Amir Yahyavi, Hamid Khalili and Nasser Yazdani
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Tehran, North Kargar St., Tehran, Iran
Keywords: MAC Protocol, Diffusion Routing, Delay Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Aware Routing, Load
Balancing, Wireless Sensor Networks.
Abstract: In this paper we present DESMAC a contention based Medium Access Control protocol for Diffusion based
routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. One of the main challenges in WSNs is to balance delay efficiency
and energy consumption. Surveillance and monitoring application as well as many other need low latency
data delivery; but, since sensor nodes have a small source of energy usually Active/Sleep cycles are used to
reduce the energy consumption which causes higher delay. We use routing information to adaptively change
the duty cycle for different loads. In our Cross Layer Design the Routing Layer can manipulate the duty
cycle of underlying MAC protocol. The diffusion control messages are used to adapt the duty cycle to
variation in the load. Also extensive use of some nodes can damage the connectivity of network. Therefore
we provide a mechanism to balance the load between several possible paths. We discuss DESMAC design
and compare our simulation results to S-MAC and IEEE 802.11 standard. DESMAC achieves significant
latency reduction (up to 50 times better delay than S-MAC) while ensuring energy efficiency and load
balanced delivery.
The goal of a wireless sensor network is reliable data
reporting and minimum energy consumption. Sensor
nodes have a small supply of energy which makes
power management a great criterion in protocol
design for this kind of networks. Motes can last
approximately around 100-120 hours on a pair of
AA batteries in active mode (Kumar et al., 2006)
and battery capabilities only double every 35 years.
Several methods have been proposed to put
sensor nodes to inactive mode when the application
of the sensor network is able to tolerate the effects
(Ye, Heidemann and Estrin, 2004) (van Dam and
Langendoen, 2003) Putting nodes to inactive mode
reduces the idle listening time which is one of the
major sources of energy wastage. On the other hand
it causes higher delay, lower coverage & lower
connectivity in exchange for energy efficiency.
Since many applications have delay or coverage
criterion, use of many sleep scheduling schemes can
be limited (Akyildiz et al., 2002).
Medium Access Control protocols in wireless
sensor networks need to be energy efficient since it
is usually impossible to replace or recharge the
batteries. Moreover many applications have latency
and data rate requirements. Balancing the trade-off
between energy efficiency and delay efficiency has
been subject of great deal of research. Adaptive
adjustment of MAC layer’s duty cycle based on
current load and application needs is one of the
possible solutions. MAC layer’s information about
the network is usually not sufficient and vague for
example MAC layer usually does not have the
information necessary to determine if degradation of
data transmission is due to a neighbor’s failure or a
temporary distortion, etc. One of the ways to meet
both the energy and delay criterion of applications is
by using the help of Routing and Application layer
information to optimize the duty cycle of the MAC
layer based on the current load and situation.
Diffusion based routing algorithms are very
popular in wireless sensor networks
(Intanagonwiwat et al., 2003), (Ganesan, et al.,
2001). Routes are created on demand when an event
occurs and are not maintained by all sensors all the
time. All nodes in diffusion based routing are
application-aware. Directed Diffusion’s messages
can be used for adjustment of MAC layer’s duty
cycle to provide delay efficient data transfer.
Yahyavi A., Khalili H. and Yazdani N. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 88-91
DOI: 10.5220/0002024800880091
We introduce a novel cross layer design to reduce
latency caused by periodic sleeping of the nodes.
Routing and application are used to help the MAC
protocol better adjust itself. We use S-MAC as the
basic framework for our design and adaptively
change its duty cycle. We assume that the reader is
familiar with S-MAC and Directed Diffusion (for
further reading please refer to (Ye, Heidemann and
Estrin, 2004) and (Intanagonwiwat et al., 2003)).
In this approach we use routing layer control
messages to adaptively reduce the sleep period of
the MAC layer of the nodes that take part in the
routing process. We decrease the sleep period of the
nodes that are reinforced by Directed Diffusion for
routing purposes. Nodes that are not reinforced
preserve their current sleep schedule.
In Directed Diffusion sink periodically sends
interest messages to all nodes in the network. When
a node detects an event which matches the diffused
interests it becomes a data source and starts sending
exploratory data messages. These messages are
forwarded towards the sink. When the sink receives
a positive reinforcement it issues a positive
Positive reinforcements are similar to interest
messages but have lower interval. Each node
compares this interest message with the fields in its
own cache and if a lower interval is detected, it
updates its gradient toward that node to the new
value. In our approach positive reinforcements also
trigger a sleep period reduction in the MAC layer.
Negative Reinforcements have the exact opposite
effect on the sleep period. Negative reinforcements
in Directed Diffusion are used to reduce the number
of reinforced paths and path repairs. Several
mechanisms for negative reinforcement are
introduced in directed diffusion (timeouts, gradient
reductions, etc). Any mechanism for negative
reinforcement used by Directed Diffusion also
triggers an increase in the sleep period of the MAC
The goal is to benefit from energy saving
features of S-MAC and have much lower latency in
comparison to it. Nodes that are not reinforced by
the Directed Diffusion have the same duty cycle as
S-MAC, But nodes that are reinforced increase their
active period exponentially therefore upon path
establishment nodes on the path are almost always
active which results in very low latency that is
comparable to IEEE802.11.
Nodes that are not part of routing preserve their
original duty cycle and have similar energy
consumption to S-MAC. But routing nodes have
high duty cycle which provide very low latency and
can meet the application criteria.
In case a path failure or degradation occurs, the
path is negatively reinforced by Directed Diffusion
which will reduce the duty cycle of the nodes
previously involved in the routing. Therefore nodes
that are no longer involved in routing have low duty
cycle and energy saving is maximized.
S-MAC works on the basis that neighbor nodes
wake up at the same time therefore they can hear
each other’s broadcast messages (SYNC, RTS/CTS).
If neighbor nodes don’t have synchronous schedules,
communication between them becomes impossible.
Dynamic reduction of sleep period can disrupt
the synchronization done in the SYNC period of S-
To address this problem we reduce the sleep
period in a manner that the SYNC and listen period
of the new schedule is still synchronized with that of
neighbor nodes. In order to achieve synchronized
wakeups we increase the duty cycle exponentially.
The sleep period in S-MAC is much longer than the
listen period therefore it is possible to reduce it so
that the frame size is divided in half. Each frame
turns into two frames with SYNC, RTS/CTS, and
sleep period which means that each positive
reinforcement message doubles the duty cycle of the
node until it achieves maximum possible duty cycle
This is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Change in Duty Cycle as a node receives a
reinforcement message. Beginning of Listen periods is still
Increasing the duty cycle in this fashion does not
disrupt the synchronized wakeup of the neighbor
nodes. Nodes that are on the same path have the
same duty cycle. These nodes wakeup more often
and have more time for transmitting data therefore
provide lower latency and higher throughput. These
nodes are still able to communicate with the nodes
that have different duty cycles. Since the duty cycle
is increased exponentially the neighbor nodes still
have the synchronized wakeup. Nodes active in the
routing process have very small sleep periods and
show similar behavior to 802.11. But nodes not
involved behave similar to S-MAC.
Sleep Listen Listen
Sleep Sleep
Nodes that are involved in routing for a long period
will fail faster since they have higher energy
consumption as a result of higher duty cycle. Failure
of these nodes can cause the network to be
partitioned and other unwanted side effects such as
reduced coverage and connectivity.
In dense sensor networks, multiple paths may
exist between a source and destination; therefore, it
is desirable to use all these paths to efficiently use
the energy in a distributed manner. (Ganesan, et al.,
2001) is an example of a diffusion based multipath
routing algorithm. Directed Diffusion’s nature
makes it a good candidate for multipath routing
since initially reinforces several paths and then tries
to reduce the number of paths by using negative
reinforcements. In our cross layer design we use this
multipath potential of Directed Diffusion to adjust
MAC layer’s duty cycle to balance the network load
based on remaining routing nodes’ energy. We
define a critical remaining energy limit for the
nodes. When a node hits this critical limits it will
dramatically reduce its duty cycle which will
degrade the data delivery rate to the sink node. This
degradation is detected by Directed Diffusion and
triggers the local path repair mechanism. In local
repair mechanism a chain of local interactions result
in another path establishment that does not contain
the node that has reached the critical energy limit. In
a dense network where there are several neighbor
nodes that can replace a node with low energy level
this mechanism can be used to efficiently distribute
energy consumption on neighboring nodes.
In order to provide more control over different
energy levels we define several duty cycle reduction
levels. When a node reaches the predetermined
critical energy level it reduces its duty cycle to half
the original duty cycle in the deployment time. To
maintain the synchronization between sensor nodes
duty cycle reduction is exponential (similar to path
reinforcements). Every time a node reaches a new
energy level it will trigger a duty cycle reduction in
the same manner. For example if three energy levels
are defined the duty will be reduced up to one eight
of the original duty cycle. The critical energy limit
and different energy levels can be defined based on
the network, traffic, and application characteristics.
These levels can also be dynamically changed based
on current network situation and application needs.
We compare our MAC protocol to 802.11 and S-
MAC. We used NS-2 for our simulations. Latency
and energy consumption of a Directed Diffusion
application on three MAC protocols: 802.11, S-
MAC, Delay Efficient S-MAC (DESMAC) will be
compared. The initial energy of the nodes is 3000
joules. To compare the energy consumption of each
protocol we use the power consumption model of
Cabletron 802.11 network interface card in
Transmit, Receive, Idle, and Sleeping modes (Chen,
et al., 2002). Nodes’ deployment is grid and source
and sink are at the ends of grid’s diagonal. Some
simulation results are not included due to space
Figure 2 compares the latency between S-MAC
and DESMAC and IEEE802.11. As shown average
delay in DESMAC is much lower than S-MAC.
Since S-MAC is not able to transfer data message
with the required rate, queuing delay makes the
behavior of S-MAC unpredictable. It can also trigger
unwanted path changes in Directed Diffusion since it
may falsely detect degradation in the current path
because of high jitter. DESMAC on the other hand
shows a much more stable behavior. Small path
changes because of load balancing mechanism
create a small variation in DESMAC’s delay. As
expected delay of IEEE802.11 is lower than
DESMAC (always near zero).
Figure 2: Comparison of Packet delivery delay in different
MAC protocols for
grid deployment.
Figure 3 compares the energy consumption of S-
MAC, DESMAC, and IEEE802.11. IEEE802.11 has
the highest energy consumption since nodes are
always active and nodes fail much sooner than other
protocols (mid-way during simulation). DESMAC
WINSYS 2008 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
has higher energy consumption than S-MAC
because nodes involved in routing have higher
energy consumption than nodes with the normal
duty cycle.
Figure 3: Comparison of energy consumption in different
MAC protocols.
Figure 4 compares the average remaining energy
of the network.
Figure 4: Average network remaining energy for different
network sizes.
IEEE 802.11 as expected has the highest energy
consumption. Nodes are always active and the
number of nodes involved in routing doesn’t affect
the average total remaining energy of the network.
S-MAC has the lowest energy consumption, and
similar to IEEE 802.11 average remaining energy
doesn’t depend on the number of involved nodes in
routing. DESMAC’s total remaining energy is
somewhat close to S-MAC but since nodes involved
in routing have higher energy consumption total
remaining energy decreases as the number of these
nodes grow. The network size has another effect on
the average remaining energy. As number of paths
increases multiple path changes becomes possible
and different nodes during simulation may become
involved in routing therefore number of nodes that
have very high duty cycle decreases. This results in
lower energy consumption in network. But as
network size grows further number of nodes
involved in routing becomes a high percentage of
the deployed nodes therefore total remaining energy
of the network decreases.
In this paper we presented DESMAC, a delay
efficient MAC protocol for diffusion based routing
in wireless sensor networks. It supports power
saving features and adapts to data transmission load
in different situations. DESMAC does not pose any
messaging overhead for its adaptive duty cycling
(Since the control messages of Directed Diffusion
are used) and load balancing. It has much lower
delay in data transmission in comparison to S-MAC
and has much better energy consumption in
comparison to IEEE 802.11. In order to avoid failure
of nodes involved in routing due to higher energy
consumption in these nodes DESMAC changes the
path when these nodes hit a critical energy limit.
This results in higher network longevity and
preserving of network connectivity.
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