Andriamasinoro Rahajaniaina and Jean-Pierre Jessel
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, Université Paul sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Wearable Multimedia Computing, Ubiquitous Augmented Reality, Human-Machine
Abstract: In this paper we describe a new architecture for augmented reality (AR) multiplatform hardware device,
which works in dynamic workspace environment with 3D virtual models. The users can interact with the
virtual model using mouse, keyboard and stylus as interaction tools. The work plan is formed by
ARToolkitPlus’ fudicial multimarker. For adding virtual objects, we propose a virtual menu inspired by the
metaphor of forward and next buttons. The work plan is augmented by the virtual workspace. The user can
choose his virtual workspace in dynamic way using this virtual menu and can choose a virtual object suited
to the current workspace.
Generally, Augmented Reality (AR) is an interface
technology that uses head worn, personal computer
display or handheld displays to allow users to see
virtual images superimposed over the real world. In
AR applications three-dimensional computer
graphics appear to be fixed in space or attached to
real objects.
AR techniques have been shown in several
application areas as architecture Anthony, W.,
Steven, F., Blair, M.,William, M., Theodore, K.,
1996, education Hannes, K., 2003, and game Zsolt,
S., Erik, E., Michael, G., 1998. However, there is
still research needed to see the AR content using
heterogeneous platform device. Many related AR
systems have run on a wide variety of hardware
device using, for instance, personal computer
Moligev, D., Kiyokawa, K., Billinghurst, M., Pair,
J., 2002 personal digital assistant (PDA) Daniel, W.,
Schmalstieg D., 2005 or cell phone as display
We propose in this paper, a new approach of AR
system using heterogeneous hardware device (such
as display device) to see augmented content. There
have been several examples of tabletop AR system
for immersive virtual environment. These previous
researches have worked in static workspace and
have run on homogenous device. Our work differs
from these because it runs on heterogeneous
hardware and allows user to change his virtual
workspace and associating a virtual object with a
fiducial marker in dynamic way.
In this paper, we first review previous work and
then describe our system overview. After that, we
discuss the application of our Augmented Reality
system. Finally, we conclude and provide possible
perspective for the future research.
Most of previous works have tackled homogenous
platform hardware and have worked in a static
workspace. Among them, we could introduce
several works that are presented hereafter.
First, Irawati, S., Green, S., Billinghurst, M.,
Duenser, A., Heedong, K., 2006 has been an AR
system on multimodal tabletop inspired by VOMAR
Kato, H., Billinghurst, M., Poupyrev, I., Imamoto,
K., Tachibana, K., 2000 which has run on personal
computer hardware. This system suggests
simultaneously two interaction ways. Actually, users
are in a position to use a paddle and vocal command.
So in order to particularly disambiguate the user
speech and gesture inputs, a combination of time-
based and domain semantics is implemented.
Moreover, the user was able to associate a virtual
object with a marker using virtual menu.
Furthermore, the superimposition of two or more
Rahajaniaina A. and Jessel J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 336-341
DOI: 10.5220/0001940103360341
virtual objects by holding account of the objects’
properties and theirs positions (left, right, up, down)
is allowed by this system.
Secondly, we could quote the ARTHUR project
Aish, F., Broll, W., Stoerring, M., Fatah, A.,
Mottram, C., 2004. Its goal has been for a planning
urban on a table. To see the mixed environment,
each user had worn a Head-Mounted Display
(HMD) with a high resolution. Interaction tools are
placeholder, and, in order to change the user
interface gesture recognition has been used. The
database of virtual object was duplicated in each
node and synchronization was made for each state’s
The next project is MARE Raphaël G., Jean-
Dominique G., 2002. It has designed an AR system
on tabletop that has allowed several users
collaborating. This system has used a stereo optical
see-through HMD as visualization tools. It is
attached with magnetic or optical tracker, its
workspace is divided in two areas: a public one is
reserved for collaborative interaction, and, a private
one is dedicated to put the real tools (mouse,
keyboard, PDA …) and virtual tools used by the
users. The virtual menu, which is used by users for
choosing a virtual object, has been a part of these
tools. The system can support several types of
interaction like navigation, selection and
manipulation. It is used to control access manager
and personal viewer of user.
Then, the EMMIE Andreas B., Tobias H., Steven
F., Blair M., Clifford B., 1999 framework introduces
a hybrid user interface for AR systems that enables
information management using a wide range of
hardware devices. EMMIE’s environment manager
component addresses the needs of Ubicomp by
providing techniques such as mixed reality
interaction and privacy management to organize
virtual information on several displays shared by
multiple users.
Mooser, J., Lu, W., Suya, Y., Neumann, U., 2007
Proposed an AR user interface framework
specifically designed to expose disparate data
sources through a single application server. It uses a
multi-tier architecture to separate back-end data
retrieval from front-end graphical presentation and
UI event handling. For target recognition and pose
estimation, the system uses TriCode fiducials. The
recognition and pose estimation can run a mobile
client in real time, with the identity of a newly
detected TriCode then passed to the server as a
single numerical value. Data can exist in many
forms, such as relational databases, sensor readings,
or locations of other users. Once the user interface
structures have been built, the application server
serializes them into a simple XML stream, which is
sent back to the mobile client. Having received the
XML stream, the client has been built its own local
version of the user interface structure. The user has
been shown the mixed content through a Sony Vaio
UX Micro PC display.
