It is important to note that this evaluation is carried
t in off-line mode. Results of Table 3 clearly show
that when ranked according to anomaly scores, most
anomalous events are actually attacks. For instance,
when anomaly threshold is set to 0.1% of analyzed
events, then all the triggered alerts are actually caused
by attacks. Setting the anomaly threshold to greater
values causes true positive rate to decrease slightly
while false alarm rate proportionally increases. Note
that most false alarms correspond to new and unusual
audit events. Given that security administrators can
only check small amounts of alerts, then ranking-
based thresholding is an interesting scheme since it
focuses on most anomalous events.
The main objective of this paper is to address anomaly
thresholding and aggregating issues in multi-model
anomaly detection approaches. We proposed a two-
stage thresholding scheme suitable for detecting in
real-time intra-model and inter-model anomalies. In
order to cope with large numbers of alerts charac-
terizing most anomaly-based IDSs, we proposed a
ranking-based thresholding method allowing to limit
the alert quantities while focusing on most anoma-
lous events. As for anomaly score aggregation, we
proposed to use a Bayesian network whose struc-
ture can be fixed by the expert or extracted auto-
matically from attack-free training data. Experimen-
tal studies carried out on real and recent http traffic
showed that most Web-related attacks induce intra-
model anomalies and can be detected in real-time us-
ing local thresholding scheme. Future works will ex-
plore the application of our schemes in order to detect
anomalies and attacks when input data relative to au-
dit event is uncertain or missing.
This work is supported by a French national project
entitled DADDi.
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