In context of secure protocols for sensor networks,
Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) is playing a
vital role to secure link-level data during wireless
transmission between clients and intermediate
devices. WEP protocol is not designed for end to
end data. It only works from node to intermediate
device (Karygiannis, 2002).
There are two types of authentication systems;
open system authentication and shared key
authentication system based on cryptography. The
open system intermediate devices accept the nodes
without verifying the identity. So there is an only
one way authentication mechanism in which only
intermediate devices are authenticated by the nodes
(Karygiannis, 2002). In shared key scenario a node
is allowed to join network with WEP shared key.
So the open system is highly vulnerable to
attacks and openly invites unauthorized users and
nodes. But in case of shared key authentication
which is also known as cryptographic approach
based on the fact that client has knowledge about the
shared secret.
802.11 standard supports privacy through the use
of cryptographic techniques for the wireless
networks. The WEP (Karygiannis, 2002) also uses
the RC4 symmetric key stream cipher algorithms to
generate the pseudo-random data sequences, and this
key stream simply adds modulo 2 to the data to be
transmitted. WEP protocol is applicable all over the
802.11 layers to protect the traffic such as TCP/IP,
IPX and HTTP (Karygiannis, 2002).
There are various problems in WEP protocol
reported by various group of computer security
specialists. These includes the passive attacks based
on the statistical data analysis for which integrity
can be compromised because of static WEP Key
which is shared for long time of period with plain
text frame transmission in WEP (Karygiannis,
2002). There is no user authentication in the WEP
protocols mean only Service Set Identifier (SSID)
identification occurs and nodes authentication is
simple and based on shared key.
Another authentication technique proposed by
Zhangyan (Security in Adhoc Networks) with the
help of implementation of external Certificate
Authority (CA) and tamper-resistant chip to support
ubiquitous security in the MANETS. This technique
uses broadcast blacklist and shared password to
normal nodes using broadcast encryption.
The external CA used for this purpose which can
issue public key pair and its certificates to every
node and publish public key, so there is trust model
based on CA between nodes. In case some nodes are
compromised, the external CA joins network to
broadcast the blacklist (compromised node list) and
new password to the legitimate devices. Another key
is issued by the CA through broadcast called
encryption root key and child key issued to the
legitimated nodes broadcast encryption root key is
used for encryption and child key is used for
Another technique which is being employed in
(Security in Adhoc Networks) is tamper resistant
adhoc chip which can be embedded into any adhoc
node or device to support the external CA based
security solutions.
In this technique there is a problem that existing
nodes cannot be used for adhoc network services
because they have not any chip which will recognize
by external CA. So this approach is not appropriate
for existing devices and there should be special
nodes with tamper resistance adhoc chips.
Another approach is proposed by Andreas
Hafslund and Jon (2-Level Authentication
Mechanisms, 2006). In this approach a 2-level
authentication mechanism in an internet connected
MANET was proposed. In this approach they
proposed in level-1 authentication all the nodes will
be authenticated to access the local MANET service
or MANET network resources and in level-2
authentication nodes will be authenticated by the
external gateway to access the global internet. So in
this approach there are two levels of authentication
and there is big overhead. Therefore there are
chances of DOS and DDOS attacks on gateway
nodes or other attacks like IP spoofing. It will also
create some problems related to QOS.
The proposed technical measures involve the use of
trust model for secure and authorized user access
over the networks. The proposed system is based on
Kerberos protocol for MANETS. Kerberos is widely
used in windows system and is very helpful for user
authentication for windows operating system. In an
open network environment, a workstation cannot be
trusted to identify its users correctly to network
services. Kerberos provides an alternative approach
whereby a trusted third-party authentication service
is used to verify users' identities.
Kerberos is based on secret key distribution
model developed by Needham & Schroeder at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) based
on symmetric cryptography. It is based on trusted