Hongxia Jin
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Traitor Tracing, Content Protection, Anti-piracy, Anonymous Attack, Broadcast Encryption.
Abstract: In this paper we take a closer look at traitor tracing in the context of content protection, especially for anony-
mous attack where the attackers pirate the content and re-distribute the decrypted plain content. When the
pirated copies are recovered, traitor tracing is a forensic technology that can identify the original users (called
traitors) who have participated in the pirate attack and involved in the construction of the pirated copy of
the content. In current state-of-art, traitor tracing scheme assumes a maximum coalition size of traitors in
the system and is defined to detect one traitor, assuming the detected traitor can be disconnected and tracing
just repeats with the remaining traitors. In this position paper we argue this definition does not sufficiently
reflect the reality where a traitor tracing technology is used to defend against piracy especially in the context
of content protection. We believe a traitor tracing scheme should deduce the active coalition size and should
be defined to detect all active traitors even taking into consideration that found traitors need to be technically
disabled. We believe the traditional definition misleads in the design of an efficient and practical traitor trac-
ing schemes while our definition much better fits the reality and can lead to design of efficient traitor tracing
schemes for real world use.
Content protection for copyrighted materials is all
about making sure the materials are only accessible to
user who are authorized to access. Pirated attackers
want to bypass the restrictions and enable access of
the content illegally. Business scenarios include pay-
TV systems, NetFlix or massively distributing physi-
cal media like DVDs. The success of these types of
business scenarios hinges on the ability to make sure
the content is only accessible to authorized (paying)
customers. Indeed piracy is one of the biggest con-
cerns in entertainment industry. Digital copies are
perfect copies. In a broadcast encryption (Fiat and
Naor, 1993) based content protection system, each de-
vice (also called decoders, users) is assigned a unique
set of decryption keys (called device keys). It defines
a key management scheme that assigns keys to de-
vices and encrypts the content that can guarantee that
only compliant devices can decrypt the content, with-
out requiring authentication of the device. Further-
more, because the distributed content is oftentimes
large, for example, a movie is about 2G bytes, in or-
der to save space or bandwidth during content distri-
bution, hybrid encryption is usually used. For exam-
ple, a content encrypting key (sometimes called me-
dia key or title key) is randomly chosen to encrypt
the content; and the media key itself is then encrypted
by compliant device keys again and again while the
non-compliant device keys are used to encrypt only
garbage string instead of the valid media key. The
bulk encrypted media key is put as a header into the
distribution package and distribute together with the
encrypted content. During playback, a compliant de-
vice can use one of its valid device keys to decrypt the
header first to get a valid media key which in turn al-
lows it to decrypt the content. The non-compliant de-
vices can only decrypt to garbage and therefore can-
not decrypt the content. There are different types of
pirate attacks in the above content protection system.
Every pirate attack enables one to access content ille-
1. Pirates use compromised device keys to build a
clone pirate decoder.
2. Pirates re-distribute content encrypting key (me-
dia key): pirates stay anonymous.
3. Pirates re-distribute decrypted content: pirates
stay anonymous.
When the pirate evidence is found, forensic analy-
sis can allow one to find out the source that the pirate
copies come from. In literatures, the forensic technol-
ogy to defend against piracy is termed as ”traitor trac-
ing”. The source devices (users) that involved in the
Jin H. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 331-336
DOI: 10.5220/0001929003310336
construction of the pirated copies are called traitors.
For different types of pirated attacks, different types
of traitor tracing schemes are needed.
In first pirate attack, the secret device keys are ex-
tracted from one or more compromised devices and
put into a clone device that can decrypt the encrypted
content. When a clone device is captured, in or-
der to do traitor tracing (Chor et al., 1994; Naor
et al., 2001), forensic testing materials are fed into the
clone. In each forensic testing, the compliant device
keys are partitioned into two subsets. Device keys in
one subset are chosen to encrypt the valid media key
while device keys in the other subset are chosen to
encrypt the garbage to put into the header. Observing
the forensic testing results which is play or not-play
the content gives us information on which keys are
inside the clone device. The traceability is defined to
be the number of testings needed to detect traitors.
In an anonymous attack, the attackers decrypt the
header and get the valid media key (or title keys) to
decrypt the content. They can sell the decrypted con-
tent or serve the content decrypting keys on demand.
In a traitor tracing scheme (Safani-Naini and Wang,
2003) (Jin et al., 2004) to defend against anonymous
attack, content is encrypted differently for different
devices. For example, content may be differently wa-
termarked and encrypted. Of course preparing a dif-
ferent version for each different user is too costly, how
to space-efficiently prepare and distribute the content
is outside the scope of this paper. Readers refer to
(Jin et al., 2004). What is relevant here in this pa-
per is that different device will decrypt and play back
content differently. Recovering the decrypted content
or the content encrypting keys enables one to iden-
tify which keys the attackers have. The traceability of
a traitor tracing scheme for anonymous attack is de-
fined to be the number of recovered pirated copies of
content or content encrypting keys needed to detect
In state-of-art, a traitor tracing is defined to be a
scheme that can detect at least one traitor when a max-
imum number of traitors in the system is up to a cer-
tain number. The efficiencyof a traitor tracing scheme
is defined to be the number of recovered forensic ev-
idences/results needed in order to detect one traitor.
They also assume the discovered traitor can be dis-
connected in some way, and the tracing can simply be
repeated for remaining traitors.
We believe this definition is inadequate and does
not capture the reality of a traitor tracing scheme
when actually used. In fact this definition does not
help designing an efficient traitor tracing scheme. In
our opinion, a traitor tracing scheme should be de-
fined to probabilistically detect all active traitors in-
volved in the pirate attack as well as deduce the size
of active members in the coalition. The detection
should also take into considerations that some discov-
ered traitors will be technically disabled. We argue
this in the context of anonymous attack, even though
similar can be said to other attacks as well.
As one can imagine, a traitor tracing scheme is all
about how to assign the tracing keys (or content ver-
sions) to the devices and perform efficient forensic
analysis after recovering forensic evidences such as
keys and content versions.
For example, in traitor tracing for anonymous at-
tack, content is differently watermarked and differ-
ently encrypted for different users. So, a traitor trac-
ing scheme for anonymous attack usually consists of
two basic steps:
1. Assignment Step: Assign different keys and con-
tent versions to devices,
2. Traitor/coalition Detection Step: Based on the re-
covered pirated content/keys, trace back to the
Traitor tracing schemes in literatures have been
mostly focused on the assignment step. The actual de-
tection algorithm is simple and straightforward: you
take your sequence of recovered forensic evidences,
be it the pirated copies of keys or content versions,
and simply score all the devices based on how many
the recovered copies match with what each device has
been assigned. You incriminate the highest scoring
device. Traitors are therefore detected one by one.
But why not detect every member in the coalition all
together? The classic one-by-one method has some
obvious advantages:
1. It seems easier to detect one traitor at a time.
2. The identified traitor can always be disconnected,
which potentially makes it faster to detect the sec-
ond traitor given that the coalition size is smaller
after disconnection of the previously detected
3. It seems it is much more complicated to de-
tect guilty coalitions than individuals because the
number of coalitions is much bigger than the num-
ber of individuals. In fact the number of coali-
tions of a certain size is exponential in the number
of users in the system. For example, if there are
1,000,000,000 devices/users in the world, there
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
are roughly 500,000,000,000,000,000pairs of de-
vices (i.e., coalitions of size 2).
A further assumption made popularly is that once
a traitor is detected, he can be disconnected and trac-
ing can simply be repeated with remaining traitors.
This is true sometimes when some legal means can
be taken to actually disable the traitorous device.
Moreover, the research community define traitor
tracing schemes to detect a traitor when the maximum
size of the coalition is up to some threshold. This is
because the actual coalition size is usually unknown.
Indeed the first traitor tracing scheme is defined
in (Chor et al., 1994) to detect one traitor up to a
maximum coalition size and is still the popular def-
inition that is using now. A variant is deterministic
or probabilistic tracing. A probabilistic tracing tries
to make the probability of incriminating an innocent
user as small as possible. Deterministic tracing can
be seen in the popularly used approach called ”trace-
ability code”.
A traceability code is one of the traditional ap-
proaches that incriminates the highest score device,
i.e. the device whose codeword is at the smallest
Hamming distance from the pirated copy. Indeed a
traceability code enables one to decode to the nearest
neighbor of a pirate code and the nearest neighbor is
deterministically a traitor.
Lemma 2.1
. (J. N. Staddon and Wei, 2001) Assume
hat a code C with length n and distance d is used to
assign the symbols for each segment to each user and
that there are t traitors. If code C satisfies
d > (1 1/t
)n, (1)
then C is an t-traceability-code.
We raise the following questions for arguments.
1. Is one-by-one detection really efficient?
2. When coalition size is unknown, is deterministic
tracing even possible?
3. Can we deduce the active coalition size?
4. Is it reasonable to assume that the traitor can al-
ways be disabled in non-technical way?
5. Can we simply repeat tracing after disabling
We believe the above traditional definition of a traitor
tracing scheme does not lead to the design of an effi-
cient and practical scheme for real world use. In our
opinion, a traitor tracing scheme should be defined to
find all active traitors probabilistically and also de-
duce the active coalition size. In this section we will
go through the above questions and argue why our po-
sition stands.
3.1 Is One-by-one Detection Efficient?
Notice that the ultimate goal of traitor tracing is to
find all active traitors and disable them. While intu-
itively it seems easy and efficient to detect one traitor
at a time, we have an anti-intuitive observation. it is
easier to find the entire coalition than to sequentially
find one individual traitor, disable him and find an-
other one.
While the number of coalitions of a certain size is
exponential in the number of users, it turns out that it
is much less likely that coalitions appear by random
chance, than that individual user randomly has high
score. An example can informally illustrate the un-
derlying idea.
Suppose there are 4 people involved in a collud-
ing attack, and we have a random sequence of 20
recovered pirated copies of keys or content. Each
key/content originally has 256 variations of which a
given user(device) only knows 1. The attackers wish
to see that high scoring device can happen by chance.
If the four attackers are using round robin, each guilty
user will evenly score 5. Can we incriminate any user
that share 5 copies with the recovered sequence? No,
there will be about 15 completely innocent users scor-
ing 5 or greater due to chance alone. What can you
do then? You have to recover more pirated copies of
keys/content before you can incriminate any user.
However, the above 4 guilty users together can
explain all the movies in the sequence. What is the
chance that a coalition of size 4 might have all the
variations in the sequence? The answer is roughly
0.04. In other words, while there are plenty of users
that can explain 5 movies, it is unlikely that any four
of them can “cover” all twenty movies. If we find four
users that do cover the sequence, it is unlikely that
this could have happened by chance. It is more likely
that some devices in the coalition are indeed guilty.
Based on this counter-intuitive observation, we be-
lieve a more efficient forensic analysis for traitor de-
tection algorithm would be to detect the entire coali-
tion that can explain all recovered pirated copies and
then filter out the innocent users from the found coali-
tion if any. Readers see (Jin et al., 2008) for more
Now let us do a concrete comparison. Suppose
each content/key comes with 256 variations and there
are 1 billion devices in the system. The traditional
tracing based on Formula 1 can deterministically
identify ONE traitor in a coalition of nine after re-
covering 256 pirated content/keys and it takes similar
number of pirated copies to detect the second, and
subsequent traitor. In contrast, for the same coali-
tion size, the new algorithm based on detecting entire
coalition can detect all active traitors using only 56
pirated content/keys and the false positive rate can be
low at 0.0001%.
Of course, the attackers may use scapegoat strat-
egy. Some device is used heavily, for example, score 9
or 10. The traditional approach can correctly identify
him, but it is hard to find the lightly used device and
the true coalition size. The new tracing can nonethe-
less find the other members in the coalition.
Again the ultimate goal is to detect and disable all
traitors as fast as possible, we believe the traditional
traitor tracing definition does not lead to the design of
an efficient tracing scheme that can achieve the above
ultimate goal efficiently.
3.2 Assume Coalition Size vs. Deduce
Coalition Size? or Deterministic vs.
We believe it is not practical to assume a maximum
coalition size and perform deterministic tracing based
on the assumed coalition size. Indeed, because the
tracing agency rarely knows exactly how many de-
vices are involved in the attack. As a result, the an-
swers it gets are always qualified. For example, an an-
swer might be as follows: ”If N devices are involved,
it must be exactly this N. However, different innocent
coalitions of N + M devices may have produced the
same result. We will walk readers through a simple
example to show how the actual tracing is done based
on forensic evidence.
Suppose each content/key comes with 256 varia-
tions and there are 255 content/keys in the sequence.
So each device is assigned 255 content/keys with one
variation in each content/key. The assignment can be
done using a systematic approach like error correct-
ing code, for example, Reed-Solomon code. This ap-
proach can guarantee that any two users differ at at
least 252 content/key assignment. This assignment
can support 1 billion devices in the system. For any
given content,
of the devices (about 4 million de-
vices) encode the content the same way. For a given
three content, only
of the devices (about 60
players) encode those content the same way. For a
given four content, exactly 0 of the devices encode
the content the same way. That is the essential prop-
erty of the Reed-Solomon code assignment.
Let us take the case of an attack where only a sin-
gle device X is being used. After recovering a single
content/key, the license agency has four million de-
vices that are potential candidates, including X. Af-
ter the second or third recovered pirated content/keys,
the number of candidates is reduced, but it is not un-
til the fourth pirate content/key is recovered that the
guilty device X positively identified– BUT only if it
is known that only a single device is involved. Mil-
lions of pairs of devices could also have produced the
four pirated content/keys.
By the time nine pirated content/keys have been
recovered, the license agency knows there are no pos-
sible innocent pairs of devices. (By ”innocent”, we
mean a pair that does not include the actual guilty
device X.) An innocent pair could have produced at
most six of the pirated content/keys. However, an in-
nocent triplet picked at random could have produced
all nine pirated content/keys, each member of the
triplet having three content/keys in common with the
guilty device. The number of such triplets are:
* 60 *
* 60 *
* 60
Among all the
triplets the probabil-
ity that a triplet picked at random is in the above set is
roughly 2 in 10
. If the licensing agency is willing to
assign apriori probabilities to the different numbers of
attackers, and assuming that the attackers cannot de-
duce the code and therefore must act randomly, the
license agency can perform a Bayesian analysis and
conclude, based on the observedresult, what the prob-
ability is that the indicated device X is, in fact, guilty.
One important caveat is traditionally addressed by
defining the tracing problem to be finding a single
member of the coalition, not finding the exact mem-
bership of the coalition. So the Bayesian analysis
really reveals the probability that device X is an at-
tacker, not that he is the sole attacker.
As one can see from the above simple example,
without knowing the actual coalition size, the tracing
has to be probabilistic. During tracing, every time a
pirated copy is recovered, it increases the probability
that the suspect device is actually guilty. That is the
nature of the tracing when the actual coalition size
is unknown. From the example above, we can also
see during the process of figuring out the traitorous
devices, it is possible to deduce the size of the active
members in the coalition without having to assume
the maximum coalition size. We believe performing
probabilistic tracing and deducing the active coalition
size much better fits the real world scenarios.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.3 Disable Found Traitors and
Continued Tracing?
Traditional traitor tracing is defined to be finding at
least a traitor even if there may exist a coalition. They
assume this traitor can be disconnected in some way.
If there still is piracy, just repeat the same scheme.
As we mentioned earlier, while it is sometimes pos-
sible to use legal means to disable traitors, it is not
always possible to do that. In fact, technical means
are oftentimes necessary in the lifetime of a traitor
tracing system to help disabling traitors. In addition
to this, we also challenge the assumption that tracing
can simply be repeated with remaining traitors after
disabling found traitors.
So, how does one technically disable a device that
is found to be a traitor? For anonymous attack, we
know each content is differently watermarked and en-
crypted. Each device is assigned a sequence of keys,
one key for each content. To disable the traitorous de-
vice, one can render the compromised keys no longer
usable for future content. But we know many devices
might share a single compromised key. Therefore, re-
vocation of a single key is impossible. We must re-
voke the unique set of keys assigned to a revoking de-
vice. Furthermore to make this work one must make
sure that no two devices have many keys in common,
so even if the system has been heavily attacked and a
significant fraction of the keys in the system is com-
promised, all innocent devices will still have many
keys that are not compromised.
For example, suppose each device is assigned a
sequence of keys (called tracing keys) from a matrix,
exactly one key per column. Each key enables the
device to decrypt one content, and repeat from begin-
ning when reaching the end of the column. The role
of the sequence of keys assigned to each device in this
system is similar to the media key discussed above
in a broadcast encryption system. In order to disable
a traitorous device, we will use Tracing Key Blocks
(or TKB in short). TKB is generated by the license
agency and distributed together with the new content
in future. The purpose of the Tracing Key Block is to
give all innocent devices a column they can use to cal-
culate the correct key to decrypt the content, while at
the same time preventing compromised devices (who
have compromised keys in all columns) from getting
to the correct answer. In an TKB there are actually
many correct answers, one for each variation of the
content. Let us simply call those answers output keys.
Now after some traitorous devices are disabled in
Tracing Key Blocks, can we simply repeat the same
tracing process as before for the remaining traitors?
The answer is not trivial.
Figure 1: It is possible that the new TKB will not provide
new tracing information for continued tracing
As we know, each column in a TKB contains an
encryption of an output key in every un-compromised
tracing key’s cell. More precisely, in every un-
compromised tracing key’s cell in each column, it
contains an encryption of one of the different cor-
rect output keys D
(0 i < k),k is the number of
different correct answer in the system. Notice the
same set of output keys are encrypted in each column,
although they are distributed differently in different
columns. For a particular output key D
, it can be
obtained from any column in the TKB. A compliant
(good) device will process TKB and obtain a correct
output key from the first column in TKB that it has
a non-revoked key. However, when there are still at-
tackers in a coalition that have not been detected, the
coalition can mix-and-match their revoked keys and
non-revoked keys when processing TKB. In turn they
have multiple ways to process TKB and get a valid
output key to play back the content. They can choose
in which column they want to use a non-revoked key
to get a valid output key. It does not have to be in the
first column. Moreover, different keys can be used
in different columns to obtain the same variant D
When the license agency observes a pirate copy corre-
sponding to a particular output key D
, since it can be
obtained from any column, the license agency has no
way to exactly know which key has been used in ob-
taining that output key. The entire path that the unde-
tected traitors goes through to process TKB can even
look like from an innocent device or from a path that
was never assigned to any device, thus untraceable.
The figure 1 illustrates the issue discussed here.
Keep in mind that the output key has multiple valid
versions. If the attackers combine the revoked keys
with the keys that have not been detected, it is not
always possible to know from which column the TKB
processing ends to get a valid key.
To force the undetected traitors to reveal the keys
they use when processing TKB, we must make sure
each column gets different variations so that when re-
covering a key/content-variation, the scheme knows
from which column it comes from. Only by ob-
serving that, the tracing scheme can continue trac-
ing. Unfortunately that means the q variations have
to be distributed among the columns contained in the
TKB. Each column only effectively gets q/c varia-
tions where c is the number of columns in the TKB. It
is clear that traceability degrades when the effective q
decreases. When the number of columns c becomes
big enough, the traceability degrades to so low that it
basically becomes untraceable. The scheme is over-
whelmed and broken in that case. As a result, that puts
a limit on the revocationcapability of the scheme. See
(Jin and Lotspiech, 2007) for more details.
As one can see, the challenge here is to make sure
the newly released TKB can continue to provide trac-
ing informationto the license agencyto enable contin-
ued tracing. Unfortunately this is not always possible.
In fact, oftentimes it provides less or even no tracing
information to the license agency for future traitor de-
tection after the previous traitors are disabled. The
simple assumption in traditional traitor tracing defini-
tion that tracing can simply repeated with same trace-
ability does not hold.
In our opinion, when considering a complete cy-
cle, a traitor tracing scheme contains the following
three steps instead of the two steps defined in Section
1. Assignment step: Assign versions of the con-
tent/key to currently known innocent devices
2. Forensic Analysis step: Based on the recovered
forensic evidences (i.e., pirated content/keys),
trace back to the traitors
3. Revocation step: loop to step 1 but exclude the
currently discovered traitors, in other words, as-
sign garbage to detected traitorous devices
The traceability of a complete traitor tracing sys-
tem should be defined to be the traceability to detect
all traitors in the system, including after revocation.
In this paper, we have examined what should be a
good definition of a traitor tracing scheme that can
lead to the design of efficient traitor tracing schemes.
Traditionally traitor tracing system has been defined
to find one traitor when assuming a maximum num-
ber of traitors in the system. We argue that definition
is adequate and does not help one design efficient and
practical traitor tracing system to use in real world.
Keep in mind the ultimate goal of a traitor tracing
scheme in real world is to detect and disable all ac-
tive traitors. The traditional definition by detecting
traitor one-by-one seems to be easy but actually does
not help achieve this ultimate goal. Furthermore, as-
suming tracing can simply repeat after previously de-
tected traitors are disabled in the system is wrong.
In our position, we believe a traitor tracing scheme
should be defined to find all active traitors in the sys-
tem and deduce the active coalition size. This in-
cludes the case that when some traitors are detected
and disabled, the system should efficiently find the
remaining traitors. The traceability is defined to de-
tect all traitors in the system even with revocations of
previously found traitors. Our new definition sets the
correct tracing goal straight and could help leading to
the design of an efficient and practical traitor tracing
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SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography