software. Then, the DTM produced is used to create
3D model (Baltsavias et al., 2001). Using digital
photogrammetry and computing capabilities we
were able to digitally document and 3D model the
cultural site. The produced digital map by means of
satellite images, digital photogrammetry and GIS,
will offer endless of working possibilities (Bayari,
The site we intended to conserve is a museum
located to the west of Amman, Jordan which was the
house of a national hero. It is beauty and
significance is due to its location and the Islamic
arcade architecture of its quarters. It is the first of its
kind in the country and need to be digitally
conserved to allow the usage of modern LBS
technologies in its operation. Satellite images were
used to extract features with real dimensions and a
base-map was extracted from a topographic map and
othorectified Image for the site. Moreover, a three
dimensional texture model for the museum was built
using field survey and GIS starting from topographic
planner. Real measurements were translated to a
database in a GIS environment to build the 3D solid
model. Then, sketch up texture mapping software
was used for building texture based on capturing
field photos. Using Arc GIS environment we
provided a real 3D model with true virtual reality
model to allow all 3D GIS spatial analysis. We
Sadoun B. and Al-Bayari O. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 217-221
DOI: 10.5220/0001914202170221
designed a website that offers all the needed
information (Location, base-map, photos, videos of
the 3D model etc.). GIS has a great Capability to
integrate and update graphic and non-graphic data
according to user inputs to produce all kind of maps.
A Geographic Information System for the site was
built to house all the digital data to allow it's
updating, posting on the web and the usage of
modern LBS technologies. The digital data allows
better analysis, presentations, updating in addition to
the production of 3D GIS texture model and a web
Several Software packages were used in the process
- Auto Desk Land Desk Top 2004: is used to create
DTM, feature layer and data base, in order to
produce a topographic plan for the site and to export
AutoCAD layers to shape files to use in Arc Map.
- ENVI 4.3,
(the Environment for Visualizing
Images) is used to create a high-resolution color
image; PC sharpening fuses high-resolution
panchromatic imagery with multispectral imagery
and to correct the images from the distortion by
Orthorectification algorithm.
- ArcGIS (version 9.1
), is used to Produce Base-Map
from digitizing the ortho and classic map. 3D model
was built in ArcScene depending on the attributes
tables (extrusion the building according to height).
Finally it Generates Triangulation Irregular
Networks (TIN) for the site and compose all the data
(images, 3D features, TIN, Sketch Up file, ENVI)
- Sketch up Pro 5
: is used in exporting and importing
3D building from and to ArcGIS. It is a powerful
tool for creating, viewing, and modifying 3D ideas
quickly and easily. Although it had been developed
for the conceptual stages of design, Sketch UP is a
very powerful 3D tool for creating presentations.
- Photoshop
: is used to eliminate any appearing
effect on photos (shadow on facades, trees, humans
and cars, etc.).
By providing measurements from the field and
processing them we produced the topographic plane.
Then, we used digital photogrammetry technique to
orthorectify Quick Bird image to construct
orthophoto. We used the topographic map and the
orthophoto to produce a base-map. A solid 3D
model of the building was produced in GIS. The
sketch up texture mapping software was used to
build texture based on capturing field photos, then
converting the 3D building texture to Arc scene so
as to produce 3D GIS Texture Model. Finally, the
beautiful arcade house with the Umayyad Arabesque
style (Fig.1) was turned into a digital data base
A Topographic Survey of selected natural and built
up features was done to produce the needed maps
and plans with true features to scale. GPS Real-Time
Kinematic (RTK) and total station provide identical
output coordinate data to perform topographic
surveys of the terrain, facilities, and infrastructure.
Figure 1: Main Building.
Figure 2: Topographic Plane for the museum site scale 1:
Both systems employ similar (or identical) data
collector devices, feature coding, attribution of
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
features, stakeout methods, COGO functions, etc.
COGO is a suite of programs aimed at coordinate
geometry problems in Civil and Gemomatics
Land Desk Top 2004, field observations (1500
points) were loaded to produce the final topographic
plane. Processing starts by adding the data, building
the surface and the TIN. Finally, a topographic plan
was created using land Desk Top 2004 as shown in
Figure 2.
Digital photogrammetry technique is used to
Orthorectify Quick Bird image which was available
as black and white multispectral, color, or PC-
sharpened product. We chose 8 GPS points that can
be used as GCP’s, and 5 points by Total Station
from topographic plane. In order to orthorectify the
image in GeoTIFF format, and files containing the
RPCs for the Quick Bird Image, Digital Elevation
Model (DEM) was used (Certer, 1988). All the data
had been used as input to the ENVI software to
produce the orthophoto high resolution 0.6m and
multispectral RGB (Fig.3) and 3D surface (Fig.4).
Figure 3: Orthophoto.
Figure 4: 3D surface view.
A base map is the graphic representation at a
specified scale of selected fundamental map
information that is used as a framework upon which
additional data of a specialized nature may be
compiled. It is as well, a map from which other
maps are prepared by the addition of information. To
produce the base-map we had to do a topographic
survey, and then to use a Quick Bird Orthorectified
image to digitize roads network, agricultural
features, buildings and finally to use a topographic
map of Swieleh; a suburb in Amman. The collected
data produced an orthorectified image and
topographic plane. The flow chart of map generation
is presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Map generation flowchart.
Map projection is a systematic transformation that
allows the orderly representation of the earth's
spherical graticule on flat map. Registration is based
on a family of mathematical tools that are used to
modify the spatial arrangement of objects in a
dataset into some other spatial arrangement. The
purpose is to modify these geometric relationships
without substantively changing the contents of the
data itself. The registration process involves
changing one of the views of the surface spatial
relationships to agree with the other, without
concern about any particular geodetic referencing
Digitizers are the most common device for
extracting spatial information from maps,
photograph or other documents. In the Swieleh
topographic map we digitized the contour lines and
names of places. In the Orthorectified image we
digitized the Agricultural lands (Fig. 6), Buildings
(Fig.7), drainage pattern and roads network (Fig. 8).
Figure 6: Agricultural lands.
Figure 7: Layer Buildings.
Figure 8: Main and sub street Layer.
As for the final base map layout (Fig. 9), we
collected all Layers and added north arrow, legend,
scale, etc...
Architectural Heritage Conservation is better
achieved through building 3D photo-texture model
integrated with GIS. The modernization of our world
needs technical document production. Digital
documentation of cultural heritage is not an end in
itself but serves as a tool to make accessible
information and better presentations.
Figure 9: Final base map layout scale 1:5000.
Figure 10: GIS data for Wasfi Atal memorial.
Figure 11: Three solid model after extraction in GIS
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
In the process of 3D modeling and building the
height database we used the digital maps to
implement the field height data through GIS (Fig.
Then, we applied the heights to their corresponding
features to produce 3D solid model (Fig. 11) in GIS
To build real texture 3D model under GIS
environment (to conserve the real texture of all the
facades), digital photos for the sides of the buildings
were captured using a high resolution digital camera.
Then, Photoshop software was used to eliminate any
extra features captured in the photos such as trees,
cars and people as it is presented in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Photo processing.
Finally, Sketch Up software was used to export and
import to and from ArcGIS (Using the SketchUp
ArcGIS Plugin). The SketchUp ArcGIS Plugin was
installed in the GIS environment to enable the
transformation of 2D GIS data to sketchUp,
seamlessly and transfer 3D texture model to an
ArcGIS geodatabase. Figure 13 presents the real and
the 3D texture model for comparison purposes.
Figure 13: Actual and 3D texture model.
GIS is an effective tool in managing, sorting,
analyzing and presenting any architectural or other
attribute data to serve in the field of conservation,
management and the employment of modern
technologies (LBS for emergency, guided tours,
planning etc.).
- The production of a digital base-map by means of
satellite images and digital photogrammetry is a
new and fast technique, which allows the updating
and the production of endless needed maps.
- The production of 3-D texture model helps in
performing advanced analysis and studies.
Processing topographic surveys and high-
resolution satellite images is an excellent
technology to conserve important sites accurately
with real features.
- Finally, the creation of an important web site rich
in information to allow global visitors, researchers
and concerned groups is the optimal benefit of the
Grosman, D., 2000. "Two example for using combined
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Trement (eds.), Non-destructive Techniques Applied
in Landscape Archaeology". The Archaeology of
Mediterannean Landscape 4, Universita di Piusa, 245-
Kvamme, K. L., 1999. "Recent directions and
development in geographical information system",
Journal of Archaeological Research 7 (2): 153-201
Bewley, R., and Raczkowski, W., 2002. Past achievements
and prospects for the future development of aerial
archaeology: an introduction, in: R. Bewley and W.
Raczkowski, (eds.), Aerial Archaeology, Developing
Future Practice, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1-8.
Baltsavias, E.P, Pateraki, M, Li Zhang, 2001.
"Radiometric and geometric evaluation of Ikonos
GEO images and their use for 3D building modeling.
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Bayari, O. (2005). "New Survey Technologies For
Production OF GIS Model Of The Ancient Roman
Jerash City In Jordan". CIPA International
Symposium, Torino, 2005, Italy.
Certer, J.R.1988, "Digital Representations of Topographic
Surface", Photogrammetric Engi-neering and Remote
sensing 54 (11), 1577-1580.