Celalettin Kilinc and A. Gokhan Yavuz
Computer Engineering Department, Yıldız Technical University, Beşiktaş, İstanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Sip security, authentication, key exchange, secure remote password.
Abstract: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the leading protocol used in IP telephony today. By the increasing use of
IP telephony and also SIP, features like QoS and security are becoming more and more important. Because
of the its simple design, SIP does not have a highly secure authentication mechanism which needs to be
enhanced in order to cope with today’s security threats of IP. In this paper we propose a new authentication
scheme for SIP based on the Secure Remote Password (SRP) Protocol. Our proposed authentication scheme
modifies two existing SIP messages and adds a new SIP message. The result is a verifier based
authentication scheme for SIP in which client passwords do not need to be sent to the registrar service in
any form.
Internet telephony offers more features and services
then the POTS and because of this, it has wider
application areas. In classical telephony services
circuit switching is used between communicating
parties, which assures both a certain level of quality
of service and security. On the other hand, IP
telephony is based on packet switching and uses the
public Internet for communication, thus it faces all
the quality of service problems and security threats
of the Internet.
SIP (Rosenberg, 2002) is the leading protocol for
IP telephony. It has a simple yet efficent design
which mainly provides for performance. Because of
its simplicity, SIP does not have a complete security
mechanism. Therefore, SIP’s security features must
be enhanced especially for the authentication of the
communicating parties.
There are some studies on security mechanisms
of SIP. (Qi, 2003) proposed an additional
authentication procedure between proxy and user
agent server beside the authentication between user
agent client and proxy. In another study (Srinivasan,
2005), when clients make requests to the proxy
server, proxy server assures the identity of the
clients from the registrar server. (Durlanik, 2005)
a new approach for secure SIP authentication
by using a public key exchange mechanism using
Elliptic Curve Cryptography. (Holger, 2007) studied
on a refinement in security for call centers. In his
security scheme proxy servers add a signature to SIP
messages that come from known users.
In this paper we present a new SRP based
authentication mechanism for SIP. While this new
authentication mechanism works without sending
client passwords neither plaintext nor hashed, it
requires only minor modifications to the original SIP
protocol and has no noticable impact on the
performance of SIP.
The outline of our paper is as follows. In section
2 we give a brief overview of current SIP
authenticaion mechanisms, in section 3 we discuss
the most common security threats against SIP and in
section 4 we look at alternative authentication
mechanisms which can be applied to the SIP.
Section 5 is where we propose our new
authentication scheme for SIP. In section 6, we
conclude our paper.
Authentication is certainly needed at several points
of SIP communication. For example, during the
registration process, the registrar must ensure that it
registers the authorized SIP endpoint and it must
protect the system from malicious user registrations.
Furthermore if a SIP endpoint wants to setup a
session using an INVITE message, it needs to know
that it is communicating with the right endpoint.
Authentication is also mandatory when a party wants
Kilinc C. and Gokhan Yavuz A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 227-231
DOI: 10.5220/0001929702270231
to modify the session parameters. Unauthorized
parties must not be allowed to change the parameters
of a session. Also in the case of terminating a
session, only the authenticated parties must be
allowed to do so by sending a terminate a BYE
Figure 1: SIP authentication steps with challenge-
SIP is an application level protocol and inherits
its authentication mechanism from HTTP and
provides a challenge-based mechanism for
authentication (Franks J, 1999). This type of
authentication is also known as digest
authentication. We will show the challenge-response
authentication in SIP by a SIP registration process
When a SIP client wants to register itself, it
sends a REGISTER message to the registrar server,
as depicted in Figure 1. The registrar server replies
to the client with an Unauthorized message
containing a nonce value. The nonce value is a
randomly generated unique value which is sent with
every challenge message. Clients must respond to
the challenge messages by using the corresponding
nonce value. When the client gets the Unauthorized
message, it computes a hash value (3) based on its
identity, password and the nonce value. This hash
value will be sent in the new REGISTER message to
the registrar server. The realm value in (1) is used to
specify the domain where the authentication takes
place. The digestURI is the uniform resource
identifier used in SIP protocol.
HA1=MD5(username:realm:password) (1)
HA2= MD5(method:digestURI) (2)
response= MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2) (3)
The default hash algorithm used in SIP
authentication is MD5, but it can be changed by
setting the algorithm property of the SIP message.
When the registrar receives the new REGISTER
message with response value, it computes the same
value with clients password, identity and nonce, to
decide going on registering or denying the client.
SIP is based on IP and therefore it can be the victim
of various IP based attacks. These attacks are
grouped according how they are applied and their
details are given in the following subsections.
3.1 Replay Attack
Replay attacks can be dangerous for protocols that
use messages in their communication such as SMTP,
HTTP, SIP and etc. An eavesdropper can obtain the
session parameters of a SIP communication by
listening and recording the entire SIP messaging
between the communicating parties and thus he can
perform a replay attack afterwards. In this attack, he
can imitate real SIP parties by replaying recorded
messages to other SIP parties in order to establish
forged session with them. The standard SIP
authentication procedure tries to protect itself from
simple replay attacks by the use of the nonce values
in the challenge messages. With the nonce values,
response to each REGISTER message will have a
unique identification which makes replay attacks
3.2 Chosen Plaintext Attack
SIP secrets can be attacked by chosen plaintext
attacks. Parameters of a successful authentication
session can be listened and obtained by the attacker.
Once the attacker handled the username, realm and
the nonce parameters in (1), (2) and (3), he can try to
find the password by giving predicted values for the
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.3 Registration Hijacking
In SIP, participants register themselves to registrar
servers, therefore malicious registrations are one of
the security threats that SIP faces. An attacker can
try to register himself to registrar server as a
legitimate user of the system and thus he can receive
all the calls originating for this user whose
registration he has hijacked. SIP uses UDP for
messaging and as UDP is a connectionless transport
protocol, either outstanding UDP messages can be
modified or new UDP messages can be injected very
easily. Therefore, forged SIP messages can be built
and sent for the purposes of registration hijacking.
As given in section 2, SIP uses a challenge-response
authentication mechanism and therefore a hashed
version of the user’s password is sent via the
network during the registration process. Once the
password is captured by an attacker this password
can be cracked with an offline dictionary attack.
Using the cracked password the attacker can easily
register himself to the registrar server as the victim.
To overcome this vulnerability SIP authentication
procedure must be strengthened such that the
passwords will not be sent during the registration
Our proposed authentication mechanism
overcomes this vulnerability by sending the
password in neither plaintext nor hashed version.
Authentication systems can be divided into two
types: plaintext equivalent based systems and
verifier based systems (Wu, 1998). Plaintext
equivalent based systems require the authentication
server to store a copy of the user passwords. If a user
wants to be authenticated, he sends his password to
the authenticator either plaintext or hashed. The
authenticator checks the received password against
the one in its database. Verifier based authentication
systems, on the other hand, require only a verifier to
be stored in their database and passwords are not
used in communication in any form.
Verifier based systems have great advantages
over the plaintext equivalent based ones. In plaintext
equivalent based systems, for malicious third parties
there exists always the possibility to obtain a copy of
the password (plaintext or hashed) either by
eavesdropping the communication or by accessing
the password database. A secure authentication
system is expected to leak the minimum possible
amount of data regarding the authentication process.
Therefore, verifier based systems reduce the risk of
exposing critical information about the
authentication process.
In the following subsections first we will give
brief information on challenge-response based
authentication as an example of plaintext equivalent
based systems. Then after touching the fringes of
Encrypted Key Exchange, we will give some basics
on Asymmetric Key Exchange and go onto the
construction of Secure Remote Password from AKE.
4.1 Challenge-Response
Plaintext equivalent based systems use secrets or
hashed equivalents in communication. For this
reason they can be vulnerable in networks that have
a risk to be eavesdropped. To decrease this risk and
repair this vulnerability, a challenge based
mechanism is suggested (Franks, 1999). When a
service request is received by the authenticator
party, a challenge message is sent to the requesting
party with a random and unique qualifier. The
requesting party computes a response containing its
identity, password and the unique value received. It
then replies to the challenge request with this
response. The authenticating party computes the
same response as well and by comparing the
computed response with the received response, it
decides the success of the authentication attempt.
This mechanism provides some refection on
plaintext equivalent systems. This is provided by the
random value that is unique for every session. By
using this unique value, each response that is
calculated and sent over network will be different
and a captured response value will not mean that
password is captured. This mechanism also prevents
the system from a simple replay attack. However
challenge based systems can be attacked by using
captured response values and the randomly
generated challenge unique values of successful
authentications as the input to an offline dictionary
attack. In cases where SIP agent passwords are
chosen simple, which is almost always the case in
practice, passwords can be cracked very easily.
4.2 Encrypted Key Exchange
Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) is an example of
verifier based authentication systems (Bellovin and
Merritt 1994). EKE basically uses Diffie and
Hellman’s (1976) general key distribution system
and extends it by encrypting the all data with a
private key in all communication. This prevents any
other listening party to have information about the
authentication procedure. After EKE, some other
extending protocols are developed based on EKE.
DH-EKE (Steiner, Tsudik and Waidner, 1995) and
SPEKE (Jablon 1996) are two of these. These
protocols aim not to give useful information to the
attacker to obtain secrets and keys of the sessions.
EKE has become a strict and reliable solution for
password based authentication systems. However
EKE still has a vulnerability. Like other plaintext-
equivalent ones, user or host accesses to a shared
password or a hashed version of it. To overcome this
weakness another version of EKE, Augmented EKE
was developed (Bellovin and Merritt, 1994), which
makes EKE a verifier–based protocol. (Wu, 1998)
says this modification destroys forward secrecy,
which means data that an attacker captured is not
useful for future sessions.
4.3 Asymmetric Key Exchange and
Secure Remote Password
Asymmetric Key Exchange (AKE) uses key
exchanging between user and host to verify that the
two parties know the same secret as in EKE. But,
AKE does not use encryption in communication. It
uses predefined mathematical relationships for
verifying passwords with exchanged values.
“Avoiding encryption is advantageous for a number
of reasons” says (Wu, 1998) and explains them as
reasons of not using encryption while defining SRP
As (Wu, 1998) described, AKE is a set of
mathematical relations and guaranties nothing about
the security of the resulting protocol. It depends on
the chosen functions for the equations that AKE
specifies. We can say that AKE is a structure and
skeleton of an authentication protocol.
Implementations and applications of AKE will be
new protocols based on AKE. (Wu, 1998) describes
Secure Remote Password (SRP) by filling in the
functions in AKE’s skeleton. Mathematical relations
and working of SRP is described in detail in (Wu,
1998). We will use SRP in our proposed scheme for
SIP authentication.
SIP authentication procedure must be enhanced and
its security must be expanded because of the reasons
we argued in the previous sections of this paper. A
closer look at the Secure Remote Password Protocol
(Wu, 1998) itself and its working steps reveals that
SRP can be applied as the authentication procedure
for SIP communication. First we will give some
detail on the negotiation steps of SRP and then
explain how they can be used for SIP authentication.
In Figure 2 SRP negotiation steps are given using
a simple pseudo code notation to explain the
transactions between a client and server. A SRP
negotiation is initiated by the client by sending its
username to the server. Then the server responds
with a reply message which includes the modulus,
generator and salt parameters. The usage of these
parameters is explained in (Wu, 1998). The client
generates and sends its public key based on the
received parameters and expects to receive the
servers’ public key. Upon successful reception of
public keys, both the client and the server compute
the session key, and the client sends a response,
encrypted with the computed session key, to the
server to authenticate itself. The server verifies the
received response and sends back a positive or
negative acknowledgement depending on the
authentication status.
Figure 2: SRP negotiation steps.
It is very obvious that the negotiation steps of
SRP and the authentication steps of SIP follow a
very similar scheme. In SIP authentication a client
which received the Unauthorized message from the
server in response to its initial REGISTER message,
calculates a response value and sends that value in
the new REGISTER message in an attempt to
authenticate itself to the registrar server. This
calculated response value in the new REGISTER
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
message is where we will be applying SRP for
authentication in SIP.
In our proposed new authentication scheme, a
SIP client will send its username in the initial
REGISTER message. Instead of replying with
standard SIP parameters in the Unauthorized
message, our implementation replaces those
parameters with SRP parameters. When the client
receives the Unauthorized message with the SRP
parameters it computes its public key as in SRP. At
the same time the registrar server also computes its
public key for an exchange with the client. As there
is no step for exchanging keys in the SIP
authentication, we have defined an extra SIP
message for the exchange of client and server public
keys. When both parties have the other’s public key
they compute the session key, and the client
generates a response value encrypted using the
computed session key and sends it to the registrar
server in the new REGISTER message. Thus there is
no need to define a new SIP message for this step.
When the new REGISTER message arrives at the
registrar server, it verifies the authenticity of the
client using the response value contained in the
message. The flow of our SRP based new SIP
authentication scheme is given in Figure 3.
Figure 3: SIP authentication with SRP.
SIP has a wide and increasing area of applications
and SIP security is one of the most important details
which must not be overlooked. Because of its simple
design initial implementations of SIP protocol did
not give the first priority to the security, but today it
is inarguable that security is of utmost concern for
any IP based application. So, by adding only a new
SIP message and replacing the parameters in two
existing SIP messages we have demonstrated that
SRP can be used for SIP authentication without
having the client password to be sent in any form
over the underlying communication network.
For future work we will modify the SIP
authentication mechanism to provide for server
authenticity as well.
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