The acclaim MARS (Mobile Augmented Reality
Systems) project Höllerer, T., Feiner, S., Terauchi,
T., Rashid, G., and Hallaway, D., 1999 presented in
1999 by Columbia University was one of the first
truly mobile augmented reality setups which allowed
the user to freely walk around while having all
necessary equipment mounted onto his back.
The AR Phone project Mark, A., David, J.,
Daniel, C., Adam, H., 2003 was an AR system
where the tracking task was dedicated to an AR
server. Cell phone has been used as thin client and
an access point was relayed the exchange between
the client and the AR server. The tracking task is
dedicated to ARToolKit Billinghurst, M., Kato, H.,
Weghorst, S., Furness, T. A., 1999 library running
on the AR server.
More recent works have used lightweight
wearable devices such as PDA and Smartphone as
display device.
In Daniel, W., Thomas, P., Florian, L., Dieter, S.,
2005, Daniel Wagner presented an AR system
collaborative running on a PDA. The users have
been able to interact with the virtual objects using a
stylus. The tracking task is dedicated to Opentracker
Reitmayr, G., Schmalstieg, D., 2001 library and is
run on the PDA itself. The platform is based on
studierstube Schmalstieg, D., Fuhrmann, A., Hesina,
G., Szalav´ari, Z., Encarna, c., L.M., Gervautz, M.,
Purgathofer, W., 2002 framework optimized for a
mobile light device. The system used ACE (the
Adaptive Communication Environment) for network
communication abstraction.
AR tennis Henrysson, A., Billinghurst, M.,
Ollila, M., 2006 proposed a system AR on a table
running on a Smartphone. This last one used as
tangible interaction and visual tools. It has used the
ARToolkit’s version revised by Henrysson as
tracking tools and OpenGL ES (Open Graphics
Library for Embedded System) as render engine. It
has allowed two users to collaborate. The system
also provided audio feedback when the ball touches
the racket.
The sections that follow expand our system
3.1 Hardware Setup
The main goal of our application is to propose a new
architecture for a multiplatform hardware device
augmented reality. In this work, we have used three
kinds’ hardware platforms:
A notebook Sony Vaio, dual core 1,66
GHz, which has 2Go of RAM and 160 Go
hard disk, with a USB Logitech chat
webcam 640*480 colours resolution, and
the operating system Windows Vista;
A Samsung Q1 ultra mobile 800Mhz,
which has 128Mhz of RAM and 60 Go
hard disk, with the operating system
Windows XP mobile, and a USB Logitech
chat webcam 640*480 colours resolution;
And a Pocket PC Dell Axim X51v 624Mhz
Intel xscale processor, which has 480x640
32 bits display and 512 Mo RAM, with the
Windows mobile 5.0 operating system and
a IEEE 802.11b wireless network. We have
extended it a SD camera 240*320 colours
resolution, attached via a SD jacket.
These hardware devices have their specificities
and constraints (memory space, disk space …).
3.2 Software Architecture
As indicated in section 3.1, each hardware device
has his specificity. Therefore, we propose a design
and implementation software hold account these
specificities. The system is formed by two modules:
visualization and interaction modules (see Figure 1).
Both of them are presented below:
Figure 1: Software architecture.
The VISUALIZATION module is formed by
five components: video capture, ARToolkitPlus,
LoaderObj, Data and render.
ARToolkitPlus Daniel, W., 2001 framework is
used for tracking a fudicial marker’s position in a
video image with respect to the camera position. It
works by identifying markers in a video stream and
calculate the orientation and translation of the
camera in a reference coordinate system centered at
a marker image. It is derived from ARToolKit
library and written in c++ language. We choose this
library because it is an open source toolkit for
optical tracking and it runs on multiplatform such as
WIN32, WINCE, and Linux. It performs the
following steps: 1) Turn captured images into binary
images; 2) Search the binary image for black square
regions; 3) For each detected square the pattern is
captured and matched against templates; 4) Use the
known square size and pattern orientation to
calculate the orientation and translation of the
camera; 5) Draw the virtual objects.
VIDEO component is responsible for video
capture from a camera. This module is ensured by
Microsoft Windows DirectShow, or by native
software of a camera for the platform which not
supported Microsoft Windows DirectShow.
RENDER is composed by OpenGL and OpenGL
ES responsible of object render. The render engine
used depends on the platform which runs the
application. For OpenGL ES implementation, we
use Hybrid Rasteroïd 3.1 Hybrid Graphics at which
includes the 1.1 OpenGL ES version. This last one
uses EGL to access to the native configuration of
lightweight device. OpenGL ES is essentially a state
machine for a graphics pipeline, and EGL is an
outside layer used to keep track of this group of
graphic’s state and maintain framebuffers and
another rendering surfaces. EGL ensures also the
controls and provides access to the device display
and the possible rendering configurations of the
DATA is a component formed by two kinds of
text files: one for stored the virtual workspace’s
information and another’s one for virtual objects
databases. Each virtual workspace is connected to
one virtual object databases. However, virtual
objects databases can be used by several virtual
workspaces. Our Virtual objects are in obj file
format generated by the modeler 3D Blender. It is
the free open source 3D content creation suite,
available for all major operating systems under the
GNU General Public License. The work plan is
constituted by six specific fiducial multimarkers of
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
ARToolkitPlus (see Figure 2) where two of them are
dedicated for virtual menu (see Figure 3).
LoaderObj is our own loader library for obj file
format which can run on multiplatform hardware. It
is developed with c++ language and used OpenGL
and OpenGL ES as renders engines. The loader
detects on fly the current platform and uses a render
engine corresponding of this.
Figure 2: Work plan.
The INTERACTION module manages the
interaction between the system and the users. For a
personal computer device, we have used mouse,
space mouse and keyboard input as interaction
methods and stylus and buttons input are used for
the lightweight mobiles devices as PDA. These
interactions methods are chosen because they exist
in several hardware devices. To move a virtual
object in the virtual workspace, we have inspired the
metaphor of dragging a virtual object on the surface
and put it on one fiducial marker chosen by user. In
this works, a fiducial marker is associated with
dynamic or static ways for one virtual object
depending of user’s choose and the current
3.2.1 Virtual Menu
As described section 3.2, two of the six fiducials
multimarkers of ARToolkitPus are dedicated for our
virtual menu (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Virtual menu.
We use the visibility, the position of the four
corners of fiducial marker and stylus or mouse
positions in screen coordinate system to detect what
virtual button is cliqued. A virtual object indicates
the kind of button is superimposed over the fiducials
markers when they are visible (see Figure 3). Virtual
furniture appears between the virtual buttons when
one of those is visible.
We have tested our system for a virtual urban
planning and a virtual interior design. User can
change workspace suited to his need. In fact, it can
be applied to various domains.
In the first application example, the idea is to
augment our work plan by an image of urban
planning which formed our virtual workspace and
user can choose and put related virtual furniture. In
the second application we use an image of virtual
floor to augment the work plan.
As indicated in section 3.2, the text file maplist
stores the information about exist virtual workspace.
It is illustrated in Figure 4. The first line corresponds
to the workspace’s number. Workspace information
is composed by five fields: a Workspace’s key, a
label, a virtual workspace’s file name and a virtual
objects database’s file name.
Figure 4: Maplist file.
Figure 5: Sample of database file.
As for the database file (see Figure 5), it stores
the information concerning the virtual objects that
the user can manipulate. The first line is the number
of the virtual objects in the current databases; the
virtual objects databases have three fields: an
object’s key, a key of workspace (foreign key) and a
file name of the virtual object.
Our virtual workspace is divided in two parts: the
virtual menu area and the virtual workspace itself.
The virtual menu is inspired by the metaphor of
forward and next buttons (see Figure 6). The user
can scroll these virtual furniture when he clicks to
one of virtual buttons.
Figure 6: Virtual workspace.
Depending on the hardware configuration, the
user has different ways to change his virtual
workspace. He can use pop up menu or enter a key
when he works with desktop computer, and, he can
use the start button and the stylus for lightweight
device. It could be underlined that these two
approaches could be used with the Samsung Q1 ultra
mobile. This workspace modification consists of two
steps. First, the user must activate the procedure of
change so that the virtual furniture in the virtual
menu is substituted by the virtual workspace. After
that, he can select new virtual workspace in virtual
menu. Once he made his choose, the virtual furniture
related for this new workspace appears in the virtual
menu. This change could be seen through the
hardware display device (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Change of workspace.
For adding virtual furniture in the virtual
workspace, the user have to, first, pick and choose it
in the virtual menu using mouse or stylus input, and
then, drag it on the surface to place it on a fiducial
marker (single marker) in the virtual workspace.
Figure 8: Virtual urban planning arranged.
Figure 9: Virtual room arranged.
In this paper, we describe a new architecture for an
augmented reality multiplatform on table system
oriented components. Our work is different from
previous AR on table system in several important
ways. Unlike other AR table top system, our AR
system can run in multiplatform hardware device
and work in dynamic virtual workspace. The change
of workspace is done in dynamic way according to
user needs. Thus, it could be applied to various
domains. Our system also maintains virtual objects
relationships with virtual workspace.
In this system, user can use mouse, space mouse,
keyboard, button and stylus input as interactions
methods. We used metaphor of forward and next
button for the virtual menu in order to firstly,
minimize the number of fudicial marker used for the
virtual menu and secondly to allow user scrolling a
virtual object in current databases.
In the future, we are going to make collaborative
setup in order to establish one or more local or
remote participants within the meeting setup via
networking technologies like services discoveries,
synchronization of data. We plan also to review our
object loader in order to have greatest performance
of our system.
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