voice source could lead to enhanced naturalness
and intelligibility.
• Expressive Voice. User-friendliness is one of the
most important demand from the industry. Since
expressivity is mainly managed by the source,
an emotional voice synthesis engine should take
into account realistic glottal source model param-
eters. Techniques presented in this paper could
be used to estimate these parameters on speech
samples extracted from an expressivity-oriented
speech database.
• Pathological Speech Analysis. Speech patholo-
gies are most of the time due to the irregular be-
haviour of the vocal folds during phonation. This
irregular vibration can be induced by nodules or
polyps on the folds and should result in irregular
values of model parameters. Methods here pre-
sented could hence be used to estimate the glottal
source and its features on pathological speech in
order to quantify the pathology level.
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tional de la Recherche Scientifique” (FNRS) and
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its support (ECLIPSE WALEO II grant #516009 and
IRMA RESEAUX II grant #415911).
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GLOTTAL SOURCE ESTIMATION ROBUSTNESS - A Comparison of Sensitivity of Voice Source Estimation