overwrite a user’s block.
An attacker traces the publisher of a file. In this
attack we assume that the attacker could overcome the
attacks listed above. That assumption needs a consid-
erable processing power, and only major government
agencies can carry out such an attack. Since there is
not an authentication mechanism in the system, the
agency has not any knowledge of the original author
of the file. In this sense the agency has to supplant
the node that store the initial iNode and wait for the
publisher to download the file to catch him. Even in
this case, the network can use one of the mechanisms
described in (Freedman and Morris, 2002) or (TOR, )
to warrant access anonymity to its users.
A government agency prosecutes nodes that dis-
tribute a file. As stated in the previous attacks, nodes
in SCFS do not know which kind of content they
store, their contents or filename. In many countries,
denying knowledge of the content that a node store is
enough to prevent prosecution from local authorities
to node administrators.
In this paper we analyse several distributed filesys-
tems from the point of view of security and conclude
that, as far as we know, there is not a satisfying so-
lution to store personal data. We analyse the security
requirements of such service and conclude that CFS is
the network that best matches the necessities of per-
sonal users. Then, we present a Secure Cooperative
Filesystem that solves the security problems of CFS.
The ideas behind SCFS were implemented in (del
Campo et al., 2008a).
As a result of a security analysis, we conclude
that SCFS solves many of the security requirements
of a distributed file system, but it has several possi-
ble enhancements. Particularly, further research must
be done in order to include an economic system for
This project was partially supported by a grant of the
Spanish MCT, under the program Consolider-Ingenio
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