In the process of 3D modeling and building the
height database we used the digital maps to
implement the field height data through GIS (Fig.
Then, we applied the heights to their corresponding
features to produce 3D solid model (Fig. 11) in GIS
To build real texture 3D model under GIS
environment (to conserve the real texture of all the
facades), digital photos for the sides of the buildings
were captured using a high resolution digital camera.
Then, Photoshop software was used to eliminate any
extra features captured in the photos such as trees,
cars and people as it is presented in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Photo processing.
Finally, Sketch Up software was used to export and
import to and from ArcGIS (Using the SketchUp
ArcGIS Plugin). The SketchUp ArcGIS Plugin was
installed in the GIS environment to enable the
transformation of 2D GIS data to sketchUp,
seamlessly and transfer 3D texture model to an
ArcGIS geodatabase. Figure 13 presents the real and
the 3D texture model for comparison purposes.
Figure 13: Actual and 3D texture model.
GIS is an effective tool in managing, sorting,
analyzing and presenting any architectural or other
attribute data to serve in the field of conservation,
management and the employment of modern
technologies (LBS for emergency, guided tours,
planning etc.).
- The production of a digital base-map by means of
satellite images and digital photogrammetry is a
new and fast technique, which allows the updating
and the production of endless needed maps.
- The production of 3-D texture model helps in
performing advanced analysis and studies.
Processing topographic surveys and high-
resolution satellite images is an excellent
technology to conserve important sites accurately
with real features.
- Finally, the creation of an important web site rich
in information to allow global visitors, researchers
and concerned groups is the optimal benefit of the
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