Architecture and Requirements
Daniel Dur
aes, Lu
ıs F. Teixeira and Lu
ıs Corte-Real
INESC Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto
Campus da FEUP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, no. 378 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Intelligent Surveillance Systems, Modular Architecture, Multi-sensor surveillance, Data Analysis.
Intelligent surveillance is becoming increasingly important for the enhanced protection of facilities such as
airports and power stations from various types of threats. We propose a surveillance system architecture based
on multiple sources of information to apply on large scale surveillance networks. The main contribution of
this paper is the definition of the requirements for a flexible and scalable architecture that supports intelligent
surveillance using, alongside video, different sources of information, such as audio or other sensors.
Visual surveillance systems are widely applied in
transport scenarios, such as airports, railways, un-
derground, and motorways as well as other public
spaces, such as banks and shopping malls. Typically
these systems are manually handled by a human op-
erator and do not rely on content-based automation
processes. The captured content is stored for a lim-
ited period of time, due to storage limitations. Also,
searching for a specific event can be a very time con-
suming task. Recent advances in this area are opening
new possibilities for the next generation surveillance
systems (Valera and Velastin, 2005). The main focus
of research is on improving image processing tasks
by generating more accurate and robust algorithms for
object detection and recognition, tracking and human
activity recognition.
A new generation of systems for surveillance are
also starting to be commercialised. The common pro-
cessing tasks that commercial systems perform are
intrusion, motion detection and packages detection.
Typical examples of commercial surveillance systems
and Gotcha
. They are usually based
on what is commonly called motion detectors, with
the option of digital storage of the detected events.
These events are usually triggered by objects appear-
ing in the scene. Another example of a commercial
system intended for outdoor applications is DETER
(Pavlidis et al., 2001), which reports unusual move-
ment patterns of pedestrians and vehicles in outdoor
environments such as car parks. A broader goal is de-
fined by the PRISMATICA project (Lo et al., 2003).
The developed system is a wide-area multisensor dis-
tributed system, receiving inputs from CCTV, local
wireless camera networks, smart cards, and audio sen-
sors. Also, the project ADVISOR (Siebel and May-
bank, 2004) aims to assist human operators by auto-
matically selecting, recording, and annotating images
containing events of interest. ADVISOR interprets
shapes and movements in scenes being viewed by the
CCTV to build up a picture of the behavior of people
in the scene.
In summary, intelligent surveillance systems are
not restricted to cameras but can also contain dif-
ferent types of information sources, to better inter-
pret the danger. Monitoring surveillance networks
by human inspection is expensive and ineffective.
Consequently, surveillance users are choosing soft-
ware for automated video surveillance. The archi-
tecture presented, proposes a solution to integrate
specific surveillance algorithms, acquire information
from various sources and interact with external sys-
tems. The solution presented, specifies architecture
organized in a hierarchical structure and divided into
different modules, including both support for commu-
nication and for computation.
Durães D., F. Teixeira L. and Corte-Real L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 314-319
DOI: 10.5220/0001936803140319
Our objective is to devise a software architecture
for surveillance systems composed of a sensor net-
work of different sources. The architecture should al-
low adding new and improved surveillance techniques
while the network continues operating. The require-
ments are divided in non-functional, functional and
hardware categories. The first two categories of re-
quirements are based on (Detmold et al., 2006) and
(Valera and Velastin, 2008).
2.1 Non-Functional Requirements
The non-functional requirements for video surveil-
lance networks include scalability, availability, evolv-
ability, integration, security and manageability.
Scalability: We should consider different scopes
for scalability. Processing the data generated in a
large-scale surveillance system in a centralized ar-
chitecture is unfeasible and a scalable distributed
processing is required. Also, storing the relevant
data, even if a small fraction of all captured data,
requires a scalable storage distributed system. Fi-
nally, in some cases a scalable network needs to
be considered, mainly if the number of sources of
information are expected to increase.
Availability: A larger number of components in-
creases the probability that some component will
eventually fail. However, the architecture must
support acceptable levels of operation. A configu-
ration of redundant systems should be considered
if high level of availability is required.
Evolvability: Within some limits, the surveillance
network should be able to accommodate changes,
including alterations to the hardware and changes
to the software.
Integration: Nowadays surveillance systems usu-
ally operate in independently of other systems.
However, there is a growing need to integrate dif-
ferent systems, especially for intelligent manage-
ment of buildings. It is therefore required a per-
spective of integration with external systems.
Security: The integration with external systems
however intensifies the need for security. A crit-
ical requirement is that the system should be ro-
bust to attacks with malicious intents. The con-
sequences of such attacks include compromising
confidential information or shutting down the sys-
tem through denial of service attacks.
2.2 Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of intelligent surveil-
lance systems include modules that perform: (1) sig-
nal processing, including audio and visual process-
ing, (2) data aggregation and higher-level semantic
analysis, (3) command, control and inspection of all
network elements, and (4) storage with browsing and
forensic analysis capabilities.
We first consider a low-level signal processing
module that receives data from sensors and gener-
ates a sparser representation of data when compared
to the raw data. For example, for the visual sen-
sors, i.e. cameras, the signal processing module in-
cludes: object detection, object classification accord-
ing to shape, color, and other properties, and object
tracking along time within individual cameras views.
In this case, the signal processing module accepts im-
ages from individual cameras as input, and produces
as output a compact representation of the content
for example, the object trajectories. These modules
are closely related to each sensor and can be seen as a
layer just above the sensors. Depending on the hard-
ware capabilities of the sensors, the modules’ imple-
mentation could be embedded in the sensors.
The data processed for individual sensors is col-
lected by a data aggregation module that relies on the
multiple sources of data in the network to get a more
complete representation. Using the same example, for
visual sensors the data aggregation module includes:
multicamera tracking of objects across time and mul-
tiple cameras views. Also, a higher-level analysis is
performed to extract semantic knowledge, which usu-
ally requires a priori information and training. One
objective could be behavioral analysis, or in other
words, to recognize and understand the activities of
the tracked objects. The output of these modules is
typically auxiliary data (or metadata) that is stored
alongside the raw data or events to alert the human
The events triggered by the system warn about sit-
uations that eventually require close attention by the
operators. When needed, the operators use command
control, and inspection functionalities to interact with
system e.g. examine the status of an element (e.g.
a sensor) in the network and take corrective actions.
Other examples of interactions include remote sensor
control of individual sensors in real-time, target fol-
lowing by selecting an object to follow and making a
report, and external system control namely, control-
ling the elevators system or locking the doors.
Finally, storage with browsing and forensic anal-
ysis capabilities allow an operator to efficiently find
a given event or object. Browsing or querying the
Architecture and Requirements
historical archive, the operator can look for detected
events and know the details of possible threats. The
auxiliary data mentioned previously is used to aid
browsing and provide forensic analysis. Exploring
large amounts of data without such capabilities can
be extremely time consuming and inefficient.
2.3 Hardware Requirements
This architecture proposes the sharing of data though
different interfaces. The interfaces depend on the
needs of the system but typically the whole hardware
is connected by a local area network (LAN).
The system is composed of computers or smart
sensors (mostly cameras) connected by the LAN. A
human-computer interface and a storage farm are also
plugged in this system. The type of sensors that are
possible connect besides cameras and microphones
are smoke sensors, biometric sensors among others.
The storage module needs to allow 24 hours/day
of data. Since only relevant data is stored, the amount
of data produced in a day may vary. If we use MPEG-
4 technology at 25 fps and 160 Kbit/s, in 3 days the
total amount of raw data for a camera is 40 GB. How-
ever only a much smaller fraction of this needs to be
stored ( 5%).
A distributed system implies an efficient use of
the available bandwidth that satisfies quality of ser-
vice (QoS).
The concept of the architecture is based on a hier-
archical relation between elements, respecting func-
tional and hardware requirements and allowing inter-
action with external systems. Figure 1 shows a physi-
cal view of the surveillance system architecture using
the standard UML model representation.
The main modules in the architecture are control
and command, database centre and monitoring. All
these modules contain a component called communi-
cations manager. Its goal is to manage the communi-
cations between different modules.
3.1 Control and Command
With the control and command module, human oper-
ators can visualize the outputs of the system and even-
tually take an action. The interaction between opera-
tors and the system is done through a graphical user
interface (GUI) is possible interact with system.
A possible implementation solution is to use a
web-based GUI, implemented in PHP or Java (server-
side) and HTML with Javascript (client-side).
3.2 Database Centre
The database centre module is a physically indepen-
dent module, where storage all data produced by sys-
tem. This architecture is both flexible, because the
database centre module is independent of other mod-
ules, and scalable, because many database centres
may operate together or separately. The redundancy
provided by multiple database centres is also essential
to maintain high availability of operation.
In (Black et al., 2004), the authors present a solu-
tion that propose a creation of a database with four
layers, ordered hierarchically, supporting high and
low level queries. The data is stored selectively by
the different layers. The system provides a mecha-
nism to generate video content summaries of objects
detected by the system across the entire surveillance
region in terms of the semantic scene model. The lay-
ers of abstraction are: (1) raw data layer, (2) object
motion layer, (3) semantic description layer, and (4)
metadata layer. At the lowest level the system user
can manually browse a stored video to observe some
object activity recorded by the system. At the highest
level, queries could be executed to automatically find
that same object activity.
3.3 Monitoring
This is the system module closer to the hardware.
Monitoring is performed independently for each
surveillance sensor and afterwards aggregated by a
multimodal data analysis system. The monitoring
module contains the following components:
Signal processing, including visual and audio
analysis: Processes the data captured by the dis-
tributed network of sensors. For the visual sen-
sors it typically includes object detection, classi-
fication and tracking. A similar flow is done for
audio processing, including audio source separa-
tion and classification to detects dangerous situa-
tions, such as screams or explosions. If an array of
microphones is available, localization and track-
ing of audio sources is also possible. Each of the
components (visual analysis and audio analysis)
is associated to a single sensor.
Analysis of data from other sources: Analyses
the information obtained by other sources, such
as emergency door sensors, fire detection alarms,
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 1: Component diagram of the system architecture.
Multimodal data analysis: Receives data from the
signal processing and the analysis of data from
other sources components. Performs data aggre-
gation and fusion, such as multicamera tracking
and behavioral analysis. The processed data and
generated events are sent to the storage module.
If a give event is configured to generate an alarm,
the human operator is notified by the control and
command module.
Integration with external systems: Interfaces with
external systems and executes the orders given by
human operator, for example building access.
With this architecture based in modules and com-
ponents it is possible to capture different types of in-
formation and analyse them to produce better results
when compared to the results obtained by a separate
analysis of sensor information. The ultimate goal is
to minimize the errors generated by the system.
The components performing data analysis (includ-
ing visual, audio, other sources and multimodal anal-
ysis) are typically computationally intensive and re-
quire a low-level implementation in C or C++. The
integration of individual components can be imple-
mented using higher-level programming languages,
such as Perl and Python.
The system is currently being developed and not all
specified modules are fully functioning. In this sec-
tion we give an overview of the current status of im-
4.1 Algorithms
Object detection is done using cascade algorithm
(Teixeira et al., 2007) essentially based on mixture
of Gaussians for background modelling (Lee, 2005).
Taking in consideration that background changes are
caused by phenomena of different nature, a cas-
caded evaluation of typical dynamic elements is per-
formed. These elements include acquisition noise, il-
lumination variation and slow or repetitive structural
changes. The latter type of changes is classified using
the methods that estimate a p.d.f. to model the back-
ground. Also, a statistical test and a simple collinear-
ity test are used to classify changes originated by
noise and illumination changes, respectively. Some
results are shown in Figure 2.
Tracking of objects is done using an implementa-
tion based on (Zhao and Nevatia, 2004). This track-
Architecture and Requirements
Figure 2: Segmentation results (second row) using the
cascaded change detection algorithm and tracking results
(third row) using the Kalman filtering with appearance con-
ing method relies on Kalman filtering for hypothesis
tracking, and on the objects appearance constrained
by its shape.
Tracks from different objects are matched to find
multiple appearances of an object as in Figure 3.
This is accomplished with a combined representa-
tion scheme and incremental object model to find
matches between visual object tracks (Teixeira and
Corte-Real, 2008). The description scheme relies on
SIFT local descriptors and a text-like bag-of-words
representation. Results show that this object represen-
tation scheme can be used to aid tracking of generic
objects in visual surveillance systems, since it can
discriminate a large quantity of different visual ob-
jects very well, and can be adapted to reflect object
changes. It also presented a good resilience to incor-
rect segmentations when extracting the visual objects
from complex scenes. The object model is updated
through incremental learning, avoiding excessive data
storage while maintaining performance and allowing
new objects to be learnt by the system.
Other analysis algorithms, namely audio content
analysis, will be added in the future.
4.2 Prototype
The current prototype of the proposed architecture
is based on ZoneMinder
. This choice is due to
Figure 3: Same visual object captured at different instants,
by different cameras.
the fact that ZoneMinder is an open-source surveil-
lance framework that includes functionalities of typ-
ical surveillance systems supports capture, analy-
sis, recording, and monitoring of multiple video cam-
eras. Given a state-of-the-art surveillance framework,
which closely follows the architecture defined in Sec-
tion 3, our goal is to instantiate the requirements
stated in Section 2.
The ZoneMinder framework comprises different
components written in C++ (core), PHP (GUI) and
Perl (scripts). A motion analysis module detects ac-
tivity in the captured areas, allowing selective record-
ing defined by the user. The user can also define
alarms, such as intrusion in protected areas, which are
stored in a MySQL database as events. These events
are associated with the corresponding video for fu-
ture visualization. These management and visualiza-
tion functions are accomplished through a web-based
The analysis functionalities provided by typical
surveillance systems, such as ZoneMinder, are lim-
ited to activity detection based on motion analysis and
alarm generation based on the definition of protected
areas. In the prototype we extended these functionali-
ties with advanced detection such as object segmenta-
tion, tracking and matching (see Section 4.1). In sum-
mary, and considering the database model proposed
in (Black et al., 2004), our prototype populates auto-
matically the semantic layer, in contrast to the typical
systems that generate information for the image and
motion layers.
This paper introduces a modular surveillance sys-
tems architecture supporting the requirements of au-
tomated video surveillance networks, which are an in-
creasingly important tool for preventing and counter-
ing security threats. The architecture can be adapted
to different scenarios. Also, unlike typical surveil-
lance systems, multiple sources of information are
considered. A prototype based on open-source frame-
work for visual surveillance was implemented. The
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
prototype includes algorithms for the segmentation
and tracking of visual objects. Another module that
detects multiple appearances of the detected visual
objects was also devised and integrated in the sys-
tem. Future work includes integrating of audio analy-
sis modules and the support for evolvability and avail-
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Architecture and Requirements