Sead Muftic and Gernot Schmölzer
Department of Computer and System Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Secure E-mail, cryptography, SMIME, security architecture, SAML, smart cards.
Abstract: The paper describes new, innovative and highly secure E–mail system. The system, first, provides both
standard security services for E-mail letters: signed and encrypted E–mail. In addition, address book is
encrypted, thus E-mail addresses can not be stolen for spamming. Each E–mail server is protected using
SAML authorization policy, so E–mails are received only from authorized senders. Finally, all E–mail
addresses are validated and certified by specially designed Secure E–mail Infrastructure (SEI) Authorities,
organized in a federated hierarchy. Thus CryptoNet Secure E–mail system completely eliminates spam,
distribution of viruses, worms, and malware, and eliminates the possibility to use fake E–mail addresses.
E–mail is one of the most popular Internet
applications. Not only that it transfers E–mail letters,
but it is also used to transfer binary (multimedia)
attachments, various notifications, business
documents, etc. These aspects make E–mail system
even more important than its original purpose.
In terms of problems, they are numerous. E–mail
today is overloaded with spam, which is one of the
most serious problems today in the Internet. Another
problem is that E–mail is today the main mean to
distribute viruses, worms, malware, spyware and
other forms of troublesome software. Finally, E–
mail is also used to perform financial fraud, identity
theft, intellectual property theft, and other serious
Internet problems.
In terms of new opportunities, E–mail system
can be used as a secure and reliable application for
serious business transactions. For that, current E–
mail systems must provide reliable and verifiable
identities, secure and protected E–mail letters, and
new services, like notifications of receipts,
registered E–mail, authorizations, secure distribution
of E–mails in groups, etc.
Based on all of the above, it is of high
importance and high interest today to design,
standardize and put in experimental operation a new,
secure and reliable E–mail system. The system
should eliminate all problems and issues with
current E–mail implementations and at the same
time fulfill some or all of the advanced user
requirements. At the same time, the system should
be suitable for transparent incorporation into the
current E–mail components, infrastructure and
protocols, so that it can be easily installed, deployed,
activated and used on a large scale.
This paper describes the design, implementation
and use of such secure, trusted, authorized, and
reliable E–mail system, here called Secure E–Mail
(SEM) System.
New features of the SEM System can be structured
in two groups: those solving current problems and
the others, providing additional features and
satisfying additional requirements. This section lists
and briefly describes both of these categories and as
such, it servers as description of features and
properties of the new, SEM System, described in the
subsequent sections of this paper.
2.1 Problems with Current E-Mail
Today, authentication of users from Mail Clients to
Mail Servers is usually performed using username
and password. This is generally considered as very
weak authentication method and also as the source
of many system penetrations.
The second problem is protection of mailboxes
and E–mail letters on E–Mail Servers against illegal
Muftic S. and Schmölzer G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 84-91
DOI: 10.5220/0001929800840091
and unauthorized reading. Today it depends on
security features of native operating systems, which
is either inadequate or most of the time even not
enforced. The same is the case with client machines.
The third problem is protection of E–mail letters
against illegal reading and/or modifications while in
transfer. The interpretation of this aspect is that the
intended recipient of an E–mail letter cannot be
guaranteed to the sender and the original content of
E–mail letters cannot be guaranteed to the recipients.
The next problem is spam. The essence of this
problem is that mail today is delivered without
authorization – in principle every sender and mail
server may send an E–mail letter to any recipient.
Another problem is that content of the address
book at the mail client (user workstations) is kept in
clear. That is very often the source of stolen E–mail
addresses, collected by spyware or viruses installed
at client computers.
If users are using security features of the current
E–mail clients, i.e. encryption and digital signatures,
then corporate E–mails cannot be retrieved by
corporate authorities and law enforcement
authorities. This may cause problems in case of lost
mail, terminated employees, and/or law enforcement
Finally, E–mail is used for distribution of
malicious and dangerous content, like viruses,
worms, spyware, bots, etc.
2.2 Requirements for New Services
In addition to the problems listed in the previous
section, in order to be used for serious business
transactions, E–mail system must support a number
of additional requirements and desirable properties.
Some of them are the following:
Handling of attachments is very inefficient.
Today, if an E–mail letter with a large attachment is
sent to a group of people, the large E–mail travels
through many mail servers and reaches all
recipients. Therefore, it overloads the network, mail
servers’ storage space and mail client’s disk space.
The attachments cannot be distributed selectively
and efficiently.
Confirmation of delivery and confirmation of
receipt are not supported today by most of mail
Handling of certificates is, first, optional and
second usually performed by the associated browser
(Internet Explorer for the Outlook and Firefox for
Thunderbird). Some E–mail clients cannot even
handle and use certificates. Verification of
certificates is also either optional or not available.
Usage of smart cards with current E–mail
systems is very complicated and therefore very
rarely used.
Authorization, for users to submit E–mail to the
mail server and to send E–mail to the designated
recipient and for mail servers to submit mail to the
designated mail server, is not enforced. This is the
main reason for spam, since any mail server can
send E–mail to any other mail server.
There are no cross–domain bilateral or
multilateral arrangements, synchronization of
policies, coordination of assurance levels,
negotiation of security and cryptographic protocols
and algorithms, etc., all features already
standardized for Web services and many other types
of network applications.
SEM System is created through (a) new E–mail
client, (b) security extensions of E–mail servers, and
(c) additional infrastructure components. If
deployment is based on usage of current clients, then
only a limited set of security problems and
requirements from section 2 can be addressed.
The concept of the SEM System is a layered
architecture, comprising four layers. The layering
principle is that components at the higher layer
“sponsor” components at the lower layer. The
bottom layer is SEM Clients layer. The next layer is
SEM Servers layer. The layer above is Credentials
Servers layer. It contains CA Servers and SoA
Authorization Servers (usually called Policy
Decision Points – PDP). The components located in
these three layers are deployed inside an
organization i.e. inside an administrative or security
domain. The fourth layer is new, here introduced as
Secure Mail Infrastructure (SMI), comprising SMI
Servers. Their functions, topology and inter–
relationships are described in section 7 of this paper.
SEM Client performs the following functions and
supports the following standard mailing and
additional security features:
4.1 Standard Mailing Functions
SEM Client performs all standard mailing functions:
reading and sending E–mail letters, displaying and
deleting retrieved E–mail letters and attachments,
handling of local mailboxes, editing/using local
address book, simple configuration of the client,
spell–checking, etc.
4.2 Handling of Certificates
The first security extension of the SEM Client is
handling of certificates. It is performed in the
following way:
Two self–signed certificates (digital signature
and key exchange certificates) are automatically
generated upon initial startup of the Client.
If smart cards are installed, keys are generated
in the card and certificates are stored in the card.
The card is used to perform SEM Client’s
security functions.
If CA Server is configured, two certificates are
requested and received from the CA Server.
If PKI policy requires, key exchange key pair is
generated and escrowed by the CA Server.
4.3 Standard Security Services
With possession of the two certificates, SEM Client
performs standard security services for E–mail
letters: digital signing E–mail letters and
encryption/enveloping of E–mail letters. In order to
perform these two functions, SEM Client has the
following capabilities:
It can inquire and obtain recipient’s certificate
by sending request to its own SEM Server (see
also section 5.1), which re–directs the request to
the recipient’s SEM Server, which returns the
certificate to the sender’s SEM Server, which
passes it back to the sender’s SEM Client.
If the intended recipient does posses the
certificate (this is always the case of SEM
System users), all E–mail letters between two
users are encrypted and signed.
If the certificate request does not return
recipient’s certificate, all E–mails to that
recipient are signed, but not encrypted.
Certificate chain is included in an initial E–mail
to the SEM System user (recipient).
All received certificates are verified before
stored in the local certificates database.
4.4 Usage of Smart Cards
If smart cards are available, SEM Client uses smart
cards. Smart cards are used in the following way:
Key pairs are generated in the card and
certificates are stored in the card.
All security functions (digital signatures and
enveloping of the E–mail letter encryption key)
are performed by the smart card.
Smart card is also used to store encryption key
for the Address Book.
4.5 Protection of the Address Book
All entries in the Address Book are kept encrypted.
The entries are decrypted on the fly when listed on
the GUI panel of the SEM Client. Cryptographic
protection of the Address Book is performed in the
following way:
Cryptographic key (symmetric) is generated at
the initial activation of the SEM Client.
The SEM Client has the function to change
address book encryption key, in which case
address book must be re–encrypted.
If smart cards are used, the key is generated and
kept in the card. In case that the card is lost, the
key is escrowed at the SEM Server.
If the card is not used, the key is stored in the
SEM Client’s local file, encrypted with user’s
login password. The key is decrypted when
SEM Client is started, so address book key and
login password are not available in clear in the
system during its operations.
If the new entry in the Address Book is created
or an existing entry is updated, the SEM Client
decrypts the Address Book’s key, creates new
entry or updates the existing entry.
The entries in the Address Book have sequence
numbers, so they are displayed in clear, but they
do not have to be decrypted on the disk if an
entry needs to be deleted.
If the address book encryption key is stored in
smart card and the card is lost or if the local key
file is corrupted, then the Address Book can not
be recovered, so encryption key is
escrowed/enveloped at the SEM Server.
SEM Client has the function to fetch Address
Book’s encryption key from the SEM Server, if
the recovery is needed.
4.6 Confirmations
SEM Client provides three confirmations to the
sender for each E–mail: confirmation of delivery,
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
confirmation of receipt, and confirmation of
acceptance. SEM Client performs the following
functions with confirmations:
Receive confirmation of delivery from the
recipient’s SEM Server.
Receive confirmation of receipt from the
recipient’s SEM Server.
Receive confirmation of acceptance from the
recipient’s SEM Server.
Maintain the status of E–mail letters in the
Outbox, based on those confirmations, and
display that status when listing the Outbox.
4.7 Strong Authentication with the
SEM Server
Since both, SEM Client and SEM Server have their
key exchange certificates, these certificates are used
to perform strong authentication between the SEM
Client and SEM Server. The transfer protocol is
SSL, so that all transfers of E–mail letters between
SEM Client and SEM Server are strongly protected.
4.8 Management of Authorizations
Distribution of spam is eliminated by applying the
standard concept of authorizations adapted from the
service–oriented architecture (SoA) to the SEM
System. Sending of an E–mail letter is an action
performed by the sender’s E–Mail Server (in SoA
terminology – service consumer) using recipient’s
E–Mail Server (service provider). This action must
be authorized. Using the concept of role–based
access control and XACML policies, authorizations
are based on “white lists”, applied by SEM Servers
at both ends of the transmission – by senders’ SEM
Server and also by receivers’ SEM Server:
At the receiving SEM Server the white list
includes all users and/or mail domains from
which the SEM Server accepts E–mails.
At the sending SEM Server the white list
includes all users and/or mail domains to which
the SEM Server is authorized to send E–mail.
White lists at the SEM Server are maintained
both, by security (mail) administrators and also
by users: administrators register mail domains,
while users register individual mail addresses.
Since mail addresses in the incoming mail to the
SEM Server may be forged, they are digitally
signed by the SEM Authorities.
This solution does not prevent spam from
reaching receiving SEM Servers, but such E–
mails will be rejected by those Servers, while
between members in the SEM System spam is
completely eliminated.
The more standard mail servers are enhanced
with add–on SEM Servers, spam mail can be
eliminated already at the sending SEM Servers.
Thus, spam mail in the overall Internet can be
greatly reduced.
4.9 Synthesis of SEM Client Security
Security features of the new SEM Client, described
in this section are shown in Figure 1. E–mail letters
are protected (signed and enveloped), both in
transfer and in mailboxes. Address book entries are
encrypted. Attachments are signed and enveloped,
and efficiently distributed using pull method.
Not shown are security functions related to
Credentials Servers located at the Layer 3 of the
SEM System architecture and SMI Servers, located
at the Layer 4 of the SEM System architecture. They
are shown in Figure 2 (section 6) and in Figure 3
(section 7).
SEM Servers provide security extensions for
standard mail servers. They are implemented as an
add–on component to the standard mail servers
(Figure 1). It may be noticed that SEM Servers are
located between standard mail servers and the
Internet and in that sense they represent some form
of “E–mail gateways”.
Handling authorizations at SEM Servers by SEM
Clients is not shown. It is shown in combination
with Policy Servers, located at the Layer 3 of the
SMI architecture.
5.1 Handling of Certificates
Each SEM Server has its own two certificates:
digital signature and key exchange certificate.
Therefore, the Server performs the following
functions with certificates:
At the initial start–up, generates two self–
signed certificates if CA Server is not
configured, otherwise requests two certificates
from the CA Server.
Receives and stores client’s key encryption
Figure 1: Security Features of SEM Clients and SEM Servers.
Receives requests from local SEM Clients for
key exchange certificates of their partners (mail
Sends certificate requests to recipient’s SEM
Server, receives recipient’s key exchange
certificate, and returns it to the SEM Client.
Receives certificate requests for key exchange
certificates of local SEM Clients from remote
SEM Servers, and returns those certificates.
Requests and receives recipient’s SEM Server
URL from the SMI Server.
5.2 Address Book Encryption Keys
SEM Servers store enveloped encryption keys for
address books of local users. To assist users with
handling of address books keys, SEM Server
performs the following two functions:
Receives and stores user’s address book
encryption key.
Sends address book encryption key to the user.
5.3 Confirmations
SEM Server sends the following two types of
confirmations to the sender:
Confirmation of delivery, when an E–mail letter
is received from the remote SEM Client.
Confirmation of receipt, when an E–mail letter
is sent to the local SEM Client (receiver).
5.4 Handling of Attachments
SEM System uses pull method to handle distribution
of attachments. SEM Server performs the following
functions in order to handle the attachments:
Receives attachments from local SEM Clients
and stores them locally.
Distributes attachments, when requested by
recipient’s SEM Clients.
Manages Attachments Table, as described in
section 5.8.
5.5 Enforcement of Authorizations
SEM Servers maintain white lists for both, incoming
and also outgoing E–mail addresses. These lists
have two types of entries: E–mail domain entries
and individual E–mail accounts entries. Domain
entries are specified in the Domains Policy
document, created by Security Managers at SAML
Policy Servers. Individual E–mail account entries
are specified by users in Accounts Policy files at
SEM Servers. In order to support enforcement of
policies for sending and receiving E–mails, SEM
Server performs the following functions:
Receives Domain Policy file from SAML
Policy Server.
Creates and updates Account Policy file by
local users.
Enforces authorization policy for outgoing
mails by verifying E–mail addresses of outgoing
E–mails and making decisions to send them or
reject submission.
Enforces authorization policy for incoming
mails by verifying E–mail addresses of
incoming E–mails and making decisions to
receive them or reject receipt.
5.6 Cooperation with SMI Servers
For cooperation between SEM Servers and SMI
Servers, see also section 7.2.2. SEM Servers can
request validation of their domain E–mail addresses,
receive, and also store their validated addresses.
At this layer there are two types of servers: PKI
Certificate Authority (CA) Issuing Server and
SAML Policy Server (Figure 2). In principle, there
should be one of each of those two servers per mail
domain, but multiple servers may also be used.
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Figure 2: Credentials Servers: Issuing PKI Server and SAML Policy Server.
Both of these two servers are connected to their
corresponding servers in the PKI and SMI (Layer 4
of the security architecture). CA Issuing Server is
connected to the PKI Policy Server and through it to
the Top (Trusted, Root) Server. SAML Policy
Server is connected to the SMI Server.
6.1 CA Issuing Server
This is standard Certificate Authority Server, issuing
and distributing X.509 certificates. It issues
certificate to all entities in the SEM System: users,
SEM Servers, and local SAML Policy Server.
6.2 SAML Policy Server
This is standard SAML Policy Server, which
functions as Policy Decision Point (PDP). It
creation of SAML policies and policy sets;
distribution of policies to SEM Servers, which
are Policy Enforcement Points (PEP), so that
authorization decisions are made locally by the
SEM Server;
making decisions based on
SAMLAuthorizationRequests received from
SEM Servers and returning
Standard SAML policies are role–based. Users
and roles are registered and roles are assigned to all
active entities. Then authorization rules are created
as combination of roles, actions and decisions. In
case of the SEM System actions are send and receive
mail and SEM Servers are treated as users in the
policy enforcement system. In order to use standard
format of the XML policies, in the SEM System
there is only one role: mail server. Thus, particular
mail server ( is specified as
the user, the role is mail server, and actions are send
and receive E–mail letters. Decisions are standard
SAML PDP decisions: permit or deny.
In the SEM System applications are remote SEM
Servers to which E–mail letters are being sent or
from which E–mail letters are received. The
structure of the rule in the SEM System is:
Role Application Action Decision
server send permit
server receive permit
The interpretation of the first rule is that all
active entities that have the role mail server are
permitted to perform specified action (send E–mail
letters) with the specified application – remote SEM
Server. The second rule indicates that all active
entities that have the role mail server are permitted
to perform specified action (receive E–mail letters)
with the specified application – remote SEM Server.
These two rules indicate that the local SEM Server
may exchange E–mails with the remote SEM Server.
Since in the local policy there is only one active
entity – SEM Server with the role mail server, the
rules in the table above regulate exchange of E–mail
letters of the local SEM Server with the remote SEM
In order to connect and synchronize security policies
and functions across multiple domains, a security
infrastructure is needed. For use of certificates
across multiple domains, PKI is needed. In order to
synchronize secure E–mail functions across
domains, new infrastructure, in this paper called
Secure Mail Infrastructure (SMI) is needed.
Figure 3: PKI and SMI – Servers and Protocols.
In order to provide their specific services to local
domains, both infrastructures comprise specialized
servers and protocols between them (Figure 3).
7.1 PKI Servers
PKI comprises two types of Servers. At the top of
the Infrastructure is the Top (Trusted) Server. Its
certificate is self–signed and requires special off-line
protocol in order to be transferred to the lower level
entities, verified and adopted by them.
Below the Top CA Server are Policy CA
Servers. They enforce different PKI policies and
impose those policies to the lower level servers –
CA Issuing Servers.
7.2 SMI Servers
SMI Servers are needed for two purposes: validation
of E–mail addresses and federation of SEM Servers
located in individual mail domains.
7.2.1 Validation of E–Mail Addresses
With all the components, functions and their security
features up to and including Layer 3, it is still
possible to send spam to remote SEM Servers. The
reason is that From: field in the E–mail letters may
easily be faked. Such E–mails would be accepted by
SEM Servers, since hackers would send spam E–
mails with From: addresses of legitimate E–mail
users, especially those in the white lists of the SEM
Servers. In order to prevent that, there must be a
mechanism to verify that all E–mail addresses used
in the SEM System are original. This means that the
E–mail address of each user must be certified
(signed) by an authority and E–mail address of the
domain must also be certified. The authority to
certify E–mail addresses of users is Security
Manager in the local domain. For the domain E–mail
address, external certification is needed. Otherwise,
all E–mail addresses in a domain would be self–
certified and therefore not trusted and verifiable.
One function of SMI Servers is to validate and
certify the E–mail addresses of the mail servers –
domains. This effectively represents registration of a
domain in the SMI. Such validated E–mail entries
are returned to the SEM Server and used for
construction of E–mail accounts for users.
7.2.2 Federation of SEM Servers
When an SMI Server validates the domain E–mail
address of one of the SEM Servers, as the result of
that process it also saves URL of the SEM Server.
When SEM Client inquires key exchange certificate
of one of its partners (recipients), it contacts its own
local SEM Server. In order to fetch the certificate
and deliver it to the local client, SEM Server must
know URL of the recipient’s SEM Server.
SEM Server will obtain that address from the
SMI Server. SEM Servers are capable to request E–
mail address validation from SMI Servers and obtain
validated E–mail address.
8.1 Problems and Requirements
It may be easily verified that the proposed system, in
its full scope, with all its components and functions,
can eliminate all problems and fulfill all
requirements listed in section 2.
Users are authenticated using their certificates,
so user passwords are not needed at Mail Servers.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
E–mail letters are fully protected, both in transfer
and when stored in users’ or mail server’s
mailboxes. Spam is largely eliminated. Theft of E
mail addresses from address books is eliminated.
Corporate and law enforcement authorities can
reliably use the System. Distribution of malicious
content is greatly eliminated. It can be received only
from trusted users, but this threat can be eliminated
by extending SEM Servers with virus detection
The system also provides all additional features
and properties listed in section 2.2. It handles
attachments very efficiently, since they do not float
to all recipients, whether they need them or not. The
system provides to senders three types of
confirmations, so it can be used for exchange of
serious business documents.
8.2 Gradual Deployment
The SEM System can be gradually deployed. As the
first step, users may use only SEM Clients, without
SEM Servers and Credentials Servers. In that case
they can perform all standard E–mail functions and
they can use security services available with existing
E–mail clients: signed and encrypted E–mail.
In the second step, SEM Servers are installed.
User security functions are now extended with
additional security services of the SEM System, like
exchange of certificates with their partners and
efficient distribution of attachments.
As the third step, Policy and PKI Servers are
installed. Now, users’ certificates may be validated
within the domain and authorizations are enforced.
Finally, if CA Issuing Server and SEM Server
are linked to the SMI Servers, then the full scaling of
SEM System across Internet is possible.
8.3 Applicability to Web–based E–mail
This paper describes E–mail system which is based
on the use of full E–mail clients (“thick client”). The
system is equally applicable to the Web–based mail
(“thin client”). All features of SEM Clients can be
made available using standard browsers. Since SEM
Servers are extensions of mail servers, they can
serve the same purpose with Web Servers acting as
mail servers.
8.4 Increasing Assurance Levels
The system also supports the approach with
increasing level of assurance. Lower assurance is the
case when all cryptographic and certificate functions
are performed in software and when certificates
cannot be globally validated. Increased levels of
assurance is use of PKI for the full validation of
certificates and use of smart cards for storage of
cryptographic parameters and execution of
cryptographic operations
The most important is that even at the lowest
level of assurance, all E–mail letters are strongly
protected, spam is greatly reduced and distribution
of malware is completely eliminated