Movie was better for almost all the variables speci-
fied. The total coverage was 97% compared to 67%
coverage from the Random-Unconstrained Movie.
Table 4: Coverage between Random-Unconstrained Movie
and RandMovie.
BS output port RUM Coverage % RandMovie
Coverage %
MVD 47 100
MVD VOP 55 100
PBC 54 100
DCDCT 43 75
IS 61 100
ACDCIP 64 100
IQ 57 100
Total Accumulated
Coverage %
67 97
Another result can be seen in Figure 11. It
shows improvement of the coverage in function of
the time by using Random-Unconstrained Movie ver-
sus RandMovie. It is possible to see that the Rand-
Movie reached better coverage first then Random-
Unconstrained Movie. The RandMovie generator
reached the specified coverage earlier and was con-
sidered satisfactory to the Bitstream module.
Figure 11: Comparison between Random-Unconstrained
Movie and RandMovie.
Another very important result was obtained in the
verification using the RandMovie. The coverage anal-
ysis revealed a coverage hole in the BS simulation re-
sults, i.e. a functionality that has not been exercised
before with the Random-Unconstrained Movie. The
analysis of this coverage hole revealed an error in the
BS implementation. The discovered error was lead-
ing to a wrong communication between Bitstream and
MVD modules. This could cause an error in the com-
position of the image in the MPEG-4 IP-Core. The
error occurred because a register with 6 bits was used
when 7 bits should be used. Due to functional cov-
erage and the RandMovie stimuli generator, the error
was eliminated in the MPEG-4 IP-Core.
RandMovie was limited by the encoder imple-
mentation, mainly the DCT coefficient generator in
the Xvid encoder: it implemented saturation in the
8x8 blocks after DCT transformation. This satura-
tion keeps values in the range [-1024, 1024]. Due to
the Xvid encoder limitations, in spite of the fact that
frames did present visual characteristics in the base
pattern, it was not possible to stimulate the Xvid en-
coder sufficiently to make it generate coefficients to
cover the whole range of values [-2048, 2048].
RandMovie has some advantages if we consider
the related works (G.Miyashita, 2003) and (Seong-
Min Kim and Kim, 2003), like the utilization of ran-
domness applied to the video generation, assuring the
high level of coverage rating, simple implementation,
simple attachment to the MPEG-4 IP core testbench
and flexibility to be reused directly in other kinds of
testbenchs for video decoding systems. One could,
for example, reconfigure Xvid for a higher resolu-
tion, or change the encoder to build a random video
in H.264 format.
This paper proposes to compare two approaches of
synthetic movie generation, Random-Unconstrained
generation and random-constrained generation. With
the constraints applied in the movie generator it
was possible to generate good random-constrained
movies, increasing coverage and simulating all the
specified functionality with respect to a Random-
Unconstrained Movie. With the RandMovie it was
also possible to find a real error in the implementa-
tion of the MPEG-4 design.
The approach has the disadvantage that it depends
on the capabilities of the encoder used, but analyzing
the presented results, it is possible to conclude that
the directed stimuli used in the random-constrained
movie generation are more efficient that the presented
in the Random-Unconstrained Movie.
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