Lino Ferreira
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria/ESTG, Leiria, Portugal
Luís Cruz
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Coimbra/DEEC, Coimbra, Portugal
Pedro Assunção
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria/ESTG, Leiria, Portugal
Keywords: ROI, Spatial scalability.
Abstract: This paper proposes two H.264/AVC compliant methods for encoding Regions-of-Interest (ROI) with
spatial scalability and evaluates their respective rate-distortion-complexity performance. The base layer is
kept unchanged and provides lower resolution images with roughly constant quality, without identification
of the ROI. In the proposed methods there is no need to encode contour information because the ROI is
implicitly defined in the upper layer of the spatial resolution in a transparent way by using different
encoding parameters for the ROI and its complementary region. It is shown, that spatial scalability in ROI
can be efficiently used to enhance specific regions of an image sequence in both spatial resolution and
quality with low coding complexity. The proposed encoding scheme is suitable for remote surveillance,
medical applications and entertainment, where higher resolution and higher quality ROI is a useful
functionality for object/face recognition, selective encryption, detail analysis, etc.
The region-of-interest (ROI) functionality in visual
information representation and transmission systems
defines a set of methods and tools which allow
selection, extraction and specific processing of
important regions within the image acquisition/display
area. Support for region specific differentiated coding
has long been sought as a desirable feature for both
image and video compression algorithms, as evidenced
by any overview of the existing literature on this topic.
In image coding several solutions have been proposed,
taking different forms depending on the underlying
coding principles, e.g. whether the coding algorithm is
based either on block transforms or wavelets. In video
transmission and storage ROI-based coding has also
been studied in the recent video coding standards (e.g.,
H.264/AVC) which already offer some limited support
for this functionality through the use of Flexible
Macroblock Ordering (FMO) into different slice groups
(Thang, 2005), (Bae, 2006), (Lambert, 2006) and (Van
Leuven, 2006). In recent years, along with the
development efforts of the scalable extension of H.264,
H.264/SVC, availability of scalable ROI coding
functionalities was identified as an important
requirement to be fulfilled in future standards (ISO/IEC
TC1/SC29 WG11, 2005).
The H.264/SVC standard supports scalability in
terms of spatial and temporal resolution as well as the
variation of reconstruction quality (SNR). This type of
encoding is more flexible and adjustable for different
communication technologies and user requirements
(bandwidth, resolution, etc.). In scalable ROI a single
frame can be split into several independent regions
which in turn may be encoded at different SNR, spatial
and temporal scalabilities. In general, spatial or
temporal qualities can be assigned to ROI in order to
guarantee a predefined quality level while the
background region can be encoded at lower quality.
This paper deals with spatially scalable ROI coding
where the aim is to achieve efficient encoding of ROI
with both better quality than the background area and
higher spatial resolution than the base layer. The base
layer is intended to provide a low resolution signal with
an acceptable spatial quality in the whole image while
Ferreira L., Cruz L. and Assunção P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 212-215
DOI: 10.5220/0001938302120215
in the enhancement layer the ROI is the only useful
image area. Therefore spatial and quality scalability is
only achieved for the ROI, which should contain the
image area of interest for target applications. In the
following sections, the Rate-Distortion and Complexity
performance of two methods, compliant with
H.264/SVC, is evaluated and compared with
straightforward encoding without ROI.
The underlying idea to achieve efficient encoding of
the ROI in the higher resolution layer is to minimise
the number of bits spent in the background region of
the higher resolution images. In the base layer there is
no distinction between ROI and background. One of
the methods proposed in this work is based on coarse
quantisation of the background region and finer
quantisation of the ROI in the high resolution layer. In
this method, the macroblocks (MBs) of the background
region, i.e., outside the ROI, are encoded with the
maximum quantisation scale allowed by H.264/SVC
(Qp=51) in order to maximise the number of null
coefficients. The other method is based on setting to
zero the transform coefficients of the MBs outside the
ROI regardless their value. Note that in this case
quantisation is avoided for these MBs. In both
methods, the ROI is defined by a mask, providing a
ROI map (ROImap) which is used by the encoder to
identify the ROI MBs though it is not encoded into the
video stream.
2.1 QP
Outside ROI
The functional implementation of this method is
depicted in Figure 1. In each MB of the high resolution
layer, the QP value is switched between 51 and the QP
value selected for the current MB, either for MBs
located outside the ROI or within the ROI,
respectively. The ROI is not defined in the base layer,
thus the whole image is normally encoded at a lower
Therefore, the quality of ROI MBs is much higher
than that of the MBs outside the ROI and consequently
most of the bits used in the high resolution layer are
assigned to the ROI. Note that in the high resolution
layer the only useful information that needs to be
encoded is the ROI itself, because the lower quality and
resolution of the background region provided by the
base layer should be enough for the envisaged
Figure 1: Qp
functional diagram.
2.2 Set-to-Zero
The objective of this method is the same as the
previous one: to spend no bits in the MBs outside the
ROI and to increase the subjective quality of ROI in the
higher resolution layer. In the Set-to-Zero method, the
transform coefficients of residual blocks are set to zero
for those MB outside the ROI. Thus, the encoder sets
the syntax element coded block pattern (CBP) to 0. The
Figure 2 shows Set-to-Zero functional diagram.
Figure 2: Set-to-Zero diagram.
The performance of the two methods described in the
previous section was evaluated in regard to rate-
distortion and encoding complexity. Separate
experiments were carried out for Intra and Inter coding
modes. The proposed methods were implemented using
the JVT reference software, version 8.9, as a basis
framework. The test sequence “Mobile” was used in
the experiments with two layers QCIF@30fps (base
layer), CIF@30fps (enhancement layer) and two ROIs
(ROI1, ROI2) with different sizes were used. ROI1 is a
192x144 pel image region covering the area of the
calendar numbers and ROI2 is the whole calendar, as
shown in Figure 3.
In the experiments the following settings were used
for the Intra test: two spatial layers (QCIF and CIF) at
30fps; NumberReferenceFrames 1; FastSearch; Loop
Filter on. The coding parameters were as follow: for
the base layer: CABAC; Basic QP 35; FRExt no; for
layer 1: CABAC; InterLayerPred on; FRExt on. The
Inter tests the were used: two spatial layers (QCIF and
CIF); 30 frames; NumberReferenceFrames 1;
FastSearch; Loop Filter on; MaxDelay 1200; GOPsize
16; IntraPeriod 16. The configurations of base layer
and the layer 1 are equal to Intra test.
Figure 3: ROI1 and ROI2 definition.
The simulations were preformed on PC with a
2.4GHz processor and 1.0 GB of RAM memory. The
rate-distortion performance of both methods was
evaluated as well as the computational complexity
measured as the processing time per frame.
The bitrate shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 is the
sum of both bitrates of base layer and layer1. The
various bitrates were obtained by using different QP in
layer1 while the QP of base layer is constant (QP=35).
The ROI PSNR (i.e. the PSNR computed for the pixels
within the ROI) is shown in the figures for Intra and
Inter coding, respectively. For reference, the two
proposed methods’ results are compared with results
from an experiment where the higher layer is totally
encoded using the same QP without distinguishing the
ROI and the background. These “ground-truth” results
are labelled SVC-without_ROI.
A. Intra Coding
The rate-distortion performance of the Intra case is
shown in Figure 4. The Set-to-Zero method is
compared with Qp
and with SVC-without_ROI. The
encoding complexity is shown in Table 1 for both
ROIs. From the figures it is clear that the efficiency of
the Set-to-Zero method is consistently better for both
ROIs in the Intra case. In ROI1 this method produces a
PSNR about 2dB higher than the Qp
method. As one
can see in the figures, the overall quality gain of the
proposed methods is much higher when compared to
For the lower bitrates in ROI1, the Set-to-Zero method
produces a PSNR about 6.5dB higher than SVC-
without_ROI and at higher bitrates the gain is about
13dB. For the ROI2 the gains of Set-to-Zero are
smaller than in the case of ROI1. About 0.4dB-0.5dB
higher than Qp
and 2,5dB-7,5dB higher than SVC-
without_ROI for low and high bitrates, respectively.
For the same PSNR, both the Qp
method and SVC-
without_ROI produce more bits than Set-to-Zero for
encoding ROI1 and ROI2.
Figure 4: Intra case: Rate- Distortion (a)ROI1-Numbers
Table 1: Processing time of encoding: (a) ROI1 (b) ROI2.
182,53 195,83 262,26
174,37 187,35 225,24
167,54 179,58 192,12
204,97 217,07 262,26
189,10 198,85 225,24
174,37 182,66 192,12
Table 1 shows the processing time of the two proposed
methods as well as SVC-without_ROI. From this table
one can conclude that the coding complexity of the Set-
to-Zero method is smaller than that of the other two
(Qp51 and SVC-without_ROI) for both ROIs. For
ROI1, the processing time is reduced by 12% to 30%
with Set-to-Zero compared to SVC-without_ROI and by
7% compared to the Qp
method. In the case of ROI2,
the processing time of Set-to-Zero is reduced 9% to
22% compared to SVC-without_ROI and 5% compared
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
to Qp
. The lower complexity achieved by the Set-to
Zero is mainly due to the fact that quantisation is not
computed for the Mbs outside the ROI which
significantly reduces the number of computations.
B. Inter Coding
The performance of Inter coding is shown in Figure 5.
In this case, the efficiency of Set-to-Zero is closer to
. In ROI1 the gains of both proposed methods are
practically the same for low bitrates, while for higher
bitrates the Qp
method produces gains of about 0.8dB
and 1.2dB compared with Set-to-Zero and SVC-
without_ROI, respectively. In ROI2, the Set-to-Zero
yields better results relatively to the other methods. It is
about 0.4dB better than Qp
and nearly 2.6dB better
than SVC-without_ROI. Table 2, shows that the
processing time depends on either the ROI dimension,
the QP and the coding methods used. In this case, the
processing time is greater than in the Intra case.
However, as in the Intra case, the Set-to-Zero method
is better than the other methods.
Figure 5: Inter case: Rate - Distortion (a)ROI1-Numbers
Table 2: Processing time of encoding: (a)ROI1 (b)ROI2.
168000,72 169000,05 170000,31
168000,72 169000,03 169000,41
168000,71 168000,87 169000,40
168000,74 169000,05 170000,31
168000,73 169000,04 169000,41
168000,71 169000,03 169000,40
The performance of the ROI coding methods proposed
in this paper shows that spatially scalable ROIs can be
obtained at very good quality by using selective
encoding for each region in the higher resolution layer.
The results obtained also show that the Set-to-Zero
method is less computationally complex than Qp
which makes it a good candidate for software-based
implementations. By keeping the coded stream fully
compatible with the H.264/SVC standard, the proposed
methods are suitable for a wide range of applications
where only specific regions of a video sequence are
needed at higher spatial resolution (e.g., remote
surveillance, medical apps, etc).
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