Efthymios Alepis, Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus
80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St., 18534, Piraeus, Greece
Katerina Kabassi
Department of Ecology and the Environment, Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands
2 Kalvou Sq., 29100 Zakynthos, Greece
Keywords: Mobile devices, m-learning, affective interaction, bi-modal interaction, multi-attribute decision making
Abstract: This paper presents how multi attributes decision making is used for affective interaction in mobile devices.
The system bases its inferences about users’ emotions on user input evidence from the keyboard and the
microphone of the mobile device. The actual combination of evidence from these two modes of interaction
has been performed based on an innovative inference mechanism for emotions and a multi-attribute decision
making theory. The mechanism that integrates the inferences form the two modes has been based on the
results of two empirical studies, with the participation of human experts and possible users of the system.
In the fast pace of modern life, students and
instructors would appreciate using constructively
some spare time. They may have to work on lessons
at any place, even when away from offices,
classrooms and labs where computers are usually
located. At the current state, there are not many
mature mobile tutoring systems since the technology
of mobile computing is quite recent and has not yet
been used to the extent that it could. However, there
have been quite a lot of primary attempts to
incorporate mobile features to this kind of
educational technology and the results so far confirm
the great potential of this incorporation. Moreover,
in many cases it would be extremely useful to have
such facilities in handheld devices, such as mobile
phones rather than desktop or portable computers so
that additional assets may be gained. Such assets
include device independence as well as more
independence with respect to time and place in
comparison with web-based education using
standard PCs.
However, different problems may occur during
people’s interaction with mobile devices. This
especially is the case of novice users who find such
an interaction frustrating and difficult. A remedy to
such problem may be given by providing adaptive
interaction based on the user’s emotional state. For
this purpose, affective computing may be used.
Regardless of the various emotional paradigms,
neurologists/psychologists have made progress in
demonstrating that emotion is at least as and perhaps
even more important than reason in the process of
decision making and action deciding (Leon et al.,
2007). Moreover, the way people feel may play an
important role in their cognitive processes as well
(Goleman, 1995).
Indeed, Picard points out that one of the major
challenges in affective computing is to try to
improve the accuracy of recognizing people’s
emotions (Picard, 2003). Ideally, evidence from
many modes of interaction should be combined by a
computer system so that it can generate as valid
hypotheses as possible about users’ emotions. It is
hoped that the multimodal approach may provide not
only better performance, but also more robustness
(Pantic & Rothkrantz, 2003).
In previous work, the authors of this paper have
implemented and evaluated with quite satisfactory
results emotion recognition systems, incorporated in
educational software applications for computers
(Alepis et al. 2007). As a next step we have
Alepis E., Virvou M. and Kabassi K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 376-379
DOI: 10.5220/0001935103760379
extended our affective educational system by
providing mobile interaction between the users and
handheld device. The system is based on mobile
technology and incorporates the quite recent theory
of Affective Computing.
In view of the above, in this paper we describe a
novel mobile educational system that incorporates
bi-modal emotion recognition. The proposed system
collects evidence from the two modes of interaction
and analyses them in terms of some attributes for
emotion recognition. Finally the system associates
the users’ input data through a multi-attribute model
and makes final assumptions about the user’s
emotional state. For the effective application of the
multi-attribute decision making model, we
conducted an empirical study with the participation
of human experts as well as possible users of the
In order to collect evidence about which information
could be used for emotion recognition, we
conducted an empirical study.
2.1 Settings of the Experiment
The empirical study that we have conducted
concerns the audio-lingual emotion recognition, as
well as the recognition of emotions through
keyboard evidence. The audio-lingual mode of
interaction is based on using a mobile device’s
microphone as input device. The empirical study
aimed at identifying common user reactions that
express user feelings while they interact with mobile
devices. As a next step, we associated these
reactions with particular feelings.
Individuals’ behaviour while doing something
may be affected by several factors related to their
personality, age, experience, etc. Therefore, the
empirical study involved a total number of 100 male
and female users of various educational
backgrounds, ages and levels of familiarity with
The participants were asked to use a mobile
educational application, which incorporated a user
monitoring component. The user monitoring
component that we have used can be incorporated in
any application, since it works in the background
recording each user’s input actions. Part of the
interaction included knowledge tests, while
participants were asked to use oral interaction via
their mobile device’s microphone. Our aim was not
to test the participants’ knowledge skills, but to
record their oral and written behaviour. Thus, the
educational application incorporated the monitoring
module that was running unnoticeably in the
background. Moreover, users were also video-taped
while they interacted with the mobile application.
After completing the interaction with the
educational application, participants were asked to
watch the video clips concerning exclusively their
personal interaction and to determine in which
situations they where experiencing changes in their
emotional state.
As the next step, the collected transcripts were
given to 20 human expert-observers who were asked
to perform audio emotion recognition with regard to
the six emotional states, namely happiness, sadness,
surprise, anger, disgust and neutral. All human
expert-observers possessed a first and/or higher
degree in Psychology and, to analyze the data
corresponding to the audio-lingual input only, they
were asked to listen to the video tapes without
seeing them. They were also given what the user had
said in printed form from the computer audio
recorder. The human expert-observers were asked to
justify the recognition of an emotion by indicating
the weights of the attributes that they had used in
terms of specific words and exclamations, pitch of
voice and changes in the volume of speech.
2.2 Analysis of the Results
The analysis of the data collected by both the human
experts and the monitoring component, revealed
some statistical results that associated user input
actions through the mobile keyboard and
microphone with possible emotional states of the
users. More specifically, considering the keyboard
we have the following categories of user actions: a)
user types normally b) user types quickly (speed
higher than the usual speed of the particular user) c)
user types slowly (speed lower than the usual speed
of the particular user) d) user uses the “delete” key
of his/her mobile device often e) user presses
unrelated keys on the keyboard f) user does not use
the keyboard.
Considering the users’ basic input actions
through the mobile device’s microphone we have 7
cases: a) user speaks using strong language b) users
uses exclamations c) user speaks with a high voice
volume (higher than the average recorded level) d)
user speaks with a low voice volume (low than the
average recorded level) e) user speaks in a normal
voice volume f) user speaks words from a specific
list of words showing an emotion g) user does not
say anything.
Therefore, each moment the system records a
vector of input actions through the keyboard (k1, k2,
k3, k4, k5, k6) and a vector of input actions through
the microphone (m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7).
All the above mentioned attributes are used as
Boolean variables. In each moment the system takes
data from the bi-modal interface and translates them
in terms of keyboard and microphone actions. If an
action has occurred the corresponding attribute takes
the value 1, otherwise its value is set to 0. Therefore,
for a user that speaks with a high voice volume and
types quickly the two vectors that are recorded by
the system are: k= (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) and m= (0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0). These data are further processed by the
multi-attribute model for determining the emotion of
the user.
The previous empirical study revealed the attributes
that are taken into account when evaluating different
emotions. However, these attributes are not equally
important for evaluating different emotions. For this
purpose, the human experts who participated in the
first empirical study and selected the final set of
attributes were also asked to rank the 13 attributes
with respect to how important they are in their
reasoning process.
Human experts resulted that one input action does
not have the same weight while evaluating different
emotions. Therefore, the weights of the attributes
(input actions) were calculated for some stereotypes
of different emotions were designed.
Therefore, each human expert was asked to share
21 points into the 6 different attributes with respect
to the keyboard input for each emotion.
As soon as the scores of all human experts were
collected, they were used to calculate the weights of
attributes. The scores assigned to each attribute by
all human experts were summed up and then divided
to the sum of scores of all attributes (21 points
assigned to all attributes by each human expert * 20
human experts = 420 points assigned to all attributes
by all human experts). In this way the sum of all
weights could be equal to 1.
As a result, there was a set of weights for the
attributes that correspond to the keyboards’ input
actions for each different emotion.
Then each human expert was asked to share 28
points into the 7 different attributes with respect to
the microphone input for each emotion. As soon as
the scores of all human experts were collected, they
were used to calculate the weights of attributes. The
scores assigned to each attribute by all human
experts were summed up and then divided to the
sum of scores of all attributes (28 points assigned to
all attributes by each human expert * 20 human
experts = 560 points assigned to all attributes by all
human experts). In this way the sum of all weights
could be equal to 1.
As a result, there was a set of weights for the
attributes that correspond to the microphones’ input
actions for each different emotion.
For the evaluation of each alternative emotion the
system uses SAW (Fishburn, 1967, Hwang & Yoon,
1981) for a particular category of users. According
to SAW, the multi-attribute utility function for each
emotion in each mode is estimated as a linear
combination of the values of the attributes that
correspond to that mode.
The SAW approach consists of translating a
decision problem into the optimisation of some
multi-attribute utility function
defined on
The decision maker estimates the value of function
for every alternative
and selects the
one with the highest value. The multi-attribute utility
can be calculated in the SAW method
as a linear combination of the values of the n
where X
is one alternative and x
is the value of the i
attribute for the X
In view of the above, for the evaluation of each
emotion taking into account the information
provided by the keyboard is done using formula 1.
Similarly, for the evaluation of each emotion
taking into account the information provided by the
other mode (microphone) is done using formula 2.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
is the probability that an emotion has
occurred based on the keyboard actions and
is the probability that refers to an emotional state
using the users’ input from the microphone
take their values in [0,1].
In formula 1 the k’s from k1 to k6 refer to the six
attributes that correspond to the keyboard. In
formula 2 the m’s from m1 to m7 refer to the seven
attributes that correspond to the microphone. The
w’s represent the weights. These weights correspond
to a specific emotion and to a specific input action
and were calculated in the previous empirical study.
In cases where both modals (keyboard and
microphone) indicate the same emotion then the
probability that this emotion has occurred increases
significantly. Otherwise, the mean of the values that
have occurred by the evaluation of each emotion
using formulae 1 and 2 is calculated.
The system compares the values from all the
different emotions and selects the one with the
highest value of the multi-attribute utility function.
The emotion that maximises this function is selected
as the user’s emotion.
In this paper we have described how multi-attribute
decision making could be used for affective
interaction in mobile devices. More specifically, we
describe the implementation of an affective
educational application for mobile devices that
recognizes students’ emotions based on their
keyboard and microphone actions. The educational
application employs a bi-modal user interface.
A similar approach to the proposed one has
previously been used in a learning environment
operating over the web (Alepis et al., 2007).
However, the main difference of the approach
described in this paper is that the interaction
provided by mobile devices differentiates from the
human-computer interaction in many ways. The
keyboard and the screen are very different as well as
the places where a user may interact with them. A
user may interact with a mobile device in the places
that s/he can interact with a PC as well as other
places, such as a station, a bus or the beach. In such
places the users’ mood may be affected by other
factors. Therefore, the need for affective interaction
in mobile devices may be even more essential than
in normal computers.
It is among our future plans to incorporate user
modelling techniques such as stereotypes in
combination with the multi-attribute decision
making in order to personalise interaction with each
individual user interacting with the mobile device.
Furthermore, we intend to enrich multi-modal
interaction by incorporating a third mode of
interaction, visual this time (Stathopoulou &
Tsihrintzis, 2005).
Support for this work was provided by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece,
under the auspices of the PENED-2003 program.
Travel funds to present this work were provided by
the University of Piraeus Research Center.
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