Table 2: Number of false positives (FP) and false nega-
tives (FN) for the BANCA dataset (520 images) and for the
VALID dataset (1590 images).
default 154 7 175 21
alt2 61 4 150 14
alt 51 7 116 17
alttree 30 49 47 48
obtained by DGJ detector. To this end, colored image
patches were modeled and this model was employed
in the final decision-making about whether the face
detected by DGJ is true or false positive. The results
have shown that employing features related to color
information and combining them with brightness in-
formation will lead to a considerable decrease in the
number of false positives, while maintaining the true
positive rate. Consequently, using the system intro-
duced in this paper, will lead to a higher correct clas-
sification rate and face detection accuracy.
The work presented was developed within VIS-
NET II, a European Network of Excellence
(http://www.visnet-noe.org), funded under the
European Commission IST FP6 Programme. The
authors wish to express their thanks to this network
of excellence.
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