Figure 4: Average coverage over an intruder for different
number of nodes.
Figure 5 shows the average number of active
nodes in each cycle. As shown, to provide the
requested coverage always a fixed number of nodes
are required which means by increasing the number
of deployed nodes wakeup probability is reduced.
The main reason to use dynamic k-coverage is its
power efficiency. The number of active nodes in
each cycle is a very good measure of energy
consumption of each method. All dynamic
approaches wake less than a third of the static
Figure 5: Average number of active for different number
of nodes.
In this paper we presented a dynamic approach to
provide k-coverage over the area of an intrusion.
This approach provides 1-coverage over the
surveillance zone and k-coverage over the area of an
intrusion. Several solutions for misplaced k-
coverage problem which rises due to the dynamic
nature of approach are discussed. Each solution is
more suitable for a different kind of application. Our
simulations show dramatic improvement in energy
consumption of the network which results in higher
network lifetime. Our approach is completely
compatible with current popular MAC protocols in
WSNs. In this approach nodes do not need any
location information and due to its probabilistic
nature, minimal communication to provide k-
coverage is needed.
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WINSYS 2008 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems