Layered Quality Adaptation Algorithm. Con-
sists in adding and dropping layers of a layer en-
coded video stream to perform smooth flow adapta-
tion(REJAIE and REIBMAN, 2001). The main goal
of the algorithm is to fit available bandwidth changes,
without rapid and disturbing variations in quality. Ac-
tually, congestion control changes the transmission
rate rapidly, over several round-trip time, whereas, hi-
erarchical encoding permits smooth video quality ad-
justment, over long periods of time. The difference
between both timescales is obtained thanks to data
buffering at the receiver, which smoothes the rapid
variations in available bandwidth and allows an al-
most constant number of layers to be played.
Buffer Sensitive Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm.
Recommends that a client maintains sufficient video
frames at the buffer in order to improve the system
adaptability and minimize the impact of overload-
ing(Yuen et al., 2002). The video playback starts only
after reaching a determined buffer level. Based on the
play rate of a video, the system calculates the buffer
playback duration. The main idea of the method is
to allocate the available bandwidth at a base station,
which will serve the concurrent requests in the cell,
based on their playback buffer durations.
Discussions. The layer encoded flow model that we
adopted suggests the layered quality adaptation as
the most appropriate scheduling approach. Moreover,
this approach favors system scalability. Our schedul-
ing algorithm, presented in the next section, is also in-
spired by the Buffer Sensitive Bandwidth Allocation
strategy, as we took into account the terminal cache
level, when the user enters in the radio cell.
The key element for video flows delivery in the de-
signed network is the network cache. This equipment
is mainly made of two modules: the cache and the
The cache is divided into three parts, each of them
corresponds to the memory storage of one layer.
Thus, for each flow, each layer is stored in the cor-
responding part of the cache. And, these parts are
provided with a mapping table in order to match
the memory cells with the corresponding flow identi-
fiers. A similar cache structure is adopted for terminal
The goals of the scheduler are (1) to guarantee the
continuity of the streaming service and (2) to shorten
the start-up delay. To aim that target, it has to effi-
ciently distribute the video flows to the terminals.
In the previous version, the scheduler dynamically
classified the video flows in priority queues, taking
into account the terminal position (i.e. transfer area /
presence area) and its buffer filling level. The stream-
ing service was started when the buffer reached a
¡¡start-up buffer level¿¿ that corresponds to a play-
back duration of 30 seconds, which is a typical size
of a terminal internal buffer for a streaming service.
Now, the scheduler classifies the flow layers sepa-
rately. In fact, it considers the hierarchical order
of layers, in addition to terminal position and cache
level. As a consequence, the streaming service start-
ing is only linked to base layer caching. Since
the equivalent of 30 seconds of playback duration
is cached in the terminal, the video playback starts.
Moreover, as the scheduling privileges the base layer
transmission, enhancement layers could be delayed or
even omitted in order to guarantee service continu-
ity. In fact, service continuity in such a flow model
is equivalent to base layer streaming continuity. Ac-
tually, the level of terminal cache filling-up necessary
to streaming start-up is defined by making a compro-
mise between (1) a short start-up delay on the one
hand, and (2) caching a part of the flow, sufficient to
cross an out of coverage area without service disrup-
tion, on the other hand. Depending on the network
conditions (i.e. available bandwidth, terminal den-
sity, etc.), enhancement layers could be progressively
added or ommited, in order to ”smoothly” adapt the
quality of the received flows.
Combining those different criteria, we conceived the
algorithm detailed below. BL refers to the base layer.
EL1 represents the first enhancement layer and EL2
the second one. TA means that the terminal is located
in the Transfer Area. CL refers to the critical terminal
cache filling-up level. The priority queues are num-
bered from one to six, classified with a decreasing or-
der of priority. Let us consider a flow requested by a
terminal. The three layers of that flow will have to be
classified by the scheduler. Finally for each layer, the
following algorithm will be iterated.