and validate a WLL planning tool. The approach
adopted in this paper was to use a GIS map of the
area to categorize the areas to be covered depending
on the presence of any obstructions between receiver
and transmitter. Three categories were retained:
LOS, OLOS and NLOS and appropriate propagation
models were used for each. The tool developed
provides a GUI based proposed BTS positions or a
simulation-based algorithm to propose optimized
placement. As with any QoS and prediction tool,
ultimate validation comes from field measurement
campaigns. Thanks to a partnership with a local
operator, access to collected measurements and
equipment to conduct further measurements
provided an environment for validating the tool. As
results showed, the tool prediction fared well and
gave in certain conditions better results than
benchmark commercial tools. The approach adopted
is hence validated by a 40% improvement in RMS
error for the OLOS case and a 47% improvement for
the NLOS case compared to commercial benchmark.
Another interesting observation is that SUI model
tend to give excessively optimistic results for
distances of less than 1 km and excessively
pessimistic results for distances above 10km
compared to ECC-33 model. Future work includes a
larger scale validation campaign in different
propagation environments and the introduction of
calibration parameters to better fit different terrains
and propagation environments.
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WINSYS 2008 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems