Tetsuya Yonezawa
Department of Information and Electronics Engineering, Yatsushiro National College of Technology
2627 Hirayama-shinmachi, Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto, Japan
Kohichi Ogata, Masashi Nishimura, Kohei Matsumoto
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto, Japan
Keywords: Eye gaze, moving average filter, mouse cursor control, eye blink, mouse click function.
Abstract: This paper introduces an eye gaze interface system for controlling a mouse cursor on the computer display.
The system consists of a small video camera to capture an eye image and a computer to detect the eye gaze
from the image and to calculate the position of the cursor to be displayed depending on the detected eye
gaze. In order to develop an easy-to-use system, consideration of involuntary and voluntary eye blink is
necessary for practical use. Improvement of the stability of eye gaze-controlled cursor movement is also
important. In this paper, smooth cursor control using a moving average filter and detection of involuntary
and voluntary eye blink are described. The experiments show the usefulness of the proposed methods for
quick and stable mouse cursor control. In the experiment of cursor pointing accuracy, distances between the
target and the cursor point are about 30 pixels in horizontal direction and 20 pixels in vertical direction.
Computers have become popular tools in daily life.
Human computer interfaces using eye gaze have
been developed for user convenience (Hutchinson,
White, Martin, Reichert & Frey, 1989; Kim &
Ramakrishna, 1999; Porta, 2002; Wang & Sung,
2002; Young & Sheena, 1975). Eye gaze human
computer interfaces can provide a useful method for
people with severe motor disabilities to operate a
computer (Cleveland, 1994; Ito, Sudoh & Ifukube,
2000; Kanou, Inoue, Kobayashi, Kawamura &
Nakashima, 2002). However, such systems are so
expensive that the systems are not widely used for
disabled people.
We have developed an eye gaze interface system
with the aim of low cost and easy operation. This
system consists of a small video camera attached on
goggles, a computer with a color image capture
board, and software. In this paper, improvement of
the system to achieve quick and stable mouse cursor
control is described. In Section 2.1, we describe
hardware system. In Section 2.2, we show the
procedure to detect the eye gaze position on the
display from the eye image. In Section 3.1, we
explain a moving average filter for smoothing mouse
cursor movement. In Section 3.2, the experiment on
the moving average filter of mouse cursor movement
and the experimental results are shown. In Sections
4.1 and 4.2, we describe detection of eye blink and
mouse cursor control during eye blink.
2.1 Hardware Configuration
The system consists of a small color video camera
(Kyohritsu JPP-CM25F 1/3inch CMOS 0.25
Mpixel) and a desktop computer (CPU: Pentium4
3.2GHz, MEMORY: 1GB, OS: Windows XP) with
an image capture board (Imagination PXC200). The
system is capable of processing 320 x 240 pixels at a
frame rate of 30 fps. Figure 1 shows the small video
camera attached on the goggles. Figure 2 shows an
experimental environment.
Yonezawa T., Ogata K., Nishimura M. and Matsumoto K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 281-284
DOI: 10.5220/0001932102810284
Figure 1: Goggles with a video camera attached.
Figure 2: Environment of eye gaze detection experiment.
The outline of the data processing is as follows:
(1) Filtering in HSI color space to detect the region
having an iris in the captured image frame.
(2) Determining the diameter of a ringshaped
template to be pattern matched with the contour
of the iris from an initial image frame.
(3) Determining the center of the iris as the center of
the ringshaped template after pattern matching.
(4) Mapping the detected center of the iris onto the
position of the mouse cursor on the display.
Through these processes, the user is able to control
the position of the mouse cursor with his/her eye
gaze. The mapping vector used in step (4) is
determined from a prior calibration procedure.
Figure 3 shows two examples of the iris detection.
In each example, the ringshaped template shows a
good match with the contour of the iris. Its center (+)
is also shown in the figure. The mean values of
detected error on the 25 target points on the display
over the five subjects are 1.78 degree in horizontal
direction, 1.82 degree in vertical direction
respectively. These values are almost equal to the
resolution of other tracking system (Yonezawa,
Ogata & Shiratani, 2008).
3.1 Moving Average Filter
In our system, a pixel on the image frame having eye
image corresponds to about 20 pixels on the
computer display in length. Therefore, fluctuation of
the detected center of the iris can cause difficulty in
controlling the mouse cursor. In order to reduce such
a situation, a moving average filter (MAF) shown as
Eq. (1) was introduced in the system.
)(tx is the input data, )(ty is the output data,
m is the number of frames to be used.
Figure 3: Examples of detection of the center of the iris
using pattern matching.
3.2 Experimental Setup
In order to evaluate the effects of the moving
average filter on the cursor control, the experimental
setup shown in Figure 4 was used. Illuminance near
the subject’s eyes is about from 250 to 400 lx. An
LCD –display of 17 inch and 1024 x 768 pixels was
used. Five subjects with normal eyesight were
participated in the experiment. The number of
frames used in moving average was 30. The
experimental procedure is as follows:
(1) One of the nine targets shown in Figure 5 is
randomly selected and displayed.
(2) A subject moves the mouse cursor into the target
through his/her eye gaze.
(3) The subject keeps the position of the mouse
cursor on the target for two seconds.
This trial was applied five times to a randomly
selected new target for each subject. Total time for
the five trials and the standard deviation of the
mouse cursor movement for each subject were
Figure 6 shows the total time for the five trials
averaged over the five subjects. The effect of
moving average filter is shown as the reduction of
time for the mouse cursor control. Table 1 shows the
standard deviations of the mouse cursor movement
within the each target for two seconds averaged over
the trials and the subjects. The standard deviations
for the case using the moving average filter are less
than those for the case without the filter in both
Because the moving average filter was useful for
the mouse cursor control, the number of frames used
in filtering was evaluated to obtain the optimum
number. The experimental procedure was the same
as used in the previous experiment and 10, 20, 30,
and 40 frames were used in the filtering. Two
subjects with normal eyesight were participated in
the experiment.
Figure 7 shows the total time for the five trials
averaged over the two subjects. Table 2 shows the
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
standard deviations of the mouse cursor movement
averaged over the trials and the subjects. As shown
in the figure and the table, the moving average filter
with 20 frames is most effective for quick and stable
cursor control. Therefore the filtering function is
installed on our interface system.
4.1 Detection of Eye Blink
Involuntary eye blink is inevitable while use of the
system. During the eye blink, it is difficult to detect
the contour of the iris because of occlusion caused
by eyelid. To avoid failure in the detection of the
contour and cursor control, a detection algorithm
must be considered. In this section, the outline of the
algorithm is described.
Figure 4: Experimental environment.
Figure 5: Nine target points on the display.
Figure 6: The total time for pointing the mouse cursor onto
the five targets on the screen by eye gaze.
Figure 7: The total time for pointing the mouse cursor onto
the five targets on the screen using MAF by eye-gaze.
Table 1: The standard deviation of the mouse cursor
movement within the each target.
Table 2: The standard deviation of the mouse cursor
movement within the each target.
The beginning of the eye blink is defined as the
situation that the difference of vertical length of the
iris region between consecutive two image frames is
ten or more pixels. The end of the eye blink is
defined as the situation that the vertical length of the
iris region returns the level of the beginning of eye
blink with a margin of ten pixels. The duration of
eye blink is used to distinguish between voluntary
and involuntary eye blink. The duration of 300 ms is
used as the threshold based on the preliminary
experiment. The value of the threshold is adjustable
through a GUI window of the system for user
convenience. Because the detection result is used as
a trigger for holding the position of the mouse cursor
during eye blink, erroneous movement of the mouse
cursor during eye blink can be reduced. Moreover,
the detection method allows us to apply voluntary
eye blink to a mouse click function.
The system holds the position of the cursor during
eye blink. Furthermore, for mouse click, the system
holds the position of the cursor for 20 frames (660
ms) after the end of eye blink to prevent unsteady
cursor movement in a transition state.
4.2 Experiments
The experiments for evaluating the detection method
for eye blink and the mouse click function were
done for the five subjects with normal eyesight. The
moving average filter shown in Section 3.2 was used
during the experiments. The experimental setup and
the procedure are almost the same as in Section 3.2.
In the experiments, each subject was requested to
move mouse cursor to each target area of 60 x 60
pixels and to make a click through voluntary eye
blink. This trial was repeated nine times with a
randomly selected target among nine targets shown
in Figure 8. The target points in the figure are
located inside of the measurement area in Figure 5.
Table 3 shows a comparison of average distance
between the target and the mouse cursor for the five
subjects. Average values over the subjects show that
the detection method is more effective in vertical
direction. Table 4 shows average of the standard
deviation of mouse cursor movement every one
second while the experiments. Reduction of the
deviation, i.e., fluctuation of the cursor point on the
computer display is clearly seen in both directions.
Subjects A and B are skilled users, and the others
are beginners. Table 3 suggests that skilled users are
able to control the mouse cursor with a high
accuracy through eye gaze using our interface
Figure 8: Nine target points on the display.
Table 3: The average distance between the target and the
mouse cursor.
Table 4: The standard deviation of the movement of the
mouse cursor.
In this paper, smooth cursor control using a moving
average filter and detection of involuntary and
voluntary eye blink were proposed and evaluated for
developing an easy-to-use eye gaze interface system.
The experimental results showed the usefulness of
the proposed methods for quick and stable mouse
cursor control.
We wish to acknowledge Kazuyuki Shiratani and
Daisuke Kido at Graduate School of Science and
Technology, Kumamoto University, who have
contributed their efforts and talents in developing a
prototype system.
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SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications