Figure 1 shows that novel attacks detection rates
can be improved by exploiting likelihood of attacks
having small prior probabilities. For instance, fixing
the threshold of Rule 4 to 1% significantly improves
detection rates of several attacks since the detection
of these attacks was strongly penalized by their fre-
quencies in training data.
Results of Table 2 and Figure 1 show that significant
improvements can be achieved in detecting novel at-
tacks by enhancing standard classification rules in or-
der to meet anomaly detection requirements.
Note that we carried out other experimentations
Darpa’99 data set (Lippmann et al., 2000) and con-
cluded that our enhancements allow significantly im-
proving the detection of novel attacks.
In this paper, we proposed enhancements to the stan-
dard Bayesian classification rule in order to effec-
tively detect both known and novel attacks. We firstly
analyzed Bayesian classifiers failure to detect most
novel attacks which they flag normal behaviors. Ac-
cordingly, we proposed to enhance standard Bayesian
classification rule in order to meet anomaly detec-
tion objectives. Our enhancements aim at better han-
dling novel and unusual behaviors and providing a
Bayesian classification rule which better fits anomaly
detection requirements. More precisely, we proposed
enhancements to exploit normality/abnormality dual-
ity relative to audit events as well as zero probabilities
caused by anomalous evidence occurrence and likeli-
hood of attacks having extremely small prior proba-
bilities. Experiments on recent http traffic involving
real data and several Web attacks showed the signifi-
cant improvements achieved by the enhanced classifi-
cation rule in comparison with the standard one.
This work is supported by MICRAC project
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