In addition, if one refers to each of the PEAQ in-
ternal model output variables (MOVs), the statistical
correlation in some cases is also near the 85% mark,
as indicated in Table 4.
Table 4: Statistical correlation ρ between MOS and PEAQ
(basic and advanced) internal MOVs.
PEAQ Basic ρ PEAQ Adv. ρ
1 0.02 1 −0.82
2 0.02 2 −0.73
3 −0.51 3 −0.50
4 −0.79 4 0.46
5 −0.61 5 −0.65
6 0.46 - -
7 −0.75 - -
8 −0.84 - -
9 −0.71 - -
10 −0.36 - -
11 −0.55 - -
The MOS attributed to each test sentence, or-
ganized by increasing order, is shown in Figure 8.
Furthermore, it includes the corresponding objec-
tive grades yielded by the PESQ method, since they
strongly correlate with MOS, as indicated in Table 3.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Test signal index (sorted by MOS)
Figure 8: MOS and PESQ grades for all test signals.
Overall, the results shown in Tables 3 and 4 as
well as in Figure 8 suggest that the both the PESQ
and the PEAQ standards may provide a starting point
to the development of an effective objective method
for quality assessment of audioband speech signals
degraded by reverberation.
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ation of audioband (24 kHz) speech signals with re-
spect to the reverberation effect. Mathematical mod-
els were reviewed and the most important reverber-
ation aspects for the application at hand were indi-
cated. Subjective listening tests were designed and
performed to quantify via MOS the human percep-
tion of speech impairment by reverberation. Corre-
lation between objective and subjective quality mea-
sures have been computed in order to verify the po-
tential ability of standard quality-evaluation methods
in predicting the subjective quality of speech signals
spoiled by reverberation.
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SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications