ded into the Fourier-Mellin transform of an image,
the robustness with respect to these geometrical trans-
formations is provided (
ORuanaidh and Pun, 1998),
(Lin et al., 2001). Actually, as stated in (Lin et al.,
2001), the Fourier-Mellin transform is considered an
expensive solution to cope with RST attacks and the
problem of inverting this map is a quite difficult task.
Feature-based algorithms are founded on the capabil-
ity to identify certain image features (edges, corners
and so on) before and after an attack. A huge vari-
ety of features have been used in several methods to
provide geometric robustness: for example Bas et al.
use a corner detector to construct a triangular tessel-
lation where the mark is embedded (Bas et al., 2000);
in (Simitopoulos et al., 2002) two one-dimensional
generalized Radon transforms are used; in (Xin et al.,
2004) an expansion of the image based on the Pseudo-
Zernike basis has been proposed with the properties
of RST invariance.
In this paper we present a watermarking technique
robust against rotation distortion and other common
signal processing, which is based on the capability
to extract a single invariant direction from the im-
age spectrum, used just to synchronize the detector
and the watermark. We start from the properties of
the Fourier-Mellin domain and from the well known
property of the 2D Fourier spectra, which states that
the Fourier transform (FT) of a rotated image is the
rotated version of the FT applied on the not-rotated
image. The idea is to properly define an insertion re-
gion in the Cartesian double transformed Fourier do-
main able to achieve rotation invariance avoiding the
need of a log-polar mapping, unlike in (
and Pun, 1998) and (Lin et al., 2001). Our approach
differs from other methods that embed the mark into
the Fourier domain since a single robust feature, ex-
tracted in this domain, is used to set up the rotation
invariant insertion region. Therefore, starting from
the detected invariant direction, the watermark is em-
bedded in a ring region covering the middle frequen-
cies in the Fourier domain using the rule described in
(Barni et al., 1998).
In the following we present a detailed description
of this method and experimental results that evidence
the effectiveness of the direction extraction and the
watermark retrieval under several distortions.
The key idea is to characterize the invariant direction
as the straight line, passing for ( f
= 0, f
= 0), along
which the function |I( f
, f
)| has its maximum cumu-
lated value, where I( f
, f
) is the Fourier transform of
an image i(x,y). (Heretoafter it is intended that the
”zero” frequency location is ( f
= 0, f
= 0)). Hence
the invariant direction is uniquely identified by the an-
gle θ
formed by the extracted line with a reference
direction. From the previous definition it can be in-
ferred that the Radon transform (Toft, 1996) is the
fundamental tool for the extraction of the invariant
The placement of the invariant direction in the
Fourier domain is motivated by two reasons. Since
the embedding is performed in the Fourier domain,
it is a rationale to extract a synchronization feature
in the same domain. Moreover, a watermarked im-
age can undergo attacks modifying either the whole
image or circumscribed part of it, hence the Fourier
domain has the advantage that local modifications in
the spatial domain are always spreaded.
The invariant direction is used as resynchroniza-
tion feature, which enables the watermarking system
to identify the same direction from every distorted
( f
, f
); in this way, whether the image has been ro-
tated by an angle α, the invariant direction (θ
+ α)
is extracted, so that the detector and the message will
always be synchronized.
Actually the problem is that the extraction of the
invariant direction is performed both at the embed-
ding and detection sides; between the two operations
the cover image could have been modified by channel
distortions (which includes intentional distortions). In
order to make the extraction method as robust as pos-
sible, a pre-processing step is then applied to the im-
age to get a spectrum (and so, at least partially, an im-
age) which is as less dependent as possible on these
2.1 Image Pre-processing
The pre-processing is performed to get a spectrum
which is less dependent on the modifications that the
image can undergo; its effect is then to provide ro-
bustness to the direction extraction method.
To get an image representation invariant to chan-
nel modifications, the edge feature is pointed out,
since edges generally survive (even if distorted) to
several distortions and processings. In Fig. 1 the pre-
processing chain scheme is fully depicted.
The tool used for the edge extraction is the cas-
cade of a Gaussian low-pass filtering and a morpho-
logical gradient, i.e. a morphological operator reveal-
ing sharp luminance transitions. This cascade is quite
similar to a Laplacian of a Gaussian filtering, usually
adopted for edge extraction, being the Laplacian op-
erator here substituted by the morphological gradient
operator (Lee et al., 1987). However differences be-
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications