Automatic Image Annotation using Visual Content and
Roland M
, Robert Sorschag
, Georg Thallinger
and Stefanie Lindstaedt
Joanneum Research, Institute of Information Systems and Information Management
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria
Know-Center, Inffeldgasse 21a/II, 8010 Graz
Abstract. Automatic image annotation is an important and challenging task when
managing large image collections. This paper describes techniques for automatic
image annotation by taking advantage of collaboratively annotated image databa-
ses, so called visual folksonomies. Our approach applies two techniques based
on image analysis: Classification annotates images with a controlled vocabulary
while tag propagation uses user generated, folksonomic annotations and is there-
fore capable of dealing with an unlimited vocabulary. Experiments with a pool
of Flickr images demonstrate the high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed
methods in the task of automatic image annotation.
1 Introduction
With the prevalence of personal digital cameras, more and more images are hosted and
shared on the Web. Systems organizing and locating images in these image databases
heavily depend on textual annotations of images. For example, major existing image
search engines like Google, Yahoo! and MSN rely on associated text in the web page,
file names, etc. Naturally, the value of image databases immensely grows with rich
textual annotations.
Image annotation or image tagging, is the process by which metadata is added to a
digital image in the form of captioning or keywords. For this task humans interpret an
image using their background knowledge and the capability of imagination. Therefore
humans are able to annotate concepts which are not captured in an image itself. It is
worth to note that the human labeling process is subjective and may therefore lead
to ambiguous annotations especially in the absence of a fixed vocabulary. This issue
can be addressed by making use of a shared annotation vocabulary. The practice of
collaboratively creating and managing annotations - known as folksonomic tagging in
the context of Web2.0 - aims at facilitating sharing of personal content between users.
A widely used website that relies on folksonomies as main method for the organi-
zation of their images is Flickr
. Flickr has a repository that is quickly approaching
1.5 billion images (as of August 2007) and growing. The large amount of information
Mörzinger R., Sorschag R., Thallinger G. and Lindstaedt S. (2008).
Automatic Image Annotation using Visual Content and Folksonomies.
In Metadata Mining for Image Understanding, pages 58-66
DOI: 10.5220/0002337600580066
provided by such databases of annotated images is in the following referred to as visual
Every time a new image is added to an image database, it has to be annotated (or
tagged) for the purpose of search. In order to avoid having the user to do expensive and
time-consuming manual annotation of untagged images, automatic image annotation is
highly desirable. In this paper, we present techniques for automatic image annotation
exploiting visual content and existing folksonomies.
The following sections are organized as follows: In Section 2 we give an overview
on related work and in Section 3 we describe our twofold approach for automatic image
annotation, including a description of the content-based features we are using. Evalua-
tion of experiments and results are shown in Section 4. A conclusion is in Section 5.
2 Related Work
Automatic image annotation is a challenging task which has not be solved satisfactory
for many real-world applications. Existing solutions cover only small domains and they
usually work with a very limited vocabulary set. While there has been work on content-
based image retrieval and object recognition over the last decades, see survey papers [2–
4], work on automatic image annotation is a relatively new field.
One approach for automatic image annotation is the formulation as classification
problem, where e.g. supervised learning by Support Vector Machines (SVMs) can be
used to classify images and image parts to a number of concepts [6]. Another approach
is it to look at the probability of words associated with image features [5, 17].
The work in [10] proposes an image annotation technique that uses content-based
image retrieval to find visually similar images from the Web and textual information
that is associated with these images to annotate the query image. A similar approach is
described in [12] where SIFT features [9] are utilized to retrieve similar images and to
map keywords directly to these image descriptors. In [8] the Flickr image database is
used to investigate collective annotations.
Some web-based image search engines use part of these techniques and operate on
a pool of Flickr images. ’Flickr suggestions’
combines regular text-based and content-
based search, ’beholdsearch’
includes a search for a number of predefined and trained
high level concepts, ’retrievr’
provides query-by-sketch using multiresolution wavelet
decompositions. ’ALIPR’
[10] suggests automatic generated annotations for any on-
line image specified by its URL.
3 Automatic Image Annotation
In our approach for automatic image annotation, we aim at taking advantage of the large
amount of information provided by visual folksonomies. The visual content of untagged
images is a valuable source of information allowing cross-linking of these images to the
images of the visual folksonomy. Given the high computational cost of content-based
image analysis, efficient methods are required for enabling annotation in real-time.
In the context of automatic image annotation, we consider techniques that work
in real-time to be fast enough to let the user work in an acceptable way, e.g. with a
guaranteed response time of less than one second.
Our approach to automatic image annotation is split into two strategies
automated image classification by off-line supervised learning of concepts from a
folksonomy and
tag propagation from visually similar images
Figure 1 shows the basic architecture incorporating the two strategies and related com-
ponents. In the following the content-based features we are using and the two strategies
are described in detail.
Fig. 1. Basic system architecture. Dashed lines indicate the semi-automatic off-line process; solid
lines and shaded boxes depict components used on-line for automatic image annotation.
3.1 Content-based Features
We use three different MPEG-7 color features [7] and two texture features. They are
computed globally to ensure that the image annotation is fast and scales with large
visual folksonomies.
MPEG-7 color features. Color Layout describes the spatial distribution of colors. It is
computed by dividing the image into 8x8 blocks and deriving the average value for
each block. After computation of DCT and encoding, a set of low frequency DCT
components is selected.
Dominant Color consists of a small number of representative colors, the fraction of
the image represented by each color cluster and its variance. We use three dominant
colors extracted by mean shift color clustering [15].
Color Structure captures both, color content and information about the spatial ar-
rangement of the colors. Specifically, we compute a 32-bin histogram that counts
the number of times a color is present in an 8x8 windowed neighborhood, as this
window progresses over the image rows and columns.
Texture features. Gabor Energy is computed by filtering the image with a bank of
orientation and scale sensitive filters and calculating the mean and standard devi-
ation of the filter output in the frequency space. We applied a fast recursive gabor
filtering [1] for 4 scales and 6 orientations.
Orientation Histograms are computed by dividing an image into a certain num-
ber of subregions and by accumulating a 1-D histogram of gradient directions of
every subregion. Specifically, we use 4x4 slightly overlapping subregions with 8
histogram bins which makes it similar to SIFT features [9] and Histogram of Ori-
ented Gradients [13] .
3.2 Image Annotation by Classification
Automatic image annotation with concepts of a folksonomy is realized by supervised
learning of classifiers. For this purpose, we selected a number of concepts by inves-
tigating high-level tags of the folksonomy. Afterwards a training set characteristic for
the target concepts has to be generated. In our work this was accomplished in a super-
vised manner. Concepts are chosen manually based on the most frequent tags amongst
the ones which are at the same semantic level and non-overlapping, i.e. tags which are
not umbrella terms or subtopics of another tags. The training sets can initially be au-
tomatically compiled by text-search, however it is also necessary to manually exclude
(visually) unrelated images for better classification results. Further input features have
to be selected and their representation determined. Based on feature selection experi-
ments, we set the feature vector as a concatenation of the feature values extracted for
ColorLayout, DominantColor, ColorStructure and GaborEnergy. As learning algorithm
we used a multi-class support vector machine (SVM). As argued in [16], early nor-
malized fusion is a good choice for low- or intermediate-level features as above. We
apply early feature fusion, statistical feature normalization (adjusting each feature di-
mension to have zero mean and unit standard deviation) and scaling of the feature value
range to -1 and 1. The SVM model is trained in a one-against-rest fashion using a C++
implementation based on LibSVM [14].
3.3 Tag Propagation using CBIR
We use content-based image retrieval for automatic image annotation. In this approach
untagged images are compared to the images of a visual folksonomy in order to obtain
several tags of visually similar images.
Similar images are retrieved using the two image features ColorLayout and Orien-
tation Histograms. These features capture both color and texture properties effectively
and they can be used for efficient image matching using the similarity search approach
outlined below. In an off-line learning process the two features are computed for the im-
ages from a visual folksonomy. These image features are stored in a relational database
along with the user tags. In order to produce tags for an untagged image, the features of
ColorLayout and Orientation Histograms are computed and an image search is started
to find visually similar images. The image search uses both features separately to find
similar images before the resulting images are combined. As metric for ColorLayout
similarity a non-linear distance measure [7] is used with the help of a hybrid tree to
achieve fast computation times. The Orientation Histograms are compared with the Eu-
clidean distance and break-up conditions to accelerate the process. After a merged set
of visually similar images is generated, candidate tags for the untagged image could
be selected from the tags of visually similar images, see Figure 2. We use tags that oc-
cur multiple times or tags with relationships to other tags (synonym, hypernyms, and
hyponyms) in this set of tags from similar images. The available parameters for this
method are the maximum number of tags to propagate and the number of visually sim-
ilar images to use.
Fig. 2. Automatic image annotation examples. For three input images, the three visually most
similar images resulting from similarity search, the propagated tags, the classified concept and
the user generated tags of Flickr are shown.
4 Experiments, Results and Evaluation
This section describes the experimental setup, the used data sets and the results of our
two strategies. The set of images used for our experiment is taken from the Flickr pool
. The training set is composed of around 15,000 images and their tags from
a snapshot of this pool from March, 2007. The corresponding test set is made up of
30 relevant images per concept (210 in total), which were added to Flickr afterwards
(till August 2007). The performance of the two strategies is measured separately using
precision and recall.
Fig. 3. Tag propagation results computed on a set of 15,000 images. Precision / recall (left) and
propagated / matched vocabulary sizes (right) are plotted against the number of propagated tags
(logarithmic scale).
For classification, we considered the following concepts: banana, blueberry, kiwi, or-
ange, strawberry, raspberry and the negative class other-fruits. In this setup we inten-
tionally included visually rather distinct concepts as well as visually similar concepts
like raspberry and strawberry. For each of the concepts to be predicted, we subjec-
tively selected a set of the 50 most relevant images from the training set, that is, images
where the concept was most clearly predominant. After experimenting with different
kernels and parameter tuning by applying a grid search using 5-fold cross-validation,
we selected the RBF kernel with gamma parameter equal to 0.125 and the trade-off
parameter C equal to 32.
Table 1. Classifier results computed on the test set.
precision recall
banana 0.57 0.70
blueberry 0.96 0.80
kiwi 0.75 0.50
orange 0.85 0.77
raspberry 0.88 0.47
strawberry 0.64 0.90
other-fruits 0.58 0.83
Table 1 shows the classifier results applied on the test set. Generally, high precision
was achieved, with up to 95% for the blueberry concept. The classifier produced fewer
positive predictions for the concepts banana, kiwi and other-fruits. The precision for
banana and kiwi is impaired by false positives for other-fruits. The high recall of 90%
for strawberry sacrifices the recall of the visually similar raspberry. As can be seen in
Table 2, 50% percent of images with strawberry were misclassified to raspberry. Issues
with learning separations from the negative class other-fruits, reduced the precision for
some concepts (13% to 23% false negatives). We observe that the classifier performed
very well in discriminating blueberries against most of the other concepts, that is, there
was no confusion between blueberry and the concepts of kiwi, orange, raspberry and
strawberry in any sense. In total, we achieved 71% accuracy (percentage of predictions
that are correct).
Table 2. Classifier confusion matrix computed on the test set.
banana blueberry kiwi orange raspberry strawberry other-fruits
banana 0.70 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.23
blueberry 0.07 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13
kiwi 0.23 0.00 0.50 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.20
orange 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.03
raspberry 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.47 0.50 0.00
strawberry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.90 0.00
other-fruits 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83
In the evaluation of the automatic tag propagation technique, the training set builds the
reference database for similarity search. As in [10], we propagate tags for all 15,000
images using the (residual) images as database for similarity search and compare the
propagated tags with the user tags. This evaluation shows the percentage of propagated
tags which have also been generated by the user. Propagated tags are considered as
false positives if they are not contained in the user annotations, even if they describe the
image content correctly.
The two diagrams in Figure 3 present results of tag propagation using the 50 most
similar images. The diagram on the left shows precision (percentage of propagated tags
contained in user tags) and recall (percentage of user tags retrieved by the automatic tag
propagation). These two measures behave complementary when the number of prop-
agated tags is increased. The propagation of 8 tags, a number that corresponds to the
average number of tags per image (7.85) in the Fruit&Veg pool, leads to 19% preci-
sion and recall. The diagram on the right shows the absolute number of different tags
(vocabulary size) generated with our approach. Although this experiment uses a rather
small image pool, more than 10,000 different tags can be propagated. The dashed curve
indicates that several thousand of different tags are propagated from the system when
propagating 32 tags per image. The solid line shows the number of different tags which
are propagated and user generated (true positives).
Moreover we have manually evaluated the tag propagation system with the test set
of 210 images described above. Fur that purpose, 8 tags per image where propagated
using the 50 most similar images. A manual investigation of the relevance of these tags
shows that about 70% of the propagated tags are useful annotations (precision) and
only the residual 30% are wrong annotations. The reason for the difference between the
results shown in Figure 3 and the manual evaluation is that many propagated tags are
actually judged as correct by humans while considered as false positives when com-
pared only to the image tags from a single user. Examples of this dilemma are shown in
Figure 2.
It is worth to note that the classification and tag propagation of an untagged image
of size 512x512 takes 0.9 seconds on average, mainly spent for feature extraction.
5 Conclusions
We presented two strategies for automatic image annotation that build on existing knowl-
edge from labeled image databases, so called visual folksonomies. On the one hand, we
implemented a supervised learning approach for classification using a SVM and a con-
trolled vocabulary. On the other hand, we presented a tag propagation system that uses
content-based image retrieval for automatic annotation that works with an uncontrolled
folksonomic vocabulary. The proposed approaches use state-of-the-art image features
and compute tags in less than 1 second per image which enables real-world applications
on top of large-scale image databases.
Experiments on a set of images from Flickr’s pool Fruit&Veg show that classifi-
cation works with a high precision of 71% on a limited set of target concepts. The
behaviour of the tag propagation approach heavily depends on the amount of propa-
gated tags per image. When only few tags are propagated, high precision but low recall
is achieved, while propagating many tags leads to low precision and high recall.
Although the classification setup presented in this work only implements the pre-
diction of one concept per image, it is planned to extend the approach and learn several
binary classifier for each concept individually for annotating one image with multiple
concepts. Future work might include the automatic definition of concepts and experi-
ments using more general and larger visual folksonomies.
The authors would like to thank their colleagues Marcus Thaler and Werner Haas for
their support and feedback. The Know-Center is funded by the Austrian Competence
Center program Kplus under the auspices of the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innova-
tion and Technology (, by the State of Styria and by the City of Graz.
The research leading to this paper was partially supported by the European Commis-
sion under contract FP6-027026 (K-Space), FP6-027122 (SALERO) and FP6-045032
